International Journal of Theoretical Physics (1968-2011)

Volume 1, Number 1 / May 1968

1-24La thermodynamique relativiste et la thermodynamique cachée des particulesM. Louis Broglie
25-36Comments on the scalar-tensor theoryPeter G. Bergmann
37-50Fundamental limitations on the detectability of electromagnetic signalsCarl W. Helstrom
51-60Quantenmechanik, Beobachtung und DeutungAlfred Landé
61-99Twistor quantisation and curved space-timeRoger Penrose
101-105Astronomical implications of a cosmological theory of light propagationS. J. Pbokhovnik
107-113On the simplicity of Haag fieldsA. Schoch

Volume 1, Number 2 / August 1968

115-151On causal dynamics without metrisation: Part IMichael Cole
153-166Scalar radiation from a point sourceRobert G. Cawley and Egon Marx
167-169On the question of a cosmological rest-mass of gravitonsHans-Jürgen Treder
171-177Some relationships between representation systems and physics. I: Representation systemsJohn Yates
179-190Some relationships between representation systems and physics. II: Non-relativistic quantum theoryJohn Yates
191-209Dispersion in momentum space and the existence ofU(t,t')R. L. Ingraham

Volume 1, Number 3 / October 1968

211-283Simultaneous measurability in quantum theoryJames L. Park and Henry Margenau
285-297Spectral theory in quantum logicsDonald E. Catlin
299-315Conjunction, succession, determination and causationMario Bunge

Volume 1, Number 4 / December 1968

317-360Theory of resonance pressure broadening: Resolvent operator formalism and classical path approximationC. Alden Mead
361-372Exploding spheres of dustJeffrey M. Cohen
373-386Symmetry and composite particlesO. Fleischman and P. Roman
387-407On pair annihilation and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradoxMendel Sachs

Volume 2, Number 1 / May 1969

1-22On causal dynamics without metrisation: Part IIMichael Cole
23-40On causal dynamics without metrisation: Part IIIMichael Cole
41-58Momentum transfer in crystal lattices with vibrating atomsEdwin R. Fitzgerald
59-81Proper-connected-diagram expansion of electrical conductivity for electron-impurity systemShigeji Fujita and Charles C. Chen
83-87Derivation of the most general relativistic transformation law of quantum fieldsR. L. Ingraham
89-100On the effect of absorption of gravitationDierck-Ekkehard Liebscher

Volume 2, Number 2 / June 1969

101-123What is a hidden variable theory of quantum phenomena?Jeffrey Bub
125-137The Principle of Equivalence, electrodynamics and General RelativityJack Cohn
139-145Negative absorption by the electrons in a magnetic trapD. Galtsov
147-155Coexistent effects in quantum mechanicsK. -E. Hellwig
157-160Qualitative features of quantized gravitationArthur Komar
161-187Relativistic fluid dynamics in a non-vacuum régimeM. Z. v. Krzywoblocki
189-198Oscillating universe and scalar fieldNathan Rosen

Volume 2, Number 3 / October 1969

201-211Causality restrictions on relativistic extensions of particle symmetriesP. Roman and R. M. Santilli
213-230Modular variables in quantum theoryYakir Aharonov, Hugh Pendleton and Aage Petersen
231-242Vacuum metrics without symmetryIvor Robinson and Joanna R. Robinson
243-245A generalized Reissner-Nordström solutionIvor Robinson, Alfred Schild and Henry Strauss
247-254Unified field theory of quarks and electronsP. C. M. Yock
255-265Time in general relativityJames W. Kummer and Saula A. Basri
267-279On a physical interpretation of the Schwarzschild metricJack Cohn
281-292Subquantum dynamicsJ. G. Gilson
293-296Quasar red shiftsJ. Yates
297-299Computers and physical axiomaticsJ. Yates
301-307The covariant derivative in the affine approach to general relativityBrian Knight
309-312Quantum number of B-mesonsPrakash Chand
313-317The speed of light in a moving mediumD. A. Evans
319-323The implicit spin magnetic and electric moments of an electron moving in accordance with the Lorentz-Dirac equationP. F. Browne

Volume 2, Number 4 / December 1969

325-343On the nature of theories of irreversible processesTa-You Wu
345-349Abstract scattering theoryN. S. Kronfli
351-372The problem of causality in an indeterministic scienceHenry Mehlberg
373-379Solutions of Maxwell's equations for charge moving with the speed of lightW. B. Bonnor
381-403On the geometric foundations of nuclear shell structureR. Ramanna and S. Jyothi
405-406Fifth interaction and weak interactionPrakash Chand
407-409Additional remarks on the principle of equivalence, electrodynamics and general relativityJack Cohn

Volume 3, Number 1 / January 1970

iEditorialJ. Yates
1-5CP and CPT symmetry violations, entropy and the expanding universeYuval Ne'eman
7-21A comparison of the Mackey and Segal models for quantum mechanicsS. Gudder and S. Boyce
23-31General relativity and general Lorentz-covarianceHans-Jürgen Treder
33-39Tensorial representation of the Dirac equationMurray Muraskin
41-45A relativistic form of statistical thermodynamicsA. Georgiou
47-55Heat, light and relativityKarl Kornacker
57-65Charge moving with the speed of light in Einstein-Maxwell theoryW. B. Bonnor
67-76On another formulation of the de Broglie's hidden thermodynamicsJ. Andrade e Silva and J. Vassalo Pereira
77-79The arrow of timeMario Bunge
79-80Modalities and the quantum theoryDavid D. Horowitz
80-82Mechanism for yielding particles of non-integral chargeP. C. M. Yock and R. C. Johnson
82-83Possible production mechanism for the particles discovered by McCuskeret al.P. C. M. Yock

Volume 3, Number 2 / April 1970

85-91On linearity in the special theory of relativityM. Dutta, T. K. Mukherjee and M. K. Sen
93-98Orbital restriction on the functional form of the LagrangianShigeji Fujita
99-108Projective representations of quantum logicsStanley P. Gudder
109-114Realisations of the representations of para-Fermi algebra in Fock space of Bose operators: part IK. Kademova
115-118Realisations of the representations of para-Fermi algebra in Fock space of Bose operators: part IIK. Kademova and A. J. Kálnay
119-131How measurement information depends on timeVladimír Majerník
133-139Gravitational and inertial mass of bodies of interacting electrical chargesK. Nordtvedt
141-144A sum rule for the rare decay modes of kaonsPrakash Chand
145-152Mach's principle and Newtonian mechanicsSolomon L. Schwebel
153-164Mass and total decay rate of unstable particles in quantum field theoryMichael Ram
165-166On a quantum-like structure of classical mechanicsV. Alonso, A. J. Kálnay and J. D. Mujica
167-168On the localization problemA. J. Kálnay and P. Torres
168-170Relativistic theory of the elastic dielectricD. Salt

Volume 3, Number 3 / June 1970

171-183On a new mode of description in physicsDavid Bohm, Basil J. Hiley and Allan E. G. Stuart
185-189Realisations of the representations of para-Fermi algebra-Part III: Fock space of Fermi operatorsK. Kademova and M. Kraev
191-198States on generalised logicsN. S. Kronfli
199-204Integration theory of observablesN. S. Kronfli
205-231Can atomic processes be described by non-linear wave mechanics in space-time?Darryl Leiter
233-243Derivation of Poincaré covariance from causality requirements in field theoryP. Roman and R. M. Santilli
245-253Classical statistical mechanics of identical particles and quantum effectsE. C. G. Sudarshan and J. Mehra

Volume 3, Number 4 / August 1970

255-256Simplification of the Hamilton-Jacobi functional of general relativityPeter G. Bergmann, Arthur Komar and Kotik K. Lee
257-266Spinning null fluid in general relativityW. B. Bonnor
267-281Pulsating stars in general relativityJeffrey M. Cohen
283-287A theory of extended quantisationRoger Crocker
289-294Remarks on unified field structures, spin structures and canonical quantizationNorman E. Hurt
295-298High-order realisations of the para-Fermi algebra with parafield operatorsK. V. Kademova
299-305The classical spin-1/2 tachyon fieldEgon Marx
307-314The principle of temperate action and a new type of uncertainty relationJerzy Rayski
315-330Newtonian gravitational field theorySolomon L. Schwebel
331-336On the kinetic approach to many-body problems in general relativityP. Yodzis

Volume 3, Number 5 / October 1970

337-345Lie algebras and quasifield operatorsK. V. Kademova and T. D. Palev
347-353Advanced and retarded solutions in field theorySolomon L. Schwebel
355-358Equations generated by means of parafield operatorsK. V. Kademova
359-366Partially latent interaction in elementary particle formationKiu S. Suh
367-385CP violation in the neutralK systemSuk Koo Yun
387-393The paradox of radiation from a uniformly accelerated point electron and a consistent physical framework for its resolutionDarryl Leiter
395-399Probabilistic formulation of classical mechanicsN. S. Kronfli
401-412Relativistic quantum mechanics of fermionsEgon Marx
413-424Electric charge systems moving with the velocity of light and associated with charge creationLL. G. Chambers

Volume 3, Number 6 / December 1970

425-427The field of a uniformly accelerated currentP. T. Saunders
429-435Einstein-Maxwell null fields with a null current distributionP. A. Goodinson and R. A. Newing
437-441Time-reversal symmetry violation and the oscillating universeAmnon Aharony and Yuval Ne'eman
443-448Deterministic quantum interference experimentsYakir Aharonov, Hugh Pendleton and Aage Petersen
449-466A homological foundation for scale problems in physicsR. H. Atkin and Ted Bastin
467-482Gauge invariance, lorentz covariance and the observerEgon Marx
483-505Observer theories based on stueckelberg quations of motionRobert G. Cawley
507-508Virtual processes and virtual particles: real or fictitious?Mario Bunge
509-511The frame of reference in relativistic theoriesH. Dehnen

Volume 4, Number 1 / February 1971

1-9Inertial reference frames in Einstein's theory of gravitationJ. Audretsch
11-17An electric charge system moving radially with the velocity of lightL. L. G. Chambers
19-32Classical spin variables and classical counterpart of the Dirac-Feynman-Gell-Mann equationS. Depaquit, PH. Guéret and J. P. Vigier
33-40Energy-momentum-stress tensor and gravitational field of uniformly rotating massesEckart Frehland
41-44A new interpretation of Vaidya radiationP. A. Goodinson and R. A. Newing
45-47Conservation ofe/m in general relativityArthur Komar
49-53Particle-like objects in a nonlinear field theoryM. Muraskin
55-82Power series of the free field as operator-valued functional on spaces of typeSA. Rieckers
83-86Comments on Leiter's paper on non-linear wave mechanicsMendel Sachs

Volume 4, Number 2 / April 1971

87-92Newtonian gravitational field theory: Two-body problemSolomon L. Schwebel
93-99Extended ladder representationsT. D. Palev
101-115Local quantum entropyJ. G. Gilson
117-123Derivation of Schrödinger's equation from stochastic electrodynamicsMaurice Surdin
125-140Energy-momentum quanta in Fresnel's evanescent waveO. Costa Beauregard, Ch. Imbert and J. Ricard
141-143Atomicity and determinism in Boolean systemsN. S. Kronfli
145-157Classical effects from a factorized spinor representation of Maxwell's equationsMendel Sachs
159-170Realisations of the representations of para-Fermi algebras—Part IV: Fock spaces of para-Bose and para-Fermi operatorsK. V. Kademova and M. M. Kraev

Volume 4, Number 3 / May 1971

171-178Probability interpretation of particle(s) along classical trajectoriesDer-Ruenn Su
179-184On the motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field with radiation reactionN. D. Sen Gupta
185-188A relationship between the Dirac and Maxwell equationsJ. W. Gallop
189-195Dynamics of probability distributions over classical fieldsGerald Rosen
197-216Space-time structure and measurement theoryJ. P. Antoine and Alan Gleit
217-221The proper vibration of space: IIJ. Kulhànek
223-227An extended Galilei group and its applicationO. Holmaas
229-232The energy-momentum complex in gravitational inductionBrian Knight
233-241Classical limit of the probability density for a perturbed change in the HamiltonianDer-Ruenn Su

Volume 4, Number 4 / August 1971

243-246Remark on general Lorentz-covarianceHans-Jürgen Bräuer
247-265Phase space, fibre bundles and current algebrasBasil J. Hiley and Allan E. G. Stuart
267-271Generalized Vaidya metricsLane P. Hughston
273-280Scalar-tensor theories and the principle of equivalenceH. C. Ohanian
281-285Hamilton-Jacobi functional theory for the integration of classical field equationsGerald Rosen
287-294Conventional formulations of Noether's theorem in classical field theoryJoe Rosen
295-303Reference systems and gravitationHans-Jürgen Treder and Horst-Heino V. Borzeszkowski
305-320On the geometric structure of a parity-conserving relativistic quantum field theoryC. Westenholz

Volume 4, Number 5 / September 1971

321-325Upon electric charge systems moving without acceleration and associated with charge creationLL. G. Chambers
327-338A problem of information gain by quantal measurementsH. J. Groenewold
339-359Differential geometry of atomic structure and the binding energy of atomsR. Ramanna and S. Jyothi
361-388Group deformations and relativityYu. A. Rogozhin
389-394Synchrotron motion with radiation reactionN. D. Sen Gupta
395-401On structure preserving quantisationsT. S. Shankara and M. D. Srinivas

Volume 4, Number 6 / October 1971

403-425Photons, neutrinos, electrons and baryons in a unified spinor field theory of relativityD. E. Littlewood
427-431Could classical states also be distributions with extended supports?T. S. Shankara
433-451A new theory of elementary matterMendel Sachs
453-476A new theory of elementary matterMendel Sachs
477-481Proton-neutron mass difference in Sudarshan's Theory of Universal Primary InteractionsR. Acharya, H. H. Aly and K. Schilcher

Volume 5, Number 1 / January 1972

3-14The observer-dependence of cellular space-time structureE. A. B. Cole
15-28The coordinate group symmetries of general relativityPeter G. Bergmann and Arthur Komar
29-33Newtonian gravitational theory: Interaction with lightSolomon L. Schwebel
35-53A new theory of elementary matter part III: A self-consistent field theory of electrodynamics and correspondence with quantum mechanicsMendel Sachs
55-70Nonlocal theory of single pion photoproductionL. H. Tang
71-75An isomorphism between the Para-Fermi algebra and the algebra O(n,n+1)T. D. Palev

Volume 5, Number 2 / March 1972

79-99On the geometrization of forcesAndreas Quale
101-122Time evolving theory of the mechanics of single particles and single photonsRobert G. Cawley
123-125Remarks about single particle schrödinger equationsRobert G. Cawley
127-129Interaction in scalar theories of gravitationTom L. J. Linden
131-138The Bohm-Vigier subquantum fluctuations and nonlinear field theoryYu. P. Rybakov

Volume 5, Number 3 / May 1972

141-150Some physical properties of neutrino-gravitational fieldsJ. B. Griffiths
151-159Current density in relativistic quantum mechanicsEgon Marx
161-197A new theory of elementary matter Part IV: Two-particle systems: The particle-antiparticle pair and hydrogenMendel Sachs
199-210Solutions of a bethe-salpeter equationF. T. Hadjioannou and E. Kyriakopoulos

Volume 5, Numbers 4-6 / July 1972

213-219Mandelstam representation for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitudesF. F. K. Cheung
221-230Heisenberg equations of motion for spin-1/2 wave equation in general relativityS. K. Wong
231-250Concerning measurements in quantum theory: A critique of a recent proposalC. A. Hooker
251-262Quasi-stationary states of hydrogenEgon Marx
263-273Quantum corrections to liquid correlationsM. D. Srinivas, M. S. Sriram and T. S. Shankara
275-289Non-trivial coupling of internal and space-time symmetriesC. v. Westenholz

Volume 5, Number 5 / September 1972

293-301Neutrino radiation fields in general relativityC. D. Collinson and P. B. Morris
303-305Further remarks on a theory of extended quantizationRoger Crocker
307-323The clock paradox in the relativity theoryTa-You Wu and Y. C. Lee
325-337Thermodynamics of a quantum simulating fluid complexJ. G. Gilson
339-348Six-dimensional formulation of meson equationsEric A. Lord
349-357Algebraic properties of relativistic equations for zero rest-massEric A. Lord
359-368A scalar field theory of gravitationT. L. J. Lindén

Volume 5, Number 6 / November 1972

371-375A static body of arbitrarily large densityW. B. Bonnor and S. B. P. Wickramasuriya
377-389A second quantized model of anharmonicityMario Rasetti
391-401On the gauge variance of action functions under transformations on space-timeG. S. Whiston
403-419The axiomatic foundations of the theory of special relativityKarl Stiegler
421-427A contribution to the Rainich theory of the neutrino fieldJ. B. Griffiths and R. A. Newing
429-436Eikonal approach to scattering from coated perfect conductors in a spinor formalismRonald Rockmore
437-446The classification of displacements and rotations in a cellular space—TimeE. A. B. Cole
447-458On the generalisation of the theory of the spin maximum 1 particle to the case of a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic fieldJosé Vassalo Pereira

Volume 6, Number 1 / August 1972

3-8A note on a paper by Atkin and BastinC. J. S. Clarke
9-29Quantum mechanical state preparation: A simple modelJames L. Park and William Band
31-35Quantization in generalized coordinates—IIGary R. Gruber
37-45Field theory where all Γskjk/i invariants vanishM. Muraskin
47-51An electromagnetic interpretation of the Kerr-Vaidya metricPatricia A. Goodinson
53-59A new coordinate condition, and elementary flatness, for axially symmetric interior solutions in general relativityD. Rawson-Harris
61-74Interaction theory of the electromagnetic fieldSolomon L. Schwebel
75-76The Zeeman-order topology on Minkowski spaceG. S. Whiston
IImportant announcement

Volume 6, Number 2 / August 1972

79-103Associative and non-associative automorphisms of Newtonian space-timeG. S. Whiston
105-109Particle boundedness in Γjk;li=0,gij;k=0 field theoryM. Muraskin and B. Ring
111-121Some properties of higher spin rest-mass zero fields in general relativityP. Bell and P. Szekeres
123-131Considerations on a unified field theoryJack Cohn
133-153A metric-space formulation of Newtonian fieldsRobert L. Kirkwood
155-164Non-relativistic approximation of the theory of the particle of spin maximum 1José Vassalo Pereira

Volume 6, Numbers 3-4 / October 1972

251-257Simplification of the constraints in the dirac formalism for general relativityFrederick S. Klotz
259-274The relativistic Riemann invariants and the propagation of initial data surfacesAngelo James Skalafuris
275-280Renormalization in indefinite metric theoriesChristopher T. Hill
281-291A numerical examination of certain null geodesies of a high angular momentum kerr fieldRoger M. Floyd and Bryan A. V. Sheppee
293-299The group of automorphisms of the galilei groupG. Marmo and G. S. Whiston
301-306Operators in a relativistic fock space for fermionsEgon Marx
307-320Gauge-independent quantization of the schrödinger and radiation fieldsEgon Marx

Volume 6, Number 3 / October 1972

167-174The quantization of Fermi systems and the Dirac bracketA. J. Kálnay and G. J. Ruggeri
175-179Point-like hadrons from colliding beamsR. L. Ingraham
181-204On quantization of non-linear relativistic field without recourse to perturbation theoryYu. A. Rylov
205-224Nature's natural numbers: relativistic quantum theory over the ring of complex quaternionsJames D. Edmonds
225-247A non-linear electromagnetic theoryFrederic Bisshopp
iImportant announcement

Volume 6, Number 5 / December 1972

325-337Relation between classical and quantum mechanicsEmile Grgin and Aage Petersen
339-346Covariant derivation of the electromagnetic boundary conditions in General RelativityD. Rawson-Harris
347-357The Rainich conditions for neutrino fieldsC. D. Collinson and R. Shaw
359-363Generalized relativistic Fock spaceEgon Marx
365-368Gravitationally stabilized nucleons in the theory of the generalized gravitational potentialNorman H. Cherry
369-375Plane frame functions and pure states in Hilbert spaceS. Gudder
377-382Signals from the futureA. Peres and L. S. Schulman
383-397The principle of reciprocityIrshadullah Khan
399-406Covariant wave functions with invariant helicity for massless particlesM. T. Simon, M. Seetharaman and P. M. Mathews
407-412Static solutions of the Brans-Dicke equationsH. A. Buchdahl

Volume 6, Number 6 / December 1972

415-424Parastatistics and Dirac bracketsA. J. Kálnay
425-435Ground state energy of a many-particle boson systemM. E. Grypeos
437-442On the nonsymmetric, gravitational collapse of an infinite, dust-filled cylinderM. J. Miketinac and R. J. Barton
443-452On a new method of quantisation and some of its applicationsK. V. Kademova and M. M. Kraev
453-466A spectrum generating algebra for meson resonancesW. Tait
467-484Weak convergence in Hilbert space and weak uncertainty relations in quantum theoryFausto Alvim and Luiz Felippe P. Serpa

Volume 7, Number 1 / February 1973

3-7Okubo second-order mass formula fromSO(6,1)W. Tait
9-24Quantum field theory of fermions constructed from bosons. Generalization to Para-Fermi statisticsA. J. Kálnay, E. Mac Cotrina and K. V. Kademova
25-30Einstein-Maxwell null fields with non-zero twistP. A. Goodinson and R. A. Newing
31-38The positivity conditions in general relativityJ. N. Goldberg and F. S. Klotz
39-47Galilean invariance and magnetic monopolesH. Bacry and J. Kubar-Andre
49-66Irreducible representations of a parafield and the connection of the parafield with usual fieldsA. B. Govorkov
67-75Algebraical comparison of classical and quantum polynomial observablesHans Tilgner
77-78Erratum: Observer theories based on Stueckelberg equations of motionRobert G. Cawley

Volume 7, Number 2 / February 1973

81-116The theory of measurement in quantum mechanicsGordon Reece
119-127The electron field and the Dirac bracketA. J. Kálnay
129-143Energy-momentum quanta in Fresnel's evanescent wave IIO. Costa Beauregard
145-148Space-time microstructure and singularity-free quantum field theoryGerald Rosen

Volume 7, Number 3 / April 1973

153-157Kemmer algebras and rotation groupsEric A. Lord
159-168A coupled theory of electromagnetism and gravitationT. L. J. Lindén
169-181Kinematieal groups as group extensionsG. S. Whiston
183-197Internal instability in a Reissner-Nordström black holeMichael Simpson and Roger Penrose
199-203Difficulties inherent in Sach's new theory of elementary matterDarryl Letter
205-211State automorphisms in axiomatic quantum mechanicsS. Gudder
213-228Further studies in aesthetic field theory; existence of a bounded particleM. Muraskin

Volume 7, Number 4 / July 1973

231-239The intimate relation between the extended Jaffe class and special spaces of typeSW. Lücke
241-251The concomitants of spinors of type [3/2,1/2] in space-timeB. Dodds
253-257Quantization in generalized coordinates III-Lagrangian formulationGary R. Gruber
259-262Conformally flat space-time of spherical symmetry in isotropic coordinatesB. Kuchowicz
263-266Entropy of a fibered dynamical systemNorman E. Hurt
267-276Boltzmann equation with fluctuationsPaul S. Lee and Ta-You Wu
277-279Remarks on relativistic radiative reactionC. S. Shen
281-285Comments on the clock paradoxMendel Sachs
287-289Adjoint solutions of the Brans-Dicke equationsH. A. Buchdahl
291-299Carnot engines and the principle of increase of entropyJ. B. Boyling
301-308Analytic continuation of Moyal and operator algebrasEric A. Lord and T. S. Shankara

Volume 7, Number 5 / September 1973

311-318On the extreme relativistic limit of arbitrary spin wave equationsG. Alagar Ramanujam
319-326Sensitive observables of quantum mechanicsV. Capasso, D. Fortunato and F. Selleri
327-337A galactic model for gravitational radiationDexter J. Booth
339-352O(4) treatment of arbitrary central problem via quasiclassical quantizationV. B. Serebrennikov and A. E. Shabad
353-378Newtonian universes expanding or contracting with shear and rotationW. Davidson and A. B. Evans
379-388Symmetric Lie algebras of non-linear transformations of conformal type in quantum mechanicsHans Tilgner

Volume 7, Number 6 / November 1973

391-414The physics of a metric space with a time variableRobert L. Kirkwood
415-421A discussion of causality and the Lorentz groupGareth Williams
423-430Examples of quantisable dynamical systems: The hydrogen atom and automorphism groupsNorman E. Hurt
431-442Expectation values of unbounded observablesK. Kraus and J. Schröter
443-449Gravitational radiation damping of the spinning rod for arbitrary rotational speedE. Frehland and E. Nowotny
451-466Some problems of quantum mechanics possessing a non-negative phase-space distribution functionV. V. Kuryshkin
467-474Gravitational Faraday-effectH. Dehnen
475-482Hypermass generalization of Einstein's gravitation theoryJames D. Edmonds

Volume 8, Number 1 / January 1973

1-10Quantised De Sitter space and the connection to the Pauli principleW. Ulmer
11-29On the isomorphism of a ‘quantum logic’ with the logic of the projections in a hilbert spaceR. Cirelli and P. Cotta-Ramusino
31-37The generalised Feynman integralMiroslav Pardy
39-46A possible construction of the quantum field theoryJ. M. Rayski
47-49Red-shifts of quasi-stellar objects in the theory of the generalised gravitational potentialNorman H. Cherry
51-63Quantum logic axioms and the proposition-state structureFranco Gallone and Antonio Zecca
65-83Quantum mechanics as relativistic statistics. I: The two-particle caseYu. A. Rylov

Volume 8, Number 2 / March 1973

85-91Further studies in aesthetic field theory. II: Equations foreαiM. Muraskin and B. Ring
93-97Further studies in aesthetic field theory III: A bounded particle in Γjk;li=0,gij;k=0 theoryM. Muraskin
99-121Topics on space-time topologyGeorge S. Whiston
123-139Quantum mechanics as relativistic statistics. II: The case of two interacting particlesYu. A. Rylov
141-146The exclusive interactionWilliam A. Barker
147-153TheV-N sector of the Lee modelSiddhartha Sen

Volume 8, Number 3 / May 1973

155-170Perception and operation in the definition of observableE. A. B. Cole
171-178On the trace of the product of Pauli matrices occurring asar=ariσi+iar4 and that of the product of dirac matrices, and the interconnection between themS. Sarkar
179-182The homogeneous gravitational force field in general relativityP. A. Goodinson
183-187The fourth indeterminacy relation and stochastic electrodynamicsM. Surdin
189-198Gauge-variance of the Dirac bracketA. J. Kálnay and G. J. Ruggeri
199-209Quantized De Sitter space, the connection to the Pauli principle and an application to Feynman's relativistic quark theory IIW. Ulmer
211-218The self-contradictory foundations of formalistic quantum measurement theoriesJames L. Park
219-225On the compatibility of spinor field equations with regard to generalisations of Weyl's lemmaHans-Jürgen Treder and Horst-Heino V. Borzeszkowski
227-229On relativistic quantum field theory in configuration spaceA. J. Kálnay

Volume 8, Number 4 / July 1973

231-235Smoothing the quantum collapseC. J. S. Clarke
237-242Finiteness of relative acceleration at the surfacer = 2mA. R. Prasanna
243-246Electromagnetic test fields around a Schwarzschild singularityH. Stephani and E. Herlt
247-252On parallel displacement within the light cone and its application in the electrodynamics of charges moving with the velocity of lightAndrzej Staruszkiewicz
253-262On non-singular generalised dynamical formalismsG. J. Ruggeri
263-276Approximate radiative solutions of the Yang-Mills field equationsRichard Kerner
277-282Galilei invariance and superfluidity IIR. N. Sen
283-297Model of scalar mesonsE. Kyriakopoulos
299-300On the quantum hamiltonian for a charge in an electromagnetic field, in generalized coordinatesGary R. Gruber
301-306On the motion of a charged particle with radiation reactionN. D. Sen Gupta
307-317Semiclassical elementary particle modelsW. Delaney

Volume 8, Number 5 / September 1973

319-320On the degeneracies of quantum systemsJ. S. Dowker
321-322A note on massless field equations for arbitrary spinJ. S. Dowker
323-330On a unified theory of electromagnetism and weak interactionPratul Bandyopadhyay
331-335On the behaviour of test matter in the vicinity of singularitiesHorst-Heino V. Borzeszkowski
337-339A metric allowing a 2-parameter group of motionEdgar Pechlaner
341-352On the quantum mechanical treatment of decaying non-relativistic systemsL. Lanz, L. A. Lugiato and G. Ramella
353-360The orthogonality postulate in axiomatic quantum mechanicsM. J. Maczyński
361-376Cramér-Rao inequalities for operator-valued measures in quantum mechanicsCarl W. Helstrom
377-383On the meaning ofE=mc2Mendel Sachs
385-389On the propagation of massless fieldsH. U. Kranold

Volume 8, Number 6 / November 1973

391-408Hamiltonians allowing wave equationsRichard Arens
409-417Dirac monopoles for general gauge theoriesP. Klimo and J. S. Dowker
419-427A topological model for Oersted-Ampère's lawC. V. Westenholz
429-441Peculiarities of the quanto-mechanical space-time descriptionE. Papp
443-450Two axisymmetric black holes cannot be in static equilibriumHenning Müller Zum Hagen and Hans J. Seifert
451-462Classical pure states: Information and symmetry in statistical mechanicsJan J. Sławianowski
463-464Comments on transition from classical to quantum mechanics in generalized coordinates via the covariant derivativeGary R. Gruber
465-471Fixed point theorem for the Poincaré groupG. B. Mainland and L. O'raifeartaigh

Volume 9, Number 1 / January 1974

1-17The embedding of unstable non-relativistic particles into Galilean quantum field theoriesL. Lanz, L. A. Lugiato, G. Ramella and A. Sabbadini
19-45Gravitation and other field theoriesH. J. Groenewold
47-54Interacting matter and radiation in homogeneous isotropic world modelsWayne R. Knight and Otto Bergmann
55-58The Klein-Gordon equation as a limiting case of a suitably hyperbolized schrödinger equationF. Borghese, P. Denti and T. Ruggeri
59-68Singularities in Weyl gravitational fieldsF. I. Cooperstock and G. J. Junevicus
69-74Spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein-Maxwell theory with null fluidB. O. J. Tupper

Volume 9, Number 2 / February 1974

75-91Third-order equation for two-component spinorsEgon Marx
93-99On the representation theorem for quantum logicK. Bugajska
101-115Field-theoretical space-time quantisationE. Papp
117-127Geometry of the de-Sitter universeEric A. Lord
129-135Redshift formulae for de-Sitter type metricsEric A. Lord
137-138On stationary axially symmetric interior solutions in general relativityD. Rawson-Harris
139-144Velocity of light in a moving medium according to the absolute space-time theoryStefan Marinov

Volume 9, Number 3 / March 1974

145-156Infinite-dimensional representations of the Lsorentz group: The complete seriesM. Carmeli and S. Malin
157-165The contribution of theC-field to the action functionalJ. M. Hobbs
167-178Lines of quantised magnetic flux and the relativistic string of the dual resonance model of hadronsL. J. Tassie
179-184Holistic electron theoryJack Cohn
185-193The natural line-breadth in stochastic electrodynamicsM. Surdin
195-217Many-times formalism and Coulomb interactionEgon Marx

Volume 9, Number 4 / April 1974

219-224Correcting the concept of denseness for the bootstrapAllen D. Allen
225-228A new physical characterisation of classical systems in quantum mechanicsHolger Neumann
229-244External inversion, internal inversion, and reflection invarianceMatej Pavšič
245-251On Fermi-like quantisation of classical mechanicsG. J. Ruggeri
253-261A contribution to the rainich theory of the neutrino field IIJ. B. Griffiths
263-267Gravitational energy-momentum densities of arbitrary weightG. G. Wiarda
269-276Equation of motion for non-geodesic laboratory bodiesK. Nordtvedt
277-289Propositional systems and measurements—IK. -E. Hellwig and D. Krausser

Volume 9, Number 5 / May 1974

291-303Is a cosmological substratum compatible with relativity?S. J. Prokhovnik
305-321Quantum mechanics presented as harmonic analysisJerry Malzan
323-340Quantum mechanics of ‘free’ spin-1/2 particles in an expanding universeJ. Audretsch
341-367On the particle level of Galilean Quantum field theoriesL. Lanz and L. A. Lugiato

Volume 9, Number 6 / June 1974

369-377The present status of the coish modelHedley C. Morris
379-392Thermodynamics of non-differentiable systemsJ. B. Boyling
393-403The Goos-Hänchen shift on a layerJ. Strnad and A. Kodre
405-414Further studies in aesthetic field theory IVM. Muraskin
415-424Quantum mechanical state preparation II-The statistical ensemble as a thermostatWilliam Band and James L. Park
425-437On the focusing of gravitational radiationHans C. Ohanian

Volume 10, Number 1 / July 1974

1-17Density quantization of metallic hydrogenAngelo James Skalafuris
19-37Quantization of non-local field theoryG. V. Efimov
39-58Algebraically special fluid space-times with hypersurface-orthogonal shearfree raysJ. Wainwright
59-65The electromagnetic energy momentum tensor and its uniquenessDavid Lovelock
67-72Measurement in quantum mechanics, and the EPR paradoxP. F. Zweifel

Volume 10, Number 2 / July 1974

73-89On an analyticity property in (complex) phase spaceIrshadullah Khan
91-102An improved derivation of the LSZ asymptotic condition within the framework of the Haag-Ruelle scattering theoryW. Lücke
103-114Physical quantities in a classical two-tensor theory of gravitationJ. Chela-Flores
115-122Quaternion wave equations in curved space-timeJames D. Edmonds
123-143Imprecision description of the threshold behaviour of the high-energy pairs annihilation and production processesE. Papp

Volume 10, Number 3 / August 1974

145-151Zero value of the Schwarzschildian mass of asymptotically euclidian time-symmetrical gravitational wavesV. N. Folomeshkin
153-157A homomorphism theorem for the Poincaré groupD. K. Sen
159-163Compact topologies on Minkowski spaceS. Nanda and H. K. Panda
165-173Preferred frames and oscillating universesJ. Katz
175-178Some remarks on the dynamical origin of charge and space-time quantisationPratul Bandyopadhyay
179-187Some zero rest mass test fields in general relativityA. Held and B. H. Voorhees
189-196Another form of Einstein's addition law of velocitiesP. Kaliappan
197-216Internal geometrical structures on Minkowski space-time and Yang-Mills symmetriesM. Camenzind

Volume 10, Number 4 / August 1974

217-227Classification of stationary space-timesZoltán Perjés
229-237Parastatistics and the lie algebraical methods used thereT. Palev
239-251A new semiclassical elementary particle modelW. Delaney
253-260Third-order equation for bispinorsEgon Marx
261-272Propositional systems and measurements—IIK. -E. Hellwig and D. Krausser
273-290Five- and eight-vector extensions of relativistic quantum theory: The preferred reference frameJames D. Edmonds

Volume 10, Number 5 / September 1974

291-296On the trace and the relativistic scalar products involving Dirac matricesγi and the 4 × 4 unit matrixS. Sarkar
297-316Is the Hilbert space language too rich?M. Kupczyński
317-319Reply to Leiter's criticism of a new theory of elementary matterMendel Sachs
321-331On Dingle's controversy about the clock paradox and the evolution of ideas in scienceMendel Sachs
333-353A galactic model II: The gravitationally radiated angular and linear momenta fluxesDexter J. Booth
355-362Flux of momentum ofN-bodies system by gravitational wavesDemetrios D. Dionysiou

Volume 10, Number 6 / September 1974

363-384Second-order scalar-tensor field equations in a four-dimensional spaceGregory Walter Horndeski
385-389An extended approach to the field-theoretical time operatorsE. Papp
391-433A new approach to interacting fieldsC. Von Westenholz

Volume 11, Number 1 / October 1974

1-4Rest mass quantisation of elementary particles and possible existence of hitherto unknown particlesThomas Chacko
5-29A discrete spectrum of solutions of the wave equation with strong cubic nonlinearityFrederic Bisshopp
31-43An introduction to the theory of local twistorsKenza Dighton
45-68Conformal invariance and the six-dimensional formalismRichard F. Sigal
69-72The axiomatic foundations of the theory of special relativity—reply to StieglerM. Podlaha

Volume 11, Number 2 / October 1974

73-91Entropic uncertainty relationBranislav Mamojka
93-105Further studies in aesthetic field theory V; higher dimensionsM. Muraskin and B. Ring
107-123Rotating frames in special relativityM. Strauss
125-133On the motion of a particle with anisotropic massIl-Tong Cheon
135-144On the isomorphism of a quantum logic with the logic of the projections in a Hilbert space. IIR. Cirelli, P. Cotta-Ramusino and E. Novati

Volume 11, Number 3 / November 1974

145-147On generalising Abraham-Lorentz equationJamil Daboul
149-156Functional properties of quantum logicsM. J. Mączyński
157-173Angular momentum in tensor representations ofU (3)H. S. Green and A. J. Bracken
175-185The Sugawara model in general relativity. A. The case for three current vectors (SU (2))Gerald E. Tauber
187-192Symmetry in quantum systemsLuis J. Boya
193-204Minimal-disturbance measurement as a specification in von Neumann's quantal theory of measurementFedor Herbut
205-212On weyl's gauge field in a non-local fieldSatoshi Ikeda

Volume 11, Number 4 / November 1974

213-247Cayley parametrization of semisimple lie groups and its application to physical laws in a (3+1)-dimensional cubic latticeMiguel Lorente
249-259On the weak-field approximation in the two-body problem of general relativityV. I. Zhdanov
261-271Hypercomplex extensions of the general linear groupGL (n, R)F. N. Ndili and G. C. Chukwumah
273-284Orthonormal tetrad transport. II. Physical identification of the normals and curvatures of a time-like curveJorge Krause

Volume 11, Number 5 / December 1974

285-288‘Hyperspace’ (the cobordism theory of space-time)George S. Whiston
289-303The action principle in quantum mechanicsH. A. Cohen and M. Z. Shaharir
305-308Square-roots, internal symmetries, and fermion field quantizationGerald Rosen
309-315Five-dimensional space-time: Mass and the fundamental lengthJames D. Edmonds
317-319Rotational solutions under the new theory of motionAllen D. Allen
321-339A path-integral formulation of the Pauli equation using two real spin coordinatesViktor Bezák
341-351Topics on space-time topology IIGeorge S. Whiston
353-356Common solutions of the einstein and Brans-Dicke theoriesB. O. J. Tupper

Volume 11, Number 6 / December 1974

357-378Estimation of a displacement parameter of a quantum systemCarl W. Helstrom
379-386Green's function approach to quantum field theory in locally convex space and question of uniquenessTetz Yoshimura
387-394Zero value of the Schwarzschild mass for an asymptotically Euclidian system of gravitational wavesV. N. Folomeshkin
395-417A relativistic analogue of the Kepler problemH. P. Künzle
419-424The gravitational field of a nullicleP. A. Hogan
425-427The conservation equations of the charge and current densities of a free relativistic electronT. L. Chow

Volume 12, Number 1 / January 1975

1-9Derivation of a mathematical equation for the EEG and the general solution within the brain and in spaceP. A. Anninos and S. Raman
11-24Macroscopic variablesH. Krips
25-34Time in a simple model of a physical systemM. Garcia-Sucre
35-45Some remarks on orthonormal tetrad transportJ. Krause
47-54Contact transformations and conformal group. I. Relativistic theoryLuis J. Boya and José M. Cerveró
55-60Contact transformations and conformal group. II. Non-relativistic theoryLuis J. Boya and José M. Cerveró
61-67On Nambu's generalized hamiltonian mechanicsIsaac Cohen and Andrés J. Kálnay
69-78Generalization of Nambu's mechanicsIsaac Cohen
79-80On localisability and Heisenberg's fundamental fieldAndrés J. Kálnay

Volume 12, Number 2 / February 1975

81-93Diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave at a schwarzschild black holeE. Herlt and H. Stephani
95-102The theory of rest-mass quantisationThomas Chacko
103-134A model field theory in which two Nambu-Goldstone symmetries are realised by one massless pseudoscalar bosonD. J. Almond
135-139Crux of the clock paradoxKenneth J. Epstein
141-143Observables and transformation properties of fermions and parafermions constructed in terms of bosons. I. The physical variablesAndrés J. Kálnay and K. V. Kademova
145-147Observables and transformation properties of fermions and parafermions constructed in terms of bosons. II. Transformation lawsAndrés J. Kálnay and K. V. Kademova
149-151On the statistics consistent with Nambu's new quantum rules. Quarks?Máximo García Sucre and Andrés J. Kálnay

Volume 12, Number 3 / February 1975

153-156The elementary particle base massesGeoffrey Dixon
157-160Further studies in aesthetic field theory VI: The lorentz groupM. Muraskin and Beatrice Ring
161-168Further studies in aesthetic field theory VIIM. Muraskin
169-176Zero value of the schwarzschild mass for an asymptotically Euclidian system of gravitational wavesV. N. Folomeshkin
177-182Generalised magnetic monopole for the yang-mills fieldRichard Kerner
183-190Pre-quantisation for an arbitrary Abelian structure groupJ. -E. Werth
191-197Dirac- and Lorentz-invariant symmetries in mass and four-momentum for superluminal aspectsB. B. P. Sinha
199-203Algebraic constraints for higgs multipletsF. N. Ndili and P. N. Okeke
205-215Representation of the spin in the Dirac equation for the electronToyoki Koga
217-223Cosmological models and Non-denumerable singularitiesRichard Schlegel

Volume 12, Number 4 / March 1975

225-240Topics on space-time topology (III)George S. Whiston
241-249On the effect of spin on the gravitational fieldN. K. Kofinti
251-260A procedure for obtaining quantum mechanical transformation of diagonalization from the classicalAlvin K. Benson
261-270Some physical implications of a new relativistic boundary conditionN. K. Kofinti
271-296The mechanics of an affinely-rigid bodyJan J. Sławianowski

Volume 12, Number 5 / April 1975

273-285An analysis of Bonnor's dipole solutionJ. P. Ward
287-292The Nambu mechanics as a class of singular generalized dynamical formalismsG. J. Ruggeri
293-298About the relation [X, P]=iHans Laue
299-320Crossing relations derived from (Extended) RelativityR. Mignani and E. Recami
321-332A further link(s) with inequivalent representations in quantum field theoryAlvin K. Benson and Dorian M. Hatch
333-343Lie algebra bases for the pseudo-orthogonal groupsJ. F. Cornwell

Volume 12, Number 6 / April 1975

345-348On the role of Woolley's Killing tensor in Einstein-Maxwell theoryJ. P. Ward
349-381A general scheme for microscopic theoriesM. Toller
383-391On kinematical invariances of the equations of motionToshihiro Iwai
393-399Minkowski space with order topology is simply connectedS. Nanda and H. K. Panda
401-405Mach's principle in cosmologyE. Ihrig
407-415The unitary representation operatorsG. Alagar Ramanujam

Volume 13, Number 1 / May 1975

1-8Brans-dicke plane symmetric vacuumR. Tabensky and N. Zamorano
9-15On the superposition of electromagnetic waves in general relativityJ. B. Griffiths
17-25Remarks on gauge theories of fundamental forcesJ. Chela-Flores
27-35The interpretation of the Theory of RelativityNuthakki Purna
37-49Irreversible behavior of forced systemRobert H. Kohler
51-72Spinor fields in the theory of relativity and a generalization of Heisenberg's nonlinear spinor equationW. Ulmer

Volume 13, Number 2 / June 1975

73-88The lamb shift in helium from a self-consistent field theory of electrodynamicsHung Yu and M. Sachs
89-102Generalised quaternion methods in conformal geometryEric A. Lord
103-111The electromagnetic energy and momentum of finite charged bodies moving at constant velocityRoger Stettner
113-123Galilean invariance and magnetic chargeV. I. Strazhev
125-142Structural parameters of semi-simple lie algebrasF. N. Ndili, G. C. Chukwumah and P. N. Okeke
143-148The converse of the entropy principle for compound systemsJ. B. Boyling

Volume 13, Number 3 / June 1975

149-152‘Surface’ element on the light coneEgon Marx
153-173Some theoretical and experimental aspects of the tachyon problemDietmar Kirch
175-181Solution of the zero rest-mass equations for free fields in the einstein static universeFrederick S. Klotz
183-187Space-time spaceless-timeless interactionsL. Corsiglia
189-212The experimental verification of the absolute space-time theory—I

Volume 13, Number 4 / July 1975

213-226A new interpretation of the special theory of relativityV. Buonomano
227-236Models of relativistic hamiltonian interactionsRichard Arens
237-257Time evolution of quasi-stationary statesM. Razavy
259-263Six bits for nine colored quarksJames D. Edmonds
265-269A spectrum-generating algebra for particles of spin 1/2P. Cordero and S. Salamó
271-278A rational interpretation of the dirac equation for the electronToyoki Koga
279-288Evaluation of the density matrix for an ensemble of anharmonic oscillators by a path integral approachP. M. Mathews and M. S. Seshadri
289Dirac- and lorentz-invariant symmetries in mass and four-momentum for superluminal aspectsB. B. P. Sinha

Volume 13, Number 5 / August 1975

291-296Lamb shifts for hydrogen, using the sachs elementary interaction theoryJack Edwards
297-302Generalization of einstein's equation for nonsymmetricTμνJames D. Edmonds
303-316Particle behavior in aesthetic field theoryM. Muraskin
317-321Positiveness of mass and the strong energy conditionJacob D. Bekenstein
323-336A new differential calculus on a complex banach space with application to variational problems of quantum theoryC. S. Sharma and I. Rebelo
337-340Four dimensions and reference “frames”: Some operational interpretationsJ. Charles Nickerson
341-361An electromagnetic inertial mass theory applied to elementary particlesJohn Kenny
363Gravitationally radiated linear momentum fluxDexter J. Booth

Volume 13, Number 6 / August 1975

365-375A comparison of two models of theρ-mesonHarold Cohen
377-385A relation between the dirac field of the electron and electromagnetic fieldsToyoki Koga
387-392Testing gauge theories in electron-electron scatteringP. N. Okeke, F. N. Ndili and G. C. Chukwumah
393-399Spin-two symmetric spinors and elastic scattering of massive spin-two particlesD. L. Weaver
401-416Gravitational radiation generated by the gravitational scattering of two starsChristoph Mache and Eckart Frehland
417-418A new red shift mechanism with possible applications to astrophysical problems such as quasarsC. F. Gallo
419-424The theorem of Gleason for nonseparable hilbert spacesManfred Eilers and Ernst Horst
425-430Generalized definition of coherent states and dynamical groupsMario Rasetti
431-435Mass term variations in the Dirac hydrogen atomJames D. Edmonds

Volume 14, Number 1 / September 1975

1-21Coherent states and partition functionMario Rasetti
23-35The uniqueness ofgij in terms ofRijklEdwin Ihrig
37-54Integrals of the motion, green functions, and coherent states of dynamical systemsV. V. Dodonov, I. A. Malkin and V. I. Man'ko
55-65Electromagnetic energy and momentum from a charged particleEgon Marx
67-72Electro-geometrodynamicsDexter J. Booth

Volume 14, Number 2 / October 1975

73-90Group representations in certain lattices of propositionsJ. P. Leveille and P. Roman
91-96Application of Kemmer-β formalism to spin-1/2 systemsM. Samiullah and K. G. Khalili
97-109Lie algebras and representations of continuous groupsD. E. Littlewood
111-113A possible gravitational Planck's constantAntonio Zecca
115-135The Hubble law and the spiral structures of galaxies from equations of motion in general relativityMendel Sachs
137-144Spinor methods in conformal Killing transportKenza Dighton

Volume 14, Number 3 / October 1975

145-159Fluid spheres and R- and T-regions in general relativityG. C. McVittie and R. J. Wiltshire
161-168The clock paradox as a cosmological problemK. Y. Fu
169-181Speculative note on kinematicsC. H. Braden
183-192Magnetic charge quantization and generalized imprimitivity systemsA. Z. Jadczyk
193-205Nonexistence of massless zero-spin particles in relativistic quantum mechanicsI. Saavedra
207-210Higher energy levels of the harmonic oscillator and stochastic electrodynamicsM. Surdin
211-216Functional derivative for the distribution function of a Λ-nucleon pair in nuclear matterBasil C. Kargas and Michael E. Grypeos

Volume 14, Number 4 / November 1975

217-235Strongly interacting particle physicsPaul K. S. Suh
237-275Outline of a classical theory of quantum physics and gravitationJ. W. Gallop
277-288Wave functions relative to a real polarizationJ. Śniatycki

Volume 14, Number 5 / December 1975

289-294Boltzmann'sH theorem and the Loschmidt and the Zermelo paradoxesTa-You Wu
295-298A remark on the definition of superselection rules in terms of unbounded operatorsT. S. Todorov
299-311An attempt to resolve the astrophysical puzzles by postulating scale degree of freedomMatej Pavšič
313-317On the signatures of the canonical and the metrical energy densities of vector fieldsHans-Jürgen Treder
319-326Some type III solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equationsS. Hacyan and J. F. Plebañski
327-346Distinguishable- and indistinguishable-particle descriptions of systems of identical particlesW. M. De Muynck
347-360Group analysis of masses and spins in curved space-time: Cosmological and experimental consequencesS. Malin

Volume 14, Number 6 / December 1975

361-366A static three-center solution to Einstein's gravitational field equationsDexter J. Booth
367-372Leibniz' principle, general relativity, and the observational dominance of euclidean geometryJ. Charles Nickerson
373-378Division algebras and the factorization of Einstein's field equationsJ. Charles Nickerson
379-384Does Euclidean geometry imply quantum physics?J. Charles Nickerson
385-404Spin-1/2 equation with indefinite metricRalph F. Guertin
405-416Bose quantization of a new spin-1/2 equationRalph F. Guertin
417-422Spin-1 particle in a homogeneous magnetic fieldEmile Durand
423-428Unstable particles in a self-consistent field theoryM. Seetharaman and V. Srinivasan
429-430Comment on Kálnay's note on fundamental fieldsMendel Sachs

Volume 15, Number 1 / January 1976

1-9Neutral current effects in møller scatteringF. N. Ndili, P. N. Okeke and G. C. Chukumah
11-24Colored null flags and para-Fermi fieldsIchio Fukui and Katsusada Morita
25-43An interesting representation of lie algebras of linear groupsAsghar Qadir
45-65Wave optics of the spherical gravitational lens part I: Diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a large starE. Herlt and H. Stephani
67-71The conservation of source strength in linear field theories and the superpotentialsHans-Jürgen Treder and Eckhard Kreisel
73-79A hierarchy hypothesisP. F. Browne

Volume 15, Number 2 / February 1976

81-86Generalized force in classical field theoryJ. Krause
87-90Transfinite ordinals as axiom number symbols for unification of quantum and electromagnetic wave functionsWilliam M. Honig
91-97Vector boson elastic scattering and Compton scatteringD. L. Weaver
99-119A relativistic field theory of the electronToyoki Koga
121-155Quantized singularities in the gravitational fieldRonald J. Riegert
157-167On the one-dimensional symmetric two-body problem of classical electrodynamicsV. I. Zhdanov

Volume 15, Number 3 / March 1976

169-180The interpretation of diffraction and interference in terms of energy flowR. D. Prosser
181-193Quantum theory and the nature of interferenceR. D. Prosser
195-199Can a tachyon emit light radiation in all directions?G. Alagar Ramanujam
201-206On the Weyl character formula forSU(n)R. J. Plymen
207-212On the construction of the Taub-NUT congruenceP. A. Hogan and T. Criss
213-230Some remarks concerning the question of localization of elementary particlesBo-Sture K. Skagerstam
231-246Some speculations on a causal unification of relativity, gravitation, and quantum mechanicsV. Buonomano and A. Engel

Volume 15, Number 4 / April 1976

247-261On the transformation of mass and momentum densities in special relativityG. H. Hostetter
263-264The Fresnel formula applied to empty spaceHarold Aspden
265-270A comparison of results of various theories for four fundamental constants of physicsD. M. Eagles
271-278Particle mass spectrum and strong gravityR. K. Keskinen and T. E. Perko
279-281Is the electromagnetic field an invariant superposition of the 42 states of a basic field?Gerald Rosen
283-291The effect of gravitational waves from a spinning rod on its rigidityT. T. Chia
293-309Equilibrium—Its connection to global integrability conditions for stationary Einstein-Maxwell fieldsJ. P. Ward

Volume 15, Number 5 / May 1976

311-314On the relationship between Killing tensors and Killing-Yano tensorsC. D. Collinson
315-317A simple application of the Newman-Penrose spin coefficient formalism. ITalmadge M. Davis
319-321A simple application of the Newman-Penrose spin coefficient formalism. IITalmadge M. Davis
323-331Some remarks on nonlocal field theory and space-time quantizationPratul Bandyopadhyay and Sisir Roy
333-338Sensitive observables on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spacesD. Fortunato and F. Selleri
339-348Nonperturbative Green's function approach to quantum field theory and arbitrariness of solutionsTetz Yoshimura
349-356Conservation laws for classical and relativistic collisions. IEdward A. Desloge
357-363Conservation laws for classical and relativistic collisions. IIEdward A. Desloge
365-375Quantum measurement theory including initial correlations and observables with continuous spectraH. Spohn
377-387Some structurological remarks on a nonlocal fieldSatoshi Ikeda

Volume 15, Number 6 / June 1976

389-391Uncertainty product for a subensemble of particlesB. Roy Frieden
393-409The interaction of a quantum mechanical oscillator with gravitational radiationN. Gräfe and H. Dehnen
411-415Dynamics of differential rotating sphere and pulsarK. U. Lu
417-426SL(4) as a common symmetry group of electromagnetic and gravitational interactionsO. Holmaas
427-451Geometry and quantizationD. J. R. Lloyd-Evans
453-461The principal series ofSp(n, ℝ)G. Rosensteel and D. J. Rowe
463-471Critical remarks and an open question in the present theory of the electromagnetic self-forceR. L. Ingraham

Volume 15, Number 7 / July 1976

473-486Reinterpretation and extension of Bell's inequality for multivalued observablesA. Baracca, S. Bergia, R. Livi and M. Restignoli
487-495Restored symmetries, quark puzzle, and the Pomeron as a Josephson currentR. Vilela Mendes
497-499On two Lie algebras of linear formsT. S. Shankara
501-511Convergence criteria for the Hartree iterative solution of the general self-consistent field equationsD. J. Rowe and G. Rosensteel
513-520A new particle solution in aesthetic field theoryMurray Muraskin and Beatrice Ring
521-528New solutions in aesthetic field theoryMurray Muraskin and Beatrice Ring
529-540Interacting electromagnetic waves in general relativityJ. B. Griffiths
541-556Aspects of Green's function methods versus self-consistent field theoryAlvin K. Benson

Volume 15, Number 8 / August 1976

557-574The arithmetic basis of special relativityDonald Greenspan
575-593A model of conformal kinematicsAnatol Odzijewicz
595-604The local quantized superfield, CPT, and the connection between spin and statisticsJ. Hrubý
605-615Green's functions in broken discrete symmetryTetz Yoshimura
617-629High-energy collisions and the breakdown of the usual conditions of unitarity and causalityJosip Šoln
631-633Inertia of a nonradiating particleH. Aspden

Volume 15, Number 9 / September 1976

635-641Physical equivalence of theoriesA. Qadir
643-656Comments on models of scalar-tensorial field equations in general relativityColber G. Oliveira
657-672On time-dependent transformation in Newtonian mechanics: Formal theory on the relativity of forceShigeru Ohkuro
673-676Photon rest frames and null geodesicsW. M. Honig
677-689Spontaneous symmetry breaking with quaternionic scalar fields and electron-muon mass ratioF. N. Ndili
691-701Rotational frames and Euclidean connectionShigeru Ohkuro
703-712Thought experiments at superluminal relative velocitiesH. C. Corben
713-716On nonlinear field theories of elementary particlesD. Y. Kim

Volume 15, Number 10 / October 1976

717-721An exterior solution of the einstein field equations for a rotating infinite cylinderMunaim A. Mashkour
723-733A study of the high-energy reaction [`
735-744An extended extremal approach to the definition of the nonlocal photon form factorsE. Papp
745-754SU(3) as a group of broken symmetry in the problems with arbitrary central dynamicsV. B. Serebrennikov and A. E. Shabad
755-771Unit radius and the resolution of inverse square law forcesJ. C. Belcher
773-779New theoretical approach concerning the physical phenomena in space and time, and the action principleM. Broneas
781-784A different theory of anomalous magnetic momentRamesh Chandra
785-791On superposition and entropy in quantum dynamicsAntonio Zecca
793-799Affine connection in Hilbert spaceKenneth J. Epstein

Volume 15, Number 11 / November 1976

801-807Christoffel symbols and inertia in flat space-time theoryJ. Krause
809-814Remark on kàlnay theory of fermions constructed from bosonsPiotr Garbaczewski
815-823Axially symmetric electrovac solutionsS. Banerji and K. C. Das
825-828Nonuniqueness of a massive spin-2 theoryJ. B. Nunes
829-840The second-order effects in the “rotating disk” experimentStefan Marinov
841-845A strong interaction theory with internal coordinatesF. C. Hoh
847-865Quark theory with internal coordinatesF. C. Hoh
867-876Canonical realizations of the lie algebrasp(2n, R)M. Havlíček and W. Lassner
877-884On the “near to minimal” canonical realizations of the lie algebraCnM. Havlíček and W. Lassner

Volume 15, Number 12 / December 1976

885-890Equivalence of the theories of reciprocity and general relativityA. Qadir
891-899A time-symmetric classical electrodynamicsEgon Marx
901-910Indefinite charge for the classical spinor fieldEgon Marx
911-925Hypercomplex number approach to Schwinger's quantum source theoryJames D. Edmonds
927-947Bases for a discrete special relativityM. Lorente
949-959A theory of generally invariant lagrangians for the metric fields. IIDemeter Krupka
961-972A relational theory of physical spaceMario Bunge and Adalberto García Máynez

Volume 16, Number 1 / January 1977

1-6Observable consequences from second-type state vectors of quantum mechanicsD. Fortunato, A. Garuccio and F. Selleri
7-12Quantization of Galilean systemsHelmut Bez
13-33Segmented structuresAlessandro Manià and Antonio Sparzani
35-52Analytic supernova models and black holesRichard C. Adams and Jeffrey M. Cohen
53-55The wigner-lubanski first integral in the Papapetrou-Corinaldesi equations of motionM. Carmeli and Ch. Charach
57-61Construction of the faithful irreducible representation for the subgroupG contained inS7Gerald Rosen
63-79The discrete series ofSp(n,ℝ)G. Rosensteel and D. J. Rowe

Volume 16, Number 2 / February 1977

81-97Generalized Faddeev equations for the many-cluster problemAhmed Osman
99-110An approximation method to solve Einstein's field equations on a curved background metricG. Lessner
111-120Chiral (γ5) symmetry of massless fields and neutrino theory of photonsV. I. Strazhev
121-140Relativistic fluid spheres and noncomoving coordinates. IG. C. McVittie and R. J. Wiltshire
141-145The functional derivative of the radial distribution function for a many-particle boson systemM. E. Grypeos and E. Mavrommatis
147-159Bosons, fermions, and the Feshbach-Villars transformationJosé Vassalo Pereira

Volume 16, Number 3 / March 1977

161-165Quantization postulate in quantum mechanicsTodor Stefanov Todorov
167-176Gravitational energy from a quadratic Lagrangian with torsionCarlos A. López
177-194An elementaryU(2) theory of radiation fields with spinJDavid W. Minaar, Ralph A. Mudgett and Michitoshi Soga
195-199On the asymptotic behavior of dynamical maps for a finite quantum systemAndrzej Posiewnik
201-209On the construction of analytic and crossing symmetric partial wavesP. DitĂ
211-225Paths of spinning particles in general relativity as geodesics of an Einstein connectionR. R. Burman
227-231Pseudopotentials and the inverse scattering problems of the generalized Korteweg-de vries equationHedley C. Morris
233-239On gravitational shock wavesHans-Jürgen Treder and Wolfgang Yourgrau

Volume 16, Number 4 / April 1977

241-247Entropy and gravitationG. Neugebauer
249-257An axiomatic deduction of the pauli spinor theoryH. M. Schwartz
259-272Events and observables in axiomatic quantum mechanicsFrederic W. Shultz
273-285General relativity without tensors in a central fieldMarvin G. Moore
287-298Thermodynamic arrow for a mixing systemL. S. Schulman and R. Shtokhamer
299-306Axioms for nonrelativistic quantum mechanicsW. Guz
307-319Kinematics for the scattering of spacelike momentumH. Lemke

Volume 16, Number 5 / May 1977

321-331Information-theoretical aspects of quantum measurementE. Prugovečki
333-337Contact transformations and conformal group. III. Finite nonrelativistic transformationsJosé M. Cerveró
339-343Contact transformations. IV. Contraction of contact Lie algebrasJosé M. Cerveró
345-350The matrix of a finite rotation in the space of treesG. I. Kuznetsov
351-355The Markov master equations and the Fermi golden ruleRobert Alicki
357-370A few properties of a certain class of degenerate space-timesJerzy K. Kowalczyński and Jerzy F. Plebański
371-388Metric and Ricci tensors for a certain class of space-times ofD typeJerzy K. Kowalczyński and Jerzy F. Plebański
389-399SO(4, 2)-covariant formulation of the Bargmann-Wigner equationsEric A. Lord

Volume 16, Number 6 / June 1977

401-404A new approach to the problem of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electronH. Aspden
405-407On wyler's value for the fine-structure constantRobert L. Pease
409-417Unique distinction of the Lorentz and the anti-de Sitter group in the classical Kepler problemJ. Stickforth
419-424On the rescaling problem of space-times admitting groups of conformal motionsB. Lukács and Á. Sebestyén
425-428A path-dependent approach to colored magnetic monopolesR. Mignani
429-436Analogous riemannian metric description of gravitational and electromagnetic interactionsReinaldo Muñoz
437-442Conditional expectation and commutativity in von Neumann algebrasM. J. Maczyński
443-445On the Bunge-Kalnay position operator for the Dirac electronJ. L. Hindmarsh
447-464Prequantum bundles and projective Hilbert geometriesChristian Günther
465-473On space-time permeated by the perfect magnetofluidG. G. Asgekar and T. H. Date
475-479Comments on the “absolute space-time theory”Zoran Vrcelj

Volume 16, Number 7 / July 1977

481-489On fermi quantum fields constructed from bose quantum fields and their applicationsAndrés J. Kálnay
491-501Is a Bell-type inequality for nondicotomic observables a good test of quantum mechanics?A. Baracca, S. Bergia, F. Cannata, S. Ruffo and M. Savoia
503-515Invariants and radiation of some nonstationary systemsE. V. Ivanova, I. A. Malkin and V. I. Man'ko
517-531Group-induced quantization in central problems in mechanicsV. B. Serebrennikov and A. E. Shabad
533-540On the geometric and algebraic foundation of the spinor formalism and the application to relativistic field equationsW. Ulmer
541-549A characterization of carter's separable space-timesWerner Dietz
551-554Is gravitational dual charge physical?Elihu Lubkin
555-560Comments on Fu's paper on the clock paradox as a cosmological problemMendel Sachs

Volume 16, Number 8 / August 1977

561-565Solutions of the Maxwell and Yang-Mills equations associated with hopf fibringsAndrzej Trautman
567-573The structure of projection-valued states: A generalization of Wigner's theoremRon Wright
575-583Short-range correlations with pseudopotentials. IVAhmed Osman
585-590Einstein gravitation from scalar nonsingular sources aloneJ. A. Souza and A. F.da F. Teixeira
591-601AnO(3, 1) approach to Maxwell's equationsY. Rezvan and M. Samiullah
603-614Rotating frames in special relativity analyzed in light of a recent article by M. StraussØyvind Grøn
615-633On representation spaces in geometric quantizationJedrzej Śniatycki and Stanley Toporowski

Volume 16, Number 9 / September 1977

635-648Poincaré canonical momenta and nambu mechanicsAndrés J. Kálnay and Ricardo Tascón
649-657Method of action-angle variables and the classical dynamics of a nonlinear lagrangianM. Lakshmanan and B. Venkataramanan
659-661Remarks on gauge variables and singular lagrangiansJ. Chela-Flores, R. Jánica-de-la-Torre, A. J. Kálnay, J. Rodríguez-Gómez and J. Rodríguez-Nuñez, et al.
663-670The real geometry of complex space-timesNicholas Woodhouse
671-679Lie algebras and dynamic nonlinear systems containing limit cyclesW. H. Steeb
681-688Symmetries in quantum logicsS. Pulmannová
689-706Quantum statistical mechanics on stochastic phase spaceS. Twareque Ali and Eduard Prugovečki
707-713A note on fuzzy observablesL. M. Morato

Volume 16, Number 10 / October 1977

715-720Information flow, causality, and the classical theory of tachyonsL. Basano
721-728Scattering eikonal for two classical relativistic particlesP. Donato
729-740Regular quantum field theoriesJ. Rayski
741-754Constants of the motion in lagrangian mechanicsM. Crampin
755-761Spin in kink-type field theoriesJ. G. Williams and P. Zvengrowski
763-773Diffraction of long waves by a semi-infinite vertical barrier on a rotating earthGeorge M. Kapoulitsas
775-793Propositional systems and measurements. III. Quasitensorproducts of certain orthomodular latticesK. -E. Hellwig and D. Krausser

Volume 16, Number 11 / November 1977

795-812Relativistic quantum mechanics of the hydrogen atom as the weak-field limit of a nonlinear theoryAntonio F. Rañada
813-827On a class of exact geodesics of the erez-rosen metricAngelo Armenti
829-835Third-order constants of motion in quantum mechanicsS. Datta Majumdar and M. J. Englefield
837-844Analysis of weak neutral currents using light-cone algebraF. N. Ndili and G. C. Chukwumah
845-861Geodesics in rotating systemsD. G. Ashworth and P. A. Davies
863-866Nonlinear classical theory of electromagnetismDaniel Pisello
867-874A relativity principle in quantum mechanicsMartin Davis

Volume 16, Number 12 / December 1977

875-894Neutrino and antineutrino new data and vectorlike modelsF. N. Ndili and G. C. Chukwumah
895-913Differential constants of motion for systems of free gravitating particles. I. Newton's theoryM. Enosh and A. Kovetz
915-936Higgs fields, curved space, and hadron structureP. Roman and J. Haavisto
937-963The fifteen-parameter conformal groupJay P. Fillmore

Volume 17, Number 1 / January 1978

1-4Approach to a theory for the masses of the electron, muon, and heavier charged leptonsGerald Rosen
5-20Gravitational radiation in asymptotic de Sitter spaceLarry L. Smalley
21-32Nuclear and atomic modelsNorman D. Cook
33-41Another look at scattering theoryMartin Schechter
43-76From the classical field with sources to the multipole matrix elementsJ. M. Domingos and H. Pascoal
77-79Answer to “information flow, causality, and the classical theory of Tachyons”Erasmo Recami and Matej Pavšič

Volume 17, Number 2 / February 1978

83-141Space-time operators and the incompatibility of quantum mechanics with both finite-dimensional spinor fields and Lagrangian dynamics in the context of special relativityRobert Alan Coleman
143-147Unified field theory with homotopic chargeDaniel M. Pisello
149-151Remark on the equations δR2gij = 0H. A. Buchdahl
153-162Relativistic fluids in spherically symmetric spaceDipankar Ray

Volume 17, Number 3 / March 1978

163-188A unified view of particles and fields in a simple model of a physical systemM. García-Sucre
189-199Wave optics of the spherical gravitational lens. II. Diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a black holeE. Herlt and H. Stephani
201-217Magnetohydrodynamic kinks in astrophysicsDavid Finkelstein and Daniel Weil
219-226A mathematical model for a set of microsystemsH. Neumann
227-233On the nonequivalency of “right” and “left” in the electrodynamics of moving bodiesKarl Drago Stiegler

Volume 17, Number 4 / April 1978

235-247The monopole conceptP. A. M. Dirac
249-265Dynamics of electron-monopole systemYoichi Kazama
267-273The spin statistics connection for dyonsR. A. Brandt and J. R. Primack
275-286Magnetic monopoles and non-Abelian gauge theoriesWilliam J. Marciano
287-292Some topological configurations in gauge theoriesY. Nambu
293-299Holistic methodsDavid Finkelstein
301-308Monopoles, topology, symmetryPeter G. O. Freund

Volume 17, Number 5 / May 1978

309-318The equivalence principle according to MachBruno Bertotti and Paul Easthope
319-346Differential constants of motion for systems of free gravitating particles. II. General relativityM. Enosh and A. Kovetz
347-352Evidence for a relativistic electron-pair model of nuclear particlesE. J. Sternglass
353-358Conformal invariance of Maxwell's equations with magnetic chargesE. Kyriakopoulos
359-368A theory of generally invariant lagrangians for the metric fields. IDemeter Krupka
369-376The triviality of continuous multipliers for the real lineRafael Sorkin
377-386Modified supersymmetriesPeter G. Bergmann and Arthur B. Komar
387A few properties of a certain class of degenerate space-timesJerzy K. Kowalczyński and Jerzy F. Plebański
388Metric and ricci tensors for a certain class of space-times ofD typeJerzy K. Kowalczyński and Jerzy F. Plebański

Volume 17, Number 6 / June 1978

389-504Space-time edge geometryC. T. J. Dodson

Volume 17, Number 7 / July 1978

505-542On algebras, manifolds, and fibre bundles in physicsYutze Chow
543-548On the simultaneous verifiability of yes-no measurementsWawrzyniec Guz
549-555Is active gravitational mass equal to inertial mass?M. Enosh and A. Kovetz
557-571A formal statement of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argumentJames H. McGrath
573-584First-order invariant Einstein-Cartan variational structuresMichal Horák and Demeter Krupka

Volume 17, Number 8 / August 1978

585-598Wave calculus based upon wave logicYu. F. Orlov
599-609A theorem on maximum varianceWolfgang Textor
611-629Hypothesis of the fundamental length and quantum electrodynamicsIl-Tong Cheon
631-634Long-range scalar field in conformally flat space-timeM. M. Som and N. O. Santos
635-641A-entropy for generalized observablesMarian Grabowski
643-649Gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear theoryDavid Apsel
651-662Tests of gravitational theories using space probesW. Davidson
663-664Light does not tireGeorge L. Murphy

Volume 17, Number 9 / September 1978

665-675Joint distributions of observables on quantum logicsS. Pulmannová
677-684On the generally invariant lagrangians for the metric field and other tensor fieldsJan Novotný
685-707The significance of a hidden variable proof and the logical interpretation of quantum mechanicsDonald Hockney
709-718Canonical decomposition of the general relativistic initial value problemArthur Komar
719-724Metrics of static spheroidal charged dust distributionsSubhendu P. Chakravarti and U. K. De
725-743Time without clocks—An attemptG. Karpman
745Ninth International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation

Volume 17, Number 10 / October 1978

747-852Particle order: A new fundamental concept in Hadron physicsGeorge Weissmann

Volume 17, Number 11 / November 1978

853-929Particle order: A new fundamental concept in Hadron PhysicsGeorge Weissmann

Volume 17, Number 12 / December 1978

931-939Interaction theory: Relativistic hydrogen atom and the Lamb shiftSolomon L. Schwebel
941-955The geometry of generalized quantum logicsThurlow A. Cook
957-974The mathematical foundations of dimensional analysis and the question of fundamental unitsPeter Szekeres
975-983Thin cylindrical shell of dust under rigid rotation in general relativityA. Papapetrou, A. Macedo and M. M. Som
985-992Fock-type representation of the Lie superalgebraA(0, 1)T. D. Palev
993-1002A new approach to the theory of elementary domainsToshiyuki Toyoda and Kunio Yasue

Volume 18, Number 1 / January 1979

1-7Projective geometry for polarizations in geometric quantizationP. Campbell and C. T. J. Dodson
9-15Projective geometry, Lagrangian subspaces, and twistor theoryP. Campbell
17-21Nonlocal structures: Shell effectsRoger E. Clapp
23-40Trilocal structures. II. ExpansionRoger E. Clapp, Evelyn W. Mack, Fay Simons and Joseph A. Wolf
41-65Energy-nonconserving Planck fluctuations and strong forcesStephen M. Phillips
67-75Rotating frames in special relativity. II. Generalized theoryM. Strauss

Volume 18, Number 2 / February 1979

77-93Spinor structure of space-timeKrystyna Bugajska
95-106Geometrical interpretation of spinorsKrystyna Bugajska
107-112A note on conformal field equationsA. Z. Jadczyk
113-128Physical operations, diagram operationsGin McCollum
129-150Electron self-energy, vacuum polarization, and vertex correctionIl-Tong Cheon
151-154Comment on “geodesics in rotating systems”K. McFarlane and N. C. McGill

Volume 18, Number 3 / March 1979

155-164Gravitational radiation from an isolated system ofN bodies in higher multipole momentsDemetrious D. Dionysiou
165-177An application of ideal experiments to quantum mechanical measurement theoryElihu Lubkin
179-184The special-relativistic velocity-addition law and a related functional equationD. K. Sen
185-191On the potentialx2N and the correspondence principleRichard L. Liboff
193-212Geometric quantization and internal symmetryD. J. R. Lloyd-Evans
213-230Time reversal in classical and quantum mechanicsJ. M. Domingos
231-232Book reviewHelmut Biritz

Volume 18, Number 4 / April 1979

233-238A natural one-form for the Schouten concomitantF. J. Bloore and M. Assimakopoulos
239-243Generalization of Gleason's theoremThomas Drisch
245-250Extended Feynman formula for harmonic oscillatorP. A. Horváthy
251-270A new approach to Einstein-Petrov type i spacesS. B. Edgar
271-277Nonlinear diffusion of vacancies in a crystalHiroaki Hara, Shigeji Fujita and Ryuzo Watanabe
279-289Riemannian curvature and the classification of the Riemann and Ricci tensors in space-timeW. J. Cormack and G. S. Hall
291-293Nonlinear lagrangians and Einstein spacesH. F. Goenner
295-304Difference of observability between classical electromagnetic and gravitational gauge fieldsM. Asorey and L. J. Boya
305-308Is quantized electric charge a purely electromagnetic phenomenon?Gerald Rosen

Volume 18, Number 5 / May 1979

309-321On the meaning of the canonical ensembleRafael Sorkin
323-327On the strength of Einstein's unified field equationsGeorge L. Murphy
329-343On relativistic electromagnetic fluid flowsG. Prasad
345-358Dynamics of discrete-space structureI. Dadić and K. Pisk
359-369Hierarchy of symmetry breakings and neutral currents in anSU(6) grand unification modelSuk Koo Yun
371-396Classification of Bianchi cosmologies in conformal flat space-timesGerald E. Tauber

Volume 18, Number 6 / June 1979

397-409On the theory of high-velocity particlesG. V. Gordeyev
411-418Complexified Vaidya's metricM. A. Silva and M. M. Som
419-424Is strong gravity an aspect of strong interaction?M. N. Mahanta
425-432Stability of charged solitonsAjit Kumar, V. P. Nisichenko and Yu. P. Rybakov
433-444A study of solutions to the aesthetic field equationsM. Muraskin

Volume 18, Number 7 / July 1979

445-488On the physical interpretation and the mathematical structure of the combinatorial hierarchyTed Bastin, H. Pierre Noyes, John Amson and Clive W. Kilmister
489-518Toward explaining why events occurPhilip Pearle

Volume 18, Number 8 / August 1979

519-600Schrödinger's catElihu Lubkin

Volume 18, Number 9 / September 1979

601-688Consistent wave equations for families of massive particles with any spinHelmut Biritz

Volume 18, Number 10 / October 1979

689-693The gyromagnetic ratio of the electron in a Coulomb fieldLuis Vázquez
695-714Application of the nonunitary model operator approach to the16O nucleusS. E. Massen
715-723Approximately straight kink theoriesC. J. S. Clarke
725-775Space-time in a simple model of a physical systemM. García-Sucre

Volume 18, Number 11 / November 1979

779-789Kinks and cobordismP. L. Antonelli and J. G. Williams
791-805Spectral properties of products of projections in quantum probability theoryWulf Rehder
807-818Markov process at the velocity of light: The Klein-Gordon statisticN. Cufaro Petroni and J. P. Vigier
819-834Quantum electrodynamics of one scalar particleEgon Marx
835-844Mathematical theory of reduction of physical parameters and similarity analysisK. L. Chan and W. Y. Chau
845-860Broken symmetry of lie groups of transformation generating general relativistic theories of gravitationLeopold Halpern

Volume 18, Number 12 / December 1979

861-913Stochastic quantization: A reviewKunio Yasue
915-922Superposition principle and sectors in quantum logicsS. Pulmannová
923-934Hilbert superspaces and Grassmann numbersJ. W. F. Valle
935-944Families of completely positive mappingsS. P. Gudder

Volume 19, Number 1 / January 1980

1-23Kinks in general relativityA. R. Shastri, J. G. Williams and P. Zvengrowski
25-29Time-reversed information transmissionLila L. Gatlin
31-88Nonlocal structures: Bilocal photonRoger E. Clapp

Volume 19, Number 2 / February 1980

89-98Trilocal structures. I. Secular equationRoger E. Clapp, Evelyn W. Mack, Fay Simons and Joseph A. Wolf
99-126New spinor representation of Maxwell's equations. I. GeneralitiesA. A. Campolattaro
127-138New spinor representation of Maxwell's equations. II. Algebraic propertiesA. A. Campolattaro
139-161Functorial geometric quantization and Van Hove's theoremMark J. Gotay
163-168Proposed test for a hidden variables theoryStanley P. Gudder

Volume 19, Number 3 / March 1980

169-175A definition of the gravitational field inside matterN. K. Kofinti
177-183A spherical cavity in an Einstein UniverseN. K. Kofinti
185-187Some consequences of the nonlocalizability of space-time eventsK. Ruebenbauer
189-209The eightfold way to color geometrodynamicsEckehard W. Mielke
211-215Comments on limits of space-timesFranco Bampi and Roberto Cianci
217-219Isotropy of the velocity of lightK. Ruebenbauer
221-237Quantum logic of sequential events and their objectivistic probabilitiesWulf Rehder
239-250Nelson-brown motion: Some question marksBogdan Mielnik and Göran Tengstrand

Volume 19, Number 4 / April 1980

251-304Logical foundation of quantum mechanicsE. W. Stachow
305-328Charge-field formulation of quantum electrodynamics (QEMED)Darryl Leiter

Volume 19, Number 5 / May 1980

329-345Causality and the group structure of space-timeA. J. Briginshaw
347-368Space-time and spatial geodesies on a rotating sphereK. McFarlane, N. C. McGill and I. H. McKenna
369-378Propositions and orthocomplementation in quantum logicC. Garola
379-392Heavy quark cascade mechanism of tetramuon production by neutrinos in a scale-breaking modelG. C. Chukwumah
393-395Six flavors of quarks but only three flavors of leptonsGerald Rosen
397-404Relativistic Feynman-type integralsKh. Namsrai

Volume 19, Number 6 / June 1980

405-414Lorentz invariance of gravitational Lagrangians in the space of reference framesG. Cognola
415-435QCD predictions for opposite-sign dimuon production rates in a charged-current inclusive neutrino scattering at high energiesG. C. Chukwumah
437-475Geometric model for fundamental particlesE. P. Battey-Pratt and T. J. Racey

Volume 19, Number 7 / July 1980

477-484Dirac mechanics and Landau two-fluid model in4HE IIJesús Rodríguez-Gómez
485-495Application of the maximum algorithm to the lipkin modelWolfgang Textor
497-498Relationship between physical constants and the electron massMiklós Zágoni
499-514Fundamental principles of quantum theorySlawomir Bugajski and Pekka J. Lahti
515-521Empirical topology: Topologies from partially ordered setsA. R. Marlow
523-536Quantum probability zero-one law for sequential terminal eventsWulf Rehder
537-556Quantum interference and the classical limitJ. Anandan
557-560Correspondence-principle condition on the Reissner-Nordström solution for charged leptonsGerald Rosen

Volume 19, Number 8 / August 1980

563-572Growth of discontinuities in chemically reacting relativistic fluidsRishi Ram and H. N. Singh
573-586Torsion and related concepts: An introductory overviewBorut Gogala
587-597Rotation and acceleration as parallel transport in a space-time with torsionBorut Gogala
599-604Two exact models of charged dust collapseS. Chatterjee and S. Banerji
605-628Nonstationary quantum mechanics. I. Time-irreversible noninstantaneous self-reduction to a stationary state of some quantal wave packetsNickola Stefanov Todorov

Volume 19, Number 9 / September 1980

629-634Dirac's superposition of pure states extended to the statistical operatorsAntonio Zecca
635-643Sensitivity of the three-body calculations to different effectsAhmed Osman
645-674Quantum mechanics as relativistic statistics III. A relativistic particle in two-dimensional space-timeYu. A. Rylov
675-680Separability structures and Killing-Yano tensors in vacuum type-D space-times without accelerationM. Demianski and M. Francaviglia
681-691Investigation of the problem of singularities in general relativityUma Basu, Indira Addy and Bidyut Kumar Datta
693-712Weak circulation theorems as a way of distinguishing between generalized gravitation theoriesM. Enosh and A. Kovetz

Volume 19, Number 10 / October 1980

713-724Quark interpretation of the combinatorial hierarchyKari Enqvist
725-740Nonstationary quantum mechanics. II. On the increase of entropy with timeNickola Stefanov Todorov
741-744Diophantine collinearity and lepton massesRobert L. Pease
745-757On the quantum field theoretic origin of a class of Brans-Dicke scalarsA. Das
759-771Relativistic particle mechanicsAndreas Bette
773-788Scattering of long waves in a rotating bifurcated channelGeorge M. Kapoulitsas

Volume 19, Number 11 / November 1980

789-842Uncertainty and complementarity in axiomatic quantum mechanicsPekka J. Lahti
843-866Modal quantum logic and its dialogic foundationF. J. Burghardt

Volume 19, Number 12 / December 1980

867-871A mathematical electronAndre Gleyzal
873-876Quadratic Lagrangians and the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter metricJarkko A. Leiro
877-888Relativistic interactions without fields or potentialsAndreas Bette
889-897“Anomalous” refractive index dispersion curves—a relativistic interpretationClarence A. Gall
899-903Elementary proof of Zeeman's theoremA. J. Briginshaw
905-923Characterization of quantum logicsP. J. Lahti
925-934Quantum theoretical physics is statistical and relativisticCharles Harding

Volume 20, Number 1 / January 1981

1-12Relativistic corrections to the Lagrangian for interacting charged particlesDemetrios D. Dionysiou
13-17Complex mass in nonrelativistic quantum mechanicsAntonín Kyselka
19-50A dilemma in the physics of gravitational fieldsRafael A. Vera
51-62Nonstationary quantum mechanics. III. Quantum mechanics does not incorporate classical physicsNickola Stefanov Todorov
63-68A new derivation for the field of a time-varying charge in Einstein's theoryT. D. Keech and J. F. Corum
69-77Strong gravity and the Yukawa fieldUsha Raut and K. P. Sinha

Volume 20, Number 2 / February 1981

79-87Ensemble expectations for structures on two-dimensional latticesWilliam R. Fuller
89-96An impossible superposition of electromagnetic waves in general relativityL. Karlov
97-103Antiunitary symmetry operators in quantum mechanicsJosé F. Cariñena and Mariano Santander
105-119Spinors, algebraic geometry, and the classification of second-order symmetric tensors in general relativityW. J. Cormack and G. S. Hall
121-146Trilocal structures. III. Expansion in tree functionsRoger E. Clapp, Evelyn W. Mack, Fay Simons and Joseph A. Wolf

Volume 20, Number 3 / March 1981

147-169Propositional systems in local field theoriesMiklós Banai
171-189Nuclear spectral energy functions beyond the shell modelGeorge L. Strobel
191-230The superposition of the states and the logic approach to quantum mechanicsAntonio Zecca

Volume 20, Number 4 / April 1981

231-256Dual geometric field theoryJ. E. Rankin
257-261Electromagnetic effects in unified field theoryLi Wang
263-268Generalized Borel law and quantum probabilitiesS. Bugajski and Z. Motyka
269-289Nonstationary quantum mechanics. IV. Nonadiabatic properties of the Schrödinger equation in adiabatic processesNickola Stefanov Todorov
291-295Escape of photons from an infinite cylinder in Brans-Dicke theory of gravitationA. Banerjee and D. Bhattacharya
297-309General relativistic theory of gravitation exhibiting complete group covarianceLeopold Halpern
311-313Book reviewJoseph Ford

Volume 20, Number 5 / May 1981

315-329Static perfect fluid in Brans-Dicke theoryA. Banerjee and N. O. Santos
331-338Axially symmetric Brans-Dicke-Maxwell solutionsS. Chatterjee
339-348Nonstationary quantum mechanics. V. Nonstationary quantum models of scatteringNickola Stefanov Todorov
349-354Conformally flat charged dustA. Banerjee and M. M. Som
355-363Aesthetic fields: A topological particleM. Muraskin
365-375Nonlocal stochastic model for the free scalar field theoryKh. Namsrai
377-382Gravitational field of a sphere composed of concentric shellsA. L. Mehra
383-395Expectation and transition probabilityStanley P. Gudder

Volume 20, Number 6 / June 1981

397-409Appearance of a relativistically rotating diskKeith McFarlane
411-431Inertial frames of reference: Mass coupling to space and timeW. Schommers
433-441Generalized plane gravitational wavesA. Kellner
443-450Determinism in space-timeFolkert Müller-Hoissen
451-456On states on the product of logicsV. Maňasová and P. Pták
457-479Geometrical derivation of the Klein-Gordon equationDaniel C. Galehouse

Volume 20, Number 7 / July 1981

481-489Nucleon-nucleon interaction in the three-nucleon systemAhmed Osman
491-501Feynman's relativistic chessboard as an ising modelH. A. Gersch
503-517Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory: Fermions, gauge fields, and supersymmetry part I: Lattice field theoriesDavid A. Edwards
519-562Trilocal structures. IV. momentum-dependent tree functionsRoger E. Clapp, Evelyn W. Mack, Fay Simons and Joseph A. Wolf

Volume 20, Number 8 / August 1981

563-617Gauge fields with torsionM. W. Kalinowski
619-643Finite-dimensional quantum mechanicsS. Gudder and V. Naroditsky

Volume 20, Number 9 / September 1981

645-670Symmetries and conservation laws for generalized hamiltonian systemsF. Cantrijn and W. Sarlet
671-680A generalized field theory. II. Linearized field equationsF. I. Mikhail and M. I. Wanas
681-696Interpretation of quantum mechanics as a theory of extended particlesC. K. Raju
697-707Rotational symmetry and Dirac's monopolePéter A. Horváthy
709-722Some cylindrical symmetric nonstatic perfect fluid distributions in general relativity with pressure equal to densityS. R. Roy and S. Narain

Volume 20, Number 10 / October 1981

723-738Algebras for flavor quantum numbersJosip Šoln
739-747n-Dimensional representations of the unified field tensor*gλνKyung Tae Chung and Tae Sik Han
749-754Hierarchical scales and “family” of black holesKh. Namsrai
755-773Finite-dimensional quantum mechanics of a particleR. Jagannathan, T. S. Santhanam and R. Vasudevan
775-785Spherically symmetric conformally flat distributions of charged dust and zero-mass scalar fieldsJ. R. Rao and R. T. Singh
787-807Space-time trajectories of quantum particlesDaniel C. Galehouse

Volume 20, Number 11 / November 1981

809-819Rigid motions in relativityJ. Martínez Salas and J. M. Gambí Fernández
821-830Discrete dynamical equations in Minkowski spaceJerzy Albrycht and Andrzej Marciniak
831-841Gravitational vacuum hypothesis and cosmology with variable particle numberK. P. Staniukovich, V. N. Melnikov and K. A. Bronnikov
843-879GeometroelectrodynamicsMatti Pitkanen
881-890Superrenormalizable quantum electrodynamics inn⩾4Jerzy Rayski

Volume 20, Number 12 / December 1981

891-904Prequantization and KMS structuresGérard G. Emch
905-910Completeness of the Alexandrov topology for space-timeK. J. McWilliams
911-919Particle motion in Bell-Szekeres space-timeMustafa Halil
921-956Perturbation theory for three-particle Coulomb scatteringJ. Zorbas

Volume 21, Number 1 / January 1982

1-35Quantum theory of spin-3/2 field in Einstein spacesAmitabha Sen
37-53The wave logic of consciousness: A hypothesisYuri F. Orlov
55-61Extended space-time and the interpretation of wave functionsA. I. Macfarlane
63-82Nonlinear approach to electrodynamicsR. Righi and G. Venturi

Volume 21, Number 2 / February 1982

83-103Variance and covariance in quantum mechanics and the spreading of position probabilityJ. E. G. Farina
105-119Cylindrically symmetric Zel'dovich fluid distributions in general theory of relativityG. Mohanty, R. N. Tiwari and J. R. Rao
121-148Lorentz transformation on the latticeR. I. Arshansky
149-150Quantum theoretical physics is statistical and relativistic. IICharles Harding
151-161Second-order tangent structuresC. T. J. Dodson and M. S. Radivoiovici

Volume 21, Numbers 3-4 / April 1982

165-175Physics and computationTommaso Toffoli
177-201Quantum mechanical Hamiltonian models of discrete processes that erase their own histories: Application to Turing machinesPaul A. Benioff
203-217Minimum energy requirements of information transfer and computingHans J. Bremermann
219-253Conservative logicEdward Fredkin and Tommaso Toffoli
255-262New computer architectures and their relationship to physics or why computer science is no goodW. Daniel Hillis
263-273Communication in computationRobert W. Keyes
275-282Fluctuations and dissipation in an elementary one-bit information Storage SystemMadhu S. Gupta
283-297Uncertainty principle and minimal energy dissipation in the computerRolf Landauer
299-309Physical limitations of rate, depth, and minimum energy in information processingL. B. Levitin
311-326Classical and quantum limitations on energy consumption in computationK. K. Likharev
327-350Physics of selective systems: Computation and biologyJerome Rothstein

Volume 21, Number 5 / May 1982

351-362Finite-dimensional quantum mechanics of a particle. IIR. Jagannathan and T. S. Santhanam
363-367Calculation of oscillator strengths for P III, S IV, Cl V, and Ar VIP. S. Ganas
369-381Energy fluctuations of thermodynamic systems: Higher momentsH. A. Buchdahl
383-390Mass-energy in static gravitational fieldsCheng-Deng Kuo
391-396Equation of geodesic deviation and killing tensorsG. Caviglia, C. Zordan and F. Salmistraro
397-417Polygonal-path approximations on the path spaces of quantum-mechanical systemsP. Exner and G. I. Kolerov
419-430Linearized solution of isentropic motions of a perfect fluid in general relativityIndira Addy and Bidyut Kumar Datta
431Physics of computation

Volume 21, Numbers 6-7 / June 1982

433-466Symbolic dynamics of one-dimensional maps: Entropies, finite precision, and noiseJ. P. Crutchfield and N. H. Packard
467-488Simulating physics with computersRichard P. Feynman
489-503Quantum sets and clifford algebrasDavid Finkelstein
505-523Deterministic computer physicsDonald Greenspan
525-535An informal partial overview of information mechanicsFrederick W. Kantor
537-551Cellular VacuumMarvin Minsky
553-555Noncomputability in models of physical phenomenaMarian Boykan Pour-El and Ian Richards
557-572The computer and the universeJohn Archibald Wheeler
573-588Discrete event models for cell space simulationBernard P. Zeigler
589-600The computing universeKonrad Zuse
601This special issue is dedicated to paul adrien Maurice Dirac on the occasion of his 80th birthday

Volume 21, Numbers 8-9 / August 1982

603-605Pretty mathematicsP. A. M. Dirac
607-632Large numbers hypothesis. I. Classical formalismPeter J. Adams
665-672Large number hypothesis and the matter-dominated universeItzhak Goldman
673-683Meaning of a varying gravitational constantS. -H. Hsieh
685-702Gauge invariance and the dirac equationDonald H. Kobe
703-753Scalar and neutrino fields in the Gödel universeD. A. Leahy

Volume 21, Numbers 10-11 / October 1982

755-756This special issue is dedicated to Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac on the occasion of his 80th birthdayA. R. Marlow
757-763Semiclassical expanding discrete space-timesWesley K. Cobb and Larry L. Smalley
765-790Electrodynamics: A consequence of nonlinear realizations of the Lorentz groupBill Dalton
791-802Generalizations of gravitational theory based on group covarianceLeopold Halpern
803-828Quantum mechanics and geometric analysis on manifoldsRobert Hermann
829-836Wave equation of symmetry constrained Dirac particlesJaime Keller
837-849Relativity from quantum theoryA. R. Marlow
851-869Covariant chronogeometry and extreme distances. III. Macro-micro relationsI. E. Segal
871-902Relativity and quantum mechanicsHüseyin Yilmaz

Volume 21, Number 12 / December 1982

903Physics of Computation
905-940The thermodynamics of computation—a reviewCharles H. Bennett
941-954Gödel's theorem and informationGregory J. Chaitin
955-960Magnetic-bubble conservative logicHsu Chang
961-971Causal nets or what is a deterministic computation?Péter Gács and Leonid A. Levin
973-978Symbolic space determinations on physical limitationsPanos A. Ligomenides
979-992State-transition structures in physics and in computationC. A. Petri
993-1005Modular implementation of concurrencyLutz Priese
1007-1015Some remarks about the “efficiency” of polyautomataR. Vollmar

Volume 22, Number 1 / January 1983

1-18Geometric quantization in the presence of an electromagnetic fieldV. Aldaya and J. A. de Azcárraga
19-28Classical approach to quantum theoryJack Cohn
29-53Second quantization, projective modules, and local gauge invarianceS. A. Selesnick
55-66Quantization and meaning of observables linear in momentumKeith McFarlane and Kay-Kong Wan
67-72Principle of equivalence and electromagnetismB. Léauté and B. Linet
73-82Modified Robertson-Walker metric and matter-antimatter asymmetryL. Corsiglia
83-86Growth of discontinuities in relativistic fluidsV. D. Sharma
87-92Large-scale structure of isotropic homogeneous turbulenceGerald Rosen
93Nonlinear approach to electrodynamicsR. Righi and G. Venturi
93Discrete dynamical equations in minkowski spaceJerzy Albrycht and Andrzej Marciniak

Volume 22, Number 2 / February 1983

97-106Affine Maczyński logics on compact convex sets of statesJ. Pykacz
107-130Calculus on complex Banach spacesJ. Pian and C. S. Sharma
131-192Electromagnetic and weak interactions in stochastic space-time: A reviewKh. Namsrai and M. Dineykhan
193-206Induced decay of positronium and grasersDaniel M. Heffernan and Richard L. Liboff
207-208Minimization principle for the unit of electric chargeGerald Rosen

Volume 22, Number 3 / March 1983

209-217Conformally invariant gravitational waves in a modified gravitational theoryS. N. Pandey
219-235Hamilton-Jacobi expansion of the scattering amplitudeAlton C. Williams
237-241Conformally flat null electromagnetic fieldM. M. Som, M. P. Martins and A. Banerjee
243-249Sphere emitting charged null fluid in Einstein's universeS. C. Thaker and L. K. Patel
251-260Conformally flat space-times of locally constant connection. IB. H. Voorhees
261-266Conformally flat spaces of locally constant connection. IIB. H. Voorhees
267-291Coherence and incompatability inWu* -algebraic quantum theoryGuido A. Raggio and Alfred Rieckers

Volume 22, Number 4 / April 1983

293-314Relativistic quantum logicPeter Mittelstaedt
315-321Decoupling theorem of quantum field theory in Minkowski spaceEdward B. Manoukian
323-328Does the electromagnetic mass of an electron depend on where it is?P. W. Milonni
329-340Reflections on quantum logicB. Z. Moroz
341-353Coulomb forces in the three-body problem with application to direct nuclear reactionsAhmed Osman
355-357Dirac-Schwinger commutation relations on a latticeAsher Peres
359-361Localizability and coupling constantsAndrés J. Kálnay
363-368Viscous fluid in static spherically symmetric space-timeS. R. Maiti
369-376Minimal number of operators for observability ofN-level quantum systemsA. Jamiołkowski
377-384Bell's theorem and backwards-in-time causalityRoderick I. Sutherland

Volume 22, Number 5 / May 1983

385-396Vanishing of the cosmological constant in non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein theoriesM. W. Kalinowski
397-420Geometric dequantization and the correspondence problemGérard G. Emch
421-436Large numbers hypothesis. II. Electromagnetic radiationPeter J. Adams
437-460Large numbers hypothesis. III. Kinetic theory, statistical physics, and thermodynamicsPeter J. Adams
461-467Large numbers hypothesis. IV. The cosmological constant and quantum physicsPeter J. Adams
469-476Algebraic determination of the metric from the curvature in general relativityG. S. Hall and C. B. G. McIntosh

Volume 22, Number 6 / June 1983

477-483Protational monopoles, non-Riemannian geometry, and quasarsGeorge L. Murphy
485-515Vertex calculation for a composite particleAndrea Raspini
517-540Analysis of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment by relativistic quantum logicP. Mittelstaedt and E. W. Stachow
541-555Electrostatics of the point dipole and higher multipolesE. G. Peter Rowe and C. Trout
557-574Harmonic analysis on the space-time gauge continuumDavid D. Bleecker

Volume 22, Number 7 / July 1983

575-651Topological geometrodynamicsMatti Juhani Pitkänen
653-675Fractional angular momentum, fractional charge, and oscillatorsElihu Lubkin

Volume 22, Number 8 / August 1983

677-689Finite quantum field theory and neutrinodynamicsPratul Bandyopadhyay, Brahmananda Bhattacharya and Harish Sarkar
691-722Elementary particle states based on the Clifford algebraC7S. A. Basri and A. O. Barut
723-752Classical and quantal Einstein relativistic two-particle systemsT. Aaberge
753-779Computational complementarityDavid Finkelstein and Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein

Volume 22, Number 9 / September 1983

781-802Causality between preparation and registration processes in relativistic quantum theoryHolger Neumann and Reinhard Werner
803-820Reformulating classical and quantum mechanics in terms of a unified set of consistency conditionsRobert F. Bordley
821-827“Optical appearance” of a rolling ringØ. GrØn
829-836Logicoalgebraic approach to Lagrangian systemsF. Barone and R. Grassini
837-850Coupling of quantum logicsS. Pulmannovà
851-865Extension of relativistic kinematicsT. Aaberge
867-871Compatibility of a closed singular universe with present observational dataA. G. Agnese and M. La Camera

Volume 22, Number 10 / October 1983

873-885Transformations between inertial and linearly accelerated frames of referenceD. G. Ashworth
887-893Field equations of the gauge theory of gravitation originate from a quadratic Lagrangian with torsionBorut Gogala
895-898Quark massesS. R. Maity, S. N. Das and S. K. Sarkar
899-909Classical Lorentz-invariant theory of systems with self-action: Lagrangian formulationYu. B. Movsesyantz
911-929Hilbertian quantum theory as the theory of complementarityPekka J. Lahti
931-946Inverse problem in classical mechanics: Dissipative systemsR. de Ritis, G. Marmo, G. Platania and P. Scudellaro
947-970A finite-dimensional quark modelStanley P. Gudder

Volume 22, Number 11 / November 1983

971-979Geodesic focusing and space-time topologyKjell Rosquist
981-996Homotopy construction of a spinor wave functionalP. L. Antonelli and J. G. Williams
997-1021Production of charged multileptons in¯pp collisionsG. C. Chukwumah
1023-1036Quantum conformal fluctuations and stationary statesT. Padmanabhan
1037-1049Search for elementary quantum statisticsCarlos A. González-Bernardo and Andrés J. Kálnay
1051-1065Dynamical symmetries of the Geodesic equationGiacomo Caviglia

Volume 22, Number 12 / December 1983

1067-1089Physical constants as cosmological constraintsSaul -Paul Sirag
1091-1104A quantitative occam's razorRafael Sorkin
1105-1121Finite-dimensional quantum mechanics of a particle. III. The Weylian quantum mechanics of confined quarksR. Jagannathan
1123-1127Axially symmetric solutions in general scalar-tensor theoryS. Chatterjee and A. Banerjee
1129-1139Statistical interpretation of the Planck constant and the uncertainty relationH. Ioannidou
1141-1152Quantum mechanics and the local observerYvon Gauthier

Volume 23, Number 1 / January 1984

1-14Group contraction and the nine Cayley-Klein geometriesM. A. Fernández Sanjuan
15-25Three-body model for stripping nuclear reactionsAhmed Osman
27-60Critical comments on the discussion about tachyonic causal paradoxes and on the concept of superluminal reference frameJerzy Klemens Kowalczyński
61-66Group fields, gravity, and angular momentumJ. G. Williams and David Finkelstein
67-97Sheaf models and massless fieldsRichard Jozsa

Volume 23, Number 2 / February 1984

99-124New approach to perturbation theory of many-particle systemsC. J. Lambert and W. E. Hagston
125-129Maximal indecomposable past sets and event horizonsAndrzej Królak
131-146Spinor fields in non-abelian Klein-Kaluza theoriesM. W. Kalinowski
147-156Quantum mechanics as a stochastic process with aU(1) degree of freedomB. Rosenstein
157-184Foundations of phase-space quantum mechanicsW. Guz
185-194Lorentz invariance, approach to helicity, and gauge transformations for Spin-1Tino Ahrens
195Relativistic corrections to the Lagrangian for interacting charged particlesDemetrios D. Dionysiou
195Relativity and quantum mechanicsHüseyin Yilmaz

Volume 23, Number 3 / March 1984

197-216Geometry of theSU3 groupJerome Epstein and E. L. Schucking
217-226Quantum logics derived from asymmetric Mielnik formsPlaton C. Deliyannis
227-232Classical limit of a relativistic quantum systemHans H. Grelland
233-249Third quantization formalism for Hamiltonian cosmologiesN. Caderni and M. Martellini
251-294Polarized electron scattering on spin zero and polarized spin-1/2 targets: Deep inelastic scattering, elastic electron-muon scattering, and elastic electron-nucleon scatteringTheodore Garavaglia

Volume 23, Number 4 / April 1984

295-300Are Goldstone neutrinos responsible for the solar neutrino puzzle?A. Das
301-323Complete Gauge theory for the whole Poincaré groupR. Aldrovandi and E. Stédile
325-333Conditional stability of multiple-charged solitonsYu. P. Rybakov and S. Chakrabarti
335-350Scattering of Klein-Gordon and Maxwell waves by an Ellis geometryGérard Clément
351-358Bound states of a gravitational soliton and a test particleGérard Clément
359-393Eight-dimensional spinor representation of the Poincaré groupG. H. Derrick

Volume 23, Number 5 / May 1984

395-406The preferred null symmetries of a null electromagnetic field interacting with a null free gravitational fieldL. Radhakrishna and S. P. Gumaste
407-415Inadequacy of hydrodynamical theories of the Aharonov-Bohm effectA. Joseph Zuchelli
417-423Infinite conductivity and perfect diamagnetism in type-I superconductorsG. Papini
425-439Segal's mechanism for the red shift and its physical basesJan Tarski
441-448Application of Schiff's rotating-frame electrodynamicsØ. Grøn
449-459Sigma model for Ernst equation: Lax representation, Bäcklund transformation and divergence-free currentsE. V. Doktorov and A. N. Tarakanov
461-467Conserved quantities, invariant forms, and dynamical symmetriesGiacomo Caviglia
469-474Particle production by charges in condensed matterMiroslav Pardy
475-496Canonical quantization of 1+1 dimensional gravityTom Banks and Leonard Susskind
497-498Reflections on quantum logicB. Z. Moroz

Volume 23, Number 6 / June 1984

499-534Trilocal structures. V. Wave equationsRoger E. Clapp, Evelyn W. Mack, Fay Simons and Joseph A. Wolf
535-566Electrodynamical origins of Einstein's theory of general relativityF. R. Hickman
567-568Feynman's formula for a harmonic oscillatorI. H. Dura
569-574Gravitation as an averaged theoryM. N. Mahanta
575-583Generalization of Lagrangian dynamicsB. V. Pomorišac

Volume 23, Number 7 / July 1984

585-627Stochastic interpretations of nonrelativistic quantum theoryB. H. Lavenda and E. Santamato
629-641Tensor product of generalized sample spacesPatricia F. Lock and Robin H. Lock
643-674Introduction to Majorana massesPhilip D. Mannheim

Volume 23, Number 8 / August 1984

675Guest editor's introduction for the Second New Orleans Conference on Quantum Theory and Gravitation, Loyola University, New Orleans, May, 1983A. R. Marlow
677-681The future of atomic physicsP. A. M. Dirac
683-699Rotational splitting of global solar oscillations and its relevance to tests of general relativityHenry A. Hill
701-711“Time” replaced by quantum correlationsWilliam K. Wootters
713-723Quantum effects, inflationary model, and observable universeMarek Demianski
725-733Can inflation explain the second law of thermodynamics?Don N. Page
735-750Physics from theG-bundle viewpointDavid D. Bleecker
751-769New connection between spinors and geometryBill Dalton
771-775An algebraic approach to quantum field theory and commutation relations for energy momentum in the framework of general relativityJoseph I. Goldman
777-781Geometric quantization in many-body physicsGeorge Rosensteel

Volume 23, Number 9 / September 1984

783-799Relativistic quantum mechanics over stochastic phase spaceJ. A. Brooke
801-815The geometry of grand unificationThomas R. Love
817-837Space-time dual geometry theory of elementary particles and their interaction fieldsJaime Keller
839-842Quantum geometry from coordinate transformations relating quantum observersDave Pandres
843-862A geometrical theory of spin motionLeopold Halpern
863-886Relativistic physics from quantum theoryA. R. Marlow
887-894The quantum pentacleDavid Finkelstein and Ernesto Rodriguez
895-928Grassmann-Cartan algebra and Klein-Gordon equationsJerzy F. Plebański

Volume 23, Number 10 / October 1984

929-940Nondeterminism can be causalMichael J. Manthey
941-947Charge-magnetic-dipole bound states using the Klein-Gordon equationG. Bruce Mainland and David M. Scott
949-985Operator-valued connections, Lie connections, and Gauge field theoryDominic G. B. Edelen
987-990The Hypothesis of theV−A fermion current dominance and neutral current interactionsJosip Šoln
991-999Scattering of a Klein-Gordon particle by a black holeN. K. Kofinti
1001-1008Riemann curvature tensor in nonholonomic coordinates and non-Riemannian space-timesLarry L. Smalley
1009-1024Gravitation and irreversibilityAlexander Neacsu
1025-1027Requiem for the Born-Infeld electronGeorge L. Murphy
1029-1030Statistical theory & random matrices

Volume 23, Number 11 / November 1984

1031-1041Space-time structure near particles and its influence on particle behaviorKh. Namsrai
1043-1063Quantum relativity theory and quantum space-timeMiklós Banai
1065-1098Relativity of topology and dynamicsDavid Finkelstein and Ernesto Rodriguez

Volume 23, Number 12 / December 1984

1099-1104Extended feynman formula for forced harmonic oscillatorBin Kang Cheng
1105-1127Calculation of the propagator for a time-dependent damped, forced harmonic oscillator using the Schwinger action principleLuis F. Urrutia and Eduardo Hernández
1129-1139Power counting and regularization through loop integrations for multiple Feynman integrals in Minkowski spaceEdward B. Manoukian
1141-1169Scattering theory, cross sections, and the lattice of propositionsJ. E. G. Farina
1171-1196Modalities and quantum mechanicsF. J. Burghardt
1197-1205Hadron physics and transfinite set theoryB. W. Augenstein
1207-1219Alternative models of the real number line in physicsD. K. Ross

Volume 24, Number 1 / January 1985

1-41Quantum theory as a universal physical theoryDavid Deutsch
43-53Connections among quantum logics. Part 1. Quantum propositional logicsPatricia F. Lock and Gary M. Hardegree
55-61Connections among quantum logics. Part 2. Quantum event logicsPatricia F. Lock and Gary M. Hardegree
63-92Indeterminacy relations and simultaneous measurements in quantum theoryPaul Busch
93-97Identity for harmonic oscillator bracketsK. Srinivasa Rao
99-107Mach's principle. Part 1. Initial state of the universe the universeBoris L. Altshuler
109-118Mach's principle. Part 2. Realization of Dirac's hypothesis in Brans-Dicke theory with cosmological termBoris L. Altshuler

Volume 24, Number 2 / February 1985

119-134Entropy and irreversibility for a single isolated two level system: New individual quantum states and new nonlinear equation of motionGian Paolo Beretta
135-140On some definition of physical stateAndrzej Posiewnik
141-154Cohomology, central extensions, and (dynamical) groupsV. Aldaya and J. A. Azcárraga
155-174Particle masses, force constants, and Spin(8)Frank D. (Tony) Smith
175-178Von neumann entropy as information rateJohn F. Cyranski
179-192Adiabatic approximation forW* quantum systems with particles of massm,M as (m/M)1/2→0Hans H. Grelland
193-200Category theoretical construction of the figure of statesAndrzej Posiewnik
201-216Calculation of the strong coupling, αs, from considerations of virtual synchrotron radiation resulting in hadron pair emissionD. White
217-221Scalar charged particle in the Lorentz gaugeEgon Marx

Volume 24, Number 3 / March 1985

223-236Transformations in special relativityLouis H. Kauffman
237-253Continuous symmetries of three-dimensional diffusion equationsW. -H. Steeb
255-265Similarity solutions of the Euler equation and the Navier-Stokes equation in two space dimensionsA. Grauel and W. -H. Steeb
267-275Stationary solutions in three-dimensional general relativityGérard Clément
277-327Stochastic dynamics: A review of stochastic calculus of variationsJ. C. Zambrini

Volume 24, Number 4 / April 1985

329-341Ultimate stochastic entitiesDavid W. Cohen and James Henle
343-353Amplitude phase-space model for quantum mechanicsStanley P. Gudder
355-366Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and optimal state description of hadron-hadron scatteringD. B. Ion and H. Scutaru
367-375Five-dimensional null-cone structure of big bang singularityS. Lauro and E. L. Schucking
377-390Helmholtz conditions, covariance, and invariance identitiesGiacomo Caviglia
391-400The development of ideas in twistor theoryS. A. Huggett
401-406Dual electromagnetism and magnetic monopolesJosip Šoln
407-422Identical particles and the simplicial categoryG. V. Khatcherian

Volume 24, Number 5 / May 1985

423-433Embedding of posets into lattices in quantum logicClaudio Garola
435-440Logicoalgebraic foundations of contact mechanicsF. Barone and R. Grassini
441-455Quantum statistics in a simple model of space-timeM. García-Sucre
457-465Perturbed characteristic functions, II second-order perturbationH. A. Buchdahl
467-479Orbital equations in a weak gravitational fieldJ. M. Gambi
481-493Fuzzy σ algebras of physicsW. Guz
495-503Toward a universal LagrangianJacek M. Rayski
505-531Approximate weinberg mixingPhilip D. Mannheim

Volume 24, Number 6 / June 1985

533-556Nonlinear diffusion and Nelson-Brown movementAndrzej Trzesowski and Romuald Kotowski
557-569Stochastic processes of a quantum stateM. T. Jaekel and D. Pignon
571-577New exact solutions of the Yang-Mills field equationsKh. Huleihil
579-613Isomorphic shell model for closed-shell nucleiG. S. Anagnostatos
615-631Massless and massive quanta resulting from a mediumlike metric tensorJosip Šoln
633-637Prolongation structure of a new integrable systemA. Roy Chowdhury and S. Paul
639-651A generalized field theoryM. I. Wanas
653-657Transverse waves in a relativistic rigid bodyL. Bento

Volume 24, Number 7 / July 1985

659-673Direct gauging of the Poincaré groupDominic G. B. Edelen
675-683SL(2,C) gravitational conserved current and Noether's theoremN. Nissani
685-700The composite electronEgon Marx
701-705The structure of the nucleonM. Sekine
707-721Finite-dimensional relativistic quantum mechanicsStanley P. Gudder
723-730Geometrical interpretation of Inönü-Wigner contractionsEric A. Lord
731-739Isotropic coordinates and Schwarzschild metricH. A. Buchdahl

Volume 24, Number 8 / August 1985

741-773Quantized space-time and consequencesKh. Namsrai
775-821Topological geometrodynamics. I. Basic theoretical frameworkMatti Pitkänen
823-871Topological geometrodynamics. II. Semiclassical theoryMatti Pitkänen

Volume 24, Number 9 / September 1985

873-876Cosmic numbers and quantum theoryJan Tarski
877-900Dirac's large numbers hypothesis in Einstein's theory of gravitationRonald Gautreau
901-949Perturbative QED and QCD at finite temperatures and densitiesT. Toimela
951-955Lattice operations between observables in axiomatic quantum mechanicsD. Dorninger

Volume 24, Number 10 / October 1985

957-969Program of quantization of nonlinear theoriesM. W. Kalinowski
971-981SO(5, 1) dynamical symmetry for electron ZitterbewegungS. A. Bruce and P. C. Minning
983-986Saalschutzians and Racah coefficientsK. Srinivasa Rao and V. Rajeswari
987-1000Geometrical aspects of magnetic monopolesPratul Bandyopadhyay and Sisir Roy
1001-1008Effect of magnetic field on nonlinear interactions of electromagnetic and surface waves in a plasma layerSh. M. Khalil, N. M. El-Siragy, I. A. El-Naggar and R. N. El-Sherif
1009-1017Inhomogeneous cosmologies: The cosmic peeling-off property of gravityM. Carmeli and A. Feinstein
1019-1050Wave equation for a magnetic monopoleGeorges Lochak

Volume 24, Number 11 / November 1985

1051-1080Fundamental principles of quantum theory. II. From a convexity scheme to the DHB theoryPekka J. Lahti and Slawomir Bugajski
1081-1089Extended class of metric tensors in relativityColber G. Oliveira
1091-1111Direct gauging of the Poincaré group. IIDominic G. B. Edelen
1113-1131Banach spaces of weights on quasimanualsThurlow A. Cook
1133-1141Direct gauging of the poincaré group. III. Interactions with internal symmetriesDominic G. B. Edelen

Volume 24, Number 12 / December 1985

1143-1157Uncontrollable computational growth in theoretical physicsR. Cuykendall
1159-1164Static planar domain wall in general relativity with a cosmological constantB. Linet
1165-1172The energy-momentum tensor in Yang-Mills field theory and its uniquenessRicardo J. Noriega and Claudio G. Schifini
1173-1190Direct gauging of the Poincaré group. IV. Curvature, holonomy, spin, and gravityDominic G. B. Edelen
1191-1195Duality-invariant orthogonality relation between the magnetic monopole and associated quark chargesGerald Rosen
1197-1215Quantized space-time, torsion, and magnetic monopolesM. Dineykhan and Kh. Namsrai
1217-1231Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and extremal problems for scattering of particles with arbitrary spinsD. B. Ion
1233-1258Effect of irreversible atomic relaxation on resonance fluorescence, absorption, and stimulated emissionGian Paolo Beretta

Volume 25, Number 1 / January 1986

1-6An estimation of the fine structure constant using fiber bundlesD. K. Ross
7-54Topological geometrodynamics. III. Quantum theoryMatti Pitkänen
55-65Space-time groups for the latticeMiguel Lorente
67-74Kronecker products of matrices and an application to Fermi systemsC. M. Villet and W. -H. Steeb
75-88Propagator for the anisotropic three-dimensional charged harmonic oscillator in a constant magnetic field using the Schwinger action principleL. F. Urrutia and C. Manterola
89-94Rotational relativity theoryM. Carmeli
95-111Asymptotic thermodynamic criteria for the persistency of metastable statesB. H. Lavenda and C. Cardella
113-115Book reviewsJoseph Ford

Volume 25, Number 2 / February 1986

117-138Toward finite quantum field theoriesS. Rajpoot and J. G. Taylor
139-146Composite variational principles, added variables, and constants of motionGiacomo Caviglia
147-158Exact solutions for stimulated emissions by external sourcesEdward B. Manoukian
159-174Feynman path integrals in the young double-slit experimentH. Yabuki
175-193Relativistic orbital perturbations in a weak gravitational fieldJ. M. Gambi and A. San Miguel
195-198Cosmic lorentz transformationM. Carmeli
199-205Almost periodic solutions to SO(2,1)σ-model field theoryA. Roy Chowdhury and Shankar Basak
207-213Variational approach to the Hamiltonian structure of a new hierarchy of nonlinear equationsA. Roy Chowdhury and Swapna Roy

Volume 25, Number 3 / March 1986

215-238Quantum gravity and the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanicsLee Smolin
239-246Constructive description of the compact set of statesA. Posiewnik and J. Pykacz
247-253Rishon constituents of higher-generation leptons and a global conservation lawS. N. Das
255-271Toward a comprehensive theory for He II. I. A zero-temperature hybrid approachH. B. Ghassib and A. M. Khudeir
273-291Toward a comprehensive theory for He II. II. A temperature-dependent field-theoretic approachJ. Chela-Flores and H. B. Ghassib
293-317Cosmology with time-varyingGAntonio Alfonso-Faus
319-326Lie-Backlund vector fields for the nonlinear system,Qt=AQxx+F(Qx, Q)A. Roy Chowdhury and Shibani Sen

Volume 25, Number 4 / April 1986

327-345Kaluza, Klein, confinement, and nuclear forcesM. W. Kalinowski
347-353ISO(3, 1) gauge theory of gravityShao Changgui and Xu Bangqing
355-403Spin(8) gauge field theoryFrank D. (Tony) Smith
405-423Physical structure of the energy-momentum tensor in General RelativityG. S. Hall and D. A. Negm
425-433New approach to Einstein-Petrov type I spaces. II. A classification schemeS. B. Edgar
435-439What is an elementary physical object? A system-theoretic approachL. Szabó
441-463Hyperspin manifoldsDavid Finkelstein, Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein and Christian Holm

Volume 25, Number 5 / May 1986

465Introduction to the Third Loyola conference on Quantum Theory and GravitationA. R. Marlow
467-476Some problems of our natural sciencesE. P. Wigner
477-492Quantum theory of fields and origin of gravityErast B. Gliner
493-507Gauge group of gravity, spinors, and anomaliesR. Percacci
509-525Scalar manifolds and Jordan pairs in supergravityP. Truini
527-544Quantum de Sitter fiber bundle interpretation of hadron extensionR. R. Aldinger
545-552Why is the universe so large?Don N. Page
553-559Symplectic manifolds, coadjoint orbits, and mean field theoryGeorge Rosensteel
561-571Quantum theoretical origin of spacetime structureA. R. Marlow

Volume 25, Number 6 / June 1986

573-580Boundary of a boundary principle and geometric structure of field theoriesArkady Kheyfets and John A. Wheeler
581-588Curvature calculations with spacetime algebraDavid Hestenes
589-598Spinor approach to gravitational motion and precessionDavid Hestenes
599-616Equivalence of the degrees of freedom in a unified gravitational theoryLeopold Halpern
617-661Cosmological limits on computationFrank J. Tipler

Volume 25, Number 7 / July 1986

663-670Scale invariance, killing vectors, and the size of the fifth dimensionD. K. Ross
671-684Direct gauging of the Poincaré group V. Group scaling, classical gauge theory, and gravitational correctionsDominic G. B. Edelen
685-699Classical particle dynamics in quantum spaceM. Dineykhan and Kh. Namsrai
701-710Searching for light Higgs scalar bosons in the next generation of electron-positron collider at LEPG. C. Chukwumah
711-715Use of catastrophe theory to obtain a fundamental understanding of elementary particle stabilityPaul D. Tinari
717-726Energy-momentum vector of the classical electronJeffrey M. Cohen and Errol Mustafa
727-736Proca and electromagnetic fieldsP. Hillion and S. Quinnez
737-739Structure of the primary hamiltonian constraints for a singularN-body LagrangianAndrea Raspini
741-754Physical properties of some McVittie metricsHenning Knutsen
755-761Magnetized cosmological modelRaj Bali
763-777Stokes phenomena and monodromy deformation problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equationA. Roy Chowdury and Minati Naskar

Volume 25, Number 8 / August 1986

779-806Generalization of the Dirac equation admitting isospin and color symmetriesJaime Keller
807-824Quantum graphicsStanley Gudder
825-827Uncertainty principle limits on the cosmological constantC. Sivaram
829-862Superposition and quantum mechanicsJack Cohn
863-875Critical investigation of Jauch's approach to the quantum theory of measurementFedor Herbut
877-881Non-time-orientable lorentzian cobordism allows for pair creationRafael D. Sorkin
883-890Linear perturbations of gauge fieldsG. F. Torres del Castillo
891-895Dynamical transformations and information systemsAndrzej Posiewnik
897-904New look at the large numbersThomas Görnitz
905Response to Kowalczyński about tachyonsErasmo Recami

Volume 25, Number 9 / September 1986

907-938Toward a quantitative theory of self-generated complexityPeter Grassberger
939-944Characterization of projection lattices of hilbert spacesHorst H. Szambien
945-957SU(2,2¦N) · 〈N′〉 superunified theoryShao Changgui, Xu Bangqing and Guo Youzhong
959-971Analytic structure of gauge fieldsJ. T. Anderson
973-1033Quantum topological geometrodynamicsMatti Pitkänen

Volume 25, Number 10 / October 1986

1035-1074Quantum space-time and gravitational consequencesKh. Namsrai
1075-1094New framework for the Feynman path integralb. M. Z. Shaharir
1095-1104Subsidiary conditions of the general Gel'fand-Yaglom wave equation based on the representation (1/2,3/2)⊕(−1/2,3/2)⊕(1/2,5/2)⊕(−1/2,5/2)⊕ (1/2,3/2)⊕(−1/2,3/2)C. G. Koutroulos
1105-1116SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1) gauge modelChandra Raju
1117-1124Generalization of Maeda's theoremAnatolij Dvurečenskij
1125-1137Hadron fields from anisotropie space and their interactionS. S. De
1139-1153Some harmonic maps on pseudo-Riemannian manifoldsA. P. Whitman, R. J. Knill and W. R. Stoeger

Volume 25, Number 11 / November 1986

1155-1162Conditional probability on a quantum logicOlga Nánásiová
1163-1173Physical consequences of quantized fiber-bundled spaceM. Dineykhan
1175-1179Vacuum expectation values of the energy-momentum tensor in two dimensionsWaldemar Biernacki and Andrzej Królak
1181-1191Boson representations of symplectic algebrasA. I. Georgieva, M. I. Ivanov, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev
1193-1208Boson-fermion duality in four dimensions: Comments on the paper of luther and schottePiotr Garbaczewski
1209-1213Christoffel formula and geodesic motion in hyperspin manifoldsChristian Holm

Volume 25, Number 12 / December 1986

1215-1227Separability in distant Jauch-type hybrid macrostates of a quantum and a classical systemFedor Herbut
1229-1233Big bang as the collapse of an ordered spin systemCarl Wolf
1235-1255Orthogonal harmonic polynomials onU(2)E. Donth and O. Lange
1257-1279Scaling ands-channel helicity conservation via optimal state description of hadron-hadron scatteringD. B. Ion
1281-1294Magnetic monopole interactions: Shell structure of meson and baryon statesDavid Akers
1295-1298Variable-G cosmology and creationAroonkumar Beesham

Volume 26, Number 1 / January 1987

1-9Symmetries and retracts of quantum logicsM. Kallus and V. Trnková
11-20Joint probability distribution of composite quantum systemsSilviu Guiasu
21-30CP-Nonconservation and electric dipole moment of fermions in the nonsymmetric Kaluza-Klein theoryM. W. Kalinowski
31-47Nuclear vibrations and rotations of like nucleons in the same shell in even-even nucleiAhmed Osman and M. A. Allam
49-61The physics of DNA: Onset of soliton-like excitations, chain relative disorder, and basis for a statistical mechanics of the macromoleculeEduardo Balanovski
63-70Nordström's theory in the light of the dualistic gravitation theoryM. N. Mahanta
71-81Killing-Yano tensors in general relativityG. S. Hall
83-89Cawley's counterexample to Dirac's conjecture as a curved spacetimeM. Carmeli
91-96General relativity, the massless scalar field, and the cosmological constantVictor Varela
97-103Zero-curvature FRW models and Bianchi I space-time as solutions of the same equationJoseph Hajj-Boutros and Jamil Sfeila
105-106Erratum: Som cylindrical symmetric non-static perfect fluid distributions in general relativity with pressure equal to densityS. R. Roy and S. Narain
107-108Erratum and addendum: New approach to Einstein-Petrov type i spaces. ii. Classification schemeS. B. Edgar

Volume 26, Number 2 / February 1987

109-129Coherent quantum logicDavid Finkelstein
131-139Non-Hermitian operators, localization problem, and the conservation of fermion numberPratul Bandyopadhyay
141-149Stimulated emission by external sources in quantum field theoryEdward B. Manoukian
151-174Weak Riemannian structures on gauge-group orbitsVittorio Berzi and Marco Reni
175-187Viscous fluid universe interacting with scalar fieldKoijam Manihar Singh and K. S. Bhamra
189-197Electrodynamics from a metricR. G. Beil

Volume 26, Number 3 / March 1987

199-219Tensor products and probability weightsM. Kläy, C. Randall and D. Foulis
221-238Methodological imperfection and formalizations of scientific activityGeorge Svetlichny
239-245Physical experiments and computationAndrzej Posiewnik
247-273Tensor analysis and curvature in quantum space-timeKh. Namsrai
275-293Probability space of wave functionsSilviu Guiasu
295-305New look at Gleason's theorem for signed measuresAnatolij Dvurečenskij
307-309Dynamical algebra of invariants of integra-differential equations of quantum theoryK. A. Rustamov

Volume 26, Number 4 / April 1987

311-333Geometry of crystal structure with defects. I. Euclidean pictureAndrzej Trzesowski
335-355Geometry of crystal structure with defects. II. Non-Euclidean pictureAndrzej Trzesowski
357-363Similarity solution and lie symmetry for a coupled nonlinear systemA. Roy Chowdhury, Arun Ghose and Minati Naskar
365-374Group-theoretic approach to the conservation laws of the KP equation in lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalismA. Roy Chowdhury and Swapna Roy
375-385Nonlinear wave equations, covariant exterior derivative, Painlevé test, and integrabilityW. -H. Steeb, J. A. Louw and A. Bringer
387-394Cosmological transition periodsRonald Gautreau
395-399Short-time evolution of nonlinear Klein-Gordon systemsC. Guha-Roy, B. Bagchi and D. K. Sinha
401-406Curvature calculations with GEOCALCA. Moussiaux and Ph. Tombal

Volume 26, Number 5 / May 1987

407-428Can particle creation by a black hole be described in terms of more familiar laboratory processes?R. M. Nugayev
429-434Hilbert space representation of time evolution of pure statesAndrzej Posiewnik
435-450Minimal supports in quantum logics and Hilbert spaceDavid W. Cohen and George Svetlichny
451-454Paschen-Back effect in dyoniumDavid Akers
455-481Negative entropy, energy, and heat capacity in connection with surface tension: Artifact of a model or real?Elihu Lubkin
483-488Gravitational Yukawa potential from a Yang-Mills theory for gravityH. Dehnen and F. Ghaboussi
489-494Statistics of the ensemble of primary structures for inhomogeneous polymer chainsAriel Fernández
495-512Painlevé analysis, conservation laws, and symmetry of perturbed nonlinear equationsShankar Basak and A. Roy Chowdhury

Volume 26, Number 6 / June 1987

513-522Hahn-Jordan decomposition for gleason measuresAnatolij Dvurečenskij
523-535Keeping the entropy of measurement: Szilard revisitedElihu Lubkin
537-548Conformal invariance in Weyl gravityR. P. Zaikov
549-557Normal-ordered products with Grassmann operators in supersymmetryJosip Šoin
559-573Spinor fields in the nonsymmetric, non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein theoryM. W. Kalinowski
575-581Electron-muon mass ratio and the masses of their neutrinosChandra Raju
583-592Dependence ofℏω on the mass number of nuclei under the assumption of a trapezoidal average nuclear densityM. E. Grypeos and C. P. Panes
593-606Axially symmetric rotating body consisting of a perfect fluidCollin C. Carbno
607Book review

Volume 26, Number 7 / July 1987

609-612Converse of the Eilers-Horst theoremAnatolij Dvurečenskij
613-621Dual field theory of strong interactionsDavid Akers
623-636Some properties of topological geonsKrystyna Bugajska
637-647Gauge theories on open spin space-time manifoldsKrystyna Bugajska
649-684Equations of motion in fourth approximationJ. M. Gambi, A. San Miguel and F. Vicente
685-695Discrete gradients in discrete classical mechanicsL. Renna
697-706Equations of motion for continuum systemsT. Aaberge
707-714Prolongation theory. A new nonlinear Schrödinger equationSwapna Roy and A. Roy Chowdhury

Volume 26, Number 8 / August 1987

715-723Spinors in quantum space with torsionM. Dineykhan
725-740Causal green function in relativistic quantum mechanicsEgon Marx
741-754Variational techniques on classes of LagrangiansL. W. Churchill
755-786Kinematical problem in Spin-wave theoryLincoln Stoller
787-804Low-temperature results of the statistical theory of noninteracting spin wavesLincoln Stoller
805-826Critical behavior of noninteracting spin wavesLincoln Stoller

Volume 26, Number 9 / September 1987

827-831Cabibbo angleChandra Raju
833-843Simple example of quantum causal structureLászló Szabó
845-852Minimal quantum logic with merged implicationsMladen Pavičić
853-860Generalized Noether identities and application to Yang-Mills field theoryLi Zi-Ping
861-872Geometrization of magnetohydrodynamic equations via lie groupsH. P. Singh, D. D. Tripathi and R. B. Mishra
873-888Relation between charge and energy conservation in a nonlinear electrodynamicsGeoffrey Martin
889-893Birkhoff theorem in self-creation cosmologyT. Singh, Tarkeshwar Singh and O. P. Srivastava
895-900Exact model for a gaseous regular bouncing sphere in general relativityHenning Knutsen
901-906Brans-Dicke cosmological exact solution in a radiation-filled Robertson-Walker universeR. T. Singh and Shridhar Deo
907-912Painlevé analysis for a nonlinear schrödinger equation in three dimensionsA. Roy Chowdhury and Pranab K. Chanda
913-919Response to Kowalczyński on tachyonsErasmo Recami

Volume 26, Number 10 / October 1987

921-937Quantum interpretationsTh. Görnitz and C. F. v. Weizsäcker
939-942Interpretation of “the wave function of the Universe”Wim B. Drees
943-950Hyperbolic complex numbers and nonlinear sigma modelsD. Lambert and Ph. Tombal
951-955Jordan algebra field theoryT. M. Rocha Filho and J. D. M. Vianna
957-966Group theory of spontaneous symmetry breakingF. Ghaboussi
967-980Spin-dynamical theory of the wave-corpuscular dualityMichal Gryziński
981-989Functional approach to scattering in quantum mechanicsEdward B. Manoukian
991-1000Dynamics of electrically charged extended bodies: Classical and quantum systemsTerje Aaberge
1001-1020Splitting the Cartesian pointJ. F. Blodwell
1021Erratum: Perturbative QED and QCD at Finite Temperatures and DensitiesT. Toimela

Volume 26, Number 11 / November 1987

1025-1037Electrodynamics in quantum space-timeKh. Namsrai and D. Dambasuren
1039-1049Solitons, Bose-Einstein condensation, and superfluidity in helium IIJ. Chela-Flores and H. B. Ghassib
1051-1058Biophysics and the microscopic theory of helium IIJ. Chela-Flores and H. B. Ghassib
1059-1068Gauge theory of dislocationsAndrzej Trzesowski
1069-1084Thermodynamic uncertainty relations and irreversibilityB. H. Lavenda
1085-1092Prolongation structure and Painlevé property of the Gürses-Nutku equationsAyşe Kalkanli
1093-1105Stochastic theory of ignition processesAriel Fernández and Herschel Rabitz
1107-1124Asymptotic symmetry and the global structure of future null infinityJ. Foster
1125Book review

Volume 26, Number 12 / December 1987

1127-1133At what energy does gravity unite with grand unified theories in the early universe?C. Sivaram
1135-1140Temperature and the critical dimension of stringsE. Ahmed
1141-1163First-quantized para-particle theorySteven French
1165-1168Meson spectrumP. Burcev
1169-1173Further evidence for magnetic charge from meson spectroscopyDavid Akers
1175-1184Born's postulate and reconstruction of theψ-function in nonrelativistic quantum mechanicsH. -W. Wiesbrock
1185-1188PureSU(2) gauge fieldH. Dehnen and F. Ghaboussi
1189-1217Angular momentum, magnetic moment, andg-factor in general relativityErrol Mustafa, Jeffrey M. Cohen and Kay R. Pechenick
1219-1226Exact solutions for coupled Einstein, Dirac, Maxwell, and zero-mass scalar fieldsAmar Chandra Patra and Dipankar Ray
1227-1246(3+k)-Dimensional spacetimeR. H. C. Newton
iImportant announcement

Volume 27, Number 1 / January 1988

1Important announcement
3-7Ratios of magnetic charge to charge and of magnetic mass to massAnne M. R. Magnon
9-26Towards a combinatorial description of space and strong interactionsP. Żenczykowski
27-32Mass spectral condition for leptons and quarksGerald Rosen
33-36Hydrogen spectrum of SS433 systemJeffrey M. Cohen, Peter A. Kazaks, Boris Kuharetz, Mitchell Struble and Mark Azbell
37-45O(5)×U(1) electroweak gauge theory and the neutrino oscillations in matterY. A. Hamam and M. Samiullah
47-55Loop Algebra of Lie symmetries for a short-wave equationSwapna Roy, A. Roy Chowdhury and Mrityunjoy De
57-71Spinor fields with zero mass in unbounded isotropic mediaP. Hillion
73-82Example of order and disorder:xn+1=(Axn+B) modCM. Wolf
83-88Computability of physical operationsAndrzej Posiewnik
89-105Iwasawa factorization of the pseudo-orthogonal groupSO(5, 1) and its corresponding Lie algebraso(5, 1)G. C. Chukwumah
107-130Fourth-order orbital equations in stationary weak gravitational fieldsJ. M. Gambi, A. San Miguel and F. Vicente

Volume 27, Number 2 / February 1988

131Guest editor's introductionA. R. Marlow
133-158Quantum insights from null-strut geometrodynamicsArkady Kheyfets, Norman Joseph LaFave and Warner Allen Miller
159-182P(4) affine and superhamiltonian formulations of charged particle dynamicsArkady Kheyfets and Larry K. Norris
183-192Metrics are Clifford algebra involutionsJohn Dauns
193-209Realistic quantum probabilityStanley Gudder
211-218What do we learn about quantum mechanics from the theory of measurement?L. E. Ballentine
219-226Bell's theorem does not eliminate fully causal hidden variablesCarl H. Brans
227-236An overview of the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanicsJohn G. Cramer
237-250Copenhagen and transactional interpretationsTh. Görnitz and C. F. Weizsäcker
251-272Gravity in hyperspin manifoldsShlomit Ritz Finkelstein
273-281Progress in a trajectory interpretation of the Klein-Gordon equationEdward R. Floyd
283-288Axially symmetric solution to Rosen's field equations with angular momentumR. J. Knill, W. R. Stoeger and A. P. Whitman

Volume 27, Number 3 / March 1988

289-306Reconstruction of abstract quantum theoryM. Drieschner, Th. Görnitz and C. F. Weizsäcker
307-313Are there other types of skyrmions?Tie -zhong Li
315-333Extended Geroch-Held-Penrose formalismGarry Ludwig
335-344Canonical formalism and equations of motion for a spinning particle in general relativityGerald E. Tauber
345-364Radiating fluid distribution interacting with scalar fieldKoijam Manihar Singh
365-368Satellite test for dragging of inertial framesArnold Rosenblum and Manfred Treber
369-371Exact solutions to Einstein field equationsAshis Basu and Dipankar Ray
373-380Stability of the general exponent of nonlinear impulsive differential equations in a Banach spaceD. D. Bainov, P. P. Zabreiko and S. T. Kostadinov
381Book review

Volume 27, Number 4 / April 1988

383-396Canonical path-integral quantization of yang-mills field theory with arbitrary external sourcesJerzy Przeszowski
397-399Quantum normal form and the harmonic oscillator withx6 perturbationS. Brajamani and P. S. Mazumdar
401-408Functional approach to scattering in quantum field theoryEdward B. Manoukian
409-416Phase transformations in quaternionic quantum field theoryC. G. Nash and G. C. Joshi
417-426Gleason's theorem and completeness of inner product spacesAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Ladislav Mišík
427-431Dynamics of constrained systemsNarciso Román-Roy
433-446Square eigenfunction approach to the hamiltonian structure for a new hierarchy of nonlinear equationsSwapna Roy and A. Roy Chowdhury
447-450Exact solutions to a coupled nonlinear equationC. Guha-Roy
451-472Bayesian approach to thermostatisticsB. H. Lavenda
473-519“Superconducting” causal netsDavid Finkelstein

Volume 27, Number 5 / May 1988

521-525Inflationary universe without GUTsE. Gunzig and P. Nardone
527-542Abstract quantum theory and space-time structure. I. Ur theory and Bekenstein-Hawking entropyThomas Görnitz
543-549Feynman rules for probability amplitudesYoel Tikochinsky
551-555Cabibbo angle IIChandra Raju
557-566Nonstandard analysis in classical physics and quantum formal scatteringF. Bagarello and S. Valenti
567-570Classical limit of anSU(2)×U(1) gauge field theory for gravityH. Dehnen, F. Ghaboussi and H. Frommert
571-585Dynamical structures fork-vector fieldsGeoffrey Martin
587-611Conditional expectations, conditional distributions, anda posteriori ensembles in generalized probability theoryWerner Stulpe
613-621Geometric calculus: A new computational tool for Riemannian geometryA. Moussiaux and Ph. Tombal
623-626Gauge-invariant perturbations in anisotropie homogeneous cosmological modelsAmar Chandra Patra and Dipankar Ray
627-633Stiff magnetofluid cosmological modelRaj Bali and Atul Tyagi
635-640Stationary axisymmetric solutions in the vacuum Jordan-Brans-Dicke theoryAlberto García, Nora Bretón and Isidore Hauser
641-648Static vacuum solution of direct Poincaré gauge theory in ten dimensions with four externalDominic G. B. Edelen
649-658Wave propagation in strongly coupled classical plasmas in an external magnetic fieldR. O. Genga

Volume 27, Number 6 / June 1988

659-666Connections between abstract quantum theory and space-time structureThomas Görnitz
667-672Representation of supercharges over the scattering data for super-sine-Gordon systemShibani Sen and A. Roy Chowdhury
673-675Spectrum of strange mesonsP. Burcev
677-688O(5)×U(1) electroweak gauge theory and the relevance of the Cabibbo angle inCP violation inK decaysM. Samiullah
689-693Gauge symmetries of electroweak interactionsS. Rajpoot
695-702Higher-order theory of gravitationS. N. Pandey
703-710General necessary conditions for the derivation of the secondary constraints of a first-order relativistic wave equationC. G. Koutroulos
711-716Generalization of the Darwin LagrangianWojciech Frejlak
717-723Symmetry vector fields and similarity solutions of a nonlinear field equation describing the relaxation to a maxwell distributionN. Euler, P. G. L. Leach, F. M. Mahomed and W. -H. Steeb
725-730Irreversibility paradox revised: Onset of a center manifold in dissipative systemsAriel Fernàndez
731-743Characteristic exponents of impulsive differential equations in a banach spaceP. P. Zabreiko, D. D. Bainov and S. I. Kostadinov
745-755Strong stability of impulsive systemsG. K. Kulev and D. D. Bainov
757-766Monotone-iterative method for solving the periodic problem for systems of impulsive differential equationsS. G. Hristova and D. D. Bainov
767-785A solution spectrum of the nonlinear schrödinger equationW. Ulmer

Volume 27, Number 7 / July 1988

787-800Gauge invariance properties of transition amplitudes in gauge theories. IEdward B. Manoukian
801-818Intractable problems in reversible cellular automataFarrokh Vatan
819-833High-frequency sum rules for classical one-component plasma in a magnetic fieldR. O. Genga
835-849Wave propagation in quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma in a magnetic fieldR. O. Genga
851-860High-frequency sum rules for the quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma dielectric tensorR. O. Genga
861-899Fundamentals of surface thermodynamicsA. Grauel
901-919Painlevé test for long-wave, short-wave interaction equation. IIPranab K. Chanda and A. Roy Chowdhury
921-924Clock transport synchronization and the dragging of inertial frames for elliptical orbitsArnold Rosenblum and Manfred Treber

Volume 27, Number 8 / August 1988

925-993Canonical quantization and chromodynamics in a spherical cavityR. F. Buser, R. D. Viollier and P. Zimak
995-999Electric currents in multiply connected spacesTheodore Frankel
1001-1006Reggeon scattering in an external field: A solitonic modelA. Roy Chowdhury and B. Sidhanta
1007-1017Hyperspherical harmonic model for the ground-state baryonsAndrea Raspini
1019-1022Mikhailov's experiments on detection of magnetic chargeDavid Akers
1023-1042Statistical mechanics with homogeneous first-degree LagrangiansR. Akin-Ojo

Volume 27, Number 9 / September 1988

1043-1058Phase-space propagators for quantum quadratic Hamiltonians in one and two dimensionsL. M. Nieto and J. M. Noriega
1059-1067State on splitting subspaces and completeness of inner product spacesAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Sylvia Pulmannová
1069-1082Fuzzy quantum spaces and compatibilityAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Ferdinand Chovanec
1083-1104Curvature tensors unified field equations on SEXnKyung Tae Chung and Il Young Lee
1105-1136Three- and five-dimensional considerations of the geometry of Einstein's*g-unified field theoryKyung Tae Chung and In Ho Hwang
1137-1143Magnetograph transformation in MFDShesh Nath Singh

Volume 27, Number 10 / October 1988

1145-1255A discrete geometry: Speculations on a new framework for classical electrodynamicsGeoffrey Hemion
1257-1276The reality and dimension of space and the complexity of quantum mechanicsR. Mirman
1277-1279Quadratic kinetic equations are linear in the tensor product spaceH. Tomasz Grzybowski
1281-1283Stationary axisymmetric solutions of the Jordan-Brans-Dicke equations with electromagnetic sourcesD. Alberto Garcia and H. Guadalupe Martínez

Volume 27, Number 11 / November 1988

1285-1312Probability and logical structure of statistical theoriesMichael J. W. Hall
1313-1349On the logical foundations of the Jauch-Piron approach to quantum physicsGianpiero Cattaneo, Carlo Dalla Pozza, Claudio Garola and Giuseppe Nisticò
1351-1353Spatial extension of quantum gravitational particles inR4×KNGerald Rosen
1355-1369O(5)×U(1) Electroweak gauge theory and the triggering of the neutrino oscillations by 't Hooft-polyakov monopoleM. Samiullah
1371-1381Derivation of quantum statistics from Gauss's principle and the second lawB. H. Lavenda
1383-1393Intermediate quantum statistics for identical objectsV. V. Kuryshkin
1395-1404Existence of the gravitomagnetic interactionKen Nordtvedt
1405-1410Swinging atwood machine. Far- and near-resonance regionA. Roy Chowdhury and M. Debnath
1411-1424Lp-Equivalence of impulsive equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and P. P. Zabreiko
1425-1434Geometrization of two-phase magnetofluid flows in a rotating systemC. Thakur and R. B. Mishra

Volume 27, Number 12 / December 1988

1435-1455Entropy andp-particle observables. I. The general programHenry E. Kandrup
1457-1460Two-dimensional percolation and classical string theoryE. Ahmed
1461-1497Common tangent space ℝ14 fromU(2) chargesE. Donth
1499-1505Lagrangians for conformal gauge gravity and conformal simple supergravityShao Changgui and Guo Youzhong
1507-1531On a recent attempt to define the interpretation basis in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanicsSara Foster and Harvey Brown
1533-1543Invariant forms and Hamiltonian systems: A geometrical settingJosep Llosa and Narciso Román Roy
iImportant announcement

Volume 28, Number 1 / January 1989

1Important announcement
3-25Propagator, sewing rules, and vacuum amplitude for the Polyakov point particle with ghostsIoannis Giannakis, Carlos R. Ordóñez, Mark A. Rubin and Roberto Zucchini
27-34Sets of states and extreme pointsKarsten Keller
35-47Quantum causal structure and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experimentLászló E. Szabó
49-62Position and quantum theoryJack Cohn
63-69Wave propagation in strongly coupled quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma in a magnetic fieldR. O. Genga
71-77High-frequency expansion of relativistic classical plasma dielectric tensorR. O. Genga
79-81Quasi-maxwellian fields in riemann-cartan spacetimeL. C. Garcia de Andrade
83-96Anomalous behavior of a scalar particle in a globally regular space-time of a Schwarzschild black holeHuang Danhong and Shen Wenda
97-103Homogeneous Bianchi type VI0 perfect fluid space-timesShri Ram
105-110New stiff matter solutions to Einstein equationsJoseph Hajj-Boutros
111-117Solution of coupled differential equations of soliton theoryKamal Kumar Ghosh, Dipankar Ray and Pranab Chanda
119-126New coupled Liouville system: Prolongation structure, soliton solution, and complete integrabilityA. Roy Chowdhury and Pritha Mitra
127-133Periodic and solitary wave solutions of the three-wave problem. A different approachA. Roy Chowdhury, M. Debnath and R. S. Banerjee
135Erratum: Discrete Gradients in Discrete Classical MechanicsL. Renna

Volume 28, Number 2 / February 1989

137-146Quantum-gas model estimate for wide range of superconducting critical temperaturesMario Rabinowitz
147-158Entropy balance in “pure” interactions of open quantum systemsR. Urigu
159-168The Leibniz principle in quantum logicRoberto Giuntini and Peter Mittelstaedt
169-182Grand unified models including extraZ bosonsTie -zhong Li
183-189Supersymmetry and the ladder operator technique in quantum mechanics: The radial Schrödinger equationAnuradha Lahiri, Prodyot Kumar Roy and Bijan Bagchi
191-194Brans-Dicke cosmological exact solution in a radiation-filled Robertson-Walker universeAshis Basu and Dipankar Ray
195-207Stability of sets for impulsive systemsG. K. Kulev and D. D. Bainov
209-225Asymptotic procedure for solving boundary value problems for singularly perturbed linear impulsive systemsD. D. Bainov, M. A. Hekimova and V. M. Veliov
227-229Solution of the five-dimensional vacuum Einstein equations in Kaluza-Klein theoryAshis Basu and Dipankar Ray
231-233Maximum mass-particle velocities in Kantor's information mechanicsDaniel I. Sverdlik
235-245Global energy-momentum conservation in general relativityNoah Nissani and Elhanan Leibowitz

Volume 28, Number 3 / March 1989

247-262Coexistence of observablesFranklin E. Schroeck
263-271Modification of the superstring action and the exceptional Jordan algebraR. Foot and G. C. Joshi
273-301Particle decay modelStanley Gudder
303-333Order-independent method of characteristicsDominic G. B. Edeten
335-364Nonlocal conserved quantities, balance laws, and equations of motionLaurence I. Gould
365-375Local and global algebraic structures in general relativityG. S. Hall and A. D. Rendall
377-380Total linearization of probability density evolution equationsH. Tomasz Grzybowski

Volume 28, Number 4 / April 1989

381-389Classical chaos and quantum level density of an anharmonic oscillatorJian-ling Li and Rong-yu Zhou
391-406Mechanism of blackbody radiationB. H. Lavenda and W. Figueiredo
407-413Inflationary Brans-Dicke universe andGAmar Chandra Patra, Mahendra Nath Sinha Roy and Dipankar Ray
415-421Quantum stationary state of class A Bianchi universeAmar Patra, Mahendra Nath Sinha Roy and Dipankar Ray
423-440A nonlinear gauge-invariant field theory of leptonsF. I. Cooperstock and N. Rosen
441-467Quantum net dynamicsDavid Finkelstein
469-479Discontinuous automorphisms of the proper Galilei and Euclidean groupsS. A. Adeleke
481-486Accelerating Kortweg-de Vries solitonsG. K. Sen and D. K. Sinha
487-493Cosmological modelsJ. Hajj-Boutros

Volume 28, Number 5 / May 1989

495-499Stimulated emission of photon excitations by external currents in spacetimeEdward B. Manoukian
501-510Stimulated emission of relativistic particles by external sources in spacetimeEdward B. Manoukian
511-525Homotopically nontrivial solutions for a spherically symmetric gravitational fieldTina A. Harriott and J. G. Williams
527-542A solution spectrum of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. IIW. Ulmer
543-564Locally equilibrium diffusion processes. I. Geometry of local thermodynamic equilibrium statesAndrzej Trzęsowski
565-586Locally equilibrium diffusion processes. II. Generalized stochastic mechanics and plastic yieldingAndrzej Trzęsowski
587-603Mass loss by gravitational radiation in Synge's theoryJ. M. Gambi, A. San Miguel and F. Vicente

Volume 28, Number 6 / June 1989

605-617Entropy andP-particle observables. II. The two-particle entropyS2Henry E. Kandrup
619-631Einstein's theory of quantum radiationB. H. Lavenda
633-649Gravity and gauge: A new perspectiveDominic G. B. Edelen
651-657Connections between abstract quantum theory and space-time structure. III. Vacuum structure and black holesThomas Görnitz and Eva Ruhnau
659-667New class of Finsler metricsR. G. Beil
669-694Self-Similar Cosmological model: Introduction and empirical testsRobert L. Oldershaw
695-698Applications of dynamical algebra of invariance of integrodifferential equationsK. A. Rustamov

Volume 28, Number 7 / July 1989

699-709Thermal representation of the energy density in bounded spacesG. Cocho, S. Hacyan, A. Sarmiento and F. Soto
711-718Mielnik and cantoni transition probabilitiesSylvia Pulmannová
719-763Nonlocality and stochastic quantization of field theoryM. Dineykhan and Kh. Namsrai
765-768Entropy of semiclassical states in chaotic cosmologyG. Francisco
769-786Classification of the even-even nuclei in symplectic multipletsA. Georgieva, M. Ivanov, P. Raychev and R. Roussev
787-796A propagator theory applied to wave mechanics in phase spaceAdemir E. Santana, A. Matos Neto and J. D. M. Vianna
797-814Exponential dichotomy of linear impulsive differential equations in a Banach spaceD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and P. P. Zabreiko
815-833Existence of integral manifolds for impulsive differential equations in a Banach spaceD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov, Nguyêñ Hông Thái and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 28, Number 8 / August 1989

835-843Axisymmetric vacuum fields in general projective relativityT. Singh and G. P. Singh
845-850Kac-Moody algebra, nonlocal symmetries, and backlund transformation for KdV equationA. Roy Chowdhury and Swapna Roy
851-866Geometry of the submanifolds of SEXn. I. The C-nonholonomic frame of referenceKyung Tae Chung, Keum Sook So and Jong Woo Lee
867-873Geometry of the submanifolds of SEXn. II. The generalized fundamental equations for the hypersubmanifold of SEXnKyung Tae Chung and Jong Woo Lee
875-891N = 2 supersymmetric Ward identities and renormalized BRS and anti-BRS operators in harmonic superspaceT. Lhallabi
893-901High-frequency sum-rules for classical relativistic plasmas in a magnetic fieldR. O. Genga
903-910An anisotropic magnetized viscous fluid cosmological model in general relativityRaj Bali and Deepak Raj Jain
911-916Nonuniqueness of the factorization scheme in quantum mechanicsA. Mitra, P. K. Roy, A. Lahiri and B. Bagchi
917-921LRS Bianchi type I perfect fluid solutions generated from known solutionsShri Ram
923-926Macroscopic deviations from Coulomb's law without a photon massGeorge L. Murphy

Volume 28, Number 9 / September 1989

927-933Thermodynamics and cosmologyI. Prigogine
935-941From unstable Minkowski space to inflationP. Nardone
943-947Entropy and black-hole evaporationE. Gunzig and P. Nardone
949-955Primordial superstrings and the origin of the universeEnrique Alvarez and M. A. R. Osorio
957-966Optical theorem in curved space-time quantum field theoryJürgen Audretsch
967-981Is the cosmological singularity thermodynamically possible?Jacob D. Bekenstein
983-1003Modern cosmology: The harmonious and the discordant factsG. Burbidge
1005-1017Atomic and gravitational clockV. M. Canuto and I. Goldman
1019-1033Astrophysical consequences of a violation of the strong equivalence principleV. M. Canuto and I. Goldman
1035-1041Experimental test of the variability ofG using Viking lander ranging dataR. W. Hellings, P. J. Adams, J. D. Anderson, M. S. Keesey and E. L. Lau, et al.
1043-1049Probabilistic time and the quantum gravity interpretationMario A. Castagnino and Francisco D. Mazzitelli
1051-1066Cosmological dissipative structureP. C. W. Davies
1067-1079Are Kaluza-Klein models of the universe chaotic?Jacques Demaret, Yves Rop and Marc Henneaux
1081-1098First flash and second vacuumDavid Finkelstein
1099-1107Quantum effects in Friedmann space and creation of macroscopic massA. A. Grib
1109-1123Inflationary fallaciesL. A. Khalfin
1125-1138Statistics of the galaxy distributionMarc Lachièze-Rey
1139-1149Perspectives in observational cosmologyPierre Léna
1151-1161Highlights in black hole astrophysicsJean -Pierre Luminet
1163-1167Gravitons from anomalous decayLeonard Parker
1169-1171Missing mass or dark matter?E. Schatzman
1173-1180Cosmology and celestial mechanicsVictor Szebehely
1181-1193Time and quantum gravityW. G. Unruh
iThe origin of the universe

Volume 28, Number 10 / October 1989

1195-1214Automorphisms and symmetries of quantum logicsVěra Trnková
1215-1227Spin phaseMarian Grabowski
1229-1232Comment on geometry of hyperspin manifoldsAndrzej Borowiec
1233-1235Hyperspin manifolds and the space problem of WeylH. Urbantke
1237-1254Strongly interacting particles with strongly singular potentialsV. I. Yukalov
1255-1267Reductions and quantizationIvailo M. Mladenov
1269-1310Topological spin-statistics relation in quantum field theoryR. D. Tscheuschner
1311-1321Geometric classification of general dynamical systemsA. Petrov

Volume 28, Number 11 / November 1989

1323-1332Binary quantum logic and generating semigroupsR. R. Zapatrin
1333-1340Planck's constant, torsion, and space-time defectsD. K. Ross
1341-1350Predictions of a particle modelStanley Gudder
1351-1357Nonequilibrium thermofield dynamicsE. Ahmed
1359-1369Relativistic Zeeman effect in positronium,n=2Andrea Raspini
1371-1386Reality as complex spaceGeoffrey Hemion
1387-1396Entropy of additive cellular automataBurton Voorhees
1397-1403Lie-symmetry vector fields for linear and nonlinear wave equationsN. Euler and W. -H. Steeb
1405-1417Hamiltonian systems with constraints: A geometric approachM. C. Muñoz Lecanda
1419-1424Generalizations of the Kerr-Newman and charged Tomimatsu-Sato metrics in the Jordan-Brans-Dicke theoryAlberto D. García and N. V. Mitskiévić
1425-1436Kaluza-Klein space and strong gravityS. Biswas, S. Kumar and C. Sivaram
1437-1441Analytic solution of gauge field equations for Lorentz gravityWei Mozhen, Shao Changgui and He Changbai

Volume 28, Number 12 / December 1989

1443-1447Gauge symmetry and supersymmetric two-particle problemR. P. Zaikov
1449-1462Space-time symmetries of superstring and Jordan algebrasR. Foot and G. C. Joshi
1463-1482Green functions of scalar particles in stochastic fieldsM. Dineykhan, G. V. Efimov and Kh. Namsrai
1483-1501Ward identity for gauge field in stochastic quantization with nonlocal form factorsM. Dineykhan and Kh. Namsrai
1503-1532Self-similar cosmological model: Technical details, predictions, unresolved issues, and implicationsRobert L. Oldershaw
1533-1558Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic instability conditions of an interface between two fluids under the effect of a normal periodic electric field. IIIE. F. El Shehawey and N. R. Abd El Gawaad

Volume 29, Number 1 / January 1990

1-6Fifth force as a manifestation of torsionVenzo Sabbata and C. Sivaram
7-21Metric-torsion gauge theory of continuum line defectsA. Verçin
23-36Connections in Bergmann manifoldsChristian Holm
37-43Cauchy boundaries of space-timesJacek Gruszczak
45-56Algebraically special spacetimesGarry Ludwig
57-73Co-symplectic geometry and co-Lagrangian subspacesF. A. M. Frescura and G. Lubczonok
75-84Inconsistency of nonlinear second-order equations of motion of classical chargesE. Comay
85-99Underlying probability distributions of the canonical ensembleB. H. Lavenda and J. Dunning-Davies
101-108Stable gravity wave of arbitrary amplitude in finite depthKern E. Kenyon and David Sheres
109-112Detection of the dirac monopole with magnetic levitationDavid Akers

Volume 29, Number 2 / February 1990

113-123Automata simulating quantum logicsA. A. Grib and R. R. Zapatrin
125-129Magnetic charges, inertia, and arrow of timeAnne M. R. Magnon
131-139Quantum corrections to the spacetime metric from geometric phase space quantizationE. R. Caianiello, A. Feoli, M. Gasperini and G. Scarpetta
141-155Generalized maxwell equations and quantum mechanics. I. Dirac equation for the free electronAlfonso A. Campolattaro
157-160Intermediate-range forces?Jeffrey M. Cohen
161-171General equations of motion for test particles in space-time with torsionChen Fang Pei
173-181Colliding plane gravito-electromagnetic wavesJ. B. Griffiths
183-187General relativity as a conformally invariant scalar gauge field theoryHanno Essén
189-192Recurrent Riemann-Cartan spacetimesL. C. Garcia de Andrade
193-208Relativistic motion of a free particle in a uniform gravitational fieldEdward A. Desloge
209-213Perturbed characteristic functions. IIIH. A. Buchdahl

Volume 29, Number 3 / March 1990

215-223Classical tunnelingArthur Cohn and Mario Rabinowitz
225-246Möbius groups over general fields using clifford algebras associated with spheresJay P. Fillmore and A. Springer
247-251Hamiltonian structures related to a new spectral problemQing-ping Liu
253-267New geometrical approach to Rainich-Misner-Wheeler theoryK. S. Hammon and L. K. Norris
269-274Scattering theory in quantum field theory in configuration spaceEdward B. Manoukian
275-298Are bound states of color-excited leptons responsible for anomalouse+e production in heavy ion collisions?M. PitkÄnen
299-309Integrable classical systems in higher dimensionsS. C. Mishra and D. Parashar
311-337Nonlocal stochastic quantization of scalar electrodynamicsM. Dineykhan and Kh. Namsrai

Volume 29, Number 4 / April 1990

339-350Quantum theory of measurement and the polar decomposition of an interactionPekka J. Lahti
351-359Supercharacters and superdimensions of irreducible representations ofB(O/s) orthosymplectic simple Lie superalgebrasI. Tsohantjis and J. F. Cornwell
361-370Scalar gravity and Higgs potentialH. Dehnen and H. Frommert
371-395Covariant, algebraic, and operator spinorsV. L. Figueiredo, E. Capelas de Oliveira and W. A. Rodrigues
397-412Dirac and Maxwell equations in the Clifford and spin-Clifford bundlesW. A. Rodrigues and E. Capelas de Oliveira
413-424Real spin-Clifford bundle and the spinor structure of space-timeWaldyr A. Rodrigues and Vera L. Figueiredo
425-426Quantum effects near the singularity in a general cosmological scenarioAshish Mazumder
427-429Flat bianchi I Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-timesAshish Mazumder
431-434Charged spherically symmetric solution in Mikhail-Wanas field theoryAshish Mazumder and Dipankar Ray
435-442Perfect fluid in a static isotropic universeAshis Basu, Sushmita Ganguly and Dipankar Ray
443-453Whistlers and negative ionsG. C. Das, Surchandra and Kh. Ibohanbi Singh

Volume 29, Number 5 / May 1990

455-460Transition amplitude spaces and quantum logics with vector-valued statesSylvia Pulmannová
461-466Canonical quantization of inhomogeneous stringsH. P. W. Gottlieb
467-475Singular Lagrangian for the polaronJose Jesus Rodriguez-Nuñez
477-482Generalized Maxwell's equations and quantum mechanics. II. Generalized dirac equationAlfonso A. Campolattaro
483-500Extensions of the general method of generating Clifford algebras and comparisons with various existing methodsDeming Li, Charles P. Poole and Horacio A. Farach
501-514Stefan-Boltzmann law for black bodies and black holesB. H. Lavenda and J. Dunning-Davies
515-519Painlevé analysis and hamiltonian structure of a new space-dependent KdV equationS. Purkait and A. Roy Chowdhury
521-536Nonvacuum taub-type cosmological modelM. Carmeli and R. Manor

Volume 29, Number 6 / June 1990

537-546Higgs-field gravityH. Dehnen, H. Frommert and F. Ghaboussi
547-565Geometrical theories of gravitation with short-range forcesD. E. Barraco and V. H. Hamity
567-570Static universe in a modified brans-dicke cosmologyMarcelo Samuel Berman
571-577Cosmological models in general relativity and brans-dicke theories: a comparisonMarcelo Samuel Berman
579-597Special relativistic gravitational theoryZhang Junhao and Chen Xiang
599-605Gravitational wave due to explosion of SN 1987AZhang Junhao and Chen Xiang
607-620Transitions: Contractions and analytical continuations of the Cayley-Klein GroupsN. A. Gromov
621-635Level I theory of large deviations in the ideal gasT. Lehtonen and E. Nummelin
637-642Painlevé test and energy level motionW. -H. Steeb, S. J. M. Brits and N. Euler
643-653Ordinary dichotomy and perturbations of the impulse matrices of linear impulsive differential equationN. V. Milev and D. D. Bainov
655-675Dependence upon initial conditions and parameter of solutions of impulsive differential equations with variable structureA. B. Dishliev and D. D. Bainov
677-685Properties of theLp -solutions of linear impulsive equations in a banach spaceD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and A. D. Myshkis

Volume 29, Number 7 / July 1990

687-737Ideals and solutions of nonlinear field equationsDominic G. B. Edelen
739-763Dipole solutions in theSU(2) andSU(3) gauge theory with electric and magnetic sourcesD. C. Joshi and Rakesh Prasad
765-771Generalized Noether theorem and Poincaré invariant for nonconservative nonholonomic systemsZi-Ping Li and Xin Li
773-778Solutions for steady plane orthogonal MHD flowsC. Thakur and R. B. Mishra
779-788Periodicity and chaos in a modulated logistic mapA. Roy Chowdhury and M. Debnath
789-804Gauge-invariant and covariant operators in gauge theoriesGiovanni Giachetta and Luigi Mangiarotti

Volume 29, Number 8 / August 1990

805-814Tensor product of frame manualsAlexander Wilce
815-823BRST quantization and computation of static potentials for bosonic membranesR. P. Zaikov
825-834Photon-electron scattering taking vacuum energy into accountMilan Marčič
835-852Nonrelativistic phase-space and octonionsP. Żenczykowski
853-862CG methylation in DNA transcriptionJ. Chela-Flores and R. L. Migoni
863-866Solutions of coupled KdV-type equationsChanchal Guha-Roy
867-871Complete integrability of coupled KdV and NLS equationsA. Roy Chowdhury, Pritha Mitra and Sasanka Purkait
873-884Static spherically symmetric solutions in general projective relativityT. Singh and G. P. Singh
885-900De Sitter gauge theories of gravityShao Changgui, Wang Chunhou and H. Dehnen
901-906Bianchi type V perfect-fluid space-timesShri Ram
907-908Book review:Differential geometry, gauge theories, and gravityChristian Holm

Volume 29, Number 9 / September 1990

909-933Quantization in curvilinear coordinatesLee Ting Hsang, An Chong Shan and Zhai Tian Yi
935-961A Suppes predicate for general relativity and set-theoretically generic spacetimesN. C. A. Costa, F. A. Doria and J. A. Barros
963-984Maximal acceleration, maximal angular velocity, and causal influenceM. Toller
985-995Szilard's demon revisitedJorge Berger
997-1001Singularities in spacetimes with torsionL. C. Garcia de Andrade
1003-1009Energy and momentum from the Palatini formalismGeorge L. Murphy
1011-1014Nonstatic axisymmetric universe model and its evolutionAshfaque H. Bokhari, Amjad Pervez and Muhammad A. Mughal
1015-1029Radiating viscous universes coupled with zero-mass scalar field: Exact solutionsKoijam Manihar Singh and K. S. Bhamra
1029-1037Two-phase MFD flows in orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systemChandreshwar Thakur and Ram Babu Mishra
1039Errata: Automorphisms and symmetries of quantum logicsVera Trnková

Volume 29, Number 10 / October 1990

1041-1058Constructive approach to logics of physical systems: Application to EPR caseJarosław Pykacz and Emilio Santos
1059-1064Virasoro algebras in the theory of bosonicp-branesR. P. Zaikov
1065-1072Spontaneous compactification and quantized chargesD. K. Ross
1073-1090Exact quantum partition function of the BCS modelAlexander F. Izmailov and Alexander R. Kessel
1091-1097Existence of magnetic chargeDavid Akers
1099-1110KdV-type solitons in multicomponent relativistic plasmasB. Karmakar, G. C. Das and Kh. Ibohanbi Singh
1111-1114Extended Hill equationZhong Jin Yang and Jie Yao
1115-1126Generalized Poisson algebras and Hamiltonian dynamicsG. C. Sherry
1127-1151Biframe bundle geometry: An extension of Rainich-Misner-Wheeler theory to include sourcesK. S. Hammon

Volume 29, Number 11 / November 1990

1153Topology, geometry, and gouging in field-theoretical models of condensed media
1155-1166Topological solitons and zero modes in high-TcsuperconductivityRyszard Mańka
1167-1176Kinematics of media with continuously changing topologyI. A. Kunin
1177-1184Space-time as a micromorphic continuumJan J. Sławianowski
1185-1206Mapping Noether identities into Bianchi identities in general relativistic theories of gravity and in the field theory of static lattice defectsJ. Dermott McCrea, Friedrich W. Hehl and Eckehard W. Mielke
1207-1218Cartan connection and defects in Bravais latticesL. Mistura
1219-1237The differential geometry of elementary point and line defects in Bravais crystalsE. Kröner
1239-1249Global invariance and Lie-algebraic description in the theory of dislocationsAndrzej Trzęsowski and Jan J. Sławianowski
1251-1270Models of defect-mediated meltingW. Janke
1271-1276A trial of the gauge theory for the stress-function spaceSitiro Minagawa
1277-1284Helicity theorem and vortex lines in superfluid4HeZbigniew Peradzynski

Volume 29, Number 12 / December 1990

1285-1297Radiative kinks and fermionic zero modes in a (λφ6)1+1 modelJ. Casahorrán, J. G. Esteve and A. Tarancón
1299-1308ISO(3,1¦N) andOSp(N¦4) supergravitiesShao Changgui, Liu Zhengren and Xu Bangqing
1309-1312Dirac's constraint theory: Corrections to alleged counterexamplesQi Zhi
1313-1325Temperature-dependent particle production and stimulated emissions by external sourcesEdward B. Manoukian
1327-1334Anomalous parity-violating coupling of photon to nucleonP. Żenczykowski
1335-1368Quantum mechanics in a discrete model of classical physicsGeoffrey Hemion
1369-1377Charged spherical shell in the field of an Abelian monopoleC. Wolf
1379-1392Underlying probability distributions of Planck's radiation lawB. H. Lavenda
1393-1409Post-Newtonian equations for the metric perturbation generated by a rotating elastic earthJ. M. Gambi, A. San Miguel and F. Vicente
1411-1414Brans-Dicke models with time-dependent cosmological termMarcelo Samuel Berman and M. M. Som
1415-1417Density perturbations in a Brans-Dicke cosmological modelMarcelo Samuel Berman
1419-1421Brans-Dicke cosmology with time-dependent cosmological termMarcelo Samuel Berman
1423-1425Brans-Dicke theory and the duration of the early universeMarcelo Samuel Berman
1427-1436Newtonian motion and Lorentz-Dirac equationE. Comay
1437-1438Erratum and comment: Topological spin-statistics relation in quantum field theoryR. D. Tscheuschner

Volume 30, Number 1 / January 1991

1-52Classical foundations of quantum logicClaudio Garola
53-57Quantum mechanics on topologically nontrivial spacesJ. Sładkowski
59-76Comments onq-algebrasSimón Codriansky
77-82Growth of ordered domains beyond a dynamic instability in dissipative systemsAriel Fernández
83-88Ultrametricity in the externally-induced conformational substates of disordered polymersAriel Fernández
89-95Symplectic and nonsymplectic realizations of groups for singular systems. An exampleNarciso Román-Roy
97-111Bifurcation in a coupled logistic map. Some analytic and numerical resultsA. Roy Chowdhury and K. Chowdhury

Volume 30, Number 2 / February 1991

113-122Prediction problem in quantum mechanics is intractable (NP-Hard)Vladik Kreinovich, Alejandro Vazquez and Olga Kosheleva
123-127Torsion, wormholes, and the problem of the Cosmological constantVenzo Sabbata and C. Sivaram
129-136RNA self-splicing and energy localizationAriel Fernández
137-184Spinors and multivectors as a unified tool for spacetime geometry and for elementary particle physicsJaime Keller
185-196Multivectorial representation of Lie groupsJaime Keller and Suemi Rodríguez-Romo
197-204Energy-momentum four-vector on a wavefrontPierre Hillion
205-209Relation between strings and ribbon knotsE. Ahmed, E. A. El-Rifai and R. A. Abdellatif
211-224Classical geometry of bosonic string dynamicsR. Beig
225-233Generalized Noether theorems and applicationsLi Zi-Ping and Li Xin
235-238Ricci recurrent space-times with torsionL. C. Garcia de Andrade
239-244Anisotropic, spatially homogeneous, bulk viscous cosmological modelG. Mohanty and R. R. Pattanaik
245-249Unified approach to the conservation laws and soliton solution for sine-gordon systemA. Roy Chowdhury and Chandana Ghosh

Volume 30, Number 3 / March 1991

253-267Geometrical meaning of braid statistics in (1+1)- and (2+1)-dimensional quantum field theoryHermann Hessling and Ralf D. Tscheuschner
269-274Invariance transformations and exact solutions of the Rabi modelK. A. Rustamov
275-279One-bit photon polarization in two-photon experiments. An information mechanics perspectiveFrederick W. Kantor
281-399Nonsymmetric Kaluza-Klein and Jordan-Thiry theory in a general non-Abelian caseM. W. Kalinowski

Volume 30, Number 4 / April 1991

401-417Uncertainties and an interpretation of nonrelativistic quantum theoryShiro Ishikawa
419-436Does thermodynamics rule out the existence of cosmological singularities?Marcelo Schiffer
437-445Jauch-Piron logics with finiteness conditionsVladimír Rogalewicz
447-462New twistorial integral formulas for massless free fields of arbitrary spinJ. G. Cardoso
463-486Q an algebraic language for quantum-spacetime topologyDavid Finkelstein and W. H. Hallidy
487-493Energy levels of λx2k anharmonic oscillators using the quantum normal formS. Brajamani, P. S. Mazumdar, S. K. Chowdhury and Sukanya Sur
495-509General transformation theory of Lagrangian mechanics and the Lagrange groupM. Aguirre and J. Krause
511-516Constrained systems: A unified geometric approachXavier Gràcia and Josep M. Pons
517-520GeneralizedG-theoryJ. Sładkowski
521-529Lobachevsky geometry and unsolved problems of solar cosmogonyA. S. Rabinowitch
531-536Elliptically polarized fields and responsesZhongJin Yang, Jie Yao and G. Helgesen
537-545Two-body problem for Weber-like interactionsR. A. Clemente and A. K. T. Assis
547-554Conformally symmetric anisotropic magnetospheres in general relativityS. M. Aherkar and G. G. Asgekar
555-565Cauchy boundary andb-incompleteness of space-timeJacek Gruszczak, Michael Heller and Zdzisław Pogoda
567-582Associated symplectic and co-symplectic structuresF. A. M. Frescura and G. Lubczonok
583-585Correction: New stiff matter solutions are really not stiffSalah Haggag and Joseph Hajj-Boutros

Volume 30, Number 5 / May 1991

587-710Stochastic and quantum space-time metrics and the weak-field limitK. Namsrai
711-719Gravitational coupling at the Planck scaleAnne M. R. Magnon
721-735Gauge gravitation theoryGennadi A. Sardanashvily
737-756Lipschitz stability of impulsive systems of differential equationsG. K. Kulev and D. D. Bainov

Volume 30, Number 6 / June 1991

757-782Combined systems in quantum probabilityStanley Gudder
783-787BRST quantization of a scalar particle in a curved backgroundHuang Baofa
789-806Confined phase of QEDS. Biswas and L. Das
807-823Neutron scattering in impure anharmonic solidsB. P. Bahuguna, C. P. Painuli and B. D. Indu
825-828Effect of relativity on the oscillator strengths of 2p63s2SJe→2p53s22PJo transition in Cu18+, Zn19+, Br24+, and Kr25+ ionsS. N. Tiwary
829-836Skyrmions of different typesTie-Zhong Li
837-847Gravitational energy and momentum: A tensorial approachNoah Nissani and Elhanan Leibowitz
849-856Classical and quantum aspects of Bianchi type IX cosmological modelSubenoy Chakraborty
857-863Singular mechanics and Landau two-fluid model of superfluidityJosé Jesus Rodríguez-Núñez and Ricardo Tello-Llanos
865-906Transformation methods for solving nonlinear field equationsDominic G. B. Edelen and Jianhua Wang
907-922Probability distributions of thermodynamic intensive variablesB. H. Lavenda and J. Dunning-Davies

Volume 30, Number 7 / July 1991

923-947Finitary substitute for continuous topologyRafael D. Sorkin
949-959Quantum logical description of two-particle systemsA. A. Grib and R. R. Zapatrin
961-971Nonlinear quantum mechanics is a classical theorySławomir Bugajski
973-977Virtually-deterministic quantum computing of nondeterministic polynomial problemsJ. D. Brasher, C. F. Hester and H. J. Caulfield
979-984Nonlinear wave mechanics, information theory, and thermodynamicsJames D. Brasher
985-998Higgs-field gravity within the standard modelH. Dehnen and H. Frommert
999-1010Discrete effects in classical mechanicsL. Renna
1011-1031Lie group theory of the bessel equation of the first kind of integral orderG. C. Chukwumah
1033-1039Periodic inverse problem for a new hierarchy of coupled evolution equationsChandana Ghose and A. Roy Chowdhury

Volume 30, Number 8 / August 1991

1041-1073Undecidability and incompleteness in classical mechanicsN. C. A. Costa and F. A. Doria
1075-1078Plasma-driven inflationJ. Sładkowski
1079-1082Electroweak interactions at an infinite sublayer quark levelK. Sugita, Y. Okamoto and M. Sekine
1083-1090Adirectional temporal zones in quantum physics and brain physiologyEva Ruhnau and Ernst Pöppel
1091-1096Difference between special relativistic gravitational theory and general relativity: Weak field limitZhang Junhao and Chen Xiang
1097-1116Fermi coordinate transformation under baseline change in relativistic celestial mechanicsJ. M. Gambi, P. Romero, A. San Miguel and F. Vicente
1117-1120Physical structure of the energy-momentum tensor of a dust of spinning particlesL. C. Garcia de Andrade
1121-1125Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model and an inflationary eraHuang Baofa
1127-1150Affine connection structure of the charged symplectic 2-formL. K. Norris
1151-1162Lipschitz quasistability of impulsive systems of differential equationsG. K. Kulev and D. D. Bainov
1163-1170Group theory and kink stability equationsJavier Casahorran and Soonkeon Nam

Volume 30, Number 9 / September 1991

1171-1215Holonomy and path structures in general relativity and Yang-Mills theoryJ. W. Barrett
1217-1227Informationally complete sets of physical quantitiesPaul Busch
1229-1233Quantum dynamics of theSU(2)-Skyrme model in Nelson stochastic mechanicsZ. Z. Israilov and M. M. Musakhanov
1235-1248High-energy electron pair production on oxygenGeorge L. Strobel1 and Robert A. Koss
1249-1257Space-time isomorphism problem is intractable (NP-hard)Vladik Kreinovich
1259-1262Nonlinear electromagnetic effects induced by torsionL. C. Garcia de Andrade and J. U. Cinelli L. de Oliveira
1263-1266Scalar-tensor theory and propagating torsion theoryXu Jizhong and Chen Yihan
1267-1271Invertible point transformations, Painlevé test, and the second Painlevé transcendentN. Euler, W. -H. Steeb, L. G. S. Duarte and I. C. Moreira

Volume 30, Number 10 / October 1991

1273-1292Correspondence principle for the quantum netS. A. Selesnick
1293-1336Axiomatic foundations of quantum physics: Critiques and misunderstandings. Piron's question-proposition systemGianpiero Cattaneo and Giuseppe Nisticó
1337-1342Normal functional and spaces of weightsJ. Hagler and C. Schindler
1343-1353Field equations onSE(k)-manifoldXnJong Woo Lee
1355-1380Generalized fundamental equations on the submanifolds of a manifoldESXnKyung Tae Chung and Mi Young Kim
1381-1401Geometry of the submanifoldsESXn. III. Parallelism inESXn and its submanifoldsKyung Tae Chung and Keum Sook So

Volume 30, Number 11 / November 1991

1403-1408Braid group symmetriesSuemi Rodríguez-Romo
1409-1430Representations of state space transformations by Markov kernelsChristian Schindler
1431-1444Hamilton's principle, covariant Hamiltonian, and canonical formalism in four and five dimensionsLudger Hannibal
1445-1459First quantization of mass and chargeLudger Hannibal
1461-1472Point symmetry group of the LagrangianM. Aguirre and J. Krause
1473-1487Electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor and elementary classical point chargesE. Comay
1489-1496Nonlinear gauge theory of Poincaré gravityShao Changgui and H. Dehnen
1497-1515Stochastic processes in conformal Riemann-Cartan-Weyl gravitationDiego Lucio Rapoport-Campodónico
1517-1520Black holes associated with galaxiesGerald Rosen
1521-1543Relativistic geometrical opticsRadu Miron and Tomoaki Kawaguchi
1545-1554Existence of solutions of nonlinear impulsive differential equations with exponentially dichotomous or dichotomous linear partD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 30, Number 12 / December 1991

iImportant announcement
1555-1563Quantic latticesL. Román and B. Rumbos
1565-1588Generalized mass-scattering integrals for Dirac fields and their graphical representationJ. G. Cardoso
1589-1604Superfields with higher spin fermionic coordinatesChristopher Pilot and Subhash Rajpoot
1605-1612Topological defects in superfluid heliumR. Owczarek
1613-1644Bergmannian relativity and bracket spacesDavid Carl Honeycutt
1645-1654Quasiparticle kinetic equation in geometry of local base vectorsS. Piekarski
1655-1661Generalization of the Larmor radiation formulaBarton L. Willis
1663-1670Natural gauges for classical charged particlesR. G. Beil
1671-1678Neutron interferometry in gravitational field with torsionVenzo Sabbata, P. I. Pronin and C. Sivaram
1679-1689Nonrelativistic approximation of scalar-tensor theory with torsion and intermediate-range forceJi-Zhong Xu
1691-1695Dirac equation in Robertson-Walker metricD. Parashar
1697-1702Stability of hot Reissner-Nordstrom black holeMainuddin Ahmed
1703-1714Unified theory of model reduction via Gleason measuresErik I. Verriest and David Finkelstein

Volume 31, Number 1 / January 1992

1Important announcement
3-13Additivity of vector gleason measuresJan Hamhalter
15-29New formulation of quantum mechanicsStanley Gudder
31-36Gauge invariance of the Euler-Lagrange expressionsRicardo J. Noriega
37-46Temporal asymmetry as precondition of experience. The foundation of the arrow of timeTh. Görnitz, E. Ruhnau and C. F. v. Weizsäcker
47-57String model in differential formsS. N. Solodukhin
59-60Electroweak interactions at an infinite sublayer quark level. IIY. Okamoto, K. Sugita and M. Sekine
61-74Cherenkov radiation spectrumL. Fülöp and T. Biró
75-80Fully nonlinear ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasmaKamal Kumar Ghosh, Depankar Ray and S. N. Paul
81-108Raman scattering in impurity-induced anharmonic crystalsC. P. Painuli, B. P. Bahuguna, B. D. Indu and M. D. Tiwari
109-114Higgs field and a new scalar-tensor theory of gravityH. Dehnen, H. Frommert and F. Ghaboussi
115-118Dirac's conjecture about constraintsQi Zhi
119-136Relativistic internal time operatorIoannis E. Antoniou and Baydyanath Misra
137-149Spontaneous symmetry breaking in static Robertson-Walker space-time with background chargeBimal Kumar Majumdar and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
151-160Cosmological mesonic viscous fluid modelG. Mohanty and B. D. Pradhan
161-169Double Bäcklund transformations and fission solutions of axisymmetric gravitational equationsWu Ya-Bo

Volume 31, Number 2 / February 1992

171-185Gauge mechanical model inN dimensionsA. Bouzas
187-210An alternative to wave mechanics on curved spacesRoman Tomaschitz
211-219Binary logic is rich enoughRoman R. Zapatrin
221-228Forced periodic oscillations and the Jones polynomialGiuseppe Gaeta
229-244Anomalouse+e pairs in heavy ion collisions and solar neutrinosMatti Pitkänen and Petri Mähönen
245-267Topological geometrodynamics and the solar neutrino problemMatti Pitkänen and Petri Mähönen
269-275Hamiltonian structure of gravitational field theoryJerzy Rayski
277-288Einstein algebras and general relativityMichael Heller
289-302Solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equationSubenoy Chakraborty
303-311Bianchi I cosmological model and the no-boundary conditionSubenoy Chakraborty
313-319CosmologicalΦ4,Φ6, and Sine-Gordon theories with broken symmetryHuang Baofa and Wang Jingchang
321-323Inhomogeneous static model in Brans-Dicke theoryMarcelo Samuel Berman
325-328Inflation in Brans-Dicke theory for the radiation universeMarcelo Samuel Berman and M. M. Som
329-331Raychaudhuri's equation and the present universe in Brans-Dicke theoryMarcelo Samuel Berman
333-342The problem of irreversibility in Newtonian dynamicsMichail Zak
343-352Ion acoustic solitons in a streaming relativistic plasma with negative ionsSudeshna Chakravorty, A. Roy Chowdhury and S. N. Paul
353-361Dichotomies for linear impulsive differential equations with variable structureN. V. Milev and D. D. Bainov
363-372Uniform stability with respect to the impulsive perturbations of the solutions of impulsive differential equationsA. B. Dishliev and D. D. Bainov

Volume 31, Number 3 / March 1992

373-455Bibliography on quantum logics and related structuresM. Pavičić
463-513Amplitudes on entitiesStanley Gudder
515-519Three-particle Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlationsK. Wódkiewicz
521-524Electroweak interactions at an infinite sublayer quark level. III.CP violationK. Sugita, Y. Okamoto and M. Sekine
525-543Physical complexity and Zipf's lawR. Günther, B. Schapiro and P. Wagner
545-551Static anisotropic fluid spheres in general relativity with nonuniform densityT. Singh, G. P. Singh and R. S. Srivastava
553-573Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX cosmological models in Lyra's geometryT. Singh and Anil K. Agrawal
575-580Differential geometry of spacetime tangent bundleHoward E. Brandt

Volume 31, Number 4 / April 1992

581-610Perturbation theory with higher derivative couplingsJosip Šoln
611-741The nonsymmetric Kaluza-Klein (Jordan-Thiry) theory in the electromagnetic caseM. W. Kalinowski
743-785Memory systems, computation, and the second law of thermodynamicsDavid H. Wolpert

Volume 31, Number 5 / May 1992

787Quantum structures 1
789-807Filters and supports in orthoalgebrasD. J. Foulis, R. J. Greechie and G. T. Rüttimann
809-824Semantic incompleteness of quantum physicsClaudio Garola
825-834Systems of covariance in quantum probabilityStanley Gudder
835-842Structure of the set of annihilatorsKarsten Keller
843-854Concrete quantum logics with covering propertiesVladimir Müller, Pavel Pták and Josef Tkadlec
855-869Boolean transfer from coherent quantum logics to quantum logics with continuous superselection rulesHirokazu Nishimura
871-879Orthostructures from sesquilinear forms. A primerRobert Piziak
881-888Modular almost orthogonal quantum logicsSylvia Pulmannová and Zdenka Riečanová
889-905Regular measures and inner product spacesAnatolij Dvurečenskij

Volume 31, Number 6 / June 1992

907-924SU(2)q in a Hilbert space of analytic functionsSimón Codriansky
925-935Independence of automorphism group, center, and state space of quantum logicsMirko Navara
937-943Three-point phase, symplectic measure, and Berry phaseV. Cantoni and L. Mistrangioli
945-964New nondestructive tests, from framesElihu Lubkin
965-981Quaternionic quantum mechanics is consistent with complex quantum mechanicsC. G. Nash and G. C. Joshi
983-993Structural organization of an RNA catalyst with the random energy model as a reference frameAriel Fernández
995-1001Multiphase percolation and Josephson model for high-temperature superconductivityEl-Sayed M. El-Horbaty and E. Ahmed
1003-1006ee+ Production by a Nambu stringE. B. Manoukian
1007-1014Phenomenological description of particle and entropy creationU. Kasper
1015-1023Commutative asymptotic limit of a quasi-SU(2) formulation of general relativityAnne Magnon
1025-1044Finsler gauge transformations and general relativityR. G. Beil
1045-1062199 Causal classes of space-time framesBartolomé Coll and Juan Antonio Morales
1063-1073The ultimate speed implied by theories of Weber's typeA. K. T. Assis and R. A. Clemente
1075-1091Gauge and Bäcklund transformations for the generalized sine-Gordon equation and its η-dependent modified equationYu-kun Zheng and W. L. Chan

Volume 31, Number 7 / July 1992

1093-1101Topology lattice as quantum logicA. A. Grib and R. R. Zapatrin
1103-1129Axioms for quantum theoryGerhard Gerlich
1131-1151Logic of likelihoodMichael J. W. Hall
1153-1176Deducing the Schrödinger equation from minimum χ2Silviu Guiasu
1177-1195Classical analog of quantum phaseG. N. Ord
1197-1201SS433 and hydrogen spectrum beyond the Paschen-Back regionJeffrey M. Cohen and Boris Kuharetz
1203-1215Equivalent local potentials for a coupled-channel system and the Feshbach optical potentialC. Daskaloyannis
1217-1219Generalized large number hypothesis and cosmological constantMarcelo Samuel Berman
1221-1227Torsion, superconductivity, and massive electrodynamicsL. C. Garcia de Andrade
1229-1241Nonstandard model of the expanding universeM. Mattes and M. Sorg
1243-1251Polynomial solutions for coupledU(1)-gauge einstein equationsE. Stédile and Sandra R. Oliveira
1253-1265Minimal coupling of electromagnetic field in Riemann-Cartan spacetime for perfect fluidsLarry L. Smalley and Jean P. Krisch
1267-1282Variational principle for theP(4) affine theory of gravitation and electromagnetismJ. H. Chilton and L. K. Norris
1283-1293Field equations for gravity quadratic in the curvatureBernhard Rose
1295-1301Magnetic field generation from Alfven waves propagating along helical lines of forceB. Bera, Chandra Das, B. Chakraborty, Monoranjan Khan and V. Krishan, et al.
1303-1313Higher-order mechanical systems with constraintsManuel León and Paulo R. Rodrigues
1315-1324Dual geometric-gauge field aspects of gravityHuei Peng and K. Wang
1325-1334Exponential stability of linear impulsive differential equationsN. V. Milev and D. D. Bainov
1335-1343Dissipative formation of hole-like excitation in ion-acoustic plasmaA. Roy Chowdhury and Gobinda Pakira

Volume 31, Number 8 / August 1992

1345-1362Characterization of chaosDaniel M. Heffernan, P. Jenkins, M. Daly, B. J. Hawdon and J. O'Gorman
1363-1370Irreversible evolution in quantum logicsAntonio Zecca
1371-1373Unified treatment of fermions and bosonsDieter W. Ebner and Suemi Rodriguez-Romo
1375-1387Low-energy consequences of high-energy quantum chaosF. Winterberg
1389-1406O(N) symmetric finite-temperatureϕ4 theory in 2+1 dimensionsBimal Kumar Majumdar and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
1407-1415Relativistically corrected masses of ground-state baryons in hyperspherical harmonic quark modelAndrea Raspini
1417-1420Cosmic inflation and cosmic stringLi Yuanjie
1421-1432Equivalence in two-, three-, and four-dimensional space-timesØ. Grøn and E. Eriksen
1433-1446Bianchi type III and Kantowski-Sachs cosmological models in Lyra geometryT. Singh and G. P. Singh
1447-1450Large number hypothesisMarcelo Samuel Berman
1451-1454What if Ω ≠ 2q?Marcelo Samuel Berman
1455-1475Thermodynamics of rare eventsB. H. Lavenda and A. Florio
1477-1504The Multimomentum hamiltonian formalism in gauge theoryG. Sardanashvily and O. Zakharov
1505-1520Nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor instability in magnetic fluids between two parallel platesAbdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy
1521-1526Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of exponential dichotomy of impulsive equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and P. P. Zabreiko
1527-1530Parametrically driven pendulum and exact solutionsW. -H. Steeb and N. Euler
1531-1548Response of self-excited three-degree-of-freedom systems to multifrequency excitationsA. M. Elnagar and A. F. El-Bassiouny
1549-1567Solution spectrum of nonlinear diffusion equationsW. Ulmer

Volume 31, Number 9 / September 1992

1571-1572PrefaceJarosław Pykacz and Mladen Pavičić
1573-1597Brouwer-Zadeh (Fuzzy-intuitionistic) posets for unsharp quantum mechanicsGianpiero Cattaneo
1599-1614Compositions of Sasaki projectionsGeorges Chevalier and Sylvia Pulmannovà
1615-1625The subject matter of quantum mechanicsMichael Drieschner
1627-1638Higher-order quantum logicsDavid Finkelstein
1639-1652Quantum logics seen as quantum testability theoriesClaudio Garola
1653-1667Semantic alternatives in Brouwer-Zadeh logicsRoberto Giuntini
1669-1687Macroscopic realizations of quantum logicsA. A. Grib and R. R. Zapatrin
1689-1697Completeness in sums of Boolean algebras and logicsVladimír Janiš and Zdenka Riečanová
1699-1714Quantum theory as a theory in a classical propositional calculusOthman Qasim Malhas
1715-1751Quantum probabilities, operators of state preparation, and the principle of superpositionMioara Mugur-Schachter
1753-1766A new axiomatization of unified quantum logicM. Pavičić
1767-1783Fuzzy set ideas in quantum logicsJarosław Pykacz
1785-1795On the representation of quantum mechanics on phase spaceWerner Stulpe
1797-1802Quantum logic and physicsGeorge Svetlichny
1803-1810Spacetime structure on quantum latticeLászló E. Szabó

Volume 31, Number 10 / October 1992

1813-1814PrefaceJarosław Pykacz and Mladen Pavičić
1815-1837Construction of reality and its influence on the understanding of quantum structuresDiederik Aerts
1839-1848Mechanistic classical laboratory situation with a quantum logic structureDiederik Aerts and Bruno Bogaert
1849-1856Problem of classical and nonclassical probabilitiesEnrico G. Beltrametti and Maciej J. Maczyński
1857-1871Quantum logical solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanicsJeffrey Bub
1873-1898Physical content of preparation-question structures and Brouwer-Zadeh latticesGianpiero Cattaneo and Giuseppe Nisticó
1899-1907Quantum logics and completeness criteria of inner product spacesAnatolij Dvurečenskij
1909-1913Problem of hidden variablesEmilio Santos

Volume 31, Number 11 / November 1992

1915-1928Tensor products in generalized measure theoryAlexander Wilce
1929-1959Quantum field theory of binary alternativesTh. Görnitz, D. Graudenz and C. F. v. Weizsäcker
1961-1971Time-dependent variational method for sine-Gordon quantum field theoryAnjana Sinha and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
1973-1991Schrödinger and Dirac quantum random walksStanley Gudder
1993-2001Experimental restrictions on spin-spin interaction in gauge gravityYu. N. Obukhov and I. V. Yakushin
2003-2027Lipschitzian quantum stochastic differential inclusionsG. O. S. Ekhaguere
2029-2034Avoiding Higgs fieldsF. Ghaboussi
2035-2042Parity nonconservation in electromagnetic systemsE. Comay
2043-2045Electroweak interactions at an infinite sublayer quark level. IV. Composite model of electron, neutrino, and gauge bosonsY. Okamoto, K. Sugita and M. Sekine

Volume 31, Number 12 / December 1992

iImportant announcement
2047-2052Hawking radiation of Dirac particles in Kasner-type spacetimeMainuddin Ahmed and Asit Kumar Mondal
2053-2059InhomogeneousR2 inflationary modelsLi Yuanjie and Wang Zhijun
2061-2063Self-dual Yang-Mills fields in an Einstein universeAlexander Pavlov
2065-2086Experimental facts and gravitational energy in general relativityNoah Nissani and Elhanan Leibowitz
2087-2089Cosmological model with heat flowAshfaque H. Bokhari
2091-2094Ricci tensor with six collineationsAshfaque H. Bokhari
2095-2102Anisotropic cosmological models of Bianchi types III and V in Lyra's geometryShri Ram and Prem Singh
2103-2113Cosmological compactification in Kaluza-Klein model and time-dependent cosmological termS. K. Srivastava
2115-2119Solving Bertolami's equations for Brans-Dicke cosmological modelsZoran Pazameta
2121-2141Ideal and resistive magnetohydrodynamic modesBhimsen K. Shivamoggi

Volume 32, Number 1 / January 1993

IImportant announcement
1-22Jauch-Piron system of imprimitivities for phonons. I. Localizability in discrete spaceZbigniew Banach and Sławomir Piekarski
23-37Jauch-Piron system of imprimitivities for phonons. II. The Wigner function formalismZbigniew Banach and Sławomir Piekarski
39-42Similarity solutions of the cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equationZhang Jiefang and Lin Ji
43-50Stochastic strings, topology, and space-time confinementKh. Namsrai
51-62θ-structures in quantum theory in view of geometric quantizationDehai Bao and Zhong-yuan Zhu
63-88Complex geometry, unification, and quantum gravity. I. The geometry of elementary particlesThomas R. Love
89-107Complex geometry, unification, and quantum gravity. II. The generations problemThomas R. Love
109-119Covariant conservation laws from the palatini formalismRainer Dick
121-135Spacetimes in which the Ricci equations characterize the Riemann tensorS. Brian Edgar
137-142Singularities, trapped sets, and cosmic censorship in asymptotically flat space-timesA. Królak and W. Rudnicki
143-158Lifted transformations on the tangent bundle, and symmetries of particle motionR. Maartens and D. R. Taylor
159-190Terminal model of Newtonian dynamicsMichail Zak
191-199Autonomous systems, dynamical systems, LPTI symmetries, topology of trajectories, and periodic solutionsG. Gaeta
201-215Generalized Noether theorems in canonical formalism for field theories and their applicationsZi-ping Li
217Erratum: Semantic incompleteness of quantum physicsClaudio Garola

Volume 32, Number 2 / February 1993

219-236Geometrical treatment of nonholonomic phase in quantum mechanics and applicationsP. B. Pereshogin and P. I. Pronin
237-248Hamiltonian formulation of one-chain and two-chain systemsUsha Kulshreshtha
249-260Classical spin and quantum propagationG. N. Ord
261-277Physical continuum and the problem of a finitistic quantum field theoryF. Winterberg
279-299Pre-Regge calculus: Topology via logicRoman Romanovitz Zapatrin
301-317Conventional nuclear physics solution of the solar neutrino problemY. E. Kim, M. Rabinowitz, J. -H. Yoon and R. A. Rice
319-331Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a time-dependent space-timeAnjana Sinha and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
333-345Uncertainty principle for generalized diffusionsErik I. Verriest and Dong-Ryeol Shin
347-351Multidimensional analogue of Virasoro algebra and quantum higher-order water wave equationP. Guha and A. Roy Chowdhury
353-355Fractals and chaos in cancer modelsE. Ahmed
357-371Charge spectra of dyonic quarksJ. M. S. Rana and B. S. Rajput
373-387Momentum, angular momentum, and equations of motion for test bodies in space-time with torsionFang-Pei Chen

Volume 32, Number 3 / March 1993

389-398Delinearization of quantum logicSlawomir Bugajski
399-405On classical representations of finite-dimensional quantum mechanicsP. Busch, K. -E. Hellwig and W. Stulpe
407-431A model of Piron's preparation-question structures in Ludwig's selection structuresGianpiero Cattaneo and Giuseppe Nisticò
433-442Jauch-Piron states on concrete quantum logicsV. Müller
443-488On the duality between Boolean-valued analysis and reduction theory under the assumption of separabilityHirokazu Nishimura
489-498Quantum structures in macroscopic realityD. Aerts, T. Durt, A. A. Grib, B. Bogaert and R. R. Zapatrin
499-501Book review: The quantum theory of measurementG. Kalmbach

Volume 32, Number 4 / April 1993

503-516Generalized Clifford algebras and hyperspin manifoldsN. Fleury, M. Rausch Traubenberg and R. M. Yamaleev
517-527Feynman path integral and ordering rules on discrete finite spaceG. Chadzitaskos and J. Tolar
529-540Krichever-Novikov operator formalism and sewing conformal fieldsQihua Cheng
541-544New invariance in electroweak standard model and conservation of helicityBi-chu Wu and Zi-ping Li
545-553Coherent states in the form of a quantum groupLei Ma, Zhong Tang and Yong-de Zhang
555-563Uniqueness of the Newton-Wigner position operatorD. R. Grigore
565-574Basic connection between superconductivity and superfluidityMario Rabinowitz
575-592Ward identities and radiative corrections in QED with conformal gaugeR. P. Zaikov and S. I. Zlatev
593-607Maxwell equations, nonzero photon mass, and conformal metric fluctuationG. Kar, M. Sinha and S. Roy
609-613First experiment to test whether space-time is flatZhang Junhao and Chen Xiang
615-624Some remarks on Dirac's equation in the Tolman-Bondi geometryAntonio Zecca
625-648Differential structure of space-time and its prolongations to singular boundariesJacek Gruszczak and Michael Heller
649-653Test of SS 433 modelsJeffrey M. Cohen and Boris Kuharetz
655-665Rotating colored black hole inSU(5) GUTHongwei Yu
667-670Inhomogeneous cosmology with spinning fluid in high-dimensional space-timeLi Yuanjie
671-681Spherical symmetry and mass-energy in higher dimensionsS. Chatterjee and B. Bhui
683-692Derivation of critical exponents from extreme value distributionsB. H. Lavenda and A. Florio
693-701High-frequency sum rules for the quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma dielectric tensor. II. Spin effectR. O. Genga

Volume 32, Number 5 / May 1993

703-712Fiber braids and knotsGiuseppe Gaeta
713-725Calculating Wadati-Deguchi-AkutsuN=3 knot polynomialsA. E. M. El-Misiery
727-736Breaking of permutation symmetry and diagonal group action: Nielsen model and the standard model as low-energy limitGiuseppe Gaeta
737-767Generalization of quantum statistics in statistical mechanicsS. B. Isakov
769-774Modified factorization method and supersymmetric quantum mechanicsB. Bagchi, K. Samanta, A. Lahiri and P. K. Roy
775-790More about superconformal field theory. Hamiltonian formalismA. Foussats, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
791-799Relativistic quantum physics equation for number of electronsA. S. Rabinowitch
801-812Six-dimensional Dirac equationJ. B. Boyling and E. A. B. Cole
813-818Cosmic string in the NUT-Kerr-Newman spacetimeMainuddin Ahmed and Elias Uddin Biswas
819-839Electromagnetic tail radiation in nonflat spacetimesThomas W. Noonan
841-848Bianchi type III foliation of the de Sitter spaceP. Crawford and P. Vargas Moniz
849-859Dynamical algebras in classical mechanicsE. Ihrig and G. Rosensteel
861-878Thermodynamics of impure anharmonic crystalsRam Singh, B. D. Indu, R. P. Gairola and M. N. Sharma
879-884Exact solutions of some nonlinear equationsR. S. Banerjee

Volume 32, Number 6 / June 1993

885-890Countable Jauch-Piron logicsPeter G. Ovchinnikov
891-900Some remarks on a model of supersymmetric quantum mechanicsK. Samanta
901-904Quantum phases and connectionsJan Sładkowski
905-925Tomita representations of quantum and classical mechanics in a bra/ket formulationHans H. Grelland
927-931Noncommutativity and transition probability in quantum mechanicsB. Rumbos
933-943Average quantal behavior and thermodynamic isolationElihu Lubkin and Thelma Lubkin
945-959Equivalence of Dirac and Maxwell equations and quantum mechanicsJayme Vaz and Waldyr A. Rodrigues
961-968Derivation of quantum Maxwell equations from relativistic particle HamiltonianA. O. Barut and Bo-wei Xu
969-977Classical frames for a quantum theory — A bird's-eye viewSławomir Bugajski
979-984Weyl equation in some anisotropic stiff fluid universesLuis O. Pimentel
985-1004Geometric structures approximated by Maxwell's equationsGeoffrey Martin
1005-1011Dirac spinors in an inhomogeneous cosmological modelS. K. Srivastava and K. P. Sinha
1013-1020Post-Newtonian estimation in relativistic opticsG. Zet and V. Manta
1021-1031Finsler and Kaluza-Klein gauge theoriesR. G. Beil
1033-1039Energy-momentum complex of gravitational field in the Palatini formalismJan Novotný
1041-1059Homogeneous anisotropic cosmological models with variable gravitational and cosmological “Constants”T. Singh and Anil K. Agrawal
1061-1068Spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions of Einstein's equations in noncomoving coordinatesW. B. Bonnor and H. Knutsen

Volume 32, Number 7 / July 1993

1069-1076Diagonal harmonious state representationsE. C. G. Sudarshan
1077-1086A new interpretation of Bell's inequalitiesE. C. G. Sudarshan and Tony Rothman
1087-1103Introduction to SH Lie algebras for physicistsTom Lada and Jim Stasheff
1105-1109Path integral evaluation of the Eta functionD. G. C. McKeon and T. N. Sherry
1111-1133Spinor strong interaction model for meson spectraF. C. Hoh
1135-1142Higgs mechanism without Higgs particleH. Dehnen and H. Frommert
1143-1151Fuzzy logics and observablesRadko Mesiar
1153-1171Partial-state formalism and the object-subject split in quantum mechanicsFedor Herbut
1173-1186Object-subject split and superselection partial statesFedor Herbut
1187-1196Noncommutative mean ergodic theorem for partialW*-dynamical semigroupsG. O. S. Ekhaguere
1197-1223Condensed matter effects on nuclear fusion rates in laboratory and astrophysical environmentsY. E. Kim, M. Rabinowitz and J. -H. Yoon
1225-1236WKB approximation for a quarkonium equationAndré Pesch
1237-1244Hawking radiation from a general spherically symmetric evaporating black holeYang Bo and Zhao Zheng
1245-1256High-frequency sum-rule expansion for relativistic quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma dielectric tensorR. O. Genga
1257-1260Cold plasma oscillations according to Weber's law. An unphysical resultRoberto A. Clemente and Rodrigo G. F. Cesar
1261-1273Bose gas in gravitational fieldI. K. Kulikov and P. I. Pronin
1275-1280Continuous dependence on a parameter of the solutions of impulsive differential equations in a Banach spaceD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov, Nguyen Minh and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 32, Number 8 / August 1993

1281-1292Reflections on the evolution of physical theoriesHenri Bacry
1293-1321Empirical set theoryHirokazu Nishimura
1323-1328Noncommutativity of quantum observablesB. Rumbos
1329-1362Teichmüller spaces of string theoryK. Bugajska
1363-1381Generalized enveloping algebras and quantum kinematic coherent states of noncompact Lie groupsJ. Krause
1383-1399Identifying an extraZ0 boson with a new modelTie-zhong Li
1401-1407On the uniqueness of Planck's constantFranco Battaglia
1409-1422Quantization from motion equationsDehai Bao and Z. Y. Zhu
1423-1434Nondiagonal seed universes and a network of double gravitational soliton universesYi-Huan Wei and Zai-Zhe Zhong
1435-1440Quantum mechanics of a miniuniverseNathan Rosen
1441-1444Physical implications of the cosmological constantEduardo V. Flores
1445-1452Hubbard model, conserved quantities, and computer algebraW. -H. Steeb, C. M. Villet and P. Mulser
1453-1464Radiation of some fractal structuresB. M. Smirnov
1465-1474Ion-acoustic wave in relativistic nonisothermal plasma with negative ionsS. Chakraborty, A. Roy Chowdhury and S. N. Paul

Volume 32, Number 9 / September 1993

1475-1480Algebraic spinors and directed random walks in the McKane-Parisi-Sourlas theoremSuemi Rodríguez-Romo
1481-1505Nonordered quantum logic and its YES-NO representationM. Pavičić
1507-1522Axiomatic foundations of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics: A realistic approachS. E. Perez Bergliaffa, H. Vucetich and G. E. Romero
1523-1530Torsion and gauge-invariant massive electrodynamicsVenzo Sabbata, C. Sivaram and L. Garcia de Andrade
1531-1547Fermions and expanding universeU. Ochs and M. Sorg
1549-1561Hierarchical order of Galilei and Lorentz invariance in the structure of matterF. Winterberg
1563-1571Unified equation of motion of a test charge in electromagnetic and gravitational fieldsAkash Bandyopadhyay
1573-1583Hyperbolic relaxation as a sufficient condition of a fully coherent ergodic fieldFritz-Albert Popp and Ke-hsueh Li
1585-1602The myth of cosmic symmetry breakingJoe Rosen
1603-1617Particle masses in the early universe: Matter and entropy productionsS. S. De
1619-1625Theory of fiber bundle with local metric of internal space and gravitation with torsionLi Yuanjie
1627-1642Energy-momentum complex in Møller's tetrad theory of gravitationF. I. Mikhail, M. I. Wanas, Ahmed Hindawi and E. I. Lashin

Volume 32, Number 10 / October 1993

IInternational quantum structures association: Part I Proceedings of the International Meeting held in Castiglioncello, Italy, September 21–26, 1992
1643-1659Axiomatics of particle interactionsGeorge W. Mackey
1661-1673Logicoalgebraic structures ISylvia Pulmannová
1675-1690Logicoalgebraic structures II. Supports in test spacesD. J. Foulis, R. J. Greechie and G. T. Rüttimann
1691-1708Fuzzy quantum logic IJarosław Pykacz
1709-1734Fuzzy quantum logic II. The logics of unsharp quantum mechanicsGianpiero Cattaneo
1735-1746Empirical logicsMaria Luisa Dalla Chiara
1747-1762Foundations of quantum probabilityStanley Gudder
1763-1775Quantum measurement I. The measuring process and the interpretation of quantum mechanicsPeter Mittelstaedt
1777-1788Quantum measurement IIPekka J. Lahti
1789-1799Quantum groups: A reviewL. C. Biedenharn
1801-1813Quantum relativityDavid Finkelstein and J. Michael Gibbs
1815-1834Quantum theory and geometry: sixty years after von NeumannV. S. Varadarajan
1835-1846Critique of Putnam's quantum logicGuido Bacciagaluppi
1847-1851Physics and logic: ThalesHerman Dishkant
1853-1861Lattice of quantum predictionsMichael Drieschner
1863-1873Semantic incompleteness of quantum physics and EPR-like paradoxesClaudio Garola
1875-1887Three-valued Brouwer-zadeh logicRoberto Giuntini
1889-1892States on projection logics of von Neumann algebrasJan Hamhalter
1893-1895Atoms in Boolean powersVladimír Janiš
1897-1909T-Fuzzy observablesA. Kolesárová and B. Riečan
1911-1916Representation of fuzzy quantum posets of types I, IILe Ba Long
1917-1926Fuzziness in abacus logicOthman Qasim Malhas
1927-1931Measure on the inductive limit of projection latticesM. S. Matvejchuk
1933-1940Pseudoadditive states on a logicRadko Mesiar
1941-1955Logic of infinite quantum systemsDaniele Mundici
1957-1964States and homomorphisms on the Pták sumOlga Nánásiová
1965-1979Probabilistic forcing in quantum logicsM. Pavičić
1981-1984Jauch-Piron orthomodular posets and propositional systems: A comparisonC. Piron
1985-1991Jauch-Piron property (everywhere!) in the logicoalgebraic foundation of quantum theoriesPavel Pták
1993-1997Properties of Boolean orthoposetsJosef Tkadlec

Volume 32, Number 11 / November 1993

1999-2004Internal geometry of hadron resonancesS. Bruce and P. Salgado
2005-2014Algebraic spinors and SUSYJ. L. Lucio Martinez, M. Napsuciale and H. Salazar
2015-2021Gravitation of the Klein-Gordon scalar fieldZhong-Yong Zhang
2023-2029Evolution of a velocity-dependent quantum forced anharmonic oscillatorR. D. Khan, Zhang Jialun, Ding Sheng and Shen Wenda
2031-2035Radiative reaction and quantum mechanicsP. Moylan
2037-2040Solvable model with interaction of pair dipoles in one dimensionHou Qing
2041-2045Cherenkov radiation: Electron self-energy approachL. Fülöp
2047-2051Relativistic and nonrelativistic oscillator strengths in the Na isoelectronic sequenceS. N. Tiwary
2053-2058Nonlinear second harmonic generation by light wave-plasma interaction in oscillating magnetic fieldSh. M. Khalil, F. Sharaf and B. F. Mohamed
2059-2076Bianchi identities, electromagnetic waves, and charge conservation in theP(4) theory of gravitation and electromagnetismJ. H. Chilton, K. S. Hammon and L. K. Norris
2077-2085Gauge systems: Presymplectic and group action formulationsM. C. Muñoz-Lecanda and N. Román-Roy
2087-2098Canonical proper time formulation of relativistic particle dynamicsTepper Gill and James Lindesay
2099-2124Null tetrad formulation of non-Abelian dyonsP. S. Bisht, O. P. S. Negi and B. S. Rajput
2125-2133Toward a unification of “everything” with gravityJerzy Rayski
2135-2154An axiomatization of general relativityG. M. Covarrubias
2155-2160Particle aspects of kink interactionsNematullah Riazi
2161-2172The KN algebras and the geometrical quantization of heterotic stringsBang-qing Xu, Dian-yan Xu and Chang-giu Chao
2173-2176Inflation in Brans-Dicke theory with torsionLi Yuanjie, Luo Shijun and Ma Weichan
2177-2186Set logics and their representationsFoat Sultanbekov
2187-2206Dynamical system where proving chaos is equivalent to proving Fermat's conjectureN. C. A. Costa, F. A. Doria and A. F. Furtado do Amaral

Volume 32, Number 12 / December 1993

2207-2220Quantum structures due to fluctuations of the measurement situationDiederik Aerts
2221-2233Stochastic differential equations anda posteriori states in quantum mechanicsA. Barchielli
2235-2244Decomposability of mixed states into pure states and related propertiesE. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski
2245-2251Existence of trajectories for Bohmian mechanicsK. Berndl, D. Dürr, S. Goldstein, G. Peruzzi and N. Zanghi
2253-2259Inaccurate experiments and environment-induced superselection rulesThomas Breuer
2261-2269Concepts of coarse graining in quantum mechanicsPaul Busch and Ralf Quadt
2271-2286Forms for probability ascriptionsJeremy Butterfield
2287-2304Parameter dependence in dynamical models for statevector reductionJ. Butterfield, G. N. Fleming, G. C. Ghirardi and R. Grassi
2305-2321A Galois connection approach to superposition and inaccessibilityJeremy Butterfield and Joseph Melia
2323-2333Mathematical foundations of classical embeddings of quantum mechanical state spacesGianni Cassinelli
2335-2347The notions of symmetry and computational feedback in the paradigm of steady, simultaneous quantum computationG. Castagnoli and M. Rasetti
2349-2362A statistical analysis of the two-slit experiment: Or some remarks on quantum probabilityD. Costantini
2363-2375The modal interpretation of quantum mechanics and some of its relativistic aspectsDennis Dieks
2377-2388Gleason's theorem and completeness criteriaAnatolij Dvurečenskij
2389-2400Quantum logical interpretation of quantum mechanics: The role of timeA. A. Grib
2401-2411Quantum measurements and information theoryK. -E. Hellwig
2413-2422Fermion flows and supersymmetryR. L. Hudson

Volume 33, Number 1 / January 1994

1-11Algebras of bounded operators on nonclassical orthomodular spacesHans A. Keller and Herminia A. Ochsenius
13-18Representation of complete ortholattices by sets with orthogonalityPavel Konôpka
19-29Quantum physics and objective descriptionL. Lanz
31-39Quantum physics as a particular domain of probabilistic physicsLazar Mayants
41-52Dissonance: A nervous system analog to quantum incompatibilityGin McCollum
53-90Quantum probabilities, Kolmogorov probabilities, and informational probabilitiesMioara Mugur-Schächter
91-102On stochastic Einstein locality in algebraic relativistic quantum field theoryF. A. Muller
103-113Proof theory for minimal quantum logic IHirokazu Nishimura
115-131Theory of measurement in quantum mechanics and macroscopic descriptionG. M. Prosperi
133-141Contraexamples in difference posets and orthoalgebrasZdenka Riečanová and Daniel Bršel
143-147What does pasting manage in OMPs?Vladimir Rogalewicz
149-156Convexity and finite quantum logicsGottfried T. Rüttimann
157-170Advantages of quantum mechanics on phase spaceF. E. Schroeck
171-178Maximum predictive power and the superposition principleJohann Summhammer
179-189A random-walk approach to interferencePatrick Suppes and J. Acacio Barros
191-197On the real meaning of Bell's theoremLászló E. Szabó
199-212The joint measurement problemJos Uffink
213-224Boolean machinery for quantum logicsRoman R. Zapatrin

Volume 33, Number 2 / February 1994

225-245Dirac equation and the Ivanenko-Landau-Kähler equationYu. N. Obukhov and S. N. Solodukhin
247-259Spinor waves in a space-time lattice (II)S. A. Wouthuysen
261-278BRST quantization ofN = 2, 3, and 4 superconformal theories on higher-genus Riemann surfacesKuang Leman
279-305Geometrical basis for the Standard ModelFranklin Potter
307-338Nonstandard extension of quantum logic and Dirac's bra-ket formalism of quantum mechanicsArye Friedman
339-345Angular correlation of photons ine+e collision in QED: Planar processesE. B. Manoukian and A. Ungkitchanukit
347-352Bosonic string in the hot Schwarzschild geometryMainuddin Ahmed
353-377Dispersion, topological scattering, and self-interference in multiply connected Robertson-Walker cosmologiesRoman Tomaschitz
379-388High-frequency sum-rule expansion of relativistic quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma dielectric tensor. II: Spin effectR. O. Genga
389-399Phenomenological theory of superfluidity and superconductivityMario Rabinowitz
401-424Geometrical structure of gravitation and matter fieldsLeopold Halpern
425-434Double complex Bäcklund transformations of the axisymmetric stationary and cylindrical symmetric Einstein vacuum field and a Geroch group structureHai-Yang Zhong and Zai-Zhe Zhong
435-439Isotropization in Bianchi type VIIh vacuum cosmologyEnrique Guzmán
441-458Nonlinear evolution of two-magnetofluid instabilityAbdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy
459-486The formation and evolution of fractal structure within chaotic attractorsPaul Jenkins and Daniel M. Heffernan
487-497Kinematical similarity and exponential dichotomy of linear abstract impulsive differential equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and A. D. Myshkis

Volume 33, Number 3 / March 1994

499-507λφ4 q-Renormalization programSuemi Rodriguez-Romo
509-522Coherent states and coordinate-free quantizationJohn R. Klauder
523-534Role of time in the sum-over-histories framework for gravityRafael D. Sorkin
535-552Topology and statistics in zero dimensionsCharilaos Aneziris
553-574Quantum mechanics in Dirac's front formK. K. Wan and J. J. Powis
575-592Spin-gauge theory of gravity with Higgs-field mechanismH. Dehnen and E. Hitzer
593-597Purely cubic action for superstring field via noncommutative supergeometryWon -Sang Chung
599-612Lie algebras of classical and stochastic electrodynamicsJ. J. Soares Neto and J. D. M. Vianna
613-615Exact energy eigenvalues for the doubly anharmonic oscillatorR. K. Parui, P. S. Mazumdar and S. K. Chowdhury
617-670Critical review of theoretical models for anomalous effects in deuterated metalsV. A. Chechin, V. A. Tsarev, M. Rabinowitz and Y. E. Kim
671-678Zakharov-Shabat inverse problem with meromorphic reflection coefficientChandana Ghosh and A. Roy Chowdhury
679-685Bethe ansatz for an open Heisenberg spin chain with impurityNibedita Bhattacharya and A. Roy Chowdhury
687-693Dynamics and percolation in the immune systemE. Ahmed and H. A. Abdusalam
695-713Qualitative analysis of a class of Bianchi VI0 imperfect fluid cosmologiesG. Abolghasem and A. A. Coley
715-734Geometrized dynamics of multidimensional cosmological modelsMarek Szydłowski
735-744Exact solutions in Barker's homogeneous isotropic cosmologiesA. -M. M. Abdel-Rahman

Volume 33, Number 4 / April 1994

745-795Quantum mechanics on a space-time lattice using path integrals in a minkowski metricHrvoje Hrgovčić
797-803Quantum matrices inN dimensionsWon-Sang Chung, Ki-Soo Chung, Sang-Tack Nam and Chung-In Um
805-818Solution of dirac equation in a singularity-free Kaluza-Klein cosmological modelS. K. Srivastava
819-850Difference posets, effects, and quantum measurementsAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Sylvia Pulmannová
851-856q-Permutations and q-combinationsWon -Sang Chung and Hye -Jung Kang
857-864Momentum and Hamiltonian operators in generalized coordinatesMakoto Kato
865-912Nonstandard Fock spacesStanley Gudder
913-9303-Manifolds for relativistsDomenico Giulini
931-950Dislocations and internal length measurement in continuized crystals. I. Riemannian material spaceAndrzej Trzesowski
951-966Dislocations and internal length measurement in continuized crystals. II. Closed teleparallelismAndrzej Trzesowski
967-982Junction conditions and static fluid cylinders in Lyra's geometryJerzy Matyjasek

Volume 33, Number 5 / May 1994

983-994Product of proposition-state structures preserving superpositionAntonio Zecca
995-998Absence of “condensed matter effects” in the solar neutrino problemJohn N. Bahcall and Andrew Gould
999-1010Relativistic neutron spin-echo theoryFeng Li, Lei Ma and Yong -de Zhang
1011-1028Geometric prequantization on the spin bundle based onN-symplectic geometry: The dirac equationR. O. Fulp, J. K. Lawson and L. K. Norris
1029-1033Entropy Change in Gravitational CollapseLi Yuanjie
1035-1046Extension of massive scalar quasinormal modes of Kerr and Schwarzschild black holesMilán Mészáros
1047-1052Growth of a dissipative universe and the limits of Newtonian cosmologyGeorge L. Murphy
1053-1062Neutrino wave equation in the Robertson-Walker geometryEmilio Montaldi and Antonio Zecca
1063-1075Symmetry in extended phase space for singular Lagrangian with subsidiary constraintsZi -ping Li and Bi -chu Wu
1077-1083Scalar-vector topological solitonN. Riazi
1085-1111Predictability in deterministic theoriesArne Hole
1113-1161Physical models of cognitionMichail Zak

Volume 33, Number 6 / June 1994

1163-1172Quantum logic and linear logicL. Román
1173-1188Representations of empirical set theoriesHirokazu Nishimura
1189-1205Random graphs as a model for pregeometryFrank Antonsen
1207-1215Transformation properties of a constrained hamiltonian system and PBRST chargeZi -ping Li
1217-1228Canp-adic numbers be useful to regularize divergent expectation values of quantum observables?Roberto Cianci and Andrew Khrennikov
1229-1235The quantum groupSUq(2) andq-analog of angular momentum operators in quantum mechanicsShengli Zhang and Yishi Duan
1237-1240Bulk superconductor in weakly static electric fieldLuo Ji-Xiong and Gong Bi-Ping
1241-1250Stochastic quantization of the nonlinear sigma model and the background field methodE. Abdalla, F. M. Carvalho Filho and Ricardo L. Viana
1251-1256Čerenkov radiation at finite temperatureZdeněk Kopecký
1257-1263Electromagnetic field in two-dimensional locally flat space-timeKingshuk Majumdar and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
1265-1274Numerical analysis of trajectories of a quantum particle in two-slit experimentShiro Ishikawa, Takahiro Arai and Toshio Kawai
1275-1314The Planck Aether model for a unified theory of elementary particlesF. Winterberg
1315-1334Space-time defect solutions of the Einstein field equationsDominic G. B. Edelen
1335-1340Exact solutions in Brans-Dicke theory with bulk viscosityLuis O. Pimentel
1341-1358First-order impulsive partial differential inequalitiesDrumi Bainov, Zdzisław Kamont and Emil Minchev
1359-1370Stability of solutions of first-order impulsive partial differential equationsDrumi Bainov, Zdzisław Kamont and Emil Minchev
1371-1382Bäcklund transformations for harmonic maps in two independent variablesS. Başkal and A. Eriş
1383-1386Large numbers hypothesis and Whitrow-Randall-Sciama relation in Brans-Dicke theoryAroonkumar Beesham

Volume 33, Number 7 / July 1994

1387-1402Decompositions of measures on orthoalgebras and difference posetsAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Beloslav Riečan
1403-1416Fuzzy quantum logics and infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logicJarosław Pykacz
1417-1425h-Fuzzy quantum logicsRadko Mesiar
1427-1443Proof theory for minimal quantum logic IIHirokazu Nishimura
1145-1460Transference of squeezing in coupled oscillatorsC. A. Bonato and B. Baseia
1461-1469Estimating perturbative coefficients in high-energy physics and condensed matter theoryMark A. Samuel and G. Li
1471-1477How to measure the magnetic moment of the tau leptonMark A. Samuel and G. Li
1479-1501Theory of atomic spectral emission intensitySten Yngström
1503-1509The physical neutrino current from a duality transformationAndrea Raspini
1511-1522Dirac equation in (1+1)-dimensional curved space-timeAnjana Sinha and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
1523-1528Dirac magnetic monopoles as goldstone and higgs bosons in the origin of massDavid Akers
1529-1533Dirac's conjectureBi -chu Wu
1535-1551Duality transformations in electrodynamicsJerzy F. Plebański and Maciej Przanowski
1553-1568Dimension on discrete spacesAlexander V. Evako
1569-1579Fundamental physical constants and their stability: A reviewVitaly N. Melnikov
1581-1597Topological equivalence and exponential dichotomy of linear impulsive equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov, Nguyen Minh and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 33, Number 8 / August 1994

1599-1609Three-dimensional relativistic-covariant poisson bracketsYoel Tikochinsky
1611-1615Quantum deformation of superalgebraWon-Sang Chung
1617-1637Configuration ray representations in non-Abelian quantum kinematics and dynamicsJ. Krause
1639-1643Vacuum stability and the large-scale structure of the universeJ. Kuczyński
1645-1659Limitations on stochastic localization models of state vector reductionV. Karakostas
1661-1672High-frequency sum-rule expansion for relativistic quasi-one-dimensional quantum plasma dielectric tensor IV: Radiation effectR. O. Genga
1673-1679Variational spiked oscillatorV. C. Aguilera-Navarro and N. Ullah
1681-1686SU(2)/U(1) dynamical systemE. Ahmed and A. E. M. El-Misiery
1687-1697Globally regular model of the electron in general relativityZhu Shi-tong and Shen Wen-da
1699-1709Equivalence of the Regge and Einstein equations using Cartan's moment of rotationBruce M. Kemmell
1711-1714Energy-momentum tensor inN=1 supergravityRajat Roy and A. A. Rangwala
1715-1732Dynamical symmetries in relativistic kinetic theoryR. Maartens and D. R. Taylor
1733-1747Approximately measured causality implies the Lorentz group: Alexandrov-Zeeman result made more realisticVladik Kreinovich
1749-1758Wave breaking in beam-plasma system with finite geometryJ. Mukhopadhyay and A. Roy Chowdhury
1759-1781Nonautonomous submersive second-order differential equations and lie symmetriesManuel León and David Martin Diego

Volume 33, Number 9 / September 1994

1783-1795When is the wave function single-valued?Walter C. Henneberger and Tomáš Opatrný
1797-1809Intrinsic algebraic characterization of space-time structureUlrich Bannier
1811-1815Photon-photon angular correlation ine+e collision in QEDE. B. Manoukian and A. Ungkitchanukit
1817-1829Further evidence for magnetic charge from hadronic spectraDavid Akers
1831-1839A quantum formulation of the relaxation process and transport coefficients of magnetized plasmaD. Bennaceur and A. H. Khalfaoui
1841-1859Representations ofSO(p+q) andO(p) with an application to the shapes of8,9LiJ. A. Wet
1861-1867Generalized coulomb barrier transmission coefficient for solar neutrino and astrophysical problemsYeong E. Kim and Alexander L. Zubarev
1869-1883Chaotic motion of a rigid rotatorF. M. Sabaa
1885-1903Undecidable hopf bifurcation with undecidable fixed pointN. C. A. Costa and F. A. Doria
1905-1915Dynamical bifurcations and competing instabilities in Landau and Landau-Ginzburg theoryGiuseppe Gaeta
1917-1928Normal forms of reversible dynamical systemsGiuseppe Gaeta
1929-1931An alternative form for Raychaudhuri's equationMarcelo Samuel Berman
1933-1934Age of the universe and the density parameterMarcelo Samuel Berman and Fernando Mello Gomide
1935-1939The large numbers hypothesis and the cosmological constantAroonkumar Beesham
1941-1947Exact solution of Poincaré gauge field equations of gravity with torsionMa Weichuan, Shao Changgui and Li Yuanjie
1949-1956Magnetohydrodynamic stabilization of a stratified cylindrical flowGalal M. Moatimid

Volume 33, Number 10 / October 1994

1957-1984Orthosummable orthoalgebrasEissa D. Habil
1985-2017Logics and quantum gravityFrank Antonsen
2019-2029Newq-derivative andq-logarithmKi-Soo Chung, Won-Sang Chung, Sang-Tack Nam and Hye-Jung Kang
2031-2036Nonlocal conservation laws and supersymmetric Heisenberg spin chainA. Ghose Choudhury and A. Roy Chowdhury
2037-2047Geometric phases and Mielnik's evolution loopsDavid J. Fernández C
2049-2056Relativistic theory of nuclear forcesA. S. Rabinowitch
2057-2065Exact traveling wave solutions to nonlinear diffusion and wave equationsZ. J. Yang, R. A. Dunlap and D. J. W. Geldart
2067-2074Generalized expanding and shearing magnetized viscous fluid cosmological modelRaj Bali and Mahbub Ali
2075-2090Boundedness and stability of impulsively perturbed systems in a Banach spaceL. Berezansky and E. Braverman
2091-2098Theories of gravity in 2 + 1 dimensionsC. Romero and F. Dahia
2099-2117Parametrization of the cosmological scale factorRenee R. Wahba, Larry L. Smalley and Alphonsus J. Fennelly

Volume 33, Number 11 / November 1994

2119-2136Sums and products of interval algebrasD. J. Foulis, R. J. Greechie and M. K. Bennett
2137-2145Hawking effect in Vaidya-Bonner space-timeZhu Jianyang, Zhang Jianhua and Zhao Zheng
2147-2155Damour-Ruffini and Unruh theories of the Hawking effectZhao Zheng and Zhu Jianyang
2157-2188Cosmic spinor fields and the early universeU. Ochs and M. Sorg
2189-2198Condensed matter effects in the solar neutrino problemM. Rabinowitz, Y. E. Kim and J. -H. Yoon
2199-2206QED3 radiative corrections in the Heisenberg pictureB. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki and J. L. Tomazelli
2207-2214R and ratios at the five-loop level of perturbative QCDMark A. Samuel and G. Li
2215-2280Postinstability models in dynamicsMichail Zak
2281-2284Sine-Gordon equation in curved space-timeKingshuk Majumdar and Rajkumar Roychoudhury
2285-2289Nonstatic Gödel-type cosmological model with perfect fluid and heat flowI. Yavuz and H. Baysal

Volume 33, Number 12 / December 1994

2291-2296Contraction rule ofq-deformed Levi-Civita symbolWon-Sang Chung, Ki-Soo Chung, Sang-Tack Nam and Hye-Jung Kang
2297-2316Exact solution for the most general minimally coupled one-dimensional lattice gauge theoriesM. Khorrami
2317-2323Extensions of real-valued difference posetsRadko Mesiar and Endre Pap
2325-2349Spinor strong interaction model for baryon spectraF. C. Hoh
2351-2363Hadron magnetic moment in the spinor strong interaction modelF. C. Hoh
2365-2379Multimomentum hamiltonian formalism in quantum field theoryGennadi A. Sardanashvily
2381-2387Does noncommutative geometry predict nonlinear Higgs mechanism?J. Sładkowski
2389-2398(2,0) Heterotic superstring with Wess-Zumino couplingBang-qing Xu, Peng Xu, Dianyan Xu and Chang-gui Shao
2399-2406Generalized renormalization group equation for systems of arbitrary symmetryA. A. Lisyansky and D. Nicolaides
2407-2413Fundamental interactions in the early universeC. Sivaram
2415-2427Double harmonic mappings of Riemannian manifolds and its applications to stationary axisymmetric gravitational fieldsWu Ya-Bo

Volume 34, Number 1 / January 1995

1-17Quantum methods in field theories with singular higher derivative lagrangiansA. Foussats, E. Manavella, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
19-29Structure of a spinning point particle at restHerbert C. Corben
31-36Empirical lepton-quark mass formula: Four dimensional state space for fermion structure?Gerald Rosen
37-46Magnetic charge as a “hidden” gauge symmetryD. Singleton
47-50Effective Lagrangians in classical Yang-Mills theoriesS. Hacyan
51-62Probability densities in configuration space and the Hamilton-Jacobi equationH. Ioannidou
63-79Tunneling in magnetic fieldsAbhijit Bhattacharyya and Sayan Kar
81-98Constant-cutoff approach to soliton polarizabilitiesNils Dalarsson
99-108Nonclassical analysis for the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equationQu Changzheng
109-125Fundamental constants in singularity-free five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein cosmological modelS. K. Srivastava
127-134Generalized Stefan-Boltzmann lawJ. A. S. Lima and J. Santos
135-143Existence of exponential dichotomy of a class of impulsive differential equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov, Nguyen Minh and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 34, Number 2 / February 1995

145-168Witten's identity for Chern-Simons theoryBernd Brügmann
169-177Riemannian geometry of strong-laser plasmaShitong Zhu, Qizhi Guo, Wenda Shen and Shitao Wang
179-182Gauge formulation of a vector-spinor superalgebraChristopher Pilot and Subhash Rajpoot
183-188Relation between Higgs and Weinberg angles in minimal SUSY from diophantine analysisRobert L. Pease
189-210Difference posets and the histories approach to quantum theoriesSylvia Pulmannová
211-228Manuals in orthogonal categoriesHirokazu Nishimura
229-252Empirical setsHirokazu Nishimura
253-263Criticizing Bell: Local realism and quantum physics reconciledClaudio Garola
265-285Equivalence and gauge in the Planck-scale aether modelF. Winterberg
287-292Percolation and Julia setsE. Ahmed and H. A. Abdusalam
293-299Higher-dimensional vacuum solutions of Einstein's field equationsA. A. Coley

Volume 34, Number 3 / March 1995

301-304q=0 oscillator algebra as a Hopf AlgebraWon -Sang Chung
305-321Empirical algebraic geometryHirokazu Nishimura
323-353Quantum stochastic differential inclusions of hypermaximal monotone typeG. O. S. Ekhaguere
355-368Quantum harmonic oscillator with time-dependent mass and frequencyDing Sheng, R. D. Khan, Zhang Jialun and Shen Wenda
369-386Clifford algebra and the propagation of Kähler spinorsWathek Talebaoui
387-398Sheaves of Einstein algebrasMichael Heller and Wiesław Sasin
399-409Planck-mass-rotons cold dark matter hypothesisF. Winterberg
411-415Solutions of gravitational field equationsAshfaque H. Bokhari, Tasawar Hayat, Wasiq Hussain and Ghulam Shabbir
417-428Mass of a body in Brans-Dicke theoryHassan Randjbar Askari and Nematullah Riazi
429-434First experiment to test whether space-time is flat. II. Effects of orbitZhang Junhao and Chen Xiang
435-442Noncontinuous Minkowskian spacetimeAndreas Kull and Rudolf A. Treumann
443-452Gel'fand-Dorfman theorem and exact cocycle Poisson structuresK. H. Bhaskara, John V. Leahy and K. Rama
453-454On the theory of high-velocity particles: A commentI. J. Good

Volume 34, Number 4 / April 1995

455-464Theq=0 quantum planeWon-Sang Chung, Ki-Soo Chung, Hye-Jung Kang and Nan-Young Choi
465-491Brooks-Jewett and Nikodym convergence theorems for orthoalgebras that have the weak subsequential interpolation propertyEissa D. Habil
493-521Models of particle statesSaul A. Basri and Asim O. Barut
523-543Canonical symmetry of a constrained Hamiltonian system and canonical ward identityZi-ping Li
545-559Cerenkov radiation in anisotropic media by the methods of quantum electrodynamicsB. D. Orisa
561-569Supersymmetric quantum mechanics for inverse square potentialsA. C. Wimal Lalith de Alwis
571-588Transport-theoretic interpretation of basic LagrangiansMarijan Ribarič and Luka Šušteršič
589-593Some exact solutions to the sine-Gordon equationsZ. J. Yang
595-603Dynamical bifurcation with noiseGiuseppe Gaeta
605-614Limitations of Boltzmann's principleB. H. Lavenda
615-624Subordination and Bayes' theorem in the thermodynamics of composite systemsB. H. Lavenda
625-639Integrability analysis of a conformal equation in relativityK. S. Govinder, P. G. L. Leach and S. D. Maharaj
641-647Exact solitary wave solutions to a class of generalized odd-order KdV equationsZ. J. Yang
649-654Proof theory for minimal quantum logic: A remarkMitio Takano

Volume 34, Number 5 / May 1995

655-677The logical quantization of algebraic groupsHirokazu Nishimura
679-700Mott's cloud-chamber theory made explicit and the relative-collapse interpretation of quantum mechanics thus obtainedFedor Herbut
701-706Bianchi V models in N=2, D=5 supergravityLuis O. Pimentel and J. Socorro
707-716Quantum binding of the BCS interaction modelM. Casas, M. Fortes, M. Llano, A. Puente and M. A. Solís
717-731Pointless spaces in general relativityG. N. Parfionov and R. R. Zapatrin
733-759Unified gravitational and Yang-Mills fieldsDave Pandres
761-777Relaxation-time approximation for a Boltzmann gas in Robertson-Walker universe modelsZbigniew Banach and Hanna Makaruk
779-799Lorentz matrices: A reviewI. J. Good

Volume 34, Number 6 / June 1995

801-887Introduction to Dubois-Violette's noncommutative differential geometryA. E. F. Djemai
889-893The q-Deformed Cartesianosp(1/2) algebraWon-Sang Chung
895-901Limits on the kappa parameter (k) of the W Boson at the collider detector at Fermilab (CDF)Mark A. Samuel, G. Li, Nita Sinha, M. K. Sundaresan and Rahul Sinha
903-920Theorems on estimating perturbative coefficients in quantum field theory and statistical physicsMark A. Samuel and Stephen D. Druger
921-928Relativistic quarks bound with a one-body tensor potentialGeorge L. Strobel
929-943Constant-cutoff approach to magnetic moments of hyperonsNils Dalarsson
945-950Yang-Mills gauge theory and gravitationE. Stedile and R. Duarte
951-959Finite-temperature gravitational Čerenkov radiationMiroslav Pardy
961-968Quantum theory of a Friedmann fieldAlexander Pavlov

Volume 34, Number 7 / July 1995

971-975Complex frequencies, analytic continuation, and equivalent spectra in generalized quantum theoryE. C. G. Sudarshan
977-980Anyonic variables and the quantum hyperplaneE. Ahmed, A. S. Hegazi and S. S. El-Mahdy
981-993Noncommutative version of Nikodym boundedness theorem for uniform space-valued functionsPaolo Lucia and Endre Pap
995-1024Bell-type inequalities in orthomodular lattices. I. Inequalities of order 2Anatolij Dvurečenskij and Helmut Länger
1025-1036Bell-type inequalities in orthomodular lattices. II. Inequalities of higher orderAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Helmut Länger
1037-1053Non-Abelian higher-derivative Chern-Simons theoriesA. Foussats, E. Manavella, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
1055-1064Vacuum polarization induced by a uniformly accelerated chargeB. Linet
1065-1082Nuclear and string fields on a Kähler manifoldJ. A. Wet
1083-1091Nonconservation of the net current of Dirac particles in Tolman-Bondi and Robertson-Walker geometriesAntonio Zecca
1093-1112Geometrical aspects and generalizations of Newton-Cartan mechanicsG. S. Hall and Barry M. Haddow
1113-1122Estimating perturbative coefficients in quantum field theory and statistical physicsMark A. Samuel
1123-1146Noether theorem in higher-order Lagrangian mechanicsRadu Miron
1147-1162Topological classification of impulsive differential equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov, Nguyen Minh and P. P. Zabreiko

Volume 34, Number 8 / August 1995

1163IntroductionPavel Pták
1165-1186Quantum structures: An attempt to explain the origin of their appearance in natureDiederik Aerts
1187-1196Modeling the quantum mechanical measurement processAnton Amann
1197-1204Liapunov theorem for modular functionsAnna Avallone
1205-1216Kochen-Specker theorem in the modal interpretation of quantum mechanicsGuido Bacciagaluppi
1217-1220Foundations of time evolution in quantum mechanicsB. Baumgartner
1221-1229Quantum observables in classical frameworksE. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski
1231-1239Characterizations of classical and quantum logicsE. G. Beltrametti and M. J. Mączyński
1241-1245Symmetric chain partitions of orthocomplemented posetsPeter Brass
1247-1253Extension of covariant POV-measures in von Neumann algebrasThomas Breuer
1255-1264Maximal structures of determinate propositions in quantum mechanicsJeffrey Bub
1265-1270Minimal orthomodular latticesJ. C. Carrega
1271-1281Quantum theory of measurement and the modal interpretations of quantum mechanicsGianni Cassinelli and Pekka J. Lahti
1283-1287Hypothetical solution of the problem of measurement through the notion of quantum backward causalityGiuseppe Castagnoli
1289-1295Orthosymmetric ortholattices and Rickart*-ringsGeorges Chevalier
1297-1302D-latticesFerdinand Chovanec and František Kôpka
1303-1312Why modal interpretations of quantum mechanics must abandon classical reasoning about physical propertiesRob Clifton
1313-1320Hidden measurement model for pure and mixed states of quantum physics in Euclidean spaceBob Coecke
1321-1330Uncertain evidence and nonlocalityD. Costantini and U. Garibaldi
1331-1336Unsharp quantum logicsMaria Luisa Dalla Chiara
1337-1348Tensor product of difference posets and effect algebrasAnatolij Dvurečenskij
1349-1357Lattice of tripotents in a JBW*-tripleC. Martin Edwards and Gottfried T. Rüttimann
1359-1367Orthomodular posets of idempotents in finite rings of matricesJürgen Flachsmeyer
1369-1382Transition to effect algebrasR. J. Greechie and D. J. Foulis
1383-1396Pragmatic versus semantic contextuality in quantum physicsClaudio Garola
1397-1407Quasilinear QMV AlgebrasRoberto Giuntini
1409-1416Orthogonally additive functions on operator algebrasStanisław Goldstein and Adam Paszkiewicz
1417-1429Morphisms on semiorthoposetsStanley Gudder
1431-1437Extension properties of states on operator algebrasJan Hamhalter
1439-1465States on orthoalgebrasJan Hamhalter, Mirko Navara and Pavel Pták
1467-1479General scheme of measurement processesK. -E. Hellwig
1481-1486Higher order Ito product formula and generators of evolutions and flowsP. Beazley Cohen, T. M. W. Eyre and R. L. Hudson
1487-1493Symmetries of physical theoriesAl. Ivanov
1495-1500Strong law of large numbers in D-posetsMária Jurečková and Beloslav Riečan
1501-1505Characterizations of Boolean algebras of idempotentsFrantišek Katrnoška
1507-1517Spectral decompositions of operators on non-Archimedean orthomodular spacesHans A. Keller and Herminia A. Ochsenius
1519-1524Atomic varieties of sets with relative inversesPavel Konôpka
1525-1531Compatibility in D-posetsFrantišek Kôpka
1533-1540Ergodic projection for quantum dynamical semigroupsAndrzej Łuczak
1541-1552Quantum theory of Ur-objects as a theory of informationHolger Lyre
1553-1558Models of the axiomatic theory associated with the lattice of subspaces of a finite-dimensional Hilbert spaceOthman Q. Malhas
1559-1565Quantum construction of general relativistic spacetimeA. R. Marlow
1567-1574Vitali-Hahn-Saks theorem for hyperbolic logicsMarjan Matvejchuk
1575-1585Einstein's relativity and quantum physicsLazar Mayants
1587-1593Quantum measurements, phase transitions, and spontaneous symmetry breakingS. N. Mayburov
1595-1599Orthomodular lattice in relativistic non-quantum mechanicsRené Mayet
1601-1607d-Space problem and solution set: Relearning to walk after a strokeJan E. Holly and Gin McCollum
1609-1614Do fuzzy quantum structures exist?Radko Mesiar
1615-1626Constitution of objects in classical mechanics and in quantum mechanicsPeter Mittelstaedt
1627-1635Gleason-type theorems for signed measures on orthomodular posets of projections on linear spacesDaniar Mushtari
1637-1642D-set and groupsOlga Nánásiová
1643-1646q-Sigma-algebra generated by ballsVladimír Olejček
1647-1652Orthocomplemented complete lattices and graphsAstrid Ollech
1653-1665Preselection with certainty of photons in a singlet state from a set of independent photonsMladen Pavičić
1667-1679Topological interference in nonlinear bounded systemsM. Peev and P. Kasperkovitz
1681-1687Morphisms, hemimorphisms, and baer*-semigroupsC. Piron
1689-1696Representations of D-posetsSylvia Pulmannová and Alexander Wilce
1697-1710Quantum logic as partial infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logicJarosław Pykacz
1711-1718Logically independent von Neumann latticesMiklós Rédei
1719-1725Pták sum of a Boolean algebra with an effect algebra and its completenessZdenka Riečanová
1727-1734Stochastic cocycles over Ζ2-graded*-algebrasV. R. Struleckaja
1735-1739Operation associated to partitions and best extension of signed measures on set logicsFoat Sultanbekov
1741-1749Automaton partition logic versus quantum logicM. Schaller and K. Svozil
1751-1766Quantum mechanics in an entirely deterministic universeLászló E. Szabó
1767-1774Subadditivity of states on quantum logicsJosef Tkadlec
1775-1784Logics in realization and modeling from dataErik I. Verriest
1785-1789Behavior patterns of observables in quantum-classical limitSpiridon Dumitru and Erik I. Verriest
1791-1798Mathematical and physical foundations of quantum statisticsMilan Vinduška
1799-1806Valuations on complemented latticesHans Weber
1807-1812Partial Abelian semigroupsAlexander Wilce
1813-1821Logic programming as quantum measurementRoman R. Zapatrin

Volume 34, Number 9 / September 1995

1827-1833Path-integral quantization and the ground-state functional for Maxwell-Chern-Simons systemSze-Shiang Feng and Xi-Jun Qiu
1835-1842On the thermodynamic properties of the quantum vacuumJ. A. S. Lima and A. Maia
1843-1854Low-temperature properties of a quantum Fermi gas in curved space-timeIgor K. Kulikov and Petr I. Pronin
1855-1861Field-enlarging transformations and chiral theoriesJ. Sładkowski
1863-1870Fermi substructure of space-timeKaare Borchsenius
1871-1876Quantum field theory in black hole-type spacetimes with horizonsMainuddin Ahmed and Asit Kumar Mondal
1877-1889Stark shift contribution to field statistics in a generalized Jaynes-Cummings modelM. M. A. Ahmed
1891-1897Compact linearly ordered effect algebrasRadko Mesiar
1899-1905Modular conformal scaling group evidenced in lepton-quark massGerald Rosen
1907-1914Some solvable eigenvalue problemsCao xuan Chuan
1915-1925Simplified large-N limit in stochastic quantizationA. Bérard, Y. Grandati, P. Grangé and H. Mohrbach
1927-1930The Feynman nonrelativistic chessboardG. N. Ord
1931-1937Exact solutions for radial SchrÖdinger equationsG. Vanden Berghe, H. De Meyer and M. Van Daele
1939-1943Modulational instability of ion-acoustic wavesR. K. Chhabra and S. K. Trehan
1945-1954Generalized Noether identities for nonlocal transformationsZi-Ping Li
1955-1980Yang-mills fields and gauge gravity on generalized Lagrange and Finsler spacesSergiu Vacaru and Yurii Goncharenko
1981-2001SU(2)×U(1) gauge gravityH. Dehnen and E. Hitzer

Volume 34, Number 10 / October 1995

2003-2008Inflation in Poincaré gauge gravitation theoryLi Yuanjie, Lin Shuyuan and Luo Shijun
2009-2014Geometry of torsionLuo Shijun
2015-2030Group classification of a class of coupled equationsQu ChangZheng
2031-2037Poisson structures due to Lie algebra representationsK. Rama, K. H. Bhaskara and John V. Leahy
2039-2048Quantum thermal effect of arbitrarily accelerating Kinnersley black holeZhao Zheng, Zhang Jian-hua and Zhu Jian-yang
2049-2059Rindler effect for a nonuniformly accelerating observerZhu Jian-yang, Bao Aidong and Zhao Zheng
2061-2069Problems in time-machine construction due to wormhole evolutionFrank Antonsen and Karsten Bormann
2071-2083Bifurcation of Kovalevskaya polynomialF. M. El-Sabaa
2085-2094Wave function of a free electron in a laser plasma via Riemannian geometryWenda Shen and Shitong Zhu
2095-2104Classical description of the radiation of a charged particle in a strong-laser plasmaWenda Shen, Shitong Zhu and Qizhi Guo
2105-2116Polarization of Čerenkov radiation in anisotropic mediaB. D. Orisa
2117-2121One-electron Hamiltonian matrix elements in conducting polymersTong Guoping and Ye Meiying
2123-2128Two-field coset space realization of the spin-4 current algebraA. Roy Chowdhury and S. Palit
2129-2143Constant-cutoff approach toSU(3)-symmetry breaking for strange dibaryon statesNils Dalarsson
2145-2164Derivation of quantum mechanics from the Boltzmann equation for the Planck aetherF. Winterberg

Volume 34, Number 11 / November 1995

2165-2170q-deformed probability and binomial distributionWon-Sang Chung, Ki-Soo Chung, Hye-Jung Kang and Nan-Young Choi
2171-2177Hyperbolic complex Yang-Baxter equation and hyperbolic complex multiparametric quantum groupsWu Ya-Bo and Zhong Zai-Zhe
2179-2193Some examples ofq-regularizationSuemi Rodríguez-Romo
2195-2204q-analog ofAm−1An−1Amn−1V. G. Gueorguiev, A. I. Georgieva, P. P. Raychev and R. P. Roussev
2205-2216Quantum dynamical system with hyperbolic instabilitiesM. Kuna and W. A. Majewski
2217-2221Energy spectrum of the two-dimensionalq-hydrogen atomShengli Zhang
2223-2244Solutions of Yang's EuclideanR-gauge equations and self-dualitySusanto Chakraborty, Pranab Krishna Chanda and Dipankar Ray
2245-2250Self-dualSU(N) gauge fieldsYi-Huan Wei
2251-2266Reversible and endoreversible computingAlexis Vos
2267-2274Classification of first-order Lagrangians on the lineA. H. Kara and F. M. Mahomed
2275-2284Perturbations of a universe filled with dust and radiationZ. Perjés and A. Komárik
2285-2291Conformal symmetries in static spherically symmetric spacetimesS. D. Maharaj, R. Maartens and M. S. Maharaj
2293-2306Oscillatory behavior in cosmological modelsA. A. Coley and R. J. Hoogen
2307-2319Energy-momentum and angular momentum of isotropic homogeneous cosmological models in a gauge theory of gravityJanusz Garecki
2321-2329McGuire-Ruffini solution in new general relativityMainuddin Ahmed and Syed Moazzam Hossain
2331-2339Kerr-type solution in Brans-Dicke theoryGuang-Wen Ma

Volume 34, Number 12 / December 1995

2341Important announcement
2343-2351Quantization of fractal systems: One-particle excitation statesM. V. Altaiski and B. G. Sidharth
2353-2371Constrained Hamiltonian systems and gauge theoriesGiovanni Giachetta and Luigi Mangiarotti
2373-2393Diachronic quantum action principleWolfgang J. Mantke
2395-2407Effect algebras and tensor products of S-setsStanley Gudder
2409-2421QuasiBoolean algebras and simultaneously definite properties in quantum mechanicsJohn L. Bell and Robert K. Clifton
2423-2433p-Adic stochastics and Dirac quantization with negative probabilitiesAndrew Khrennikov
2435-2451Geometric and analytical aspects of anyonsGarth A. Baker and S. B. Mulay
2453-2466Topological electric chargeD. Singleton
2467-2490Neutral particles in light of the Majorana-Ahluwalia ideasValeri V. Dvoeglazov
2491-2500Notes on quaternionic group representationsG. Scolarici and L. Solombrino
2501-2506Modified large number hypothesisGuang -Wen Ma
2507-2509Derivation of the mass of the observable universeJoel C. Carvalho

Volume 35, Number 1 / January 1996

1Important announcement
3-30Logical quantization of differential geometryHirokazu Nishimura
31-62Three-valued derived logics for classical phase spacesMichael D. Westmorland, Benjamin W. Schumacher and Steven C. Bailey
62Three-valued derived logics for classical phase spacesMichael D. Westmoreland, Benjamin W. Schumacher and Steven C. Bailey
63-85Flat connection contribution to topology changing amplitudes in an ensemble of seifert fibered homology spheresVladimir N. Efremov
87-99Canonical and D-transformations in theories with constraintsDmitri M. Gitman
101-113Dynamics of solitons in inhomogeneous Josephson junctionsNematullah Riazi
115-127Interactions of aj=1 boson in the 2(2j+1) component theoryValeri V. Dvoeglazov
129-134Centrosymmetric lie algebras and boost-dilationsRoy Maartens and W. P. F. Sharkey
135-154Production of Dirac particles due to Riccion couplingS. K. Srivastava and K. P. Sinha
155-170Matter production in the early universeM. Mattes, U. Ochs and M. Sorg
171-187(1+2)-Dimensional model of the early universeS. K. Srivastava
189-198Classical irreversibility and mapping of the isosceles triangle billiardRichard L. Liboff
199-205Tomita representation of the Arnol'd cat mapHans H. Grelland
207-215Oscillation of solutions of impulsive nonlinear parabolic differential-difference equationsDrumi Bainov and Emil Minchev
217-229Counting symmetry-breaking solutions to symmetric variational problemsGiuseppe Gaeta

Volume 35, Number 2 / February 1996

231-244Finite quantum field theory in noncommutative geometryH. Grosse, C. Klimčík and P. Prešnajder
245-251Three-dimensional representation of the double quantum algebrasuq(η(J)) and theq-deformation of the double complex ernst equationFeng Lijun and Zhong Zaizhe
253-261Fractal structure of quantum gravity and relic radiation anisotropyM. V. Altaisky, V. A. Bednyakov and S. G. Kovalenko
263-266A stochastic model of Maxwell's equations in 1+1 dimensionsG. N. Ord
267-275Gravitational quadrupole radiation of angular momentumSze-Shiang Feng and Hong-Shi Zong
277-286Linear double universal Grassmann manifold method for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum gravitational field equationsYa-Jun Gao and Zai-Zhe Zhong
287-309Riemann-Cartan-Weyl quantum geometry, I: Laplacians and supersymmetric systemsDiego L. Rapoport
311-322Fractional-order diffusion-wave equationAhmed M. A. El-Sayed
323-331Separation of the massless spin-1 equation in Robertson-Walker space-timeAntonio Zecca
333-340Path-dependent phase shifts in isolated systemsXiaoyan Yu and Walter C. Henneberger
341-346Symmetry characterization of Pimenov's spacetime: A reformulation of causality axiomsVladik Kreinovich
347-382Irreversibility in thermodynamicsMichail Zak
383-393Asymptotic equivalence of abstract impulsive differential equationsD. D. Bainov, S. I. Kostadinov and A. D. Myshkis
395-417Zipf 's law and the effect of ranking on probability distributionsR. Günther, L. Levitin, B. Schapiro and P. Wagner
419-424Isotropization in Bianchi type IX vacuum cosmologyEnrique Guzman
425-443Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of miscible ferrofluidsGalal M. Moatimid and Yusry O. El-Dib
445-473Subject-coincident coordinate systems and sustained motionsJan E. Holly

Volume 35, Number 3 / March 1996

475-479Lax representation and Kronecker productW. -H. Steeb and Lai Choy Heng
481-484Lifshitz integral in closed formsIbraheem Nasser
485-493Weak decoherence and quantum trajectory graphsEric Chisolm, E. C. G. Sudarshan and Thomas F. Jordan
495-517Logical quantizations of first-order structuresHirokazu Nishimura
519-556Quantum mechanics as a matrix symplectic geometryA. E. F. Djemai
556Quantum mechanics as a matrix symplectic geometryA. E. F. Djemai
557-567Phase transition in one-dimensional lattice gauge theoriesM. Khorrami
569-578Spin-3/2 fields in flat space-timeG. F. Torres del Castillo and A. Herrera Morales
579-585Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a random medium and nonzero rest mass of the photonSisir Roy, G. Kar and M. Roy
587-591Isovector solitons and Maxwell's equationsA. Vasheghani and N. Riazi
593-604Topologimeter and the problem of physical interpretation of topology latticeA. A. Grib and R. R. Zapatrin
605-631Gravitational repulsion and Dirac antimatterMark Kowitt
633-663Theory of cosmological perturbations formulated in terms of a complete set of basic gauge-invariant quantitiesZbigniew Banach and Sławomir Piekarski
665-692Gauge-invariant perfect-fluid Robertson-Walker perturbationsZbigniew Banach and Stawomir Piekarski
693-695Causality explains why spatial and temporal translations commute: A remarkVladik Kreinovich
697-710Initial-data formulation of tetrad gravity utilizing York's extrinsic time approachArkady Kheyfets and Warner A. Miller

Volume 35, Number 4 / April 1996

711-740Knot symbols: A tool to describe and simplify knot diagramsM. Bruschi
741-745Hawking-Unruh effect on thermal equilibrium stateZhao Zheng, Zhu Jianyang and B. Misra
747-753Generalized deformed para-Bose oscillator and its coherent statesHa Huy Bang
755-782Universal charge distribution and nonlocal quantum electrodynamicsKh. Namsrai
783-805Constant-cutoff approach to pion-nucleon scatteringNils Dalarsson
807-817Extended electron and nonlocal electromagnetic interaction: The perturbation theoryKh. Namsrai and N. Njamtseren
819-837Constant-cutoff approach to Λ (1405) resonance in the bound-state soliton modelNils Dalarsson
839-845Mutual information of ising systemsHiroyuki Matsuda, Kiyoshi Kudo, Ryoku Nakamura, Osamu Yamakawa and Takuo Murata
847-857Second quantization in a waveguide with variable cross sectionM. Razavy

Volume 35, Number 5 / May 1996

859-901Logic, states, and quantum probabilitiesRachel Wallace Garden
903-909Multi-Hamiltonian structure of kdv hierarchy by Drienfeld-Sokolov formalismSwapna Ray Jain
911-940Automaton logicM. Schaller and K. Svozil
941-973Dripping faucetA. D'Innocenzo and L. Renna
975-1011Symmetries and constants of the motion for singular Lagrangian systemsManuel de Léon and David Martín de Diego
1013-1017Weyl, curvature, ricci, and metric tensor symmetriesAshfaque H. Bokhari, Shahan Ahmad and Amjad Pervez
1017Weyl, curvature, ricci, and metric tensor symmetriesAshfaque H. Bokhari, Shahan Ahmad and Amjad Pervez
1019-1026Traveling-wave-type gravitational soliton solutionsGuang-Wen Ma
1027-1032Space-times with covariant-constant energy-momentum tensorM. C. Chaki and Sarbari Ray
1033-1035Large numbers hypothesis: Reply to a paper by BeeshamMarcelo S. Berman

Volume 35, Number 6 / June 1996

1037-1062Principle of event symmetryPhilip E. Gibbs
1063-1068Point interactions from flux conservationLuis J. Boya and E. C. G. Sudarshan
1069-1091Theory of q-deformed forms. I. q-deformed alternating tensor and q-deformed wedge productWon-Sang Chung, Hye-Jung Kang and Nan-Young Choi
1093-1106Theory of q-deformed forms. II. q-deformed differential forms and q-deformed Hamilton equationWon-Sang Chung
1107-1116Theory of q-deformed forms. III. q-deformed Hodge star, inner product, adjoint operator of exterior derivative, and self-dual yang-mills equationWon-Sang Chung
1117-1140Test groups and effect algebrasD. J. Foulis, M. K. Bennett and R. J. Greechie
1141-1173Semi-orthoposetsStanley Gudder
1175-1200Empirical quantum mechanicsHirokazu Nishimura
1201-1210Nuclear Calabi-Yau spaceJ. A. de Wet
1211-1221Kaluza-Klein theory and Dirac equation in higher dimensional Riemann-Cartan spaceGuo Min Zhang and You Lin Wu
1223-1244Self-consistency of the quantum billiard problem in wormhole spacetimesFrank Antonsen and Karsten Bormann
1245-1251Benatti-Narnhofer-Sewell quantum Arnol'd cat map: Physical interpretationHans H. Grelland
1253-1257Invariants and chaotic mapsW. -H. Steeb and M. A. van Wyk
1259-1268Stationary axisymmetric solutions of the Einstein equations with rigidly rotating perfect fluid and nonlinear charged sourcesHumberto Salazar and Rubén Cordero

Volume 35, Number 7 / July 1996

1269-1277Remark on nonexistence of global solutions of the initial-boundary-value problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equationD. D. Bainov and E. Minchev
1279-1288Unsharp observables and their joint measurementG. Kar
1289-1295Nonclassical representation ofospq(1/2) algebra and completeness relation of q-deformed supercoherent statesWon -Sang Chung
1297-13210(4,2) Operator replacements: Geometrical interpretationE. de Prunelé
1323-1339Time reversal of quantum experimentsWolfgang J. Mantke
1341-1351Concrete Hilbert spaces for quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedomLaurens Weiss and Gerhard Gerlich
1353-1368Quantum field theory for a system of interacting photons, electrons, and phononsZi-ping Li
1369-1379Theoretical estimate of the Higgs boson massKh. Namsrai
1381-1388Ψ=We±Φ Quantum cosmological solutions for class A Bianchi modelsO. Obregón and J. Socorro
1389-1392¦ΔI¦=1/2 Rule in the standard modelMark A. Samuel
1393-1404Dynamics of the even-binomial state in some quantum systemA. -S. F. Obada, M. H. Mahran, F. A. A. El-Orany and M. Sebawe Abdalla
1405-1422Gauge invariance and formal integrability of the Yang-Mills-Higgs equationsGiovanni Giachetta and Luigi Mangiarotti
1423-1460Non-Newtonian effects in viscous flowsMichail Zak and Ronald E. Meyers
1461-1471Tetrad, connection, and metric as independent variables in lagrangians of micromorphic continua modelsH. Makaruk
1473-1480Gravitational theory based on relativistic mechanicsCui Douxing
1481-1491A nonstationary generalization of the Kerr-Newman metricJiliang Jing and Yongjiu Wang
1493-1502Self-gravitating three-dimensional solitons in nonlinear scale-invariant electrodynamicsI. G. Chugunov, Yu. P. Rybakov and G. N. Shikin
1503-1510Wormhole solution in Bergmann-Wagoner scalar-tensor gravitational theoryXing -Guo Xiao and Liao Liu
1511-1522Rigid motions relative to an observer:L-rigidityM. Barreda and J. Olivert
1523-1539Spacetime without reference frames: An application to the kinetic theoryT. Matolcsi and T. Gruber
1541-1548Empirical logic of finite automata: Microstatements versus macrostatementsK. Svozil and R. R. Zapatrin
1549-1555Unreasonable effectiveness of symmetry in physicsVladik Kreinovich and Luc Longpré

Volume 35, Number 8 / August 1996

1557-1569Unified BRST structure for gravity and supergravityM. Tahiri
1571-1580Representation of completely positive maps between partial *-algebrasG. O. S. Ekhaguere
1581-1636Consistent histories and operational quantum theoryOliver Rudolph
1637-1678Relational quantum mechanicsCarlo Rovelli
1679-1698Supersymmetric anyon model coupled to the electromagnetic fieldA. Foussats, E. Manavella, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
1699-1708Intertwining relations, asymmetric face model, and algebraic Bethe ansatz forSUp,q(2) invariant spin chainA. Ghose Choudhury and A. Roy Chowdhury
1709-1718Invariants of topological quantum mechanicsM. Mekhfi
1719-1722Electric energy calculations in general relativityMarcelo S. Berman
1723-1733Nonlocal Yukawa interaction and fermion mass-scale nonlocalityKh. Namsrai
1735-1744Quantum field theory of polarization of light by a polarizerE. B. Manoukian
1745-1752Homoclinic bifurcation sets of driven nonlinear oscillatorsMiguel A. F. Sanjuán
1753-1765Theoretical calculation of transport properties of the noble gases He and Ne and their binary mixtures at low densityLi Xiufeng and Li Xi
1767-1788Establishment of the Riemannian structure of space-time by classical meansUdo Schelb
1789-1792Superinflation in general relativity and Brans-Dicke theories: An eternal universe?Marcelo S. Berman
1793-1798Exact and explicit solitary wave solutions to some nonlinear equationsJiefang Zhang
1799-1804Instability of solutions of impulsive systems of differential equationsD. D. Bainov, G. K. Kulev and I. M. Stamova

Volume 35, Number 9 / September 1996

1805-1819Axiomatic foundations of quantum mechanics revisited: The case for systemsS. E. Perez-Bergliaffa, G. E. Romero and H. Vucetich
1821-1837Quaternions for GUTsStefano De Leo
1839-1847Quantum spacetimeA. R. Marlow
1849-1900Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields on Riemann-Cartan manifoldsW. A. Rodrigues, Q. A. G. de Souza, J. Vaz and P. Lounesto
1901-1908Group-Theoretic analysis of the mixing angle in the electroweak gauge groupV. Aldaya, M. Calixto and J. Guerrero
1909-1946Quantum stochastic evolutionsG. O. S. Ekhaguere
1947-1992Phase-space representation of quantum systems in the relative-state formulationMasashi Ban
1993-2011Fractals, clusters, and order-statistics: A new relation between probability and entropyB. H. Lavenda
2013-2018Spectrum of γ-Fluids: A statistical derivationJ. A. E. Carrillo, J. A. S. Lima and A. Maia
2019-2028Unified description of the early universeJ. C. Carvalho

Volume 35, Number 10 / October 1996

2029-2056Quantum mechanics, knot theory, and quantum doublesA. E. F. Djemai
2057-2074Quantum mechanics for totally constrained dynamical systems and evolving hilbert spacesRicardo Doldán, Rodolfo Gambini and Pablo Mora
2075-2083Exotic smoothness, noncommutative geometry, and particle physicsJ. Sładkowski
2085-2091Resonance interaction-free measurementHarry Paul and Mladen Pavičić
2093-2106Test spaces and characterizations of quadratic spacesAnatolij Dvurečenskij
2107-2116Induction in linear logicFumihiko Yamaguchi and Masakazu Nakanishi
2117-2120Clifford algebra structure and Einstein's equationsE. Stedile
2121-2124Decomposition of the Kähler equationVittorio Cantoni
2125-2138Poisson brackets and the Feynman problemPaul Bracken
2139-2168Wave functions in geometric quantizationAntonio Díaz Miranda
2169-2190Dynamics of a compact hyperbolic cosmological model with dustlike matter and radiationAlexander Pavlov
2191-2193Event horizon as alternative to cosmological singularityV. V. Karbanovski, V. Yu. Kozhevnikov, K. Yu. Grebnev, E. Yu. Reentova and Ye. V. Dubinin, et al.
2195-2206Canonical superenergy tensors in general relativityJanusz Garecki
2207-2212Quadratic spherical bessel functions and the inverse scattering problemSaleh B. Al-Ruwaili and Harry A. Mavromatis

Volume 35, Number 11 / November 1996

2213-2214Quantum physics at the Einstein meets Magritte conferenceDiederik Aerts
2215-2228Dynamical interpretation for the quantum-measurement projection postulateR. L. Stratonovich and V. P. Belavkin
2229-2244Fundamentals of fuzzy probability theorySławomir Bugajski
2245-2261Conditional probabilities with a quantal and a kolmogorovian limitSven Aerts
2263-2269Multiple quantization and the concept of informationHolger Lyre
2271-2284Why god might play diceThomas Durt
2285-2298Operator structure of a nonquantum and nonclassical systemDiederik Aerts and Bart D'Hooghe
2299-2307Skew-symmetric functions on the hyperboloid and quantum measuresMarjan Matvejchuk
2309-2319Axiomatization of quantum logicsSylvia Pulmannová
2321-2338Quotients of interval effect algebrasM. K. Bennett, D. J. Foulis and R. J. Greechie
2339-2351Superposition states through correlations of the second kindBob Coecke
2353-2363Conjunctions, disjunctions, and Bell-type inequalities in orthoalgebrasJarosław Pykacz
2365-2376Examples, problems, and results in effect algebrasStanley Gudder
2377-2390Product of partition logics, orthoalgebras, and automataAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Karl Svozil
2391-2397Time symmetry and cosmic ageD. J. Hoekzema
2399-2416Framework for possible unification of quantum and relativity theoriesDiederik Aerts

Volume 35, Number 12 / December 1996

2417Important announcement
2419-2426Does magnetic charge imply a massive photon?D. Singleton
2427-2438Pseudoclassical description of massive Dirac particles in odd dimensionsD. M. Gitman and A. E. Gonçalves
2439-2442Spin structure of the nucleonKatsumi Sugita, Yoshiwo Okamoto and Matsuo Sekine
2443-2454Proton dipole form factor quark modelGeorge L. Strobel
2455-2460Nonthermal radiation from nonstationary Kerr black holeYang Shuzheng and Zhao Zheng
2461-2473Stochastic Schrödinger equation from an interaction with the environmentZ. Haba
2475-2481Successful predictions of three stellar-scale enigmasRobert L. Oldershaw
2483-2488Percolation on general trees and HIV modelingE. Ahmed and H. N. Agiza
2489-2499Solitary waves interacting with an external fieldT. G. Bodurov
2501-2505Modular degeneracy of vacuum zero potential point and gauge transformationsYuan-Jie Li and Gang Wang
2507-2515Solution and ellipticity properties of the self-duality equations of Corriganet al. in eight dimensionsAyşe Hümeyra Bilge
2517-2525Differential calculi on the quantum superplaneA. El Hassouni, Y. Hassouni and E. H. Tahri
2527-2538Theq-symplectic form on the quantum hyperplane and noncommutative Hamiltonian mechanicsZhong Zai-Zhe
2539-2554Quantum effects in relativistic decaysE. V. Stefanovich
2555-2596Logical quantization of topos theoryHirokazu Nishimura
2597-2601SuperWn gravity on compactified moduli spaceYounghun Kwon and Dall Sun Yoon
2603-2607Effective potential for scalar QED in (2+1) dimensionsS. S. Khalil
2609-2613Entropy change in axial symmetric gravitational collapseYuan-Jie Li and Xing Ya-Tang
2615-2624Electromagnetic interpretation of the massless spin-1 field equation in curved space-timeAntonio Zecca
2625-2630Cosmic string in Kerr-Newman-Kasuya spacetimeMainuddin Ahmed and Elias Uddin Biswas
2631-2643Relativistic orbits of classical charged bodies in a spherically symmetric electrostatic fieldHartmut Frommert
2645-2659Geometric phase shift for detection of gravitational radiationN. V. Mitskievich and A. I. Nesterov
2661-2677The total space-time of a point charge and its consequences for black holesLeonard S. Abrams
2679-2685New exact solutions toN-dimensional radially symmetric nonlinear diffusion equationsChangzheng Qu
2687-2695Gleason's theorem and Cauchy's functional equationAnatolij Dvurečenskij
2697-2710Anharmonic corrections in constant-cutoff soliton modelNils Dalarsson
2711-2715Five-dimensional axisymmetric spacetime solutionsYi-Huan Wei
2717-2732Periodic solutions and perturbations of dynamical systemsSvetoslav Ivanov Nenov

Volume 36, Number 1 / January 1997

1Important announcement
3Chaotic motion of a rigid rotorF. M. El. Sabaa
5-9The q-deformed vector and q-deformed outer productWon-Sang Chung
11-21Deformed supersymmetric oscillatorsS. Meljanac, M. Mileković and A. Perica
23-39Path integrals on symmetric spaces and group manifoldsP. Klimo
41-46Path integral quantization and the ground-state wave functional for multiplier scalar-vector field systemsSze-Shiang Feng and Zhi-Yuan Zhu
47-54Lappo-Danilevsky hyperlogarithm and period of Calabi-Yau manifoldYűji Ohta
55-65Faddeev-Jackiw quantization method in conformal three-dimensional supergravityA. Foussats, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
67-88Dynamical semigroup description of coherent and incoherent particle—Matter interactionL. Lanz and B. Vacchini
89-110Internal symmetry of hadrons: Finsler geometrical originS. S. De
111-118Darboux transformations and supersymmetrization proceduresN. Debergh and C. Gotti
119-123Z ®
125-141Dirac equation in metric-affine gravitation theories and superpotentialsGiovanni Giachetta and Luigi Mangiarotti
143-155Problems of dynamics in generally covariant quantum field theoryHadi Salehi
157-166Vibrational-rotational analysis of supersingular plus quadraticA/r4+r2 potentialV. C. Aguilera-Navarro and E. Ley Koo
167-176Pure quantum states are fundamental, mixtures (composite states) are mathematical constructions: An argument using algorithmic information theoryVladik Kreinovich and Luc Longpré
177-191On the isotropy of continuized dislocated crystals. I. The isotropic lattice distortionA. Trzęsowski
193-208On the isotropy of continuized dislocated crystals. II. The isotropy of diffusive propertiesA. Trzęsowski
209-226Algorithmic information and simplicity in statistical physicsRüdiger Schack
227-247Analytic wavesDavid Vakman
249-258Redshift in Hubble's constantM. Temple-Raston
259-279Synthetic Hamiltonian mechanicsHirokazu Nishimura

Volume 36, Number 2 / February 1997

281-343Functional integral equation for the complete effective action in quantum field theoryK. Scharnhorst
345-383Fourier duality as a quantization principleR. Aldrovandi and L. A. Saeger
385-393Relation between the Kähler equation and the Dirac equationVittorio Cantoni
395-429Mixtures and pure states in relativistic Schrödinger theoryM. Mattes and M. Sorg
431-439Canonical global symmetry and quantal conservation laws for a system with singular higher order LagrangianZi-ping Li and Li Wang
441-486Classical and quantum descriptions of a nonlocal confined particle—QuarksKh. Namsrai
487-499Constant-cutoff approach to electric seagull terms in the soliton HamiltonianNils Dalarsson
501-507Boundary terms for globally supersymmetric actionsHugh Luckock
509-531Meson-lepton interaction in the spinor strong interaction theoryF. C. Hoh
533-544Binding energies of nucleiA. S. Rabinowitch
545-550Example of indeterminacy in classical dynamicsSanjay P. Bhat and Dennis S. Bernstein
551-558Lie symmetries of quadratic two-dimensional difference equationsM. A. Almeida, F. C. Santos and I. C. Moreira
559-567Integration of Einstein's equations in the weak-field domain using the “Einstein” gaugeE. Hitzer and H. Dehnen
569Three-valued derived logics for classical phase spacesMichael D. Westmoreland, Benjamin W. Schumacher and Steven C. Bailey
571Quantum mechanics as a matrix symplectic geometryA. E. F. Djemai

Volume 36, Number 3 / March 1997

573-612Projective fourier duality and Weyl quantizationR. Aldrovandi and L. A. Saeger
613-623Variational 1/N expansion in stochastic quantization with an auxiliary fieldA. Bérard, Y. Grandati and P. Grangé
625-634Effects of a small deviation from fermi statisticsC. Wolf
635-642Another Majorana idea: Real and imaginary in the Weinberg theoryValeri V. Dvoeglazov
643-656Coupling of massless particles to scalar fieldsHartmut Frommert
657-662Solution of the Higgs scalar-tensor theory without Higgs particles for static starsO. v. Styp Rekowski and H. Frommert
663-672Eighth-order methods for elastic scattering phase shiftsT. E. Simos
673-688Geometry of adiabatic changes. General analysisLevon S. Davtyan
689-695Multiple Lax pair for the double Ernst equationYa-Jun Gao, Zai-Zhe Zhong and Yuan-Xing Gui
697-704Lax representations and zero-curvature representations by the Kronecker productWen-Xiu Ma and Fu-Kui Guo
705-713Jordan KdV systems and Painlevé propertyAyşe (Kalkanh) Karasu
715-741Lift order problems for ordinary differential equations on manifoldsR. Greg Pond
743-755Five-dimensional rindler spacetimeBruce McFarland
757-770Space, time, and velocity in cosmologyM. Carmeli
771-784Relation between quasirigidity andL-rigidity in space-times of constant curvature and weak fieldsM. Barreda and J. Olivert

Volume 36, Number 4 / April 1997

785-814Topos theory and consistent histories: The internal logic of the set of all consistent setsC. J. Isham
815-839Parallelizable implicit evolution scheme for Regge calculusJohn W. Barrett, Mark Galassi, Warner A. Miller, Rafael D. Sorkin and Philip A. Tuckey, et al.
841-845Atom optics and quantum groupsKarl-Peter Marzlin
847-870Heuristic approach to non-abelian quantum kinematics and dynamics in configuration spacetimeJ. Krause
871-881Electric monopoles in topological field theoriesM. Temple-Raston
883-921Naturalness of the space of states in quantum mechanicsM. A. Aguilar and M. Socolovsky
923-934Quantum theory of the Hall effectF. Ghaboussi
935-947Constant-cutoff approach to radiative decays of hyperons: E2/M1 transition ratiosNils Dalarsson
949-953Exact complexity of the logistic mapW. -H. Steeb and R. Stoop
955-977Linear gravitational waves and electrodynamic formalism in cosmologyRoman Tomaschitz
979-995Mechanical systems with nonlinear constraintsManuel de León, Juan C. Marrero and David Martín de Diego
997-1007Radiative transfer single-scattering albedo estimation with a super-padé approximation of Chandrasekhar'sH-functionEric Steinfelds, Mark A. Samuel, N. J. McCormick and James H. Reid
1009-1020Astrogeometry: Toward mathematical foundationsAndrei Finkelstein, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
1021-1031N-fold Backlund transformation for deformed nonlinear Schrödinger equationA. Roy Chowdhury and Swapan Kr. Pal

Volume 36, Number 5 / May 1997

1033-1069Analysis of time-space translations in quantum fieldsHeinrich Saller
1071-1083Quantal global symmetry for a gauge-invariant systemZi-ping Li and Hai-xiao Gao
1085-1098Chain tensor products and interval effect algebrasStanley Gudder
1099-1131Theory of microcubesHirokazu Nishimura
1133-1151Siebenmann-type cobordisms with borders and topology changes by quantum tunnelingVladimir N. Efremov
1153-1157q-deformed boson-realization model applied to vibrational spectrum of sulfur dioxideXi-Wen Hou, Mi Xie and Zhong-Qi Ma
1159-1163Light velocity in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics on a circleHaruichi Yabuki
1165-1177Quaternionic electroweak theory and Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrixStefano De Leo
1179-1187Can Dirac observability apply to gravitational systems?Sze-Shiang Feng and Chao-Guang Huang
1189-1197Uniqueness of the Bethe ansatz of theXXZ chain and statistical interactionDong Mi, Fuzhong Yang and Buoyuan Hou
1199-1207Influence of vacuum energy on scatteringMilan Marčič
1209-1225Constant-cutoff approach to meson-hyperon couplingsNils Dalarsson
1227-1230Non-Riemannian geometry of macroscopic spin distributionsL. C. Garcia de Andrade and C. A. Souza Lima
1231-1247Dirac wave equation in the de Sitter universeE. A. Notte Cuello and E. Capelas de Oliveira
1249-1252Geodesics for photons, particles, and tachyons in a cosmological modelMarcelo S. Berman
1253-1267Reconstruction theorem for groupoids and principal fiber bundlesE. E. Wood

Volume 36, Number 6 / June 1997

1269-1288Optimum measurements for discrimination among symmetric quantum states and parameter estimationMasashi Ban, Keiko Kurokawa, Rei Momose and Osamu Hirota
1289-1298Aq-analogue of a two-dimensional hydrogen atomGao-Jian Zeng and Ming Li
1299-1307Quantum-symmetric and quantum-antisymmetric matrices corresponding to a quantum group and quadratic homogeneous expressions on quantum hyperplaneZai-Zhe Zhong
1309-1316Composite model of gauge bosons in electroweak interactionsKatsumi Sugita, Yoshiwo Okamoto and Matsuo Sekine
1317-1319Photon wavelength, information transport speed, and mass. An information mechanics perspectiveFrederick W. Kantor
1321-1328Particle creation in a cosmological anisotropic universeVíctor M. Villalba
1329-1339Multiple singular manifold method and extended direct method: Application to the burgers equationQu Changzheng
1341-1358On a new condition distinguishing Weyl and Lorentz space-timesUdo Schelb
1359-1368A jet appearing when a black hole event horizon touches the rindler horizonZhao Zheng, Zhang Jian-hua and Jiang Ya-ling
1369-1385Higher order differential lift equations over manifoldsR. Greg Pond
1387-1394Scalar field equation in Robertson-Walker space-timeAntonio Zecca
1395-1400Short-range gravitational field and the red shift of quasarsM. Dirar, Ali El-tahir and M. H. Shaddad
1401-1408ISO(3,1/N) supergravity Lagrangian with noether couplingMa Weichuan, Shao Changgui, Chen Zhongqiu and Tien Xu
1409-1412Anomaly freedom inCP violation preon modelMatsuo Sekine, Katsumi Sugita and Yoshiwo Okamoto
1413-1421Deformation of the exterior algebra Ω(Mn) and the Yang-Baxter equationM. Daoud, Y. Hassouni and E. H. Tahri
1423-1433New cosmologyBruce McFarland
1435-1439Mach's principle and the deceleration parameterMarcelo S. Berman
1441-1455Rigorous model of classical spacetime foamMichael Heller and Wiesław Sasin
1457-1463Dissipative fluid in conformally flat space-timeM. A. P. Martins, N. O. Santos and M. M. Som
1465-1474New type of exactly solvable potentialXuan Chuan Cao
1475-1494Solitons of nonlinear scalar electrodynamics in general relativityYu. P. Rybakov, G. N. Shikin and B. Saha

Volume 36, Number 7 / July 1997

1495-1523Physical versus computational complementarity. ICristian Calude, Elena Calude, Karl Svozil and Sheng Yu
1525-1536Even and odd q-coherent states in a finite-dimensional basis and their squeezing propertiesBarnana Roy and R. Roychoudhury
1537-1546Bosonic super-Liouville system: Lax pair and solutionLiu Zhao and Changzheng Qu
1547-1563Ideals in ortholattices, Bell inequalities, and simultaneously definite propertiesSylvia Pulmannová and Karl Svozil
1565-1574Causal phase in QED3J. L. Boldo, B. M. Pimentel and J. L. Tomazelli
1575-1584Positive-operator-valued time observable in quantum mechanicsR. Giannitrapani
1585-1600Environmental recording of the angular momentum in quantum mechanicsZ. Haba
1601-1615Nonstandard (non-σ-additive) probabilities in algebraic quantum field theoryVladik Kreinovich and Luc Longpré
1617-1621Representation of complex number imaginary unit and supermatrix solution to the Yang-Baxter equationYi-Huan Wei
1623-1639Constant-cutoff approach to hyperon polarizabilities in the bound-state soliton modelNils Dalarsson
1641-1649Twistor diagrams for spinning massless free fieldsJ. G. Cardoso

Volume 36, Number 8 / August 1997

1683-1689Why it is computationally harder to reconstruct the past than to predict the futureGötz Alefeld, Misha Koshelev and Günter Mayer
1691-1716Physical information entropy and probability Shannon entropyR. Ascoli and R. Urigu
1717-1731Induced electronic interactions in Chern-Simons systemsSze-Shiang Feng, Hong-Shi Zong, Zhi-Xing Wang and Xi-Jun Qiu
1733-1744Thermodynamics at high energiesB. H. Lavenda
1745-1752Quantum thermal effects of a radiating rotating charged black holeJiliang Jing and Yongjiu Wang
1753-1769Z′ boson in theSO(10) modelTie-zhong Li and Baofan Wei
1771-1785De Broglie-type relations from nonlinear evolution equationsT. G. Bodurov
1787-1816Geometrization of linear perturbation theory for diffeomorphism-invariant covariant field equations. I. The notion of a gauge-invariant variableZbigniew Banach and Slawomir Piekarski
1817-1842Geometrization of linear perturbation theory for diffeomorphism-invariant covariant field equations. II. Basic gauge-invariant variables with applications to de sitter space-timeZbigniew Banach and Slawomir Piekarski
1843-1856Extended double soliton solution families for the statically axisymmetric self-dualSU(2) gauge field equationsYa-Jun Gao
1857-1864Infinite-Energy dyon-like solutions for Yang-Mills-Higgs theoryD. Singleton
1865-1879Mass and charge from higher dimensional geometryPaul S. Wesson and Hongya Liu
1881-1891Neutrino solution of Dirac equation in Bianchi type V cosmological modelGuo Min Zhang, You Lin Wu and Tian He Liao
1893-1905A transformation method of generating exact analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equationS. A. S. Ahmed
1907-1919Effective one-dimensional equation of motion for nuclear fissionM. W. Morsy and Fathia A. E. A. Imam
1921-1940Parametric excitation of subharmonic oscillationsA. M. Elnaggar and A. A. Alhanadwah

Volume 36, Number 9 / September 1997

1941-1958Moment problem for effect algebrasMiloslav Duchoň, Anatolij Dvurečenskij and Paolo de Lucia
1959-1964Two-dimensional noncommutative quantum dynamicsWon-Sang Chung
1965-1971Quantum mechanical effects of a nondissipative mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuit with sourceZhao-xian Yu, De-xing Zhang and Ye-hou Liu
1973-1980Formal existence and uniqueness of the Reichenbachian common cause on Hilbert latticesGábor Hofer-Szabó
1981-1989Smooth loops, generalized coherent states, and geometric phasesAlexander I. Nesterov and Lev V. Sabinin
1991-2003Reducibility of supersymmetric quantum mechanicsJules Beckers, Nathalie Debergh and Anatolia G. Nikitin
2005-2012Potentials of pointlike particles in gauge theory with a dilatonRainer Dick
2013-2021Classical spin in a potential fieldG. N. Ord and A. S. Deakin
2023-2034Fermion masses in a strong Yukawa coupling modelKeyan Yang
2035-2042Duality and the cosmological constantHadi Salehi

Volume 36, Number 10 / October 1997

2043-2049Phase-coupled nonlinear dynamical systems, stability, first integrals, and Liapunov exponentsW. -H. Steeb and M. A. van Wyk
2051-2066Application of the quantum mechanical hypervirial theorems to even-power series potentialsTh. E. Liolios and M. E. Grypeos
2067-2077Aharonov-Bohm shift as a shift in normal coordinatesWalter C. Henneberger
2079-2097Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor instability with mass and heat transfer subject to a vertical oscillating force and a horizontal electric fieldAbdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy, Yusry O. El-Dib and Yassmen D. Mahmoud
2099-2105Differential constrains, recursion operators, and logical integrabilityAhmet Satir
2107-2113Two-dimensionalRn-gravitationAlexander Pavlov
2115-2152Riemann-Cartan-Weyl quantum geometry. II Cartan stochastic copying method, Fokker-Planck operator and Maxwell-de Rham equationsDiego L. Rapoport
2153-2159Zeroth law of thermodynamics and transitivity of simultaneityZhao Zheng and Ping Chen

Volume 36, Number 11 / November 1997

2239-2269Irreversible quantum mechanics in the neutral
2271-2294Vector states for single and multiple-pole resonancesM. Gadella
2295-2314Higher order Gamow states with exponential decayC. Püntmann
2315-2334Scattering and intrinsic irreversibilityRoberto Laura
2335-2347Possible origin of extra states in particle physicsA. K. Likhoded and G. P. Pronko
2349-2369Rigged Hilbert spaces and time asymmetry: The case of the upside-down simple harmonic oscillatorMorio Castagnino, Roberto Diener, Luis Lara and Gabriel Puccini
2371-2389The Gamow vectors and the Schwinger effectFabián H. Gaioli, Edgardo T. Garcia-Alvarez and Mario A. Castagnino
2391-2407On the quantum electrodynamics of moving bodiesEdgardo T. Garcia-Alvarez and Fabián H. Gaioli
2409-2437Interior symmetries of hadrons:SO(3,2) as a spectrum-generating groupSujeewa Wickramasekara
2439-2450What do we know and what can we learn about the topology of the universe?Jean-Philippe Uzan
2451-2458Recent developments in vorton theoryBrandon Carter
2459-2460Mach's principle, time, quantum gravity, and the origin of the arrow of timeJulian B. Barbour
2461-2468Conservation laws for cosmological perturbationsNathalie Deruelle and Jean-Philippe Uzan
2469-2487Anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background: Theoretical foundationsRuth Durrer
2489-2501Calculation of the large-
2503-2511Signatures in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies: Topological defect scenarios versus inflationary modelsMairi Sakellariadou
2513-2523Imprints of a primordial magnetic field upon the cosmic microwave background anisotropy and polarizationDiego D. Harari
2525-2543Back-reaction equations for isotropic cosmologies when nonconformal particles are createdAntonio Campos and Enric Verdaguer
2545-2581A landscape of time asymmetryMario Castagnino and Edgard Gunzig

Volume 36, Number 12 / December 1997

2583-2638State change, quantum probability, and information in operational phase-space measurementMasashi Ban
2639-2660Finitely generated free modular ortholattices. IM. Haviar, P. Konôpka, H. A. Priestley and C. B. Wegener
2661-2679Finitely generated free modular ortholattices. IIM. Haviar, P. Konôpka and C. B. Wegener
2681-2705Effect test spacesStanley Gudder
2707-2723Closure categoriesD. J. Moore
2725-2757Quantum mechanics: From complex to complexified quaternionsStefano De Leo and Waldyr A. Rodrigues
2759-2781Forks in the road, on the way to quantum gravityRafael D. Sorkin
2783-2826Realizations of causal manifolds by quantum fieldsHeinrich Saller
2827-2837Geometry of the Einstein and Yang-Mills equationsE. M. Monte and M. D. Maia
2839-2845Three-graviton vertex calculation and divergence analysis of higher-derivative quantum gravityZhong-qiu Chen, Chang-gui Shao and Wei-chuan Ma
2847-2854Hawking thermal radiation of the dirac particle in spherically symmetric nonstatic space-timeLichun Zhang, Yueqin Wu and Ren Zhao
2855-2875Quantum neural networkG. Bonnell and G. Papini
2877-2893Kinematics of edge dislocations. I. Involutive distributions of local slip planesA. Trzęsowski
2895-2911Kinematics of edge dislocations. II. Orowan-type kinematic relationsA. Trzęsowski
2913-2922Measurement of cosmic background energy by a moving detector in a Riemannian space-timeE. Stedile
2923-2935Nonlinear sigma model in the Faddeev-Jackiw quantization formalismA. Foussats, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
2937-2951Majorana mass of the electron-muon Dirac neutrino and the fermion massesCvavb Chandra Raju
2953-2961Analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the modified quartic oscillatorL. Skála, J. Dvořák and V. Kapsa
2963-2997Symmetry transformations with noncommutative and nonassociative parametersLuis Alberto Wills-Toro
2999-3005YangianY(sl(2)) in hydrogen atomShengli Zhang
3007-3014Invariant star-product on a Poisson-Lie group and h-deformation of the corresponding Lie algebraM. Mansour
3015-3020glq,q*(n)-Covariant multimode oscillators and q-symmetric statesW. -S. Chung and S. -K. Lee
3021-3050Closed expressions for Lie algebra invariants and finite transformationsR. Aldrovandi, A. L. Barbosa and L. P. Freitas
3051-3064WKB approximation without divergencesD. Cocolicchio and M. Viggiano
3065-3069Delayed self-organized criticality and earthquake modelingA. S. Elgazzar, E. Ahmed and M. H. Mousa
3071-3077Quonic realization of the deformed Heisenberg-Weyl algebraM. Daoud, J. Douari and Y. Hassouni
3079-3084Inhomogeneous inverse differential realization of multimodeSU(2) groupZhao-xian Yu and Ye-hou Liu
3085-3117A unified framework for the algebra of unsharp quantum mechanicsGianpiero Cattaneo

Volume 37, Number 1 / January 1998

1ForewordKarl-Eberhard Hellwig, Michael Keyl and Werner Stulpe
3-9On Extremal Orthoposets Without Forbidden SubstructuresPeter Brass
11-16Coverings of [Mon] and Minimal Orthomodular LatticesJ. C. Carrega
17-22Ideals and Filters in D-PosetsFerdinand Chovanec and Eva Rybarikova
23-29Soler's Theorem and Characterization of Inner Product SpacesAnatolij Dvurecenskij
31-37From Basic Logic to Quantum Logics with Cut-EliminationClaudia Faggian and Giovanni Sambin
39-43Abelian Extensions of Quantum LogicsDavid V. Feldman and Alexander Wilce
45-63The Transition to UnigroupsD. J. Foulis, R. J. Greechie and M. K. Bennett
65-74Quantum MV-Algebras and CommutativityRoberto Giuntini
75-83A Survey of E-Test SpacesStanley Gudder
85-92On the Geometry of Orthomodular Spaces over Fields of Power SeriesHans A. Keller and Ochsenius A. Herminia
93-101Boolean D-Posets as the Factor SpacesFrantisek Kopka
103-107Unitary Self-Adjoint Logics of ProjectionsMarjan Matvejchuk
109-114Some Characterizations of the Underlying Division Ring of a Hilbert Lattice by AutomorphismsRene Mayet
115-119Quasi-Heyting Algebras: A New Class of LatticesWilliam David Miller
121-126Categorical Structures in PhysicsD. J. Moore
127-130Gleason-Type Theorem for Linear Spaces over the Field of Four ElementsDaniar Mushtari
131-137Decomposition of D-SetsOlga Nanasiova
139-145Quantum Logics with Given Centers and Variable State SpacesMirko Navara and Pavel Ptak
147-153Finite Concrete Logics: Their Structure and Measures on ThemPeter G. Ovchinnikov and Foat F. Sultanbekov
155-161On Some Duality for OrthoposetsJan Paseka
163-174Quantum Logics and InstrumentsSylvia Pulmannova
175-181States on Effect Algebras That Have the ϕ-Symmetry PropertyKuppusamy Ravindran
183-189Weak Observables in MV AlgebrasBeloslav Riecan
191-197Lattices and Quantum Logics with Separated Intervals, AtomicityZdenka Riecanova
199-202Solving Problems on Finite Concrete Logics with the Help of a PCFoat Sultanbekov
203-209Greechie Diagrams of Small Quantum Logics with Small State SpacesJosef Tkadlec
211-213A Linear Programming Method for Finding Orthocomplements in Finite LatticesG. N. Parfionov and R. R. Zapatrine
215-217Continuous Measurement of Energy for a Two-Level SystemJurgen Audretsch and Michael Mensky
219-226The Nondemolition Measurement of Quantum TimeV. P. Belavkin and M. G. Perkins
227-233Time and EventsPh. Blanchard and A. Jadczyk
235-240How the Classical Pointer MovesThomas Breuer
241-247Can ‘Unsharp Objectification’ Solve the Quantum Measurement Problem?Paul Busch
249-256Quantum Gravity and the Problem of MeasurementPedro F. Gonzalez-Diaz
257-263Model of a Joint Measurement of Different Spin ComponentsPeter Kienzler
265-272Coherent States and Number-Phase Uncertainty RelationsPekka J. Lahti and Maciej Maczynski
273-280Continuously Measured Systems, Path Integrals, and InformationMichael Mensky
281-290Fuzzy Quantum Logics as a Basis for Quantum Probability TheoryJaroslaw Pykacz
291-304The Hidden Measurement Formalism: What Can Be Explained and Where Quantum Paradoxes RemainDiederik Aerts
305-309Interactive Probability Models: Inverse Problems on the SphereSven Aerts
311-321Hidden Measurements, Automorphisms, and Decompositions in Context-Dependent ComponentsBob Coecke and Frank Valckenborgh
323-331The Structure of the Algebra of Observables in the Intermediate Situation of the ∈-ModelBart D'Hooghe
333-342Toward the Born-Weyl Quantization of FieldsIgor V. Kanatchikov
343-348Simple New Axioms for Quantum MechanicsN. P. Landsman
349-356On the Representation of Quantum Mechanics on a Classical Sample SpaceWerner Stulpe
357-363On Informational Divergences for General Statistical TheoriesStephan Zanzinger
365-373Systems of Covariance in Relativistic Quantum MechanicsS. Twareque Ali
375-385How to Describe the Space-Time Structure with Nets of C*-AlgebrasMichael Keyl
387-392Unification of Quantum Theory and RelativityP. Leifer
393-400Quantum Space-Time and TetradsHolger Lyre
401-409Asymptotic State Vector Collapse and QED Nonequivalent RepresentationsS. N. Mayburov
411-420U(2, 2) Symmetry as a Common Basis for Quantum Theory and GeometrodynamicsJan J. Slawianowski
421-426A Note on Dynamics in the Modal InterpretationGuido Bacciagaluppi
427-433Symmetry and Composition — A Key to the Structure of Physical Logic?Michael Drieschner
435-442Reichenbach's Common Cause Definition on Hilbert LatticesGabor Hofer-Szabo
443-448Context Independence as a Statistical Property of Hidden Variable TheoriesFederico Laudisa
449-456Quantum Structures Do Not Exist in RealityLaszlo E. Szabo
457-462Merging Quantum Annealing Computation and Particle Statistics: A Prospect in the Search of Efficient Solutions to Intractable ProblemsGiuseppe Castagnoli
463-469Quantum Computation: From the Sequential Approach to Simulated AnnealingG. Castagnoli, A. Ekert and C. Macchiavello
471-479The Entropy of Open Finite-Level SystemsS. M. Chumakov, K.-E. Hellwig and A. B. Klimov
481-485Radix-R > 2 Quantum ComputationS. P. Hotaling
487-494Energy Requirements in Quantum CommunicationLev B. Levitin
495-505Complexities and Their Applications to Characterization of ChaosMasanori Ohya
507-510Numerical Computation of Quantum CapacityMasanori Ohya, Denes Petz and Noboru Watanabe
511-518Interference and “Which Way” InformationH. Paul
519-529Equilibrium Statistical Ensembles and Structure of the Entropy Functional in Generalized Quantum DynamicsStephen L. Adler and L. P. Horwitz
531-535Wentzel's Path IntegralsSalvatore Antoci and Dierck-E. Liebscher
537-543Phase Dynamics at the SQUID and Macro-RealismF. Hofmann and A. Rieckers
545-553Time Scales in Quantum Mechanics by a Scattering MapL. Lanz and B. Vacchini
555-562Properties of Ergodic Projection for Quantum Dynamical SemigroupsAndrzej Luczak
563-569Convergence of the Schwinger-DeWitt Expansion for Some PotentialsV. A. Slobodenyuk
571-576Majorization for Products of Measurable OperatorsAirat Bikchentaev
577-583Orthosymmetries and Jordan TriplesGeorges Chevalier
585-591The Ultra-Commutation RelationsD. A. Dubin, M. A. Hennings and A. I. Solomon
593-598Lp-Spaces for UHF AlgebrasStanislaw Goldstein and Viet Thu Phan
599-607Determinacy of States and Independence of Operator AlgebrasJan Hamhalter
609-621States on Partial RingsM. Lynn Krause and Gottfried T. Ruttimann
623-628Fuzzy Sets in Macroscopic Quantum SystemsA. Rieckers

Volume 37, Number 2 / February 1998

629-650Positive-Operator-Valued Measures and Projection-Valued Measures of Noncommutative Time OperatorsHarald Atmanspacher and Anton Amann
651-684Quantum Neural NetsMichail Zak and Colin P. Williams
685-690Information-Entropy and Purity of Decoherence FunctionsN. Linden
691-696Consequences of the Noncompactness of the Lorentz groupHans-Jurgen Schmidt
697-757Wigner–Weyl–Moyal Formalism on Algebraic StructuresFrank Antonsen
759-784Quantum Kinematic Theory of the Poincare Group in Two-Dimensional SpacetimeJ. Krause
785-797Covariant Canonical Formalism of FieldsM. A. Mashkour
799-816Finitary Algebraic SuperspaceR. R. Zapatrin
817-826Summing Logarithms in Quantum Field Theory: The Renormalization GroupD. G. C. Mckeon
827-839Gravitational and Electroweak InteractionsDave Jr Pandres
841-855Irreducible Bases and Correlations of Spin States for Double Point GroupsShi-Hai Dong, Xi-Wen Hou and Zhong-Qi Ma
857-863U(2) Algebraic Model Applied to Stretching Vibrational Spectra of Tetrahedral MoleculesXi-Wen Hou and Zhong-Qi Ma
865-873Renormalization of QCD Coupling Constant in Terms of Physical QuantitiesG. S. Japaridze and K. S. Turashvili
875-889Interior Schwarzschild Problem and Its IntegrationHanno Essen
891-905Transformations of Single and Double Hypergeometric Series from the Triple Sum Series for the 9-j CoefficientK. Srinivasa and Rao J. Van Der Jeugt

Volume 37, Number 3 / March 1998

907-913Connes' Distance Function on One-Dimensional LatticesAristophanes Dimakis and Folkert Muller-Hoissen
915-923S-Dominating Effect AlgebrasStanley Gudder
925-955Topological Field Theories Associated with Three-Dimensional Seiberg–Witten MonopolesYuji Ohta
957-994Quantum Mechanics Based on Probability Wave Functions Induced by the Minimum Mean Deviation from Statistical Equilibrium. ISilviu Guiasu
995-1009Second Quantization of the Dirac Field: Normal Modes in the Robertson–Walker Space-TimeEmilio Montaldi and Antonio Zecca
1011-1017Moyal Quantization of sdiff(T2k/N), q-Deformation, and q-Moyal BracketE. H. El Kinani and A. Ouarab
1019-1050Quantum Mechanics Based on Probability Wave Functions Induced by the Minimum Mean Deviation from Statistical Equilibrium. IISilviu Guiasu
1051-1065Constant-Cutoff Approach to Axially Symmetric DibaryonsNils Dalarsson
1067-1080Constant-Cutoff Approach to Strangeness Dependence in Radiative Decays of HyperonsNils Dalarsson
1081-1120Dynamics of Sine-Gordon SolitonsN. Riazi and A. R. Gharaati
1121-1139Cosmic EtherRoman Tomaschitz
1141-1149Unified Description of Early Universe with Bulk ViscosityShri Ram and C. P. Singh
1151-1158Scalar-Tensor Theory with Torsion and Stellar StructureJi-Zhong Xu
1159-1169Charged Kerr-NUT Metric with Lambda-Term and Step-by-Step Extension MethodXu Dian-Yan and Qiu Zong-Yan
1171-1172Conjunctions, Disjunctions, and Bell-Type Inequalities in OrthoalgebrasJaroslaw Pykacz

Volume 37, Number 4 / April 1998

1173-1212Regularity in Quantum LogicJohn Harding
1213-1216Quantum Effects of Mesoscopic RLC Circuit in Squeezed Vacuum StateJi-Suo Wang and Chang-Yong Sun
1217-1223Coulomb Blockade and Quantum Fluctuation of a Nondissipative Mesoscopic Capacitance Coupling Circuit with SourceZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
1225-1230Realizations of Multimode Quantum Group SU(2)q,sZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
1231-1242Supermulticonformal Field TheoryA. Ouarab, E. H. El Kinani and M. Zakkari
1243-1252Event-Symmetry for SuperstringsPhilip E. Gibbs
1253-1263Conformal Invariance and Gravitational Coupling in Quantum Field TheoryH. Salehi
1265-1287Universal Spin StructureG. Sardanashvily
1289-1298Hydrogen Atom in N DimensionsSami M. Al-Jaber
1299-1306Generalized Ehrenfest Theorem for Nonlinear Schrodinger EquationsT. G. Bodurov
1307-1312Large Numbers and the Time Variation of Physical ConstantsB. G. Sidharth
1313-1325No-Blueshift Condition in Wolf MechanismS. Datta, S. Roy, M. Roy and M. Moles
1327-1331Can the Universe Recycle?George L. Murphy
1333-1422Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Time AsymmetryMario A. Castagnino and Edgard Gunzig

Volume 37, Number 5 / May 1998

1423-1439Solving the Schrodinger Equation for the Feynman Quantum ComputerTino Gramss
1441-1453Entropy of the Quantum Scalar Field in Static Black HolesJiliang Jing
1455-1467Analogue of Black Strings in Yang-Mills Gauge TheoryYuri N. Obukhov
1469-1476Frequency Shift of Spectral Lines Generated by Multiple Dynamic ScatteringS. Datta, S. Roy, M. Roy and M. Moles
1477-1489Nuclear Forces and Neutron StarsA. S. Rabinowitch
1491-1509Concept of Experimental Accuracy and Simultaneous Measurements of Position and MomentumD. M. Appleby
1511-1529Quaternionic Electron Theory: Dirac's EquationStefano De Leo and Waldyr A. Rodrigues
1531-1540Square-Root Klein-Gordon Operator and Physical InterpretationKh. Namsrai
1541-1546New Solitary Wave Solution of the Combined KdV and mKdV EquationJiefang Zhang
1547-1567Exact Traveling-Wave Solutions to Bidirectional Wave EquationsMin Chen
1569-1585Dynamical Trajectories of Simple Mechanical Systems as Geodesics in Space with an Extra DimensionMarek Szydlowski, Andrzej J. Maciejewski and Jacek Guzik
1587-1592Percolation on Inhomogeneous Bethe Lattice and Forest Fire ModelsH. A. Abdusalam
1593-1606Finite-Time Singularities of Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Schrodinger EquationsA. Karabis, E. Minchev and A. Rauh
1607-1616A New Maximum Principle for Impulsive First-Order ProblemsDaniel Franco and Juan J. Nieto
1617-1623Ambiguities Appearing in the Study of Time-Dependent Constants of Motion for the One-Dimensional Harmonic OscillatorG. Lopez
1625-1640Relativistic Equations of Motion from Poisson BracketsPaul Bracken
1641-1654General Properties of the Liouville OperatorI. Antoniou, M. Gadella and Z. Suchanecki

Volume 37, Number 6 / June 1998

1655-1665Inhomogeneous Inverse Differential Realization of Multimode SU(1, 1) GroupZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
1667-1680Quantal Information Entropies for AtomsA. Bhattacharya, B. Talukdar, U. Roy and Angsula Ghosh
1681-1692Gauge Theories: Geometry and Cohomological InvariantsM. Kachkachi, A. Lamine and M. Sarih
1693-1705Weinberg Angle and Pion Beta Decay in the Spinor Strong Interaction TheoryF. C. Hoh
1707-1720Quaternionic Electron Theory: Geometry, Algebra, and Dirac's SpinorsStefano De Leo and Waldyr A. Rodrigues
1721-1733Clifford Fields and the Relativistic Equation of the NucleonVittorio Cantoni and Matteo Semplice
1735-1752Liouville Transformation and Exactly Solvable Schrodinger EquationsRobert Milson
1753-1771Potentials with Convergent Schwinger–DeWitt ExpansionV. A. Slobodenyuk
1773-1777Tolman Energy of a Stringy Charged Black HoleS. S. Xulu
1779-1791Gravitational Perturbation Induced by an Intense Laser PulsePeiyong Ji, Shi-Tong Zhu and Wen-Da Shen
1793-1856Construction of Exact Invariants for Time Dependent Classical Dynamical SystemsR. S. Kaushal

Volume 37, Number 7 / July 1998

1857-1894General Techniques for Evaluating Twistor DiagramsJ. G. Cardoso
1895-1908Relativistic Covariant Equal-Time Equation for Quark-Diquark SystemValeri V. Dvoeglazov, Sergei V. Khudyakov and Svyatoslav B. Solganik
1909-1914The Second-Order Equation from the (1/2, 0) ⊕ (0, 1/2) Representation of the Poincare GroupValeri V. Dvoeglazov
1915-1944Quantized (1, 0) ⊕ (0, 1) FieldsValeri V. Dvoeglazov
1945-1985Toward an Octonionic WorldStefano De Leo and Khaled Abdel-Khalek
1987-1999Double Soliton Solutions of Belinsky–Zakharov Equation Related to the Self-Dual SU(N) Gauge FieldsGuo Jianhong and Zhong Zaizhe
2001-2019Rest Frame Properties of the ProtonGeorge L. Strobel
2021-2026Generalization of Supersymmetric Quantum MechanicsM. Daoud and Y. Hassouni
2027-2041Nuclear Field Theory with Chiral Symmetry on a Calabi–Yau ManifoldJ. A. de Wet
2043-2053Clebsch–Gordan Coefficient for q,s-Deformed Two-Dimensional Hydrogen AtomZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
2055-2065Quantum Deformation of the Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic FieldAnjana Sinha
2067-2078Chiral Actions and Einstein's Vacuum EquationsD. C. Robinson
2079-2089Spectral Theory of Perturbative DecaysD. Cocolicchio and M. Viggiano

Volume 37, Number 8 / August 1998

2091-2098Quantum and Classical Implication Algebras with Primitive ImplicationsMladen Pavicic and Norman D. Megill
2099-2103Identity Rule for Classical and Quantum TheoriesMladen Pavicic
2105-2113Energy Spectrum of Excitations in the Proca–Chern–Simons SystemSze-Shiang Feng, Xi-Jun Qiu and Zhi-Yuan Zhu
2115-2125U(1) Connection, Nonlinear Dirac-Like Equations, and Seiberg–Witten EquationsLiangzhong Hu and Liangyou Hu
2127-2134Parametric (Anti-) Self-Dual Variables and a Related Parametric Yang–Mills–Like Action in Four-Dimensional GravityYa-Bo Wu
2135-2152Irreducible Bases in Icosahedral Group SpaceShi-Hai Dong, Xi-Wen Hou, Mi Xie and Zhong-Qi Ma
2153-2186Quantization by Parts, Maximal Symmetric Operators, and Quantum CircuitsK. Kong Wan and R. H. Fountain
2187-2191Quantum Hall EffectA. Jellal
2193-2206Neutrino Chiral OscillationsStefano De Leo and Pietro Rotelli
2207-2232Squeezed States and Nondiagonal P-RepresentationA.-S. F. Obada and G. M. Abd Al-Kader
2233-2260Linear Amplifier and Quasiprobability Distribution Functions for the Squeezed Displaced Fock StatesA.-S. F. Obada and G. M. Abd Al-Kader
2261-2272Preferred Consistent History SetsC. Anastopoulos
2273-2280Back Reaction of Charged Black HoleZhang Lichun, Zhao Ren and Liu Liao
2281-2298Toward an Axiomatic Pregeometry of Space-TimeS. E.Perez Bergliaffa, G. E. Romero and H. Vucetich
2299-2301Generalized Variable-Coefficient KP EquationYi-Tian Gao and Bo Tian

Volume 37, Number 9 / September 1998

2303-2332Quantum Logics and Convex SpacesSylvia Pulmannova
2333-2361External-Internal Group Quotient Structure for the Standard Model in Analogy to General RelativityHeinrich Saller
2363-2369Eigenvectors of Backwardshift on a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
2371-2382Topological Quantization of Magnetic Monopoles and Their Bifurcation TheoryGuohong Yang and Yishi Duan
2383-2393Time Machines and the Breakdown of UnitarityFrank Antonsen and Karsten Bormann
2395-2401Jaynes-Cummings Model and Trapping of AtomsYuanjie Li, Gang Wang and Ying Wu
2403-2408Star-Deformation of the Infinite Oscillator Algebra and the Realization of Both q-Deformed Centerless Virasoro and SUq(2) AlgebrasM. Mansour
2409-2413String Cosmology with Brans–Dicke Theory in Higher Dimensional Space-TimeSubenoy Chakraborty and Tapan Kumar Ghosh
2415-2431Complex Geometry and Dirac EquationStefano De Leo, Waldyr A. Rodrigues and Jayme Vaz
2433-2438Two-State Paramagnetism Induced by Tsallis and Renyi StatisticsC. Wolf
2439-2448Alternative Approach to the Concept of Shape Invariance in Quantum MechanicsCao Xuan Chuan
2449-2455Multiple Soliton-Like Solutions for (2 + 1)-Dimensional Dispersive Long-Wave EquationsZhang Jiefang
2457-2462Lagrangian Structure of the Two-Dimensional Lotka–Volterra SystemJose Fernandez-Nunez

Volume 37, Number 10 / October 1998

2463-2479Isomorphism Transformation Between the Hydrogen Atom and Four-Dimensional Harmonic OscillatorGao-Jian Zeng, Sheng-Mei Ao, Xiang-Sheng Wu and Ka-Lin Su
2481-2490Triatomic Vibrational EnergiesChao-Ping Liu and J. J. Soares Neto
2491-2537Information and Entropy in Quantum Measurement ProcessesMasashi Ban
2539-2555Front-Form Hamiltonian and BRST Formulations of the Schwinger ModelUsha Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
2557-2572Error PrincipleD. M. Appleby
2573-2613Canonical Proper-Time Formulation of Relativistic Particle Dynamics. IITepper L. Gill, Woodford W. Zachary and James Lindesay
2615-2620SL(2,C) Gauge Theory of Gravitation and the Quantization of the Gravitational FieldMoshe Carmeli and Shimon Malin
2621-2625Is Galaxy Dark Matter a Property of Spacetime?Moshe Carmeli
2627-2652Dynamics of Olivary NeuronsGin Mccollum
2653-2655Chaotic Maps, Control Parameter, and Liapunov ExponentW.-H. Steeb, M. A. Van Wyk and R. Stoop
2657-2668MHD Equilibrium Equation with Azimuthal Rotation in a Curvilinear Coordinate SystemRicardo L. Viana

Volume 37, Number 11 / November 1998

2669-2733Topos Perspective on the Kochen-Specker Theorem: I. Quantum States as Generalized ValuationsC. J. Isham and J. Butterfield
2735-2750Quantal Information TheoryH. S. Green
2751-2755Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and (2 + 1)-Dimensional Quantum ElectrodynamicsA. Jellal
2757-2762Polynomial Invariant of Knots and Links from Two-Parameter Quantum GroupsE. A. El-Rifai, A. S. Hegazi and E. Ahmed
2763-2766Relativity and the QuantumTheodore P. Jorgensen
2767-2789Fermion–Antifermion Condensate Contribution to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of a Fundamental Dirac FermionVictor Elias and Kevin Sprague
2791-2801Why Kolmogorov Complexity in Physical Equations?Vladik Kreinovich and Luc Longpre
2803-2822Synthetic Differential SupergeometryHirokazu Nishimura
2823-2832Differential Forms in Synthetic Differential GeometryRene Lavendhomme and Hirokazu Nishimura
2833-2849Synthetic Braided Geometry. IHirokazu Nishimura
2851-2856Even for Nonpoint Events, Causality Implies the Lorentz GroupMikhail Auguston, Misha Koshelev and Olga Kosheleva
2857-2875Equivalence Theorem for Higher Order EquationsC. G. Bollini, L. E. Oxman and M. C. Rocca
2877-2893Wheeler PropagatorC. G. Bollini and M. C. Rocca
2895-2920Peristaltic Motion of a Particle-Fluid Suspension in a Planar ChannelKh. S. Mekheimer, Elsayed F. El Shehawey and A. M. Elaw

Volume 37, Number 12 / December 1998

2921Important Announcement
2923-2934Limit of Classical Projections of Quantum Mechanics as ℏ → 0Marcel Polakovic
2935-2951Superstrings, Knots, and Noncommutative Geometry in
2953-2964Topological Invariant in Riemann–Cartan Manifold and Space-Time DefectsGuohong Yang, Yishi Duan and Yongchang Huang
2965-2973Quantum Deformation of the Lie Superalgebra spl(2, 1)A. Hegazi and M. M. Abd-Elkalek
2975-2978q-Laguerre Polynomial Realization of gl√q(N)-Covariant Oscillator AlgebraW.-S. Chung
2979-2983Energy Spectrum of a Two-Parameter Deformed Hydrogen AtomZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
2985-2988Universal R Matrix of Two-Parameter Deformed Quantum Group Uqs(SU(1, 1))Zhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
2989-2993Universal R Matrix of Two-Parameter Deformed Quantum Group Uqs(SU(2))Zhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
2995-3013Star-Products and Quasi-Quantum GroupsM. Mansour
3015-3030Lorentz-Invariant Pseudo-Differential Wave EquationsD. G. Barci, C. G. Bollini, L. E. Oxman and M. C. Rocca
3031-3039Limits to the Acceleration of Black HolesZhang Jianhua and Cheng Ziefeng
3041-3049Entropy in (1 + 1)-Dimensional Black HoleYou-Gen Shen and Da-Ming Chen
3051-3068Rhythmic Behavior Generated by Ensembles of NeuronsPatrick D. Roberts
3069-3108Universal Dynamical Computation in Multidimensional Excitable LatticesAndrew Adamatzky
3109-3117Quasi-Chaotic Property of the Prime-Number SequenceRichard L. Liboff and Michael Wong
3119-3137Measures of Information and Error LawsB. H. Lavenda
3139-3144New Summation Expressions Involving the Gamma FunctionHarry A. Mavromatis

Volume 38, Number 1 / January 1999

1Important announcement
9-19Lawlike Reversibility, Factlike Irreversibility. The Symmetry of Time in PhysicsO. Costa De Beauregard
21-45Irreversibility, Lax-Phillips Approach to Resonance Scattering and Spectral Analysis of Non-Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert SpaceB. Pavlov
47-91Minimal Irreversible Quantum Mechanics: An Axiomatic FormalismMario Castagnino and Edgard Gunzig
93-113Resonances and Time Reversal Operator in Rigged Hilbert SpacesM. Gadella and R. De La Madrid
115-130Hilbert Space or Gel'fand Triplet. Time-Symmetric or Time-Asymmetric Quantum MechanicsA. Bohm, H. Kaldass and P. Patuleanu
131-142Some Comments on the RHS Formulation of Resonance ScatteringM. Gadella and A. R. Ordonez
143-164The Formulation of Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Nuclear AlgebrasS. Iguri and M. Castagnino
165-181Subdynamics Theory in the Functional Approach to Quantum MechanicsRoberto Laura and Rodolfo M. Id Betan
183-198Quantum Brownian Motion. IIFabian H. Gaioli, Edgardo T. Garcia Alvarez and Diego G. Arbo
199-203Cosmic Entropy from the Bosonic String?Valerio Faraoni and Edgard Gunzig
205-216Fermionic Currents in Cosmic StringsAlejandro Gangui, Patrick Peter and Edgard Gunzig
217-225Einstein Frame or Jordan Frame?Valerio Faraoni and Edgard Gunzig
227-242What We Can Learn About Irreversibility from a Cosmological Toy ModelAna Korol, Luis Lara and Mario Castagnino
243-257Covariant Hamiltonian Formalisms for Particles and AntiparticlesEdgardo T. Garcia Alvarez and Fabian H. Gaioli
259-276What Is the State of a Hydrogen Atom Leaving a Stern-Gerlach Interferometer?K. Brodsky, F. Perales, J. B. Lawson-Daku, R. Mathevet and J. Baudon, et al.
277-288Spatially Sequential Turn-On of Spontaneous Emission from an Atomic Wave PacketMarek Czachor and Li You
289-358Foundations of Quantum Physics: A General Realistic and Operational ApproachDiederik Aerts
359-385State Property Systems and Closure Spaces: A Study of Categorical EquivalenceDiederik Aerts, Eva Colebunders, Ann Van Der Voorde and Bart Van Steirteghem
387-405Classical Limit in Fuzzy Set Models of Spin-1/2 Quantum LogicsBart D'Hooghe and Jaroslaw Pykacz
407-429Classical and Quantum Probability in the ∈-ModelDiederik Aerts, Sven Aerts, Thomas Durt and Olivier Leveque
431-446Off-Shell Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Formulation of Dirac's Equation Using Characteristic MatricesJan Naudts
447-455Action PhysicsDavid Ritz Finkelstein
457-473Do Dice Remember?Thomas Durt
475-500Lie-Nambu and BeyondMarek Czachor
501-517Independent Photons and Entanglement. A Short OverviewMarek Zukowski, Anton Zeilinger, Michael A. Horne and Harald Weinfurter

Volume 38, Number 2 / February 1999

519-524Direct Sum and Hyperbolic Complexification of Hopf AlgebrasZai-Zhe Zhong
525-536Symplectic Interpretation for the Discretization of Some Physical MagnitudesV. Liern and J. Olivert
537-543Why No Analytic Continuation Connects Real-Time and Imaginary-Time Thermal PropagatorsJian Zuo and Yuan-Xing Gui
545-555Two Interpretations of the Covering LawD. I. Hertia and Al. Ivanov
557-561Order Convergence and Order Topology on a PosetVladimir Olejcek
563-573Strings and the Gauge Theory of Spacetime DefectsYishi Duan and Ying Jiang
575-584Dirac Quantum Field Theory in Rindler SpacetimeZhu Jianyang and Luo Zhijian
585-598Klein–Gordon and Dirac Equations in de Sitter Space–TimeE. A. Notte Cuello and E. Capelas De Oliveira
599-605Two-Parameter Deformed Multimode Usui Operators of Multimode SU(2)q,s and SU(1,1)q,s AlgebrasZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
607-621Nongeneric SUSY in Spinning NUT–Kerr–Newman Space–TimeMainuddin Ahmed and M. Hossain Ali
623-639Variational Stochastic Procedure for Broken Symmetry Phase and Fermionic FieldsA. Berard and Y. Grandati
641-651w*-Algebra, Poincare Group, and Quantum Kinetic TheoryA. E. Santana, A. Matos Neto, J. D. M. Vianna and F. C. Khanna
653-663Differential Forms in Synthetic Differential SupergeometryHirokazu Nishimura
665-673Quantum Thermal Effect of Nonstatic Charged Black HoleZhang Lichun, Wu Yueqin and Zhao Ren
675-700Coherent States on Lie Algebras: A Constructive ApproachFrank Antonsen
701-711Reduction of Theoretical Uncertainty in Quantum ComputingHideaki Matsueda and David W. Cohen
713-724Cosmological Wave Function and Wormhole Wave Function with a Conformal Complex Scalar FieldYou-Gen Shen and Da-Ming Chen
725-735Cosmological Background in Higgs Scalar-Tensor Theory Without Higgs ParticlesH. Frommert and H. Schoor
737-744Monopole Excitation of the Nucleon in a Relativistic Three-Quark ModelGeorge L Strobel, K. V. Shitikova and A. Chikanian
745-756Higher Order Generation of Exactly Solvable Supersymmetric SystemsCao Xuan Chuan
757-776Wave Propagation in a Magnetized Dusty PlasmaKhurshed Alam, A. Roy Chowdhury and S. N. Paul
777-791Coupling of Tachyons to ElectromagnetismC. G. Bollini, L. E. Oxman and M. C. Rocca

Volume 38, Number 3 / March 1999

793-797Quantum ImplicationLeopoldo Roman and Rita E. Zuazua
799-805Error Symmetrization in Quantum ComputersAsher Peres
807-825Optimal Joint Measurements of Position and MomentumD. M. Appleby
827-859A Topos Perspective on the Kochen-Specker Theorem II. Conceptual Aspects and Classical AnaloguesJ. Butterfield and C. J. Isham
861-867Inhomogeneous Inverse Differential Realization of Two-Parameter Deformed Quasi-SU(2)q,s GroupZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
869-876Realizations of Multimode Quantum Group SU(1,1)q,sZhao-Xian Yu and Ye-Hou Liu
877-886Modified Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations and Their Exact SolutionsZhong-Qi Ma, Bo-Yuan Hou and Fu-Zhong Yang
887-895Quantization of Strongly Interacting FieldsV. Dzhunushaliev and D. Singleton
897-899Direct Derivation of the Schwinger Quantum Correction to the Thomas-Fermi AtomE. B. Manoukian and P. Bantitadawit
901-910Minimal Coupling and Feynman's ProofMerced Montesinos and Abdel Perez-Lorenzana
911-918Two-Slit Diffraction Pattern for Gaussian Wave PacketsAntonio Zecca
919-923Fermi Gas in D-Dimensional SpaceSami M. Al-Jaber
925-931New Quantum Effect for Vaidya-Bonner-de Sitter Black HolesLi Zhong-Heng, Liang You and Mi Li-Qin
933-938U(1)-Gauge Theory of Fermions in Spacetimes with HorizonsMainuddin Ahmed and M. Hossain Ali
939-943A Generator for the Weert SuperpotentialV. Gaftoi, J. Lopez-Bonilla and G. Ovando
945-954Dirac Equation with Central Potential: Discrete Spectrum of the Hydrogen Atom in the Robertson–Walker Space–TimeAntonio Zecca
955-969On the Path Integral Treatment for an Aharonov-Bohm Field on the Hyperbolic PlaneChristian Grosche
971-984Anisotropic Heisenberg Magnet with Long-Range Interactions. Integrability and Phase StructureVahid Karimipour and Mohammad Khorrami
985-991Algebraic Model for Stretching and Bending Vibrations of Bent Triatomic MoleculesXi-Wen Hou, Yu-Zheng Ding and Zhong-Qi Ma
993-996Cosmological Redshift. An Information Mechanics PerspectiveFrederick W. Kantor
997-1016Modeling General Relativistic Perfect Fluids in Field-Theoretic LanguageNikolai V. Mitskievich
1017-1027Poincare-Cartan Integral Invariants of Nonconservative Dynamical SystemsY. X. Guo, M. Shang and F. X. Mei

Volume 38, Number 4 / April 1999

1029-1031Preface. Quantum Gravity in the Southern ConeMario A. Castagnino and Carmen A. Nunez
1033-1049Black Hole Formation by Canonical Dynamics of Gravitating Shells: An Equatorial ViewKarel V. Kuchar
1051-1061An Overview of Canonical Quantum GravityJorge Pullin
1063-1080Canonical Quantum Gravity on the Space of Vassiliev InvariantsRodolfo Gambini
1081-1102Midisuperspace Models of Canonical Quantum GravityC. G. Torre
1103-1112Building a Quantum SpacetimeCarlos N. Kozameh
1113-1133The Large-N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and SupergravityJuan Maldacena
1135-1148World-Volume Fields and Background Coupling of BranesMartin Cederwall
1149-1159Gauge Enhancement and Chirality Changes in Nonperturbative Orbifold ModelsG. Aldazabal
1161-1172Comments on Chiral p-FormsXavier Bekaert and Marc Henneaux
1173-1180Formally Renormalizable Gravitationally Self-Interacting String ModelsBrandon Carter
1181-1206Gauge Supergravities for All Odd DimensionsRicardo Troncoso and Jorge Zanelli
1207-1225Black Hole Radiation and S-matrixJ. G. Russo
1227-1252Primordial Black Holes: Pair Creation, Lorentzian Condition, and EvaporationRaphael Bousso and Stephen W. Hawking
1253-1271Fluctuations in a Thermal Field and Dissipation of a Black Hole Spacetime: Far-Field LimitAntonio Campos and B. L. Hu
1273-1297Adiabatic Interpretation of Particle Creation in a de Sitter UniverseC. Molina-Paris
1299-1314Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Quantum Fields in Inflationary CosmologyS. A. Ramsey
1315-1332Magnetic Fields in the Early UniverseH. R. Rubinstein
1333-1348The Classical Regime of a Quantum Universe Obtained Through a Functional MethodMario Castagnino
1349-1358Decoherence and Correlations in Semiclassical CosmologyM. Castagnino and S. Landau
1359-1371The Fluid of Primordial FluctuationsMariana Grana
1373-1383Causal Statistical Mechanics Calculation of Initial Cosmic Entropy and Quantum Gravity ProspectsOsvaldo M. Moreschi
1385-1397Black Hole–D-Brane Correspondence: An ExampleMatteo Bertolini, Pietro Fre, Faheem Hussain, Roberto Iengo and Carmen Nunez, et al.

Volume 38, Number 5 / May 1999

1399-1406BRST Quantization of the Siegel ActionUsha Kulshreshtha, D. S. Kulshreshtha and H. J. W. Muller-Kirsten
1407-1414Little-Group Approach to Gauge TheoryHui Li
1415-1422SU(2) Charges as Angular Momentum in N = 1 Self-Dual SupergravitySze-Shiang Feng, Zi-Xing Wang and Xi-Jun Qiu
1423-1428On the Path Integral of the Relativistic ElectronAndreas Kull and Rudolf A. Treumann
1429-1438Equivalence of Constrained ModelsM. Hortacsu and K. Ulker
1439-1453Dynamical Model and Path Integral Formalism for Hubbard OperatorsA. Foussats, A. Greco and O. S. Zandron
1455-1467Star Products and Quantum AlgebrasM. Mansour
1469-1480Pearson Global Indicator and the Quantum Mechanics of p-Dimensional SystemsVasile Preda, Fevronia Bulacu and Marius Bulacu
1481-1492Topology Change and Context DependenceMark J. Hadley
1493-1520Statistical Properties of the Odd Binomial States with Dynamical ApplicationsFaisal A. A. El-Orany, M. H. Mahran, A.-S. F. Obada and M. Sebawe Abdalla
1521-1529(N + 1)-Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Model for a Closed UniverseT. R. Mongan
1531-1537Construction of Improved Stress-Energy Tensor in d ≥ 2Akash Bandyopadhyay
1539-1548Planck Absolute Entropy of the Kerr Black HoleZhao Zheng
1549-1560Threshold Corrections to the Minimal SUSY SU(5) Grand Unified TheoryA. C. Wimal and Lalith De Alwis
1561-1568New Classes of Exact Causal Viscous CosmologiesT. Harko and M. K. Mak
1569-1592Nonstandard Variational Calculus with Applications to Classical Mechanics. 1. An Existence CriterionF. Bagarello
1593-1615Nonstandard Variational Calculus with Applications to Classical Mechanics. 2. The Inverse Problem and MoreF. Bagarello
1617Erratum: Weyl, Curvature, Ricci, and Metric Tensor SymmetriesAshfaque H. Bokhari, Shahan Ahmad and Amjad Pervez

Volume 38, Number 6 / June 1999

1619-1642Noncommutative Unification of General Relativity and Quantum MechanicsMichael Heller and Wieslaw Sasin
1643-1675Axioms of an Experimental SystemJohn Harding
1677-1695Canonical Symmetries in the Functional FormalismZi-Ping Li and Bao Jun
1697-1733Representations of Spacetime as Unitary Operation Classes; or Against the Monoculture of Particle FieldsHeinrich Saller
1735-1739Classification of Nilpotent Lie Superalgebras of Dimension Five. IAhmad Hegazi
1741-1756The State Space of a Pair of Spin-1/2 ParticlesH. J. Kummer
1757-1762Limitation of Operational DefinitionsWilliam Delaney
1763-1769Why Fundamental Physical Equations Are of Second OrderTakeshi Yamakawa and Vladik Kreinovich
1771-1782Infinitesimal Calculus of VariationsHirokazu Nishimura
1783-1805Gravitational and Electroweak UnificationDave Pandres
1807-1815Phase Distribution of Kerr Vectors in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
1817-1827Bogomolny Field Equations and the Double-Complex Function MethodJun-Fei Yang
1829-1834New Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of the KS EquationZhang Jiefang
1835Erratum. General Techniques for Evaluating Twistor DiagramsJ. G. Cardoso

Volume 38, Number 7 / July 1999

1837-1849Path-Integral and BRST Quantization in a Pure Supersymmetric Anyon ModelE. C. Manavella, C. E. Repetto and O. P. Zandron
1851-1881Quantum Mechanics from Symmetry and Statistical ModelingInge S. Helland
1883-1891N-Slit Diffraction PatternAntonio Zecca
1893-1899Uq[sl(2)] Quantum Algebra in Quantum Hall EffectA. Jellal
1901-1903Mathematical Structure of Two-Parameter Deformed Multimode Quantum Group SLqs(3)Zhaoxian Yu and Yehou Liu
1905-1923Covariant (hh′)-Deformed Bosonic and Fermionic Algebras as Contraction Limits of q-Deformed OnesC. Quesne
1925-1932Inhomogeneous Inverse Differential Realization of Two-Parameter Deformed Quasi-SU(1,1)q,s GroupZhaoxian Yu and Yehou Liu
1933-1939Do Maxicharged Particles Exist?N. V. Makhaldiani and Z. K. Silagadze
1941-1968Reparametrization Invariance as Gauge SymmetryG. Fulop, D. M. Gitman and I. V. Tyutin
1969-1979Quantum Cosmology with a Complex φ4 Field at Finite TemperatureTong-Jie Zhang and You-Gen Shen
1981-1991Cosmological Models with Matter Creation in Open Thermodynamic SystemsV. B. Johri and Sanjay K. Pandey
1993-2007Aspects of Cosmological RelativityMoshe Carmeli
2009-2014Amended Formula for the Decay of Radioactive Material for Cosmic TimesMoshe Carmeli and Shimon Malin
2015-2028Variance of the Quantum Coordinates of an EventM. Toller
2029-2036Quantum Nonthermal Radiation of the Nonstationary Kerr-Newman Black HoleJunli Lu
2037-2047Supersymmetric Integrable Systems in (2 + 1) Dimensions and Their Backlund TransformationMousumi Saha and A. Roy Chowdhury
2049-2061Helmholtz Conditions and Alternative Lagrangians: Study of an Integrable Henon-Heiles SystemJose F. Carinena and Manuel F. Ranada
2063-2064ErratumP. K. Das

Volume 38, Number 8 / August 1999

2065-2093Gleason's Theorem in W*J-Algebras in Spaces with Indefinite MetricMarjan Matvejchuk
2095-2109Squeezing and Dynamical SymmetriesJose M. Cervero
2111-2119Star Product and q-Deformation of Grassmann and Symmetric AlgebrasM. Mansour and K. Akhoumach
2121-2161Decohering a Charged Scalar Field in a Time-Machine Wormhole BackgroundMalene Steen Nielsen Flagga
2163-2174General Jacobi Identity RevisitedHirokazu Nishimura
2175-2184Quantization of Spherically Symmetric Solution of SU(3) Yang-Mills TheoryV. Dzhunushaliev and D. Singleton
2185-2196Energy Levels of Interacting Fields in a BoxJ. A. Espichan Carrillo and A. Jr. Maia
2197-2220Quaternionic Groups in PhysicsStefano De Leo and Gisele C. Ducati
2221-2230Duplex Numbers, Diffusion Systems, and Generalized Quantum MechanicsJerzy Kocik
2231-2239Escape to InfinityJon Perez Laraudogoitia
2241-2252Some Symmetries in Theories with Higher DerivativesM. Borneas and I. Damian
2253-2258Exotic Coherent Structures in the (2 + 1)-Dimensional Breaking-Soliton EquationsZhang Jiefang
2259ErratumValeri V. Dvoeglazov

Volume 38, Number 9 / September 1999

2261-2282Quantum Automata: An OverviewStanley Gudder
2283-2287Degeneracy of the Lowest Landau Level and Quantum Group Uq(sl(2)) on the SphereA. Jellal
2289-2295D-Dimensional q-Harmonic Oscillator and d-Dimension q-Hydrogen AtomSu Ka-Lin and Liu An-Ling
2297-2305Deformed Multiconformal Algebra and Its q-Operator Product ExpansionE. H. El Kinani
2307-2314Some Multidimensional Algebras and Their CorrelationsP. Miskinis
2315-2332Convolution of Ultradistributions and Field TheoryC. G. Bollini, T. Escobar and M. C. Rocca
2333-2348Quantum Foam and de Sitter-Like UniverseP. A. Zizzi
2349-2369Dirac-Hestenes LagrangianStefano De Leo, Zbigniew Oziewicz, Waldyr A. Rodrigues and Jayme Vaz
2371-2376Dirac Equation in an Axial Coulomb PotentialD. Macdonald and D. G. C. McKeon
2377-2388Evolution Equations for Levy Stable ProcessesV. V. Uchaikin
2389-2399Approximate Symmetries and Conservation Laws with ApplicationsA. H. Kara, F. M. Mahomed and G. Unal
2401-2406Solutions for Two-Dimensional Dilaton GravityHaru Chand Dhara and Dipankar Ray
2407-2411Solutions for a Cosmic StringHaru Chand Dhara and Dipankar Ray
2413-2417The Rikitake Two-Disk Dynamo System and Domains with Periodic OrbitsYorick Hardy and W.-H. Steeb
2419-2440Mild Inflation and Modified General Relativity in the Early UniverseS. S. De

Volume 38, Number 10 / October 1999

2441-2484Maximal Beable Subalgebras of Quantum Mechanical ObservablesHans Halvorson and Rob Clifton
2485-2509Topology of the Symmetry Group of the Standard ModelM. A. Aguilar and M. Socolovsky
2511-2533Scalar λφ4 Model with Nontrivial TopologyIgor Kulikov
2535-2548Stochastic Quantization Approach for the Ising ModelA. Berard and Y. Grandati
2549-2563One-Loop Quantum Corrections to Thermodynamics of Black Holes with Global MonopolesHuang Yibin and Jiliang Jing
2565-2579Atomic Vibrations in the Thermodynamic LimitZ. Suchanecki
2581-2593Spatial Statistics and Information Geometry for Parametric Statistical Models of Galaxy ClusteringC. T. J. Dodson
2595-2604Unitary Operator and Zero-Point Fluctuation Properties of a Polariton SystemBin Shao, Qianshu Li, Jian Zou and Rongyao Wang
2605-2616Fourier Analysis for Proton-Proton Interaction at High EnergyT. I. Haweel and M. Y. El-Bakry
2617-2645Normalization in the Spinor Strong Interaction Theory and Strong Decay of Vector Meson V → PPF. C. Hoh
2647-2664Radiative Decay of Vector Meson V → Pγ in the Spinor Strong Interaction TheoryF. C. Hoh
2665-2669Cyclic Representation of the gl√q (n)-Covariant Oscillator AlgebraW. S. Chung
2671-2679Even and Odd Coherent Vectors in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
2681-2693Classification of Nilpotent Lie Superalgebras of Dimension Five. IIAhmad S. Hegazi
2695-2701Quantum Group Structure of Lie Superalgebra osp (1/2)A. Hegazi and M. Mansour
2703-2717Nonrelativistic Geodesic MotionGiovanni Giachetta, Luigi Mangiarotti and Gennadi Sardanashvily

Volume 38, Number 11 / November 1999

2719-2720PrefaceB. Carter, E. Gunzig and E. Verdaguer
2721-2731Classical Limit(s) of Quantum Field TheoriesC. Anastopoulos
2733-2743New Aspects of the Cosmology of Extra DimensionsPierre Binetruy
2745-2754Matrix Theory in Curved SpacePh. Brax and T. Wynter
2755-2778Noise-Induced InflationEsteban Calzetta
2779-2804Cancellation of Linearized Axion-Dilaton Self-Action Divergence in StringsBrandon Carter
2805-2822Minimal Irreversible Quantum Mechanics: Decoherence and Classical Equilibrium LimitMario Castagnino, Edgard Gunzig and Roberto Laura
2823-2865Gamow Vectors and Time AsymmetryM. Castagnino, M. Gadella, F. Gaioli and R. Laura
2867-2888Cosmic Strings in Realistic Particle Physics Theories and BaryogenesisA. C. Davis
2889-2900Destruction of Fermion Zero Modes on Cosmic StringsStephen C. Davis
2901-2916The Exceptional Jordan Eigenvalue ProblemTevian Dray and Corinne A. Manogue
2917-2930Local Cosmic Strings from Pseudo-Anomalous U(1)Cedric Deffayet
2931-2936Lensing by Gravitational Waves from SupernovaeValerio Faraoni and Edgard Gunzig
2937-2940Third RelativityDavid Ritz Finkelstein
2941-2958Spacetime Metric and Lightcone FluctuationsL. H. Ford
2959-2967Singular Instantons and Extra DimensionsJaume Garriga
2969-2986Two Approaches to Coupling Classical and Quantum VariablesJ. J. Halliwell
2987-3037Stochastic GravityB. L. Hu
3039-3047About TimeJean-Marc Levy-Leblond
3049-3089An Effective Stochastic Semiclassical Theory for the Gravitational FieldRosario Martin and Enric Verdaguer
3091-3109Renormalized Stress Tensor in One-Bubble SpacetimesXavier Montes
3111-3122The Importance of Quantum Effects in Superconducting Cosmic StringsPatrick Peter
3123-3133Spacelike Fluctuations of the Stress Tensor for de Sitter VacuumAlbert Roura and Enric Verdaguer
3135-3145Open Universes, Eternal Inflation, and the Anthropic PrincipleAlexander Vilenkin
3147Erratum: Escape to Infinity

Volume 38, Number 12 / December 1999

3149-3151An Overview of the 1997 IQSA Meeting in AtlantaRichard J. Greechie
3153-3161How Many Notions of “Sharp”?Gianpiero Cattaneo, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Roberto Giuntini
3163-3178Two Descriptions of State Spaces of Orthomodular StructuresMirko Navara
3179-3187Convex Structures and Effect AlgebrasStanley Gudder
3189-3208Probability Weights and Measures on Finite Effect AlgebrasD. J. Foulis and R. J. Greechie
3209-3220Subalgebras, Intervals, and Central Elements of Generalized Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riecanova
3221-3229Developing Entropy of Open Finite-Level SystemsS. M. Chumakov, K.-E. Hellwig and A. B. Klimov
3231-3239A Quantum Structure Description of the Liar ParadoxDiederik Aerts, Jan Broekaert and Sonja Smets
3241-3252Semantic Realism: A New Philosophy for Quantum PhysicsClaudio Garola
3253-3267Mutual Causality and the Generation of Biological Control SystemsGin McCollum
3269-3281On a Duality of Quantales Emerging from an Operational ResolutionBob Coecke and Isar Stubbe
3283-3300An Excursion in Finite-Field-Valued MeasuresErik I. Verriest and Krishna Narayanan
3301-3303The Predual of an Order-Unit Banach SpaceYewande Olubummo and Thurlow A. Cook
3305-3313On Three Notions of Orthosummability in OrthoalgebrasBernd S. W. Schroder

Volume 39, Number 1 / January 2000

1-13Quantization of Discretized Spacetimes and theCorrespondence PrincipleIoannis Raptis and Roman R. Zapatrin
15-22Generalized Uncertainty Principle from QuantumGeometryS. Capozziello, G. Lambiase and G. Scarpetta
23-40Relationship between Symmetries andConservation LawsA.H. Kara and F.M. Mahomed
41-45Quantum Group Approach to q-Special FunctionsE. Ahmed, A. Hegazi and M. Mansour
47-50Shifts on a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP.K. Das
51-82Leptonic Electroweak Model with No Ad HocParity-Breaking Prescriptions and No HiggsParticlesG. Ziino
83-87Direct and Inverse Cascades in Two-DimensionalTurbulence with a Generalized Enstrophy InvariantBhimsen K. Shivamoggi
89-97Perturbative Approach to NonrenormalizableTheoriesG. Japaridze and J. Gegelia
99-104Inflation, Extra Dimensions, and ΩΛ ≈ 1T.R. Mongan
105-114Multiple Parameter Structure of Mielnik'sIsospectrality in Unbroken SUSYQMHaret C. Rosu
115-126Roper Resonances as Vibrating Flux Tubes Between QuarksGeorge L. Strobel
127-151Quantum Mechanics on Path Space andPoint Interactions on a CircleK.K. Wan, C. Trueman and J. Bradshaw
153-157Quantum Cosmology with Hyperbolic PotentialSubenoy Chakraborty and Nabajit Chakravarty
159-182Shock-Free Wave Propagation in Gauge TheoriesJ. McCarthy and Ö. Sario~glu
183-188Pulsatile Flow of Blood through a Porous Mediumunder Periodic Body AccelerationE.F. Elshehawey, Elsayed M. E. Elbarbary, N.A.S. Afifi and Mostafa El-Shahed
189-205Inverse Problem for a General Bounded Domain inR3 with Piecewise Smooth Mixed BoundaryConditionsE.M.E. Zayed
207-222Exploratory Approach to Explicit Solution ofNonlinear Evolution EquationsX. Feng

Volume 39, Number 2 / February 2000

223-230Connes' Distance Function for Commutative and Noncommutative GraphsThomas Filk
231-237Generalization of Blocks for D-Lattices and Lattice-Ordered Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečanová
239-251Statistical Mechanical and Thermodynamic Entropies of the Einstein-Maxwell Dilaton-Axion Black HoleJiliang Jing and Mu-Lin Yan
253-257Entropy of Spin Fields in Schwarzschild SpacetimeLi Zhong-heng
259-275Role of Dilations in Diffeomorphism-Covariant Algebraic Quantum Field TheoryM. Rainer
277-283Wormhole Solutions in Superstring TheoryYou-Gen Shen and Da-Ming Chen
285-295Relativistic Quantum Field Inertia and Vacuum Field Noise SpectraHaret C. Rosu
297-320Synthetic Theory of SuperconnectionsHirokazu Nishimura
321-340Duality-Induced Reflections and CPTHeinrich Saller
341-349U(1) Puzzle and the Strong CP Problem from a Holonomy Formulation PerspectiveHugo Fort and R. Gambini
351-361Squeezed Coherent State Representation of Scalar Field and Particle Production in the Early UniverseG. Santhosh Kumar and V. C. Kuriakose
363-371Support for the Reality of QuarksBijan Sheikholeslami-Sabzevari
373-376Ground State for Fractional Quantum Hall EffectA. Jellal
377-387Weyl Spinor and Solution of Massless Free Field EquationsAntonio Zecca
389-403Two-Body Mass-Shell Constraints in a Constant Magnetic Field (Neutral Case)Philippe Droz-Vincent
405-446One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Ising Model in the Static Fluctuation ApproximationR. R. Nigmatullin, A. A. Khamzin and H. B. Ghassib
447-454Eigenvalue and Eigenfunction of n-Mode Boson Quadratic HamiltonianLu Huaixin and Zhang Yongde
455-468Analytic Advantages of Spherically Symmetric Step-Function Potentials in the Dirac Equation with Scalar and Fourth Component of Vector PotentialG. J. Papadopoulos, C. G. Koutroulos and M. E. Grypeos
469-481Levinson's Theorem for the Schrödinger Equation in One DimensionShi-Hai Dong and Zhong-Qi Ma

Volume 39, Number 3 / March 2000

1-8Gottfried Traugott Rüttimann -- In Memorium 1941-1999Martin Edwards
483-484ForewordAnatolij Dvurečkenskij and Sylvia Pulmannová
483-496The Description of Joint Quantum Entities and the Formulation of a ParadoxDiederik Aerts
497-502Quantum Axiomatics and a Theorem of M. P. SolèrDiederik Aerts and Bart Van Steirteghem
503-515Constructive Mathematics and Quantum PhysicsDouglas Bridges and Karl Svozil
517-524Minimal Orthomodular Lattices from Quadratic Spaces over Finite FieldsJ. C. Carréga, R. J. Greechie and R. Mayet
525-530Quantum Nondeterministic ComputationGiuseppe Castagnoli and Dalida Monti
531-550From Effect Algebras to Algebras of Effects (Sum Brouwer—Zadeh Algebras)Gianpiero Cattaneo
551-564Effect Algebras and Para-Boolean ManifoldsG. Cattaneo, M. L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini and S. Pulmannova
565-570Different Orthocomplementations on the Subspace Lattice of a Finite-Dimensional Complex Vector SpaceGeorges Chevalier
571-583Difference Posets in the Quantum StructuresBackgroundFerdinand Chovanec and Františk Kôpka
585-594Structural Characterization of CompoundnessBob Coecke
595-603A Logical Description for Perfect MeasurementsBob Coecke and Sonja Smets
605-614State Transitions as Morphisms for Complete LatticesBob Coecke and Isar Stubbe
615-620Absolute Continuity of States on Concrete LogicsAnna De Simone
621-640A Hilbert Space Realization of Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics as Classical Extension of Its Linear CounterpartMarco Del Seta and Gianpiero Cattaneo
633-664Commutative BCK-Algebras and Quantum StructuresAnatolij Dvurečenskij
641-652On Some New Operations on Orthomodular LatticesBart D'Hooghe and Jarosław Pykacz
665-676Specification of Finite Effect AlgebrasD. J. Foulis and R. J. Greechie
677-686On ObservablesRoman Frič
687-693Lp-Spaces for C*-Algebras with a StateStanislaw Goldstein and Phan Viet Thu
695-704Combinations of ObservablesStan Gudder
705-709Disjunctivity and Alternativity in Projection LogicsSuren A. Grigoryan, Daniar H. Mushtari and Peter G. Ovchinnikov
711-720Direct Limits of Effect AlgebrasEissa D. Habil
721-726Restricting and Extending States and Positive Maps on Operator AlgebrasJan Hamhalter
727-735Finitely Generated Free Orthomodular Lattices. IIIM. Haviar and P. Konôpka
737-744Boson—Fermion Correspondence on the Circle via Quantum Stochastic CalculusR. L. Hudson
745-755Subcentral Ideals in Generalized Effect AlgebrasGejza Jenčs
757-764A Note on the Individual Ergodic Theorem on Product MV AlgebrasMária Jurečkova
765-775GHZ Theorems in the Framework of Outcomes in Branching Space-timeTomasz Kowalski and Tomasz Placek
777-791Hermitian Measures in W*J-Algebras in Hilbert Spaces with ConjugationMarjan Matvejchuk
793-799Fundamental Structures in Physics: A Categorical ApproachD. J. Moore
801-803The Order Topology on a Lattice and Its MacNeille CompletionVladimír Olejček
805-812A Note on Girard BimodulesJan Paseka
813-825Quantum Logic for Quantum ComputersMladen Pavičić
827-837Concrete Quantum LogicsPavel Pták
839-840Quantum Logic as a Basis for ComputationsJarosław Pykacz
851-858On the Lp Space of Observables on Product MV AlgebrasBeloslav Riečan
859-869MacNeille Completions of D-Posets and Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečkanov´
871-884The Representation Theory of Decoherence Functionals in History Quantum TheoriesOliver Rudolph
885-892The Entropy of Partitions on MV-AlgebrasJan Rybárik
893-899Logic of Reversible AutomataK. Svozil
901-911Attempt to Resolve the EPR-Bell Paradox via Reichenbach's Concept of Common CauseLászló E. Szabó
913-919Common Cause Completability of Classical and Quantum Probability SpacesGábor Hofer-Szabó, Miklós Rédei and László E. Szabó
921-926Diagrams of Kochen—Specker Type ConstructionsJosef Tkadlec
927-932Complete Positivity and Subdynamics in Quantum Field TheoryB. Vacchini
939-945On Subsystem Recognition in Compound Physical SystemsFrank Valckenborgh
947-953A Categorical Approach to T1 Separation and the Product of State Property SystemsAnn Van der Voorde
955-962T0 Separation in Axiomatic Quantum MechanicsBart Van Steirteghem
963-968On Measures with Values in Partially Ordered SpacesPeter Volauf
969-974On Generalized Sasaki ProjectionsAlexander Wilce

Volume 39, Number 4 / April 2000

975-984Discrete Space-TimeAlexey L. Krugly
985-995Automata Theory Based on Quantum Logic. (I)Mingsheng Ying
997-1013Universal Covering Group of U(n) and Projective RepresentationsM. A. Aguilar and M. Socolovsky
1015-1026Lattice Properties of Ring-like Quantum LogicsDietmar Dorninger, Helmut Länger and Maciej Maczyński
1027-1035Differential Structure of Greechie LogicsRoman B. Breslav and Roman R. Zapatrin
1037-1048Probability Operator Measure and Phase Measurement in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
1049-1053Dirac Quantization in Kantowski—Sachs SpacetimeYou-gen Shen and Tong-jie Zhang
1055-1068Lorentz-Covariant Hamiltonian FormalismA. Bérard, H. Mohrbach and P. Gosselin
1069-1084π0 → γγ in the Spinor Strong Interaction TheoryF. C. Hoh
1085-1099Yang-Mills Fields as Optical MediaR. Aldrovandi and A. L. Barbosa
1101-1108Lie—Bäcklund Symmetries of Two-Dimensional SU(2) Yang—Mills System and Nonhomogeneous Lax PairChandan Kr. Das and A. Roy Chowdhury
1109-1118Synchrotron Production of Photons by a Two-Body SystemMiroslav Pardy
1119-1128Exact Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with Certain Central PotentialsShi-Hai Dong
1129-1145Hyperspherical Coordinates for Triatomic MoleculesL. E. Espinola López and J. J. Soares Neto
1147-1152Superradiance of BlackholesAsit Kumar Mondal and Mainuddin Ahmed
1153-1161Total Energy of the Bianchi Type I UniversesS. S. Xulu
1163-1169Unification of Bessel Functions of Different OrdersMustapha Mekhfi
1171-1173Erratum: Phase Distribution of Kerr Vectors in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das

Volume 39, Number 5 / May 2000

1175-1215Cλ-Extended Oscillator Algebras and Some of Their Deformations and Applications to Quantum MechanicsC. Quesne and N. Vansteenkiste
1217-1219Quantum Group Symmetry of the Hubbard ModelE. Ahmed and A.S. Hegazi
1221-1231Supersmooth TopoiHirokazu Nishimura
1233-1240Algebraic Quantization of Causal SetsIoannis Raptis
1241-1244Conformal Anomaly and Large-ScaleGravitational CouplingH. Salehi and Y. Bisabr
1245-1290Wave Functions for Galilean ParticlesAntonio Diaz Miranda
1291-1316General Treatment of Orbiting GyroscopePrecessionRonald J. Adler and Alexander S. Silbergleit
1317-1330Semiclassical Model of Quark—Gluon PlasmaChen Xiangjun, Zhang Weining and Huo Lei
1331-1337Quantum Corrections to the Entropy of a Black Hole with a Global MonopoleLu Maowang and Jiliang Ji
1339-1350Calogero Conjecture and Hubble LawGiuseppe Gaeta
1351-1374Generalized Relativity: A Unified Field Theory Based on Free Geodesic Connections in Finsler SpaceThomas P. Storer
1375-1396Cosmological Relativity: A New Theory ofCosmology1Silvia Behar and Moshe Carmeli
1397-1404Derivation of the Tully—Fisher Law: Doubts About the Necessity and Existence of Halo Dark MatterMoshe Carmeli

Volume 39, Number 6 / June 2000

1405-1411Energy Eigenstates of a Quantum Gate SystemWenhua Hai, Mang Feng, Xiwen Zhu, Lei Shi and Kelin Gao, et al.
1413-1436Topos Perspective on the Kochen=nSpeckerTheorem: III. Von Neumann Algebras as theBase CategoryJ. Hamilton, C. J. Isham and J. Butterfield
1437-1444Excited Binomial States and Excited Negative Binomial States of the Radiation Field and Some of Their Statistical PropertiesXiao-Guang Wang and Hong-Chen Fu
1445-1456Multimode q-Oscillator Algebras with q2(k+1) = 1 and Their Bargmann��Fock RepresentationsYa-Jun Gao
1457-1462R-Deformed Heisenberg Algebra, Quantum Mechanics, and Virasoro AlgebraE. H. EL Kinani
1463-1466Wigner-Type Theorem on Symmetry Transformations in Type II FactorsLajos Molnár
1467-1482Problem of Measurement Within the Operator Formulation of Hybrid SystemsSlobodan Prvanović and Zvonko Marić
1483-1498Delta-Type Dirac Point Interactions and TheirNonrelativistic Limits>Vidal Alonso and Salvatore De Vincenzo
1499-1513Two-Mode Normal Squeezing of a Nondegenerate Bimodal Multiquanta Jaynes–Cummings Model in the Presence of Stark ShiftsA.-S. F. Obada, A. M. Abdel-Hafez and H. A. Hessian
1515-1527Oscillator-Like Hamiltonians and SqueezingJ. Beckers, N. Debergh and F. H. Szafraniec
1529-1541Levinson's Theorem for the Nonlocal Interaction in One DimensionShi-Hai Dong
1543-1598Zitterbewegung and Quantum Jumps in Relativistic Schrödinger TheoryS. Rupp, T. Sigg and M. Sorg
1599-1608Algorithm for Computing the Propagator for Higher Derivative Gravity TheoriesA. Accioly, S Ragusa, H. Mukai and E. de Rey Neto
1609-1617Fractional Super-Multi-Virasoro AlgebraA. Ouarab
1619-1628Is the Cabibbo Angle a Function of the Weinberg Mixing Parameter?Chandra Raju Cvavb
1629-1635Chemical Reaction Computations Using the Quantum-Potential MethodT. M. Rocha Filho and J. J. Soares Neto
1637-1642Mass Density of Dp-branesDe-Pin Zhao, Sze-Shiang Feng and Guo-Hong Yang
1643-1668Quantization Conditions in Curved Spacetime and Uncertainty-Driven InflationPaul J. Camp and John L. Safko
1669-1686Cosmological Models with Variable “Constants”José Antonio Belinchón
1687-1696Entropy of the Quantum Electromagnetic Field in Static, Spherically Symmetric Dilaton Black HolesJiliang Jing
1697-1702Simple Soliton Solution Method for the Combined KdV and MKdV EquationJiefang Zhang, Fengmin Wu and Jianqing Shi
1703-1716Finitary Spacetime SheavesI. Raptis

Volume 39, Number 7 / July 2000

1717-1729Submillimeter Extra Dimensions and TeV-Scale Quantum GravityG. Dvali
1731-1736Indications of Causal Set CosmologyRafael D. Sorkin
1737-1765Functional Approach to Quantum Decoherence and the Classical Final Limit: The Mott and Cosmological ProblemsMario Castagnino and Roberto Laura
1767-1777The Emergence of Hydrodynamic Equations from Quantum Theory: A Decoherent Histories AnalysisJ. J. Halliwell
1779-1802Fluctuations and Phase Transition DynamicsR. J. Rivers
1803-1815Stress Tensor Fluctuations and Stochastic SpacetimesL. H. Ford
1817-1830Fluctuations of Energy Density and Validity of Semiclassical GravityB. L. Hu and Nicholas G. Phillip
1831-1839Semiclassical Cosmological Perturbations Generated During InflationAlbert Roura and Enric Verdaguer
1841-1849Cosmological Perturbations of Quantum Mechanical Origin: Are Nonvacuum Initial States Allowed?Mairi Sakellariadou
1851-1858Seeds of Large-Scale Anisotropy in Pre-Big-Bang CosmologyMairi Sakellariadou
1859-1875Cosmological Constant Versus QuintessencePierre Binétruy
1877-1886Inflation Without PotentialC. Armendáriz-Picón and V. F. Mukhanov
1887-1900Eternal Inflation, Black Holes, and the Future of CivilizationsJ. Garriga, V. F. Mukhanov, K. D. Olum and A. Vilenkin
1901-1932What Can We Learn from Nonminimally Coupled Scalar Field Cosmology?E. Gunzig, V. Faraoni, A. Figueiredo, T. M. Rocha Filho and L. Brenig
1933-1961Explicit Analytic Solutions of Classical Scalar Field CosmologyT. M. Rocha Filho, A. Figueiredo, L. Brenig, E. Gunzig and V. Faraoni

Volume 39, Number 8 / August 2000

1963-1966Embedding Uq(sl(2)) and Sine Algebras in Generalized Clifford AlgebrasE. H. EL Kinani and A. Ouarab
1967-1971Irreducible Representation of the Quantum Group Eq(2)A. Hegazi and M. Mansour
1973-1984Topological Symmetry of the Bosonic StringM. Kachkachi, O. Dafounansou and M. Nazah
1985-1998Mixing Angle and Glashow AlgebraA. L. Barbosa
1999-2005The S = 1 Relativistic OscillatorValeri V. Dvoeglazov
2007-2012Orthogonal Even Nonlinear Coherent StatesP. K. Das
2013-2019Quantum Fluctuations in a Mesoscopic Inductance Coupling CircuitJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu and Ming-Sheng Zhan
2021-2028Kustaanheimo–Stiefel Transformation of the Monopolar Hydrogen Atom into the Four-Dimensional OscillatorJing-Ling Chen, Hui Jing, Xue-Hong Wang, Hong-Biao Zhang and Xian-Geng Zhao
2029-2042Hyperelliptic Curves Describing Coulomb Phase of N = 2 Supersymmetric Theories with Classical Gauge Groups SU(3) and SO(6)Manu P. Singh, O. P. S. Negi and B. S. Rajput
2043-2050Raising and Lowering Operators for a Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Atom by an Ansatz MethodJing-Ling Chen, Hong-Biao Zhang, Xue-Hong Wang, Hui Jing and Xian-Geng Zhao
2051-2062Dirac Field of Kaluza–Klein Theory in Weitzenböck SpaceGuo Min Zhang, You Lin Wu, Xiu Ze Wang and Jin Long Sun
2063-2077Operator Formulation of Classical MechanicsA. Verçin
2079-2086Geometric Character of Black-Hole EntropyLi Xiang and Zhao Zheng
2087-2105Montroll–Weiss Problem, Fractional Equations, and Stable DistributionsVladimir V. Uchaikin
2107-2140Dynamics of Intelligent SystemsMichail Zak
2141-2149Symmetries and Conservation Laws in Theories with Higher DerivativesI. Damian

Volume 39, Number 9 / September 2000

2151-2177Quantum ComputersStanley Gudder
2179-2189Braided Covariance of the Braided Differential Bialgebras Under Quantized Braided GroupsYa-Jun Gao and Yuan-Xing Gui
2191-2196Supersymmetric Pair of q-Deformed Nonlocal OperatorsH. C. Rosu
2197-2206Quantum Electrodynamics of Čerenkov Radiation at Finite TemperatureE. B. Manoukian and D. Charuchittapan
2207-2213Magnetic Monopoles and the Orientation Entanglement RelationD. K. Ross
2215-2220Four Quantum Conservation Laws for Black Hole Stationary Equilibrium Radiation ProcessesS. Q. Wu and X. Cai
2221-2229Entropy of the Dirac Field in Schwarzschild–de Sitter Space-Time via the Membrane ModelChangjun Gao and Wenbiao Liu
2231-2252Optimal Measurements of Spin DirectionD. M. Appleby
2253-2258Four-Vector Representation of Fundamental ParticlesJoachim Lambek
2259-2262Quantum Group Symmetry of the Hubbard ModelE. Ahmed and A. S. Hegazi
2263-2303Currents and Super-Operator Product Expansionsof N = 4 Super-W AlgebraN. Benhamou and T. Lhallabi
2305-2325Exact Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation with Irregular SingularityAxel Schulze-Halberg
2327-2336Hamilton Spaces of Order k ≥ 1Radu Miron

Volume 39, Number 10 / October 2000

2337-2379Equations, State, and Lattices of Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert SpacesNorman D. Megill and Mladen Pavičićc
2381-2406Algorithms for Greechie DiagramsBrendan D. Mckay, Norman D. Megill and Mladen Pavičic
2407-2413Multiboson Realization of Two-Mode q-Boson Algebra with suq (2) CovarianceW.-S. Chung
2415-2422Large-Order Strong Coupling Perturbation Coefficients for Anharmonic OscillatorsJ. Zamastil, L. Skála and J. Čížek
2423-2438Generalized Position and Momentum Tsallis EntropiesAngsula Ghosh and Puspitapallab Chaudhuri
2439-2445Upper Bounds to the Overlap of Approximate and Exact WavefunctionsM. G. Marmorino
2447-2456Modified Yang-Mills Theory and Electroweak InteractionsA. S. Rabinowitch
2457-2477Photon—Dyon Scattering in Non-Abelian Gauge TheoryP. P. Purohit, V. P. Pandey and B. S. Rajput
2479-2494Hamiltonian and BRST Formulations of a Two-Dimensional Abelian Higgs Model in the Broken Symmetry PhaseUsha Kulshreshtha
2495-2502Quantization of Yang—Mills TheorySami I. Muslih, Hosam A. El-Zalan and Fawzy El-Sabaa
2503-2512Nonlocal Symmetries and Associated Conservation Laws for Wave Equations with Variable SpeedsA. H. Kara and Changzeng Qu
2513-2522Classical Transport Theory for a Gluon PlasmaXiangjun Chen, Gang Wang, Weining Zhang, Lei Huo and Pengfei Zhuang

Volume 39, Number 11 / November 2000

2523-2531Supercoherent State and Inhomogeneous Differential Realization of OSP(2, 1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
2533-2543ZN-Graded Noncommutative Differential CalculusA. E. F. Djemai and H. Smail
2545-2557Automata Theory Based on Quantum Logic IIMingsheng Ying
2559-2581Endomorphisms of the Separated Product of LatticesBoris Ischi
2583-2593Higher Order Squeezed States of Anharmonic OscillatorsJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu and Ming-Sheng Zhan
2595-2603Quantum Effects of a Nondissipative Mesoscopic Capacitance Coupling Circuit in a Displaced Squeezed Fock StateJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu and Ming-Sheng Zhan
2605-2622Anticommutative Electric and Magnetic Charges, and the Monopole QuestionG. Ziino
2623-2632Electric and Magnetic Monopoles from a Lorentz-Covariant HamiltonianA. Bérard and H. Mohrbach
2633-2665Higgs Field—Fermion Coupling in the Tensor Dirac TheoryFrank Reifler and Randall Morris
2667-2706Geometrical Aspects of Skyrmions, Reflection Group, and the Internal Symmetry of HadronsPratul Bandyopadhyay
2707-2716Noether's Theorem in Symplectic BundlesV. Liern, J.M. Moreno and J. Olivert

Volume 39, Number 12 / December 2000

2717-2753Thermodynamic Cost of Reliability and Low Temperatures: Tightening Landauer's Principle and the Second LawD. Janzing, P. Wocjan, R. Zeier, R. Geiss and Th. Beth
2755-2760Entangled Quantum StatesWilli-Hans Steeb and Yorick Hardy
2761-2778Probing Quantum Structure with Boolean Localization SystemsElias Zafiris
2779-2796Enlarged Geometries of Gauge BundlesR. Aldrovandi and A. L. Barbosa
2797-2836Gauge and Space-Time Symmetry UnificationJ. Besprosvany
2837-2851Soliton Evolution in the Composite-Boson FieldYi-shi Duan, Pengming Zhang and Hong Zhang
2853-2865Correlation of the Flux Tube Constant with the Nucleon Electric PolarizabilityGeorge L. Strobel
2867-2874Origin of Radiation ReactionAmos Harpaz and Noam Soker
2875-2890Nambu Mechanics in the Lagrangian FormalismTsuyoshi Ogawa and Toshiaki Sagae
2891-2898Schild's Ladder Parallel Transport Procedure for an Arbitrary ConnectionArkady Kheyfets, Warner A. Miller and Gregory A. Newton

Volume 40, Number 1 / January 2001

1-14Guest Editor's Note: Clifford Algebras and Their ApplicationsZbigniew Oziewicz
15-24Braided Clifford Algebras as Quantum DeformationsMicho Ðurdevich
25-40Quasigroups Connected with Clifford GroupsJerzy Kociński
41-54Hopf Algebras in AnalysisLuis Verde-Star
55-66Braided Identities, Quantum Groups, and Clifford AlgebrasCésar Bautista
67-80Hopf Modules and Their DualsAndrzej Zdzisław Borowiec and Guillermo Arnulfo Vaázquez Coutiño
81-94Hyperbolic Conformal Geometry with Clifford AlgebraHongbo Li
95-104Braided Logic: The Simplest ModelsMariá Ernestina Chávez Rodríguez and Angel López Gómez
105-114Symbolic Package for Quantum Groups, Noncommutative Algebras, and LogicsHanna Makaruk
115-138Quantum Spinor Structures for Quantum SpacesMicho Ðurdevich
139-163Small-Scale Structure of Space-Time and Dirac OperatorMarcos Rosenbaum
163-170Dirac Operator on the Podleś SphereRobert Owczarek
171-190Beautiful Gauge Field Equations in ClifformsEckehard W. Mielke
191-210Clifford Modules and Generalized Dirac OperatorsJürgen Tolksdorf
211-218Vector Representation of Interacting Dirac EquationEduardo Piña
219-228Recovery of Dirac Equations from Their SolutionsKurt Just, Zbigniew Oziewicz and Erwin Sucipto
229-242Signature Change and Clifford AlgebrasDavid Miralles, Josep Manel Parra and Jayme Vaz
243-250From Dirac's de Sitter Equation to a Generalization of Gravitational TheoryLeopold Halpern
251-260Gravitational Fields and Nonlinear σ-ModelsJerónimo Cortez, Dario Núñez and Hernando Quevedo
261-274Quaternionic Projective Theory and Hadron Transformation LawsRolf Dahm
275-298Marriage of Clifford Algebra and Finsler Geometry: A Lineage for Unification?José Gabriel Vargas and Douglas Graham Torr
299-314Lagrangian Formalism for Multiform Fields on Minkowski SpacetimeAntonio Manuel Moya, Virginia Velma Fernández and Waldyr Alves Rodrigues
315-338Unification of Spins and ChargesNorma Susana Mankoč Mankoč Borštnik
339-350Principal Loop Bundles: Toward Nonassociative Gauge TheoriesAlexander I. Nesterov
351-358Nonassociative Geometry and Discrete Space-TimeLev Sabinin
359-362Nonassociative Geometry of Special RelativityLarissa Sbitneva
363-376Electron Scattering without Spin SumsAntony Lewis, Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby
377-386Twistor Dynamics of a Massless Spinning ParticleAndreas Bette
387-398PseudotwistorsJulian Ławrynowicz and Osamu Suzuki
399-412Equivalence of Deviau's, Hestenes', and Parra's Formulations of Dirac TheoryBertfried Fauser
413-458On the Representation of the Symmetric and Alternating Groups by Fractional Linear SubstitutionsJ. Schur

Volume 40, Number 2 / February 2001

459-475Duals for Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories by Categorical MethodsHarald Grosse and Karl-Georg Schlesinger
477-490Long-Range Behavior of Dual-Restricted QCD VacuumH. C. Pandey and H. C. Chandola
491-506Gauged Nonlinear Sigma Model in the Instant Form: Hamiltonian and BRST FormulationsUsha Kulshreshtha
507-514SO(3,1)-Valued Yang-Mills FieldsA. Reşsit Dündarer
515-536Pair Production and Solutions of Wave Equation for Arbitrary-Spin ParticlesS. I. Kruglov
537-549Landau Levels on a TorusE. Onofri
551-557Quantization in Quantum System with Time-Dependent Boundary ConditionYao Qian-Kai, Ma Guang-Wen, Chen Xiu-Fang and Yu Yan
559-567A New Approach to the Relativistic Schrödinger Equation with Central Potential: Ansatz MethodShi-Hai Dong
569-581Correlations of Spin States for Icosahedral Double GroupShi-Hai Dong, Xi-Wen Hou and Zhong-Qi Ma
583-590Finite-Temperature Black Hole Thermodynamics and Maximal AccelerationGiulio Landolfi
591-601Electroweak Symmetry on the Tangent BundleR. G. Beil

Volume 40, Number 3 / March 2001

603-684Fields on the Poincaré Group: Arbitrary Spin Description and Relativistic Wave EquationsD. M. Gitman and A. L. Shelepin
685-701Pseudoeffect Algebras. I. Basic PropertiesAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Thomas Vetterlein
703-726Pseudoeffect Algebras. II. Group RepresentationsAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Thomas Vetterlein
727-753Congruences of Dislocations in Continuously Dislocated CrystalsA. Trzęsowski
755-765Classical Projections of Quantum Mechanics and the Limit ħ → 0Marcel Polakovič
767Erratum: Limit of Classical Projections of Quantum Mechanics as ħ → 0Marcel Polakovič

Volume 40, Number 4 / April 2001

769-805Discrete Symmetries and Clifford AlgebrasV. V. Varlamov
807-818Squeezed Vector and Its Phase Distribution in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
819-833Nonlinear Phase Changes in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
835-847Quantum Analogue of Ermakov Systems and the Phase of the Quantum Wave FunctionR. S. Kaushal
849-859Neutrino Oscillations in Caianiello's Quantum Geometry ModelV. Bozza, S. Capozziello, G. Lambiase and G. Scarpetta
861-874Density Matrix Theory for the BDS-HamiltonianDušan Popov
875-901n-Dimensional Gravity: Little Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Ball LightningMario Rabinowitz
903-911Black Hole Entropy: Membrane ApproachLi Xiang and Zhao Zheng

Volume 40, Number 5 / May 2001

913-920Sharp Elements in Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečanová
921-933Braided Coadditive Differential Complexes on Quantized Braided GroupsYa-Jun Gao and Yuan-Xing Gui
935-984Superconformal Interpretation of BPS States in AdS GeometriesSergio Ferrara and Emery Sokatchev
985-999Gravitational Decoherence and EPR CorrelationsZ. Haba
1001-1008Black Hole and Cosmic Entropy for Schwarzschild–de Sitter Space–TimeWu Yueqin, Zhang Lichun and Zhao Ren
1009-1019Fermionic Entropy in Kerr Black Hole Space–Time BackgroundYou-Gen Shen and Zong-Yi Cheng
1021-1031Gravitomagnetic and Gravitoelectric Waves in General RelativityIvan Tolstoy
1033-1060Liquid Helium-4 in the Static Fluctuation ApproximationM. K. Al-Sugheir, H. B. Ghassib and R. R. Nigmatullin

Volume 40, Number 6 / June 2001

1061-1069States on Orthomodular Posets of DecompositionsJohn Harding
1071-1112Theory of a Pair of Quantum BitsHans J. Kummer
1113-1119One-Parameter Inhomogeneous Differential Realizations and Boson–Fermion Realizations of the gl(2¦1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1121-1149Precanonical Quantum Gravity: Quantization Without the Space–Time DecompositionIgor V. Kanatchikov
1151-1171Symmetry Reduction From Interactions to ParticlesHeinrich Saller
1173-1181Proton Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Chains in the Presence of an External FieldYuan-Fa Cheng
1183-1196Autonomous Forms and Exact Solutions of Equations of Motion of Polytropic GasE. M. E. Zayed and Hassan A. Zedan
1197-1205Poincaré-Cartan Integral Variants and Invariants of Nonholonomic Constrained SystemsY. X. Guo, M. Shang, S. K. Luo and F. X. Mei
1207Erratum: Quantum Group Symmetry of the Hubbard ModelE. Ahmed and A. S. Hegazi

Volume 40, Number 7 / July 2001

1209-1248Residual Representations of SpacetimeHeinrich Saller
1249-1258One-Parameter Indecomposable and Irreducible Representations of gl(2 | 1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1259-1266Conformally Invariant Klein-Gordon Equation in Kaluza-Klein TheoryZong-Kuan Guo and Guang-Wen Ma
1267-1275Quantization of Boson Fields in Quantum GeometryG. Lambiase
1277-1282Solitons in Superlattices: Multiple Scales MethodQiang Tian, Qiyi Zhang and Hui Zhou
1283-1294Geometric Phase in Quaternionic Quantum MechanicsM.D. Maia and V.B. Bezerra
1295-1306Application of a Quantum Action Principle to a Quantum OscillatorPaul Bracken
1307-1325Spinning Particles in NUT–Reissner–Nordstrom Space–TimeM.Hossain Ali and Mainuddin Ahmed
1327-1339Pauli Equation for Non-Abelian Dyons in Moduli SpaceP.P. Purohit, V.P. Pandey and B.S. Rajput
1341-1348Generalized Uncertainty Relation of One-Dimensional Rindler OscillatorXin Ye and Yuan-Xing Gui
1349-1357Asymmetry of Hawking Radiation of Dirac Particles in a Charged Vaidya–de Sitter Black HoleS.Q. Wu and X. Cai
1359-1362Unified Treatment of Spacelike and Timelike SO(3, 1) Yang-Mills FieldsA.Reşit Dündarer
1363-1385Synthetic Braided Geometry IIHirokazu Nishimura

Volume 40, Number 8 / August 2001

1387-1410Orthomodular Lattices and a Quantum AlgebraNorman D. Megill and Mladen Pavičić
1411-1426Consistent Histories Approach to the Unruh EffectDuncan Noltingk
1427-1452New Effect for Detecting Gravitational Waves by Amplification with Electromagnetic RadiationHans-Joachim Schorn
1453-1474Quantum Field Formalism for the Electromagnetic Interaction of Composite Particles in a Nonrelativistic Gauge ModelE.C. Manavella
1475-1489Relativistic Wave Equations and Hydrogenic AtomsB.A. Robson and S.H. Sutanto
1491-1499Relativistic Wave Equations and Compton ScatteringB.A. Robson and S.H. Sutanto
1501-1509Variational Formulation of Approximate Symmetries and Conservation LawsA.G. Johnpillai and A.H. Kara
1511-1523Finslerian N-Spinors: AlgebraA.V. Solov'yov and Yu.S. Vladimirov
1525-1543Hidden Variables or Positive Probabilities?Tony Rothman and E.C.G. Sudarshan

Volume 40, Number 9 / September 2001

1545-1559Spacetime as Manifold of Internal Symmetry Orbits in External SymmetriesHeinrich Saller
1561-1580Gauged Nonlinear Sigma Model in Light-Front Frame: Hamiltonian and BRST FormulationsUsha Kulshreshtha
1581-1593(2+1)-Dimensional Fermion Determinant in a Constant Background Field at Finite Temperature and DensitySze-Shiang Feng, Zi Yao, De-Pin Zhao and De-Si Zang
1595-1615Generally Covariant Schrödinger Equation in Newton–Cartan Space–Time. Part IJ. Wawrzycki
1617-1629Generally Covariant Schrödinger Equation in Newton–Cartan Space–Time. Part IIJ. Wawrzycki
1631-1645Homodyne Statistics of a Vector in a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das
1647-1655Theory of Super Phase-Space Representations and Supercoherent StatesSumiyoshi Abe
1657-1664Nernst Theorem and Entropy of the Axisymmetric Einstein–Maxwell–Dilaton-Axion Black HoleZhao Ren, Zhang Lichun and Wu Yueqin
1665-1670Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Recursion Relation for the General Potential V(r) = ArpHarry A. Mavromatis
1671-1681Equation of State of Newborn Neutron Star Matter with Untrapped NeutrinosG. H. Bordbar and N. Riazi

Volume 40, Number 10 / October 2001

1683-1691Proper Effect Algebras Admitting No StatesZdenka Riečanová
1693-1696Rieffel's Deformation Quantization and Isospectral DeformationsAndrzej Sitarz
1697-1713Space Zeno EffectD. Bar and L. P. Horwitz
1715-1735Generation and Properties of a Superposition of Four Displaced Fock StatesA.-S. F. Obada and G. M. Abd Al-Kader
1737-1742Coherent States of Two-Mode q-Oscillators with a q Root of UnityW.-S. Chung
1743-1754q-Phase Operators of Finite Dimensional Two-Mode q-Oscillator AlgebraW.-S. Chung
1755-1760Entropy of the Rindler HorizonLi Xiang and Zhao Zheng
1761-1768Transitive Novikov Algebras on Four-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie AlgebrasChengming Bai and Daoji Meng
1769-1797Gauge-Invariant Chiral Schwinger Model with Faddeevian Regularization: Stueckelberg Term, Operator Solution, and Hamiltonian and BRST FormulationsUsha Kulshreshtha
1799-1807Restricted Constant of Motion for the One-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator with Quadratic Dissipation and Some Consequences in Statistic and Quantum MechanicsG. López
1809-1816Vibrational–Rotational Structure of Supersingular Plus Coulomb Potential A/r4 − Z/rV. C. Aguilera-Navarro, E. Ley-Koo and S. Mateos-Cortés
1817-1864Positive and Negative Mixtures in Relativistic Schrödinger TheoryS. Rupp and M. Sorg
1865-1870Coulomb-Like Interactions in the Dirac EquationS. Bruce
1871-1874Cosmological Relativity: Determining the Universe by the Cosmological Redshift as Infinite and CurvedMoshe Carmeli

Volume 40, Number 11 / November 2001

1875-1884Orthomodular Implication AlgebrasIvan Chajda, Radomír Halas and Helmut Länger
1885-1928Finitary Spacetime Sheaves of Quantum Causal Sets: Curving Quantum CausalityA. Mallios and I. Raptis
1929-2010Square-Root Operator Quantization and Nonlocality: A ReviewKh. Namsrai and H. V. von Geramb
2011-2016Covariant Poisson Brackets of Classical FieldsM. A. Mashkour
2017-2024Hamilton–Jacobi Treatment of Chiral Schwinger ModelDumitru Baleanu and Yurdahan Güler
2025-2027Exact Solutions to the Dirac Equation for Neutrinos Propagating in a Particular Vaidya BackgroundVíctor M. Villalba
2029-2036Center-of-Mass Energy Removal in Relativistic Three-Quark Models of the ProtonGeorge L. Strobel
2037-2043Departures from the Fermi Golden RuleFu-Sui Liu, Kuang-Ding Peng and Wan-Fang Chen
2045-2051Photoionization of a One-Electron N-Dimensional AtomSami M. Al-Jaber
2053-2066A Variational Wave Function for 2p2-Orbitals in Atomic Negative IonsM. A. Abbadi, N. M. Bani-Hani and J. M. Khalifeh
2067-2084Quantum Creation of Highly Massive Particles in the Very Early UniverseS. S. De
2085-2090Open Universe Solution in the Vacuum-Induced-Gravity TheoryAlbert Nzabonimana and Liu Liao
2091-2098Thermal Squeezed State Representation of Scalar Field and Energy Density in Semiclassical Theory of GravityP. K. Suresh

Volume 40, Number 12 / December 2001

2099-2129Essentials of Classical Brane DynamicsBrandon Carter
2131-2142Effective Potential in Brane-World ScenariosOriol Pujolàs
2143-2182Renormalization and Short Distance Singular StructureMario Castagnino
2183-2200Notes on Black Hole Phase TransitionsG. J. Stephens and B. L. Hu
2201-2216Toward a Collective Treatment of Quantum Gravitational InteractionsR. Parentani
2217-2229Attractor States and Quantum Instabilities in de Sitter SpacePaul R. Anderson, Wayne Eaker, Salman Habib, Carmen Molina-París and Emil Mottola
2231-2258Interacting Field Theories in Robertson-Walker Spacetimes: Analytic ApproximationsCarmen Molina-París, Paul R. Anderson and Stephen A. Ramsey
2259-2294A Crucial Ingredient of InflationValerio Faraoni
2295-2307Superinflation, Quintessence, and the Avoidance of the Initial SingularityA. Saa, E. Gunzig, L. Brenig, V. Faraoni and T. M. Rocha Filho, et al.
2309-2316Defect Formation in a Dynamic TransitionGrant Lythe
2317-2332Master Equation for Quantum Brownian Motion Derived by Stochastic MethodsEsteban Calzetta, Albert Roura and Enric Verdaguer

Volume 41, Number 1 / January 2002

1-37Causal Set Dynamics and Elementary ParticlesAlexey L. Krugly
39-43Ermakov Approach for Minisuperspace OscillatorsH.C. Rosu and J. Socorro
45-61Recurrence in Quantum MechanicsRocco Duvenhage
63-77Quantum and Classical BracketsVladimir V. Kisil
79-88Poincaré Covariance of Relativistic Quantum PositionSz. Farkas, Z. Kurucz and M. Weiner
89-99Quantum Monodromy in the Spectrum of Schrödinger Equation with a Decatic PotentialShi-Hai Dong
101-107Hawking Radiation Arising from the Electromagnetic Fields in the Kerr–Newman Black HoleJiliang Jing
109-129Composite Surface Integral Transforms in Neutron Therapy of CancerNassar H. S. Haidar
131-135Value of the Cosmological Constant in the Cosmological Relativity TheoryMoshe Carmeli and Tanya Kuzmenko
137-158Full Causal Theory of Bulk Viscosity and Specific Entropy of the UniverseS.S. De
159-170Entropies of Static Dilaton Black Holes from the Cardy FormulaJiliang Jing

Volume 41, Number 2 / February 2002

171-198Spacetime Topology (I) – Chirality and the Third Stiefel–Whitney ClassMalene Steen Nielsen Flagga and Frank Antonsen
199-220Symmetries, Quantum Geometry, and the Fundamental InteractionsJeeva Anandan
221-229Effect Algebras Which Can Be Covered by MV-AlgebrasAnatolij Dvurečenskij
231-250De Sitter QuasigroupsJerzy Kociński
251-272Light-Front Hamiltonian and BRST Formulations of a Two-Dimensional Abelian Higgs Model in the Broken Symmetry PhaseUsha Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
273-291Hamiltonian and BRST Formulations of the Nielsen–Olesen ModelUsha Kulshreshtha
293-308Coriolis Coupling in Exotic Three-Body Coulomb SystemsG. Machtoub and C. Zhang
309-319Equation of State of Protoneutron Star MatterG. H. Bordbar
321-330A New Asymmetric Long-Range Model and Algebraic Bethe AnsatzAnindya Ghose Choudhury and Asesh Roy Chowdhury
331-340Strictly Isospectral Potentials from Excited Quantum StatesR. Klippert and H. C. Rosu
341-370Non-Turing Computations Via Malament–Hogarth Space-TimesGábor Etesi and István Németi
371-373Erratum: Correction to Phase Operator on a Deformed Hilbert SpaceP. K. Das

Volume 41, Number 3 / March 2002

375-385Moment Problem and Spectral TheoremMiloslav Duchoň and Sylvia Pulmannová
387-392Differences Among Three Deformed OscillatorsChong Li and He-Shan Song
393-408Refined Chiral Slavnov–Taylor Identities: Renormalization and Local PhysicsMarco Picariello and Andrea Quadri
409-419Exact Solutions for Self-Dual SU(2) and SU(3) Yang–Mills FieldsA.H. Khater and S.M. Sayed
421-428Dirac Equation in Space–Time with TorsionAntonio Zecca
429-458Hamiltonian Formalism in SupermechanicsJ. Monterde and J.Muñoz Masqué
459-493Angular Momentum Operator and Fermion-Pair Creation for Non-Abelian FieldsS.C. Joshi and B.S. Rajput
495-502Bilinear Forms on Novikov AlgebrasChengMing Bai and DaoJi Meng
503-510Squeezing and Quantum Canonical TransformationsJose M. Cerveró and Alberto Rodríguez
511-527Nonstandard Methods in Quantum Field Theory I: A Hyperfinite Formalism of Scalar FieldsHideyasu Yamashita
529-540Quantum Mechanical Histories and the Berry PhaseCharis Anastopoulos and Ntina Savvidou
541-550Gravitational Interaction Between Moving Objects in Terms of Spatial Gravitational FieldsW.D. Flanders and G.S. Japaridze
551-557Solving Multiphoton Jaynes–Cummings Model with Field Nonlinearity by Supersymmetric Unitary TransformationTong-Qiang Song and Hong-Yi Fan
559-567Hawking Radiation of Photons in a Vaidya–de Sitter Black HoleS.Q. Wu and X. Cai

Volume 41, Number 4 / April 2002

569-591Properties of Quantum LanguagesS. Gudder and R. Ball
593-611Principle of Symmetric Bracket Invariance as the Origin of First and Second QuantizationT. Garavaglia and S. K. Kauffmann
613-639Topos Perspective on the Kochen–Specker Theorem: IV. Interval ValuationsJ. Butterfield and C.J. Isham
641-651Quantum Thermal Effect of Dirac Particles in a Nonuniformly Rectilinearly Accelerating Black Hole with Electric Charge, Magnetic Charge, and Cosmological ConstantS.Q. Wu and X. Cai
653-687Dirac–Kähler EquationS.I. Kruglov
689-694On the “Equivalence” of the Maxwell and Dirac EquationsAndré Gsponer
695-703Properties of the q-Analogue of a Squeezed Vacuum StateTong-Qiang Song and Hong-Yi Fan
705-719Normal Liquid Helium-3 in the Static Fluctuation ApproximationM.K. Al-Sugheir and H.B. Ghassib
721-728Gravitomagnetic and Gravitoelectric Waves in General Relativity: IIIvan Tolstoy
729-736Gravitation and the Local Symmetry Group of Space-TimeM. Calçada and J.G. Pereira
737-752Kontsevich and Takhtajan Construction of Star Product on the Poisson–Lie Group GL(2)N. Bel Baraka
753-790Discrete Symmetries as Automorphisms of the Proper Poincaré GroupI.L. Buchbinder, D.M. Gitman and A.L. Shelepin
791-810On Fuzzy Probability TheoryE.D. Habil and T.Z. Nasr

Volume 41, Number 5 / May 2002

811-822Characterization of Sequential Quantum MachinesDaowen Qiu
823-838QuasibosonsW. A. Perkins
839-860Aharonov–Bohm Effect, Flat Connections, and Green's TheoremM. A. Aguilar and M. Socolovsky
861-866Hamilton–Jacobi Quantization of Systems with Time-Dependent ConstraintsDumitru Baleanu and Yurdahan Güler
867-875Cavity Field Spectra of the Intensity-Dependent Two-Mode Jaynes–Cummings ModelYun-Feng Gao, Jian Feng and Shu-Ren Shi
877-886Reflection and Transmission Times Through a Linear PotentialM. Goto, H. Iwamoto, V. M. de Aquino and V. C. Aguilera-Navarro
887-901Čerenkov Effect with Massive PhotonsMiroslav Pardy
903-909Spin Dependent Quark Forces and the Spin Content of the NucleonGeorge L. Strobel
911-918Dynamics of an Orientational-Kink Pair in a Hydrogen-Bonded Chain in an External FieldYuan-Fa Cheng
919-937Differential Groupoids and Their Application to the Theory of Spacetime SingularitiesMichael Heller and Wiesław Sasin
939-951Quantum Cosmology in CGBD TheoryHui-Qing Lu, Li-Ming Shen, Guo-Hong Yang, Y. Y. Lai and K. S. Cheng
953-959Topology in Entropy of Schwarzschild Black HoleGuo-Hong Yang
961-972Curvature Vacuum Correlations in N-Dimensional Einstein GravityL. Shao, H. Noda, D. Shao and C. G. Shao
973-983Lattice Green's Function for the Body-Centered Cubic LatticeA. Sakaji, R. S. Hijjawi, N. Shawagfeh and J. M. Khalifeh
985-990Immune-Motivated OptimizationE. Ahmed and M. El-Alem

Volume 41, Number 6 / June 2002

991-1005Topological Aspects of Liquid CrystalsGuo-Hong Yang, Hui Zhang and Yi-Shi Duan
1007-1018Relativistic Simultaneity and CausalityV. J. Bolós, V. Liern and J. Olivert
1019-1025Tree-Level Violation of the Equivalence PrincipleA. Accioly, S. Ragusa, H. Blas and H. Mukai
1027-1041Relativistic Nonlocal Quantum Field TheoryM. I. Shirokov
1043-1052New Application of Noncanonical Maps in Quantum MechanicsGiampiero Esposito
1053-1082Lagrangian for the tJ Model Constructed from the Generators of the Supersymmetric Hubbard AlgebraA. Foussats, C. Repetto, O. P. Zandron and O. S. Zandron
1083-1097Operational Phase-Space Probability Distribution in Quantum Communication TheoryMasashi Ban
1099-1106Coherent States and Squeezed States in Interacting Fock SpaceP. K. Das
1107-1125N = 4 Supersymmetric (Dyonic) Hypermultiplets in String TheoryS. C. Joshi, M. P. Singh, V. P. Pandey and B. S. Rajput
1127-1133Quantum Effects of an Extra Compact Dimension on the Wave Function of the UniverseGuowen Peng, Hongya Liu and Qiuyang Zhang
1135-1144Equation of State of Hot Neutrino Opaque Interior Matter of Neutron StarG. H. Bordbar
1145-1154Effect of Torsion in Dirac Equation for Coulomb Potential in Robertson–Walker Space–TimeAntonio Zecca
1155-1163Largest Terrestrial Electromagnetic PulsarMiroslav Pardy
1165-1190Synthetic Vector AnalysisHirokazu Nishimura
1191-1200Carmeli's Gravitational Field EquationsDan Vager

Volume 41, Number 7 / July 2002

1201-1274Models for a Finite UniversePeter Lorimer
1275-1279Solitons and Breathers of Electromagnetic Wave in SuperlatticesQiang Tian and Jingping Wang
1281-1289Harmonic Oscillator in External Fields: Applications to Trapped Bosons and FermionsIgor K. Kulikov
1291-1305Fields and States of Hadrons Extended in the Microscopic Finslerian Space-TimeS. S. De
1307-1325Electromagnetic Field in Finsler and Associated SpacesS. S. De
1327-1337Field Theory Methods in Classical DynamicsE. B. Manoukian and N. Yongram
1339-1346Squeezing Effects of a Mesoscopic Dissipative Coupled CircuitYing-Hua Ji and Min-Sheng Lei
1347-1353Oscillatory Phase of Inflaton and Power-Law Expansion in Bianchi Type-I UniverseP. K. Suresh
1355-1368New Quantization Method for Evaluation of EigenenergiesAsiri Nanayakkara and Nimali Ranatunga
1369-1375Entropy of Dilatonic Black HoleZhao Ren, Zhang Jun-fang and Zhang Li-chun
1377-1387Precession of Orbiting Gyroscope in Higher-Order Gravitational Field Caused by Rotating BodyYihan Chen and Changgui Shao
1389-1395Prime Quasientropy and QuasichaosRichard L. Liboff, Nils Weimann and Mason A. Porter
1397-1422Effect of Intrinsic Decoherence on Nonclassical Effects of the Nondegenerate Bimodal Multiquanta JCMH. A. Hessian

Volume 41, Number 8 / August 2002

1423-1480Quantum Theory of Elementary ProcessesAndrei A. Galiautdinov
1481-1490Trapped Fermions in Gravitational FieldIgor K. Kulikov
1491-1509Probability Collectives for Unstable ParticlesHeinrich Saller
1511-1524Smearings of States Defined on Sharp Elements Onto Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečanová
1525-1539Nuclear Algebraic Geometry and SO(10)J. A. de Wet
1541-1562Nonequivalent Representations of Nuclear Algebras of Canonical Commutation Relations: Quantum FieldsG. Sardanashvily
1563-1572Gauging Dual SymmetryAkira Kato and Douglas Singleton
1573-1590Frequently Asked Questions About DecoherenceCharis Anastopoulos
1591-1595Electro-Strong Interaction and High Q2 Events at HERAP. C. M. Yock
1597-1625Nonperturbative Time-Independent Green Function of Matrix Schrödinger Equation. General Formalism and Quasiclassical RepresentationAlexander I. Pegarkov

Volume 41, Number 9 / September 2002

1627-1639Quantum Pushdown AutomataDaowen Qiu
1641-1649Quantum Parallelism in Quantum Information ProcessingMiroljub Dugić and Milan M. Ćirković
1651-1671Multivector Dirac Equation and ℤ 2-Gradings of Clifford AlgebrasR. A. Mosna, D. Miralles and J. Vaz
1673-1687Irreducibility and Compositeness in q-Deformed Harmonic Oscillator AlgebrasD. Galetti, J.T. Lunardi, B.M. Pimentel and M. Ruzzi
1689-1711Renormalization Conditions and the Sliding Scale in the Implicit Regularization Scheme: A Simple ConnectionA. Brizola, S.R. Gobira, M. Sampaio and M.C. Nemes
1713-1731Statistics of Local Value in Quantum MechanicsShunlong Luo
1733-17435D Dirac Equation in Induced-Matter TheoryGuang-Wen Ma and Zong-Kuan Guo
1745-1753Potential Identification by Inverse Scattering TheoryA. Zerarka and Y. Boumedjane
1755-1768Odd-Excited Binomial States of the Radiation Field and Some of Their Statistical PropertiesA.-S.F. Obada, M. Darwish and H.H. Salah
1769-1780Lattice Green's Function in the General Glasser CaseR.S. Hijjawi and J.M. Khalifeh
1781-1793Entropy of a Uniformly Accelerating Black HoleHe Han, Zhao Zheng and Zhang Li-hua
1795-1802Simple Coherent State and New Form for Inhomogeneous Differential Realization of OSP(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1803-1813Generalized q-Modified Laguerre FunctionsA.S. Hegazi and M. Mansour
1815-1825Some Special Functions of Noncommuting VariablesA. S. Hegazi and M. Mansour

Volume 41, Number 10 / October 2002

1827-1839Product Effect AlgebrasAnatolij Dvurečenskij
1841-1855Why Does the Geometric Product Simplify the Equations of Physics?Yaakov Friedman and Yuriy Gofman
1857-1902Finitary Čech-de Rham CohomologyAnastasios Mallios and Ioannis Raptis
1903-1913Coherent State and Inhomogeneous Differential Realization of the SPL(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1915-1930Auxiliary Field Functional Integral Representation of the Many-Body Evolution OperatorStephan Alexander Baeurle
1931-1939Quantization of Underdamped, Critically Damped, and Overdamped Electric Circuits with a Power SourceJeong-Ryeol Choi
1941-1956Front-Form Hamiltonian, Path Integral, and BRST Formulations of the Nonlinear Sigma ModelU. Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
1957-1970Complex Hyperspherical Equations, Nodal-Partitioning, and First-Excited-State Theorems in ℝ nRichard L. Liboff
1971-1977Unitary Operator of suq(n)-Covariant Oscillator AlgebraW.-S. Chung
1979-1990Temperature Evolution During Radiative Gravitational CollapseM. Govender and K. S. Govinder
1991-2011Unified Method for Dynamical Groups of Some Anharmonic PotentialsShi-Hai Dong
2013-2024Quasiprobability Distribution and Phase Distribution in Interacting Fock SpaceP. K. Das

Volume 41, Number 11 / November 2002

2025-2026PrefaceE. Gunzig, B. L. Hu and E. Verdaguer
2027-2035Exact Solutions for the Fluctuations in a Flat FRW Universe Coupled to a Scalar FieldM. Castagnino, J. Chavarria, L. Lara and M. Grau
2037-2046Superinflation and Quintessence in the Presence of an Extra FieldA. Figueiredo, T. M. Rocha Filho, E. Gunzig, L. Brenig and A. Saa
2047-2072Quantum Evolution in Fluctuating Backgrounds: Nonideal Clocks and Foam-Like SpacetimesL. J. Garay
2073-2090Black Holes in Bose–Einstein CondensatesL. J. Garay
2091-2119A Kinetic Theory Approach to Quantum GravityB. L. Hu
2121-2144Classical Behavior After a Phase Transition: I. Classical Order ParametersF. C. Lombardo, R. J. Rivers and F. D. Mazzitelli
2145-2160Classical Behavior After a Phase Transition: II. The Formation of Classical DefectsR. J. Rivers, F. C. Lombardo and F. D. Mazzitelli
2161-2173Thermal Fields as Causal FluidsE. Calzetta and M. Thibeault
2175-2200Beyond the Semiclassical Description of Black Hole EvaporationR. Parentani
2201-2210Quasi-gravity in BranesB. Carter
2211-2231Cosmology of Brane-Induced Gravity ModelsC. Deffayet
2233-2254Moduli Stabilization in Warped Compactifications at One LoopO. Pujolàs
2255-2286Brane Cosmology, Varying Speed of Light and Inflation in Models with One or More Extra DimensionsD. A. Steer and M. F. Parry
2287-2297Effective Gravity in Randall–Sundrum Infinite Brane WorldT. Tanaka
2299-2309Asymmetric Brane-World Scenarios and Simulated GravityJ. P. Uzan

Volume 41, Number 12 / December 2002

2311-2318Visualization of Effect Algebras by AutomorphismsAnatolij Dvurečenskij
2319-2338Spinning Particles in Curved SpacetimeM. Hossain Ali
2339-2368Algebra of Deformed Differential Operators and Induced Integrable Toda Field TheoryI. Benkaddour, M. Hssaini, M. Kessabi, B. Maroufi and M. B. Sedra
2369-2393Supersymmetry and Superfields in Three Euclidean DimensionsD. G. C. McKeon and T. N. Sherry
2395-2410Front-Form Hamiltonian, Path Integral, and BRST Formulations of the Siegel ActionU. Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
2411-2416Quantum Fluctuation in Thermal Vacuum State for a Mesoscopic RLC CircuitTong-Qiang Song and Yue-Jin Zhu
2417-2426Majorana Transformation for Differential EquationsS. Esposito
2427-2437Nonclassical Properties of Orthonormalized Eigenstates of the Operator (aqf(Nq))kJi-Suo Wang, Jian Feng, Tang-Kun Liu and Ming-Sheng Zhan

Volume 42, Number 1 / January 2003

1-13Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Dense Coding in a Finite-Dimensional Hilbert SpaceM. Ban
15-26Stress Tensor Fluctuations and Passive Quantum GravityL. H. Ford and Chun-Hsien Wu
27-38Typed Quantum LogicKenji Tokuo
39-47Quantum Computational LogicS. Gudder
49-56Explicit Examples of Conformal InvarianceM. Hortaçsu
57-72Trefoil Symmetry IV: Basic Enhanced Superspace for the Minimal Vector Clover ExtensionL. A. Wills-Toro, L. A. Sánchez and X. Leleu
73-83Trefoil Symmetry V: Class Representations for the Minimal Clover ExtensionL. A. Wills-Toro, L. A. Sánchez and D. Bleecker
85-88Chaotic Maps, Invariants, Bose Operators, and Coherent StatesW.-H. Steeb and Y. Hardy
89-98New Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent States and Their Nonclassical PropertiesJi-Suo Wang, Jian Feng, Yun-Feng Gao, Tang-Kun Liu and Ming-Sheng Zhan
99-110Electron in an Ultrashort Laser PulseMiroslav Pardy
111-119Planck's Spectral Distribution Law in N DimensionsSami M. Al-Jaber
121-134Relaxation Processes and Fractional Differential EquationsV. V. Uchaikin
135-142Velocity Operators and Time-Energy Relations in Relativistic Quantum MechanicsMario Bunge
143ErratumMarcel Polakovič

Volume 42, Number 2 / February 2003

145The Digital PerspectiveEd Fredkin
147-151A Digital Perspective and the Quest for Substrate-Universal BehaviorsTommaso Toffoli
153-176Quantum Information: Qubits and Quantum Error CorrectionCharles H. Bennett
177-187The Qubits of QunivacDavid Ritz Finkelstein
189-247An Introduction to Digital PhilosophyEdward Fredkin
249-275Digital Studies and Perspectives for N-Body Modelling in PhysicsDonald Greenspan
277-295Debugging the UniverseBrian Hayes
297-299Speculations on Dislocations in a Discrete Model of Space-TimeThomas F. Knight
301-307Explicit FinitismAndrás Kornai
309-327Looking at Nature as a ComputerNorman Margolus
329-348Discrete, Amorphous Physical ModelsErik Rauch
349-354Can Quantum Mechanics Be Reconciled with Cellular Automata?Gerard 't Hooft
355-361Determinism in Free BosonsGerard 't Hooft
363-381What Is the Lagrangian Counting?Tommaso Toffoli

Volume 42, Number 3 / March 2003

383-426Foundation for Quantum ComputingS. A. Selesnick
427-441Structure of Malicious SingularitiesMichael Heller, Zdzislaw Odrzygóźdź, Leszek Pysiak and Wieslaw Sasin
443-463Quantum Field Theory and Dense MeasurementDaniel Bar
465-497Quantum Mechanics in Curved Configuration SpaceE. A. Tagirov
499-506Spinor Representation of Electromagnetic Fields on Noncommutative SpacesLiangzhong Hu and Adonai S. Sant'Anna
507-521Derivations on Novikov AlgebrasChengming Bai, Daoji Meng and Sui He
523-529Spin-Dependent Forces and Current Quark MassesGeorge L. Strobel
531-547Pair Production in a Uniform Electric FieldJaume Haro
549-567Quantum Properties of Odd Excited Negative Binomial States of the Radiation FieldH. H. Salah, M. Darwish and A.-S. F. Obada
569-581Hamiltonians and Green's Functions Which Interpolate Between Two and Three DimensionsRainer Dick
583-633General Solutions of Relativistic Wave EquationsV. V. Varlamov

Volume 42, Number 4 / April 2003

635-647Gauge Theory on a Discrete Noncommutative SpaceLiangzhong Hu and Adonai S. Sant'Anna
649-671Nonrelativistic Wave Equations with Gauge FieldsM. de Montigny, F. C. Khanna and A. E. Santana
673-695Existence of States on Pseudoeffect AlgebrasThomas Vetterlein
697-704Geometric Quantization of Relativistic Hamiltonian MechanicsG. Sardanashvily
705-710Hermiticity of Quantum Observables Versus Commutation RelationsM. I. Shirokov
711-723Self-Balance Equations and Bianchi-Type Distortions in the Theory of DislocationsA. Trzęsowski
725-738Magnetic Properties of Weakly Doped Antiferromagnets from the Lagrangian t—J ModelC. Repetto and O. P. Zandron
739-745Soliton Light Pulse Transport in a Quantum Wire of Nonlinear Ionic CrystalJia-Sheng Niu and Ben-Kun Ma
747-756Nonlinear Excitations in Hydrogen-Bonded Chains with Anharmonic Interatomic InteractionsYuan-Fa Cheng
757-773Symbiotic Fusion Through Single-Crystal Li6DRichard L. Liboff
775-781Geometric Structure for Quantum MechanicsPaul Bracken
783-791Classical Limit of Expectation Values in a Wave Packet Involving Few Stationary StatesQ. H. Liu, W. H. Qi, T. G. Liu and Z. H. Zhu
793-800Quantum Fluctuations in Thermal Vacuum State for Two LC Circuits with Mutual InductanceTong-Qiang Song
801-807Hawking Radiation of Rarita—Schwinger Fields of a Stationary Charged Black HoleJiliang Jing
809-816Kaluza—Klein Black-Hole Entropy by Quantum StatisticsZhao Ren, Wu Yueqin and Zhang Lichun
817-825Entropy of Einstein—Maxwell-Dilaton—Axion Black HolesChang-Jun Gao and You-Gen Shen
827-836Entropy of Gibbons—Maeda Dilaton Black Hole Due to Arbitrary Spin FieldsYou-Gen Shen
837-844Classical Euclidean Wormhole Solution and Wave Function for a Nonlinear Scalar FieldH. Q. Lu, L. M. Shen, P. Ji, G. F. Ji and N. J. Sun
845-852q-Deformation of the Double Complex Ernst EquationJianhong Guo
853-861Exact Wave Functions of Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Systems Involving Quadratic, Inverse Quadratic, and
863-868New Exact Solutions to the Combined KdV and mKdV EquationYan-ze Peng
869-879Observer-Dependence of Chaos Under Lorentz and Rindler TransformationsZhao Zheng, Baidyanath Misra and Harald Atmanspacher
881-890Contribution of J-Dependent Potential in Differential Cross-Sections of Two-Nucleon Transfer ReactionsA. A. Farra

Volume 42, Number 5 / May 2003

891PrefaceS. Bugajski, J. Łuczka and S. Pulmannova
893-906Coexistence and Joint Measurability in Quantum MechanicsPekka Lahti
907-919Tensor Products of Quantum Structures and Their Applications in Quantum MeasurementsSylvia Pulmannová
921-935Set Theoretical Forcing in Quantum Mechanics and AdS/CFT CorrespondenceJerzy Król
937-941The Role of Entanglement in Quantum Measurement and Information ProcessingPaul Busch
943-953Entanglement, Joint Measurement, and State ReductionAlan Macdonald
955-967The Structure of State Space with Respect to ImbeddingHeide Narnhofer
969-982Entanglement and Classical Correlations in the Quantum FrameE. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski
983-999Concurrence and Foliations Induced by Some 1-Qubit ChannelsArmin Uhlmann
1001-1013Investigating Three Qubit Entanglement with Local MeasurementsOtfried Gühne and Philipp Hyllus
1015-1022Destruction in Bipartite Quantum SystemsPaweł Caban, Jakub Rembieliński, Kordian A. Smoliński and Zbigniew Walczak
1023-1035Three Qubit GHZ Correlations and Generalized Bell ExperimentsDagomir Kaszlikowski and Marek Żukowski
1037-1044Einstein—Podolsky—Rosen Correlations and the Preferred FrameJakub Rembieliński and Kordian Andrzej Smoliński
1045-1052Spin Correlations in Nonrelativistic Quantum MechanicsP. Caban, J. Rembieliński, K. A. Smoliński and Z. Walczak
1053-1057Holonomy in Quaternionic Quantum MechanicsJerzy Dajka and Marek Szopa
1059-1064Algebraization of Spectral Problems in the Bargmann—Fock RepresentationJerzy Dajka and Marek Szopa
1065-1073On Exciton Decoherence in Quantum DotsL. Jacak, A. Janutka, P. Machnikowski, A. Radosz and J. Krasnyj
1075-1084Entropy and Wigner Distribution Functions RevisitedJoachim J. Włodarz
1085-1088Has Quantum Field Theory the Standard Transition from Poisson Brackets?Jacek Syska
1089-1099An Invitation to Quantum Game TheoryE. W. Piotrowski and J. Sładkowski
1101-1106Trading by Quantum Rules: Quantum Anthropic PrincipleE. W. Piotrowski and J. Sładkowski
1107-1118Nondissipative Orbital Currents in Finite Quantum Systems: A Comparative StudyM. Czechowska, M. Szopa and E. Zipper
1119-1132Geometry and Topology Induced Electronic Properties of Graphene Derived Quantum SystemsM. Szopa, M. Margańska and E. Zipper
1133-1137Sławomir Bugajski 1941–2003Enrico Beltrametti, Paul Busch and Pekka Lahti
1139-1141Publications of S. Bugajski

Volume 42, Number 6 / June 2003

1143-1144PrefaceG. Dvali, E. Gunzig and E. Verdaguer
1145-1152Dynamical Study of the Singularities of Gravity in the Presence of Nonminimally Coupled Scalar FieldsL. R. Abramo, L. Brenig, E. Gunzig and Alberto Saa
1153-1161Stability Properties and Asymptotics for N Nonminimally Coupled Scalar Fields CosmologyL. Brenig, A. Figueiredo, E. Gunzig, T. M. Rocha Filho and A. Saa
1163-1185Testing Gravity on Astrophysical ScalesJean-Philippe Uzan
1187-1192Is a Spatially Closed Universe Possible?R. Triay
1193-1209Anthropic Approach to the Cosmological Constant ProblemsAlexander Vilenkin
1211-1218A Stable H-Dibaryon: Dark Matter, Candidate Within QCD?Glennys R. Farrar
1219-1227The Classical Singularity Theorems and Their Quantum LoopholesL. H. Ford
1229-1256Quantum Versus Stochastic Processes and the Role of Complex NumbersCharis Anastopoulos
1257-1280Activation-Like Processes at Zero TemperatureDaniel Arteaga, Esteban Calzetta, Albert Roura and Enric Verdaguer
1281-1299The Self-Induced Approach to Decoherence in CosmologyMario Castagnino and Olimpia Lombardi
1301-1310Quantization of the Sphere with Coherent StatesMarc Lachièze Rey, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Eric Huguet, Jacques Renaud and Tarik Garidi
1311-1316Comments on the Statistical Origin of Black Hole EntropyV. F. Mukhanov
1317-1327Symplectic Structure in Brane MechanicsBrandon Carter
1329-1342Aspects of Scalar Brane-World Cosmological PerturbationsCédric Deffayet
1343-1367Moduli Fields in Warped CompactificationsJaume Garriga
1369-1394Quantum Stabilization of Moduli in a Slice of AdS6 Compactified on S1Oriol Pujolàs

Volume 42, Number 7 / July 2003

1395-1402Fixed Point Result for Environment-Induced SemigroupsAndreas Martin Lisewski
1403-1411States on Subspaces of Inner Product Spaces with the Gleason PropertyAnatolij Dvurečenskij
1413-1423Generalized Sasaki Projections and Riesz Ideals in Pseudoeffect AlgebrasSylvia Pulmannová
1425-1433Subdirect Decompositions of Lattice Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečanová
1435-1459Lattices of Quantum AutomataRuqian Lu and Hong Zheng
1461-1478Quantum Algorithm for Hilbert's Tenth ProblemTien D Kieu
1479-1619Finitary, Causal, and Quantal Vacuum Einstein GravityAnastasios Mallios and Ioannis Raptis
1621-1628Superposition, Entanglement, and Product of StatesAntonio Zecca
1629-1639Three-Parameter Wave Functions for ns2-Orbitals in Alkali—Metal Negative IonsM. A. Abbadi, I. I. Al-Qasir and J. M. Khalifeh
1641-1650Two-Level Atom in a Standing, Electromagnetic WaveSu Kalin, Luo Wenhua, Xu Xiao and Yang Keqi
1651-1669Influence of Intrinsic Decoherence in the Presence of Stark Shift on Nonclassical Properties of the Two-Mode JCMF. S. Ibrahim and H. A. Hessian
1671-1676Stability of Cauchy HorizonsRobert J. Budzyński, Witold Kondracki and Andrzej Królak

Volume 42, Number 8 / August 2003

1677-1691Grammar Theory Based on Quantum LogicWei Cheng and Jue Wang
1693-1705Clifford Algebra of Spacetime and the Conformal GroupC. Castro and M. Pavšič
1707-1731Classical and Quantum Coherent StatesAlastair Brodlie
1733-1744Topological Vortices in the Modified Two-Dimensional Gross—Pitaevskii TheoryYishi Duan and Junping Wang
1745-1753Dynamical Breaking of Supersymmetry and Its Restoration at High TemperaturesDian-Fu Wang and He-Shan Song
1755-1764Joint Probabilities of Photon Polarization Correlations in e+e AnnihilationN. Yongram and E. B. Manoukian
1765-1771Coulomb Blockade of a Mesoscopic RLC CircuitJi Ying-Hua, Wan Xiang-Dong, Hu Yin-Quan and Lei Min-Sheng
1773-1779New Parametrized Entangled State Representations and Their ApplicationsHongyi Fan, Junhua Chen and Tong-Qiang Song
1781-1786New Deformation of Para-Bose StatisticsCao Thi Vi Ba, Ha Huy Bang and Dang Van Soa
1787-1793Quark—Gluon Plasma in Equilibrium StateChen Xiangjun
1795-1807Scattering Coefficients for a Trapezoidal PotentialH. Iwamoto, V. M. Aquino and V. C. Aguilera-Navarro
1809-1834Reduction of Relativistic Three-Body KinematicsPh. Droz-Vincent
1835-1847Local Scale Invariance and General RelativityRobert Davis Bock
1849-1873Unified Field Theory from Enlarged Transformation Group. The Consistent HamiltonianDave Pandres and Edward L. Green
1875-1888Cosmic Strings Coupled with a Massless Scalar FieldO. Gurtug and I. Sakalli

Volume 42, Number 9 / September 2003

1889-1903Map for Simultaneous Measurements for a Quantum LogicOlga Nánásiová
1905-1911Antosik-Mikusinski Matrix Convergence Theorem in Quantum LogicsJunde Wu, Shijie Lu and Dohan Kim
1913-1926MV-Algebra PastingFerdinand Chovanec and Mária Jurečková
1927-1942Range of Charges on Orthogonally Closed Subspaces of an Inner Product SpaceEmmanuel Chetcuti and Anatolij Dvurečenskij
1943-1955Laws, Symmetries, and RealityJeeva Anandan
1957-1972Peirce, Clifford, and Quantum TheoryR. G. Beil and K. L. Ketner
1973-2023Matter as Spectrum of Spacetime RepresentationsHeinrich Saller
2025-2041Discrete Quantum Causal DynamicsRichard F. Blute, Ivan T. Ivanov and Prakash Panangaden
2043-2059Quantum Dynamics of Systems Connected by a Canonical TransformationKyu Hwang Yeon, Suk Seong Kim, Chung In Um and Thomas F. George
2061-2068Quantum Algorithms in Hilbert DatabaseMichail Zak
2069-2074Maximum Speedup in Quantum Search: O(1) Running TimeJoonwoo Bae and Younghun Kwon
2075-2080Perturbations Can Enhance Quantum SearchJoonwoo Bae and Younghun Kwon
2081-2086Generalized Uncertainty Principle Influences the Entropy of a Nonstationary Black HoleChengzhou Liu, Xiang Li and Zheng Zhao
2087-2096Classical Solutions from Quantum Regime for Barotropic FRW ModelJ. Socorro
2097-2102Quantization of Christ—Lee Model Using the WKB ApproximationEqab M. Rabei
2103-2113Superconducting State in the Lagrangian Formalism of the Generalized Hubbard ModelO. S. Zandron

Volume 42, Number 10 / October 2003

2115-2116PrefaceA. Bohm, M. Gadella and P. Kielanowski
2117-2130Resonances: Calculations and ObservablesL. S. Ferreira and E. Maglione
2131-2143The Resonance Phenomena Associated with the Time Asymmetry in Non-Hermitian Quantum MechanicsNimrod Moiseyev and Romanas Narevich
2145-2165Aspects of the Theory and Computation of Resonances, with Applications to Field-Free and Field-Dressed Atomic StatesCleanthes A. Nicolaides
2167-2190Degeneracy of Resonances, Jordan Blocks, and Gamow-Jordan EigenfunctionsE. Hernández, A. Jáuregui and A. Mondragón
2191-2212On the Relation Between Time Representations and Inner Product SpacesHeinrich Saller
2213-2223Introduction to Hardy SpacesH. Baumgärtel
2225-2254On the Mathematical Basis of the Dirac Formulation of Quantum MechanicsM. Gadella and F. Gómez
2255-2263On Computability of Decaying and Nondecaying States in Quantum Systems with Cantor SpectraI. Antoniou and Z. Suchanecki
2265-2283New Aspects in Physics on Gel'fand TripletsTsunehiro Kobayashi
2285-2315Resonances in the Rigged Hilbert Space and Lax-Phillips Scattering TheoryY. Strauss
2317-2338Time Asymmetry and Quantum Theory of Resonances and DecayArno R. Bohm
2339-2355Relativistic Gamow VectorsP. Kielanowski
2357-2370Representations of the Poincaré Semigroup and Relativistic CausalityN. L. Harshman
2371-2377A Tale of Two ArrowsRobert C. Bishop
2379-2388Resonances and Virtual Poles in Scattering TheoryH. Baumgärtel
2389-2402Gamow Vectors in Exactly Solvable ModelsI. Antoniou, M. Gadella, J. Mateo and G.P. Pronko
2403-2421Oscillating Decay of an Unstable SystemI. Antoniou, E. Karpov, G. Pronko and E. Yarevsky
2423-2439Generalized Complex Spectral Decomposition for a Quantum Decay ProcessM. Castagnino, R. Id Betan and R. Laura
2441-2460The Rigged Hilbert Space of the Free HamiltonianRafael de la Madrid
2461-2485Quantum Trajectories, State Diffusion, and Time-Asymmetric Eventum MechanicsV. P. Belavkin
2487-2504The Direction of Time: From the Global Arrow to the Local ArrowMario Castagnino, Luis Lara and Olimpia Lombardi
2505-2513An Open Quantum System Approach to the B-Mesons SystemRaffaele Romano
2515-2530The Stochastic Limit of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian: Relations with the Quantum Hall EffectL. Accardi and F. Bagarello
2531-2544Multitaper Techniques and Filter Diagonalization Methods—A ComparisonT. Levitina and E. J. Brändas
2545-2555Quantum Logic, Probability, and Information: The Relation with the Bell InequalitiesEmilio Santos
2557-2562The Direction of Time: Seven Arrows for One Stream? A ProgramYuval Ne'eman
2563-2573Rejection of the Light Quantum: The Dark Side of Niels BohrLuis J. Boya

Volume 42, Number 11 / November 2003

2575-2602Quantum Set TheorySatoko Titani and Haruhiko Kozawa
2603-2608Quantum-Logics-Valued Measure Convergence TheoremWu Junde, Lu Shijie and Cho Minhyung
2609-2704Noncommutative Field TheoryKh. Namsrai
2705-2720Topological Five-Dimensional Chern–Simons Gravity Theory in the Canonical Covariant FormalismO. S. Zandron
2721-2734Phase Measurement in Interacting Fock SpaceLuigi Accardi and P. K. Das
2735-2763Quantum Mechanics of Two-Field Parametric Frequency Converter Interacting with a Single AtomM. Sebawe Abdalla, A. S.-F. Obada and E. M. Khalil
2765-2795N-Loop Treatment of Overlapping Diagrams by the Implicit Regularization TechniqueS. R. Gobira and M. C. Nemes

Volume 42, Number 12 / December 2003

2797-2805Equivalencies, Identities, Symmetric Differences, and Congruencies in Orthomodular LatticesNorman D. Megill and Mladen Pavičić
2807-2822Quantum Implication AlgebrasNorman D. Megill and Mladen Pavičić
2823-2829Generalized Ideals in OrthoalgebrasShang Yun and Li Yongming
2831-2838Discrete Time and Intrinsic Length in Quantum MechanicsS. Bruce
2839-2846Schwinger Formula RevisitedJaume Haro
2847-2853Fully Entangled Quantum States in
2855-2862Phase Properties of New Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent StatesJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu, Jian Feng, Jin-Zuo Sun and Ming-Sheng Zhan
2863-2875Quantization of Anisotropic Rigid BodyPiotr Godlewski
2877-2880Quantum Hamiltonian for the Rigid RotatorQ. H. Liu and T. G. Liu
2881-2889Forced Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator in a Static Magnetic Field: Exact Quantum and Classical SolutionsMai-Lin Liang and Wen-Qing Zhang
2891-2903Energy-Level Shifts of a One-Electron Atom in Higher-Derivative Gravitational Field Caused by High-Power Laser PulseYihan Chen
2905-2911Interacting Gravitational and Dirac Fields with TorsionAntonio Zecca
2913-2922Second-Order Five-Dimensional Chern–Simons GravityO. S. Zandron
2923-2930Second-Order Linear Differential Equations for Effective Barotropic FRW CosmologiesH. C. Rosu, O. Cornejo, M. Reyes and D. Jimenez
2931-2940Entropy in Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes with Spin FieldsXian-Hui Ge and You-Gen Shen
2941-2946Metaplectic Representation of ospq(1/2) Algebra and Basic Hypergeometric FunctionsWon-Sang Chung
2947-2954Properties of 2 × 2 h-Deformed Quantum (Super)MatricesYun Li and Sicong Jing
2955-2970Mass Generation from Lie Algebra ExtensionsR. Aldrovandi, V. C. de Andrade, A. L. Barbosa and J. G. Pereira
2971-2981Generalized Forms, Connections, and Gauge TheoriesD. C. Robinson
2983-2990Two-Component Solitary Waves in Hydrogen-Bonded Molecular SystemsYuan-Fa Cheng
2991-2998Inverse Scattering and Soliton Solutions for a New Integrable SystemSupriya Mukherjee and A. Roy Chowdhury
2999-3009Nonrelativistic Green's Function for Systems with Position-Dependent MassA. D. Alhaidari
3011-3018Conte Truncated Expansion and ApplicationsYufeng Zhang and Qingyou Yan

Volume 43, Number 1 / January 2004

1-20Energy-Momentum Properties and the Spin of Short-Lived ParticlesWalter Blum and Heinrich Saller
21-26Approximate DisentanglementYa-fei Yu, Jian Feng, Xiao-qing Zhou and Ming-sheng Zhan
27-33Discrimination Among Quantum StatesMasashi Ban
35-46Why Do the Quantum Observables Form a Jordan Operator Algebra?Gerd Niestegge
47-57Merging Higher Derivative Gravity and Quantum MechanicsAntonio Accioly and Harold Blas
59-76Convolution of n-Dimensional Tempered Ultradistributions and Field TheoryC.G. Bollini and M.C. Rocca
77-87Fock Theories and Quantum LogicsAl. Ivanov
89-97Quantum Symmetries in the Maxwell–Chern–Simons Theory Coupled to Scalar FieldsJiang Jinhuan, Liu Yun and Li Ziping
99-110Quantum Effects of a Mesoscopic Capacitance Coupling Circuit with ResistancesTong-qiang Song
111-125A Numerical Calculation for Electron Impact Excitation of CopperM. Ismail, A. Farraga, H.A. Abdusalam and Th. El-Sherbini
127-139Massive Photons and the Volkov SolutionMiroslav Pardy
141-149Tachyonic Dark MatterP.C.W. Davies
151-159Self-Dual Solutions for SU(2) and SU(3) Gauge Fields on Euclidean SpaceA.H. Khater, D.K. Callebaut, R.M. Shehata and S.M. Sayed
161-177Gravitation and Electrodynamics over SO(3,3)D.R. Lunsford
179-218sh(2/2) Superalgebra Eigenstates and Generalized Supercoherent and Supersqueezed StatesNibaldo Alvarez-Moraga and Véronique Hussin
219-235Positive and Negative Hierarchies of Integrable Lattice Models Associated with a Hamiltonian PairWen-Xiu Ma and Xi-Xiang Xu
237-250Weight Function Approach to q-Difference Equations for the q-Hypergeometric PolynomialsA.S. Hegazi and M. Mansour
251-264Failure of Standard Quantum Mechanics for the Description of Compound Quantum EntitiesDiederik Aerts and Frank Valckenborgh
265-298Interpreting Observables in a Quantum World from the Categorial StandpointElias Zafiris

Volume 43, Number 2 / February 2004

299-314Noncommutative Classical MechanicsA.E.F. Djemai
315-321Born–Infeld Action on Discrete SpacesLiangzhong Hu, Liangyou Hu and Adonai S. Sant'Anna
323-339Correlation and Information in Quantum ChannelsMasashi Ban
341-347Entanglement, Hubbard Model, and SymmetriesYorick Hardy and Willi-Hans Steeb
349-358Ideals, Filters, and Supports in Pseudoeffect AlgebrasWu Jing
359-368Anti-BZ-Structure in Effect AlgebrasShang Yun, Li Yongming and Chen Maoyin
369-384Measures on the Splitting Subspaces of an Inner Product SpaceEmmanuel Chetcuti and Anatolij Dvurečenskij
385-397Quantum Aspects of the Fundamental Dirac Membrane ModelE. Stedile
399-410Isospin Symmetry Breaking Effects on the Properties of Asymmetrical Nuclear Matter and β-Stable MatterG.H. Bordbar
411-420Influence of a Kerr-Like Medium and the Detuning Parameter on the Statistical Aspects of the Intensity-Dependent-Coupling HamiltonianMagdy E. Amin, N.H. Abdel-Wahab and M. Taha
421-424Spin Zero Quantum Relativistic Particles in Einstein UniverseM.R. Setare and Khaled Saaidi
425-436Particle Creation in the Oscillatory Phase of InflatonP.K. Suresh
437-443Finslerian Lie Variations for Dust-Like MatterP.C. Stavrinos and S. Ikeda
445-456Minimal Coupling of the Kalb–Ramond Field to a Scalar FieldE. Di Grezia and S. Esposito
457-476Embedding of Dynamical Symmetry Groups U(1, 1) and U(2) of a Free Particle on AdS2 and S2 into Parasupersymmetry AlgebraH. Fakhri and J. Sadeghi
477-482Differential Equation for the Transfer MatrixI.A. Shelykh and V.K. Ivanov
483-495Tunneling Through Rectangular Plus Linear BarrierV.C. Aguilera-Navarro, H. Iwamoto and V.M. de Aquino
497-504A New Spherical Bessel Function Result Related to Quantum Mechanical Scattering TheoryH.M. Srivastava and H.A. Mavromatis
505-517Synthetic Vector Analysis IIHirokazu Nishimura
519-528Some Results on Novikov–Poisson AlgebrasYufeng Zhao, Chengming Bai and Daoji Meng
529-544Generation of FramesF. Bagarello
545-559Disentangling q-Exponentials: A General ApproachC. Quesne

Volume 43, Number 3 / March 2004

561-562PrefaceE. Gunzig, V. Mukhanov and E. Verdaguer
563-573Cosmological Dynamics of the Tachyon with an Inverse Power-Law PotentialL. Raul W. Abramo
575-583Conformal Quantum Effects and the Anisotropic Singularities of Scalar-Tensor Theories of GravityE. Gunzig and Alberto Saa
585-597Results from the First Year of Observations with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy ProbeLyman Page
599-622Cosmic Microwave Background and Inflation ParametersJ. Richard Bond, Carlo Contaldi, Antony Lewis and Dmitry Pogosyan
623-668“CMB-Slow” or How to Determine Cosmological Parameters by Hand?V. Mukhanov
669-693Nucleosynthesis Without ComputerV. Mukhanov
695-719Algebraic Formulation of Quantum DecoherenceM. A. Castagnino and A. R. Ordóñez
721-730Anthropic Interpretation of Quantum TheoryBrandon Carter
731-747Gravity-Mediated Modifications of the Dispersion Relation in Nontrivial BackgroundsDaniel Arteaga, Renaud Parentani and Enric Verdaguer
749-766Stability of Semiclassical Gravity Solutions with Respect to Quantum Metric FluctuationsB. L. Hu, Albert Roura and Enric Verdaguer
767-799Two-Particle Irreducible Effective Action in Gauge TheoriesE. A. Calzetta
801-854Shortcuts in Cosmological BranesElcio Abdalla, Adenauer G. Casali and Bertha Cuadros-Melgar
855-864Some Properties of Multigravity Theories and Discretized Brane WorldsC. Deffayet and J. Mourad
865-881Stabilization of the Hierarchy in Brane-World ScenariosOriol Pujolàs
883-904Decay of de Sitter Vacua by Thermal ActivationJaume Garriga, Jaume Garriga, Ariel Megevand and Ariel Megevand
905-912The Infinite Curvature Limit of AdS/CFTEnrique Álvarez and Enrique Álvarez

Volume 43, Number 4 / April 2004

911-914Simple Axioms for Orthomodular Implication AlgebrasIvan Chajda, Radomír Halaš and Helmut Länger
915-923Teleportation of Any Form of Two-Mode Quantum StatesTong-Qiang Song
925-931Unstructured Adiabatic Quantum SearchM. Andrecut and M. K. Ali
933-938Adiabatic Quantum GatesM. Andrecut and M. K. Ali
939-946The Dirac-Oscillator Green's FunctionA. D. Alhaidari
947-958WKB Wave Function of the General Time-Dependent Quadratic Hamiltonian SystemJeong Ryeol Choi
959-968Eigenvalue Spectrum of a Dirac Particle in Static and Spherical Complex PotentialKhaled Saaidi and Khaled Saaidi
969-974Maximum Speed of Quantum EvolutionM. Andrecut and M. K. Ali
975-985Dirac Equation and Its Solution Around Schwarzschild–de Sitter Black HoleYan Lyu and Yuan-Xing Gui
987-1001The Schwinger Formula Revisited II (A Mathematical Treatment)Jaume Haro
1003-1010Quantal Symmetries in the Nonlinear Sigma Model with Maxwell–Chern–Simons TermWang Yong-long and Li Zi-ping
1011-1017Quantum Motion on 2D Surface of Nonspherical TopologyQ. H. Liu, J. X. Hou, Y. P. Xiao and L. X. Li
1019-1051Convolution of Lorentz Invariant Ultradistributions and Field TheoryC. G. Bollini and M. C. Rocca
1053-1071Coherent States with Complex FunctionsK. Thirulogasanthar, G. Honnouvo and G. Honnouvo
1073-1096Hamilton–Jacobi Treatment of Constrained Systems with Second-Order LagrangiansEqab M. Rabei, Eyad H. Hasan and Humam B. Ghassib
1097-1109Explicit Form of the Time Operator of a Gaussian Stationary ProcessZ. Suchanecki and Z. Suchanecki
1111-1127Rigorous Theory of the Quantum Electromagnetic Field in the Presence of Quantum SourcesJan Naudts and Wojciech De Roeck
1129-1138Quantum Symmetry of a Chern–Simons System Coupled to a PolaronZhang Ying, Li Ziping and Li Ziping
1139-1146New Simple Method for Obtaining Integrable Hierarchies of Soliton Equations with Multicomponent Potential FunctionsFukui Guo, Yufeng Zhang and Qingyou Yan
1147-1159Solution of Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau Equation for the Step PotentialL. Chetouani, M. Merad, T. Boudjedaa and A. Lecheheb
1161-1167Exact Analytic Solution of the Simplified Telegraph Model of Propagation and Dissipation of Excitation FrontsH. A. Abdusalam and H. A. Abdusalam
1169-1190The Effect of Increasing the Rate of Repetitions of Classical ReactionsD. Bar

Volume 43, Number 5 / May 2004

1191-1217Pumping Lemma for Quantum AutomataRuqian Lu, Ruqian Lu, Ruqian Lu, Ruqian Lu and Hong Zheng
1219-1229Constructions of Some Quantum Structures and Fuzzy Effect SpaceShang Yun, Li Yongming, Chen Maoyin and Shang Yun
1231-1240Fractional Spin of System with Chern–Simons Term Coupled to PolaronZhang Ying, Li Ziping, Li Ziping and Zhang Ying
1241-1247Simple Entanglement Measure for Multipartite Pure StatesFeng Pan, Feng Pan, Feng Pan, Dan Liu and Guoying Lu, et al.
1249-1260Fractional Spin Through Quantum Affine Algebras with Vanishing Central ChargeM. Mansour and E. H. Zakkari
1261-1266Harmonic Interpolation and Lie GroupsW.-H. Steeb, W.-H. Steeb and A. Hardy
1267-1286On Covariant Phase Space and the Variational BicomplexEnrique G. Reyes
1287-1299Helicity Basis and ParityValeri V. Dvoeglazov
1301-1315Peirce, Clifford, and DiracR. G. Beil and R. G. Beil
1317-1333Covariant Hamiltonian Field Theory: Path Integral QuantizationD. Bashkirov, G. Sardanashvily and G. Sardanashvily
1335-1342Quantal Symmetries in the Non-Linear Sigma Model with Maxwell–Chern–Simons TermWang Yong-Long, Wang Yong-Long and Li Zi-Ping

Volume 43, Number 6 / June 2004

1343-1354Quantum Logic and DecoherencePeter Mittelstaedt
1355-1362Bi-Difference Sets, Order Relation, and MonoidsMa Zhihao, Wu Junde and Lu Shijie
1363-1369Central Elements of Effect AlgebrasJosef Tkadlec
1371-1395Physical Complexity of Classical and Quantum Objects and Their Dynamical Evolution From an Information-Theoretic ViewpointGavriel Segre
1397-1408Noncommutative Bayesian Statistical Inference From a Wedge of a Bifurcate Killing HorizonGavriel Segre
1409-1422Computational Logic on Fock SpaceS. Gudder
1423-1432Quantum Computation of Fuzzy NumbersBart D'hooghe, Jarosław Pykacz and Roman R. Zapatrin
1433-1436Absolute Continuity of Vitali–Hahn–Saks Measure Convergence TheoremsWu Junde, Zhou Su and Cho Minhyung
1437-1443Order Topology Orthosummability in Quantum LogicsWu Junde, Zhou Su and Cho Minhyung
1445-1451Ideals and Filters in Pseudo-Effect AlgebrasZhihao Ma, Junde Wu and Shijie Lu
1453-1460Pseudo-Effect Algebras and Pseudo-Difference PosetsZhihao Ma, Junde Wu and Shijie Lu
1461-1467Chern–Simons Action on a Finite Point SpaceLiangzhong Hu and Adonai S. Sant'Anna
1469-1478A Class of Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent States and Their PropertiesJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu, Jian Feng and Jin-Zuo Sun
1479-1489New Method of Generating Exact Inflationary Solutions in Generalized Einstein TheoriesWenfu Wang and Shuzheng Yang
1491-1502Deformation Dynamics and the Gauss–Bonnet Topological Term in String TheoryA. Escalante
1503-1514Dirac on Gauges and ConstraintsElena Castellani
1515-1525Dissipative Systems and Objective Description: Quantum Brownian Motion as an ExampleB. Vacchini
1527-15393He–HeII Mixtures in the Static ApproximationM. K. Al-Sugheir
1541-1553Decay Law of Moving Unstable ParticleMihail Shirokov
1555-1560Proca Effect in Kerr–Newman MetricXiaomin Bei, Changsheng Shi and Zhongzhu Liu

Volume 43, Numbers 7-8 / August 2004

1561-1571States and Structure of von Neumann AlgebrasJan Hamhalter
1573-1585Divisible Effect AlgebrasSylvia Pulmannová
1587-1594Piron's and Bell's Geometrical LemmasMirko Navara
1595-1598For n ≥ 5 There Is No Nontrivial Z2-Measure on L(Rn)Mirko Navara and Pavel Pták
1599-1612Non-Commutative Algebras and Quantum StructuresAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Thomas Vetterlein
1613-1623Lyapunov's Theorem for Measures on D-posetsGiuseppina Barbieri
1625-1633Coproducts of D-Posets and Their Application to ProbabilityRoman Frič
1635-1649Generalized Relative Entropies as Contrast Functionals on Density MatricesAnna Jenčová
1651-1658Orthomodular Lattices of Subspaces Obtained from Quadratic FormsJ. C. Carréga and R. Mayet
1659-1666Note on Jordan GroupoidsFrantisek Katrnoska
1667-1674The Bicategory of m-regular Involutive QuantalesJan Paseka
1675-1687Arrow of Time in Rigged Hilbert Space Quantum MechanicsRobert C. Bishop
1689-1704Semisimplicial Unital GroupsDavid J. Foulis and Richard J. Greechie
1705-1736The Sasaki Hook Is Not a [Static] Implicative Connective but Induces a Backward [in Time] Dynamic One That Assigns CausesBob Coecke and Sonja Smets
1737-1741A Note on Strongly Closed Subspaces in an Inner Product SpaceDavid Buhagiar
1743-1755What Is Bohmian MechanicsValia Allori and Nino Zanghì
1757-1767Principle ConditioningOlga Nánásiová
1769-1791Quantum Conservative Gates for Finite-Valued LogicsGianpiero Cattaneo, Alberto Leporati and Roberto Leporini
1793-1801Separating Classical and Quantum CorrelationsE. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski
1803-1817An Unsharp Logic from Quantum ComputationGianpiero Cattaneo, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini and Roberto Leporini
1819-1826Reichenbachian Common Cause SystemsG. Hofer-Szabó and Miklós Rédei
1827-1840An Extension of Gleason's Theorem for Quantum ComputationAbbas Edalat
1841-1847Measurements of Entanglement and a Quantum de Finetti TheoremR. L. Hudson

Volume 43, Number 9 / September 2004

1849-1856Superposition, Entropy and Schmidt Decomposition of StatesAntonio Zecca
1857-1861Discrete Space-Time and Lorentz SymmetryB. G. Sidharth
1863-1873Critical Behavior of Liquid 3HeG. H. Bordbar, S. M. Zebarjad and F. Shojaei
1875-1883Pastings of MV-Effect AlgebrasZdenka Riečanová
1885-1890Lagrangians and Hamiltonians for One-Dimensional Autonomous SystemsG. González
1891-1905A Class of k-Quantum Nonlinear Coherent States and Some of Their PropertiesJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu, Jian Feng and Jin-Zuo Sun
1907-1916A Class of Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent States and Their PropertiesJi-Suo Wang, Tang-Kun Liu, Jian Feng and Jin-Zuo Sun
1917-1930Space-Time Topology (II)—Causality, the Fourth Stiefel–Whitney Class and Space-Time as a BoundaryMalene Steen Nielsen Flagga and Frank Antonsen
1931-1939Hamiltonian Formalism of the Landau–Lifschitz Equation for a Spin Chain with an Easy PlaneShi Lina, He Jinchun, Cai Hao, Li Chengfang and Huang Nianning
1941-1967The CPT Group of the Dirac FieldMiguel Socolovsky
1969-1998Zero-Point Energy of Quantum Fields in a Schwarzschild GeometryKarsten Bormann and Frank Antonsen

Volume 43, Number 10 / October 2004

1999-2008Quantum Bouncer with DissipationG. López and G. González
2009-2021Constants of Motion for Several One-Dimensional Systems and Problems Associated with Getting Their HamiltoniansG. López, L. A. Barrera, Y. Garibo, H. Hernández and J. C. Salazar, et al.
2023-2027Orthomodular Bell-Kochen-Specker TheoremDerek Smith
2029-2040Superpositional Quantum Network TopologiesChristopher Altman, Jaroslaw Pykacz and Romàn R. Zapatrin
2041-2059Continuous Selections of Solution Sets of Lipschitzian Quantum Stochastic Differential InclusionsE. O. Ayoola
2061-2079Relativity in Clifford's Geometric Algebras of Space and SpacetimeWilliam E. Baylis and Garret Sobczyk
2081-2092Passive Scalar Advection in Burgers Turbulence: Mapping-Closure ModelBhimsen K. Shivamoggi
2093-2100Derivation of the Bialynicki-Birula Photon Wave Function from Three-Component SpinorsJaroslaw Zaleśny
2101-2111States and Structure of von Neumann AlgebrasJan Hamhalter
2113-2136Coherent and Squeezed States for Light in Homogeneous Conducting Linear Media by an Invariant Operator MethodJeong-Ryeol Choi
2137-2148Conformal Invariance, Accelerating Universe and the Cosmological Constant ProblemYousef Bisabr
2149-2168Remarks on Concrete Orthomodular LatticesJohn Harding

Volume 43, Number 11 / November 2004

2169-2185Unital Groups and General Comparability PropertyAnatolij Dvurečenskij
2187-2206Representation Systems, Orthoposets and Quantum LogicOlivier Brunet
2207-2213Fermi-Bose Systems, Macroscopic Quantum Superposition States and EntanglementYorick Hardy and Willi-Hans Steeb
2215-2222Soliton Stability in a Generalized Sine-Gordon PotentialRubén Cordero and Roberto D. Mota
2223-2235Resistance Calculation for an Infinite Simple Cubic Lattice Application of Green's FunctionJ. H. Asad, R. S. Hijjawi, A. Sakaji and J. M. Khalifeh
2237-2242Cosmological Particle Creation and Dynamical Casimir EffectM. R. Setare
2243-2251Electron–Phonon Interaction and Quantum Fluctuations in the Time-Dependent Damped Capacitance-Coupled Electric CircuitMai-Lin Liang and Li-Yan Liu
2253-2262Generalized Isothermal UniversesM. Govender and K. S. Govinder
2263-2274Decoherence and Triorthogonal DecompositionGennaro Auletta
2275-2283Three-Mode Entangled State Representation of Continuum Variables and Optical Four-Wave MixingHong-yi Fan and Nian-quan Jiang
2285-2298Quantization of Higher-Order Constrained Lagrangian Systems Using the WKB ApproximationEyad H. Hasan, Eqab M. Rabei and Humam B. Ghassib
2299-2309Lattice Green's Function for the Face Centered Cubic LatticeR. S. Hijjawi, J. H. Asad, A. Sakaji and J. M. Khalifeh
2311-2317Continuity of Effect Algebra Operations in the Interval TopologyQu Wenbo, Wu Junde and Yang Chengwu
2319-2323Ideal Topology on Effect AlgebrasZhihao Ma, Junde Wu and Shijie Lu

Volume 43, Number 12 / December 2004

2325-2354Indeterministic Objects in the Category of Effect Algebras and the Passage to the Semiclassical LimitArtur E. Ruuge
2355-2369Hamiltonian and Path Integral Formulations of the Nambu-Goto D1-Brane Action With and Without a Dilaton Field Under Gauge-FixingUsha Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
2371-2394A Noncommutative Approach to Ordinary Differential EquationsF. Bagarello
2395-2403Yangian Realization for Dirac OscillatorChunfeng Wu and Kang Xue
2405-2421Nonlinear Jaynes–Cummings Model of Atom–Field InteractionS. Sivakumar
2423-2433Quantal Poincaré-Cartan Integral Invariant for Field TheoryZhang Ying and Li Ziping
2435-2445Superpositional Quantum Network TopologiesChristopher Altman, Jaroslaw Pykacz and Romàn R. Zapatrin
2447-2460Pseudo Difference Posets and Pseudo Boolean D-PosetsShang Yun, Li Yongming and Chen Maoyin
2461-2481Quantum Number TheoryKenji Tokuo

Volume 44, Number 1 / January 2005

1-9Stochastic Quantization of Time-Dependent Systems by the Haba and Kleinert MethodF. Haas
11-19Ortho and Causal Closure as a Closure Operations in the Causal LogicW. Cegła and J. Florek
21-34SL(2; R) Duality of the Noncommutative DBI LagrangianDavoud Kamani
35-42Contact Structure with Basic PotentialsF. A. M. Frescura and G. Lubczonok
43-52Geometrization of the Gauge Connection within a Kaluza–Klein TheoryGiovanni Montani
53-62Action Principle and Algebraic Approach to Gauge Transformations in Gauge TheoriesE. B. Manoukian and S. Siranan
63-77Thomas Rotation and Thomas PrecessionTamás Matolcsi and Máté Matolcsi
79-93Torsion, Scalar Field, Mass and FRW CosmologyPrasanta Mahato
95-125Wavelength-Dependent Modifications in Helmholtz OpticsSameen Ahmed Khan
127-138Determination of the Electromagnetic Lagrangian from a System of Poisson BracketsPaul Bracken

Volume 44, Number 2 / February 2005

139-160Kochen–Specker Theorem for von Neumann AlgebrasAndreas Döring
161-194Quantization as Selection ProblemPeter Enders and Dieter Suisky
195-218Faint Young Sun, Planetary Paleoclimates and Varying Fundamental ConstantsRoman Tomaschitz
219-228Information and Distinguishability of Ensembles of Identical Quantum StatesLev B. Levitin, Tom Toffoli and Zac Walton
229-234Casimir Torque for a Perfectly Conducting Wedge: A Canonical Quantum Field Theoretical ApproachH. Razmi and S. M. Modarresi
235-244New Junction Conditions for Signature Change: Null Boundary ProposalKourosh Nozari
245-254Congruences of Fluids in a Finslerian Anisotropic Space-TimeP. C. Stavrinos
255-265Dark Multi-Soliton Solution of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Non-Vanishing BoundaryHao Cai, Feng-Ming Liu and Nian-Ning Huang
267-276Bundle Theory of Improper Spin TransformationsD. B. Cervantes, S. L. Quiroga, L. J. Perissinotti and M. Socolovsky

Volume 44, Number 3 / March 2005

277-282Nonlinear Full Invariant of Compact Banach-Space MapsWu Junde, Tang Zhifeng and Cui Chengri
283-291Cosmological Implication of the Trace AnomalyY. Bisabr
293-301New Solitary Wave Solutions to the KdV-Burgers EquationXie Yuanxi and Tang Jiashi
303-308Proca Effect in Reissner–Nordstrom de Sitter MetricChangsheng Shi and Zhongzhu Liu
309-317Dynamics of Solitons in Coupled System of Scalar FieldsK. Mansouri and N. Riazi
319-326Effective Action for a Statistical System with a Field Dependent Wave FunctionPierre Gosselin, Hervé Mohrbach and Alain Bérard
327-348Wigner Distribution Function for the Time-Dependent Quadratic-Hamiltonian Quantum System using the Lewis–Riesenfeld Invariant OperatorJeong Ryeol Choi
349-362The Carmeli Metric Correctly Describes Spiral Galaxy Rotation CurvesJohn G. Hartnett
363-373Inverse Variational Problem for Nonlinear Evolution EquationsS. Ghosh, U. Das and B. Talukdar

Volume 44, Number 4 / April 2005

375-383Modeling Modal Talk in Quantum MechanicsThomas Müller
385-397Evolution of Orbits and Quantum Correlation Functions by Quadratic HamiltoniansMarcel Polakovič
399-428Gentzen-Type Calculi for Involutive QuantalesNorihiro Kamide
429-442Quantum Mechanics from Two Physical PostulatesMohammad Mehrafarin
443-455Quark Masses in Terms of Gauge Constants and Cabibbo AngleC. V. A. V. B. Chandra Raju and Prudhvi R. Chintalapati
457-469Magnetic Symmetry, Regge Trajectories, and the Linear Confinement in Dual QCDHemwati Nandan, H. C. Chandola and H. Dehnen
471-483Remarks on Perturbation of Infinite Networks of Identical ResistorsJ. H. Asad, R. S. Hijjawi, A. Sakaj and J. M. Khalifeh
485-492Carmeli’s Accelerating Universe is Spatially Flat Without Dark MatterJohn Hartnett
493-528Quantum Vacuum Radiation and Detection ProposalsHaret C. Rosu
529-538Application of Entangled State Representation to Deriving Normally Ordered Expansion of 1-Dimensional Coulomb PotentialHong-yi Fan and Liang Fu

Volume 44, Number 5 / May 2005

539-548Group-Valued Measures on the Lattice of Closed Subspaces of a Hilbert SpaceJohn Harding, Ekaterina Jager and Derek Smith
549-566D = 5, N = 2 Geometric Higher Curvature Supergravity in the Second-Order Canonical TheoryO. S. Zandron
567-579Black Hole Entropies of the Thin Film Model and the Membrane Model Without CutoffsCheng-Zhou Liu
581-586Two Variables Operation Continuity of Effect AlgebrasWu Junde, Tang Zhifeng and Cho Minhyung
587-603Hamiltonian and Path Integral Formulations of the Born–Infeld Nambu–Goto D1-Brane Action with and Without a Dilation Field Under Gauge-FixingUsha Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
605-607A Short-Range ForceB. G. Sidharth
609-617Stochastic Quantization of Time-Dependent Systems by the Haba and Kleinert MethodF. Haas

Volume 44, Number 6 / June 2005

619-628Noncommutative Dynamics of Random OperatorsMichael Heller, Leszek Pysiak and Wiesłw Sasin
629-636Synchronization of the Frenet–Serret Linear System with a Chaotic Nonlinear System by Feedback of StatesG. Solis-Perales, H. C. Rosu and C. Hernandez-Rosales
637-644On a Measure on the Inductive Limit of Projection LogicsMarjan Matvejchuk and Elena Vladova
645-654Particle Creation in Anisotropically Expanding UniverseP. K. Suresh
655-689A Noncommutative Theory of Penrose TilingsChristopher J. Mulvey and Pedro Resende

Volume 44, Number 7 / July 2005

691-692Preface to the Proceedings of Quantum Structures 2002Richard Greechie, Sylvia Pulmannova and Karl Svozil
693-717Nonlinear Reformulation of Heisenberg's DynamicsMartin Ziegler and Benno Fuchssteiner
719-722Closed and σ-Finite Measures on the Orthogonal ProjectionsMarjan Matvejchuk
723-733Quantum Time Arrows, Semigroups and Time-Reversal in ScatteringRobert C. Bishop
735-744An Implication in OrthologicI. Chajda and R. Halaš
745-754Logical Equivalence Between Generalized Urn Models and Finite AutomataKarl Svozil
755-770Uniqueness and Order in Sequential Effect AlgebrasStan Gudder and Richard Greechie
771-781Quantum Physics and Classical Physics—In the Light of Quantum LogicPeter Mittelstaedt
783-791Orthomodular Lattices and QuantalesLeopoldo Román
793-806Lattice Uniformities on Effect AlgebrasAnna Avallone and Paolo Vitolo
807-814MGP Versus Kochen–Specker Condition in Hidden Variables TheoriesClaudio Garola
815-820The Non-Negativity of Probabilities and the Collapse of StateSlobodan Prvanović
821-826Energy–Information Coupling From Classical to Quantum PhysicsArcangelo Rossi
827-837Correlations and Entanglement in Probability TheoryE. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski
839-847Orthogonal Pure States in Operator TheoryJan Hamhalter
849-859Combinatory-Algebraic Perspective on Multipartiteness, Entanglement and Quantum LocalizationIoannis Raptis and Romàn R. Zapatrin
861-873Towards a Theory of Conservative ComputingG. Cattaneo, G. Della Vedova, A. Leporati and R. Leporini
875-883Characterization of Morita Equivalence Pairs of QuantalesJan Paseka
885-896Noncommutative Symmetric Differences in Orthomodular LatticesGerhard Dorfer
897-907A Geometrical Representation of Entanglement as Internal ConstraintDiederik Aerts, Ellie D'Hondt and Bart D'Hooghe
909-917Structure of the Time Projection for Stopping Times in von Neumann AlgebrasAndrzej Łuczak
919-929State Property Systems and OrthogonalityDiederik Aerts and Didier Deses
931-942Quantum Principles and Mathematical ComputabilityTien D. Kieu
943-955Classical Concepts in Quantum ProgrammingBernhard Ömer
957-963On (3,3)-Homogeneous Greechie Orthomodular PosetsFoat F. Sultanbekov
965-970Maximum Speed of Quantum Gate OperationKarl Svozil, Lev B. Levitin, Tommaso Toffoli and Zachary Walton
971-983Qubit Semantics and Quantum TreesMaria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Alberto Leporati and Roberto Leporini
985-998Automorphisms of An Orthomodular Poset of ProjectionsGeorges Chevalier
999-1009The Born Rule from a Consistency Requirement on Hidden Measurements in Complex Hilbert SpaceSven Aerts
1011-1021Master-Equations for the Study of DecoherenceB. Vacchini
1023-1028On the (Non)Existence of States on Orthogonally Closed Subspaces in an Inner Product SpaceKarl Svozil, E. Chetcuti and P. Pták
1053-1065From Heisenberg to Gödel via ChaitinKarl Svozil, Cristian S. Calude and Michael A. Stay

Volume 44, Number 8 / August 2005

1095-1116The Effects of Related ExperimentsD. Bar
1117-1121Higher-Order Effects Induced Optical Solitons in FiberYang Qin, Dai Chao-qin and Zhang Jie-fang
1123-1139Algorithm for Probing the Unitarity of Topologically Massive ModelsAntonio Accioly and Marco Dias
1141-1156Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Beable AlgebrasYuichiro Kitajima
1157-1165Fundamental Fermions Fit Inside One su(1|5) Irreducible RepresentationN. I. Stoilova and J. Van der Jeugt
1167-1176Periodic Quasi-Exactly Solvable ModelsS. Sree Ranjani, A. K. Kapoor and P. K. Panigrahi
1177-1191A Scheme for Physical Implementation of a Ququadrit Quantum Computation with Cooled-Trapped IonsChang-yong Chen and Ke-lin Gao
1193-1216A Non-Commutative Approach to Ordinary Differential EquationsF. Bagarello
1217-1225Yangian Realization for Dirac OscillatorChunfeng Wu and Kang Xue
1227-1238Topological Test SpacesAlexander Wilce
1239-1258Unitarily Inequivalent Representations in Algebraic Quantum TheoryFrederick M. Kronz and Tracy A. Lupher
1259-1270Lattice Green's Function for the Face Centered Cubic LatticeR. S. Hijjawi, J. H. Asad, A. Sakaj and J. M. Khalifeh
1271-1279Hamilton–Jacobi Quantization of Singular Lagrangians with Linear VelocitiesSami I. Muslih, Hosam A. El-Zalan and Eqab M. Rabei
1281-1302Band-Gap Structure and Singular Character of Bounded One-Dimensional Multibarrier PotentialsD. Bar
1303-1305A Short-Range ForceB. G. Sidharth
1307-1324Hestenes' Tetrad and Spin ConnectionsFrank Reifler and Randall Morris
1325-1335Generalized Uncertainty Principle in a Simple Varying Speed of Light ModelKourosh Nozari

Volume 44, Number 9 / September 2005

1337-1345Positive Knots From Discrete Dynamical Systems Via Symbolic DynamicsE. A. Elrifai
1347-1364Generalized Trio Coherent StatesA. S.-F. Obada, H. H. Salah, M. A. Darwish and E. M. Khalil
1365-1371Area Spectrum of Near Extremal Black Branes from Quasi-Normal ModesM. R. Setare
1373-1382Dissipation of System and Atom in Two-Photon Jaynes–Cummings Model with Degenerate Atomic LevelsYan-Qing Guo, Ling Zhou and He-Shan Song
1383-1398Ordered and Periodic Chaos of the Bounded One-Dimensional Multibarrier PotentialD. Bar
1399-1412Perturbative Study of Bremsstrahlung and Pair-Production by Spin-½ Particles in the Aharonov–Bohm PotentialU. A. al-Binni and M. S. Shikakhwa
1413-1418Non-Static Local String in Higher-Dimensional GravityF. Rahaman, B. C. Bhui and M. Kalam
1419-1427Best Fidelity Conditions for Three Party Quantum TeleportationSangjin Sim, Jeongwan Jin and Younghun Kwon
1429-1439Plane Waves Propagating in Gases Composed of Composite ParticlesA. Kwang-Hua Chu
1441-1450Brane Formation and Cosmological Constraint on the Number of Extra DimensionsFeng Luo and Hongya Liu
1451-1458Measures Defined on Quantum Logics of SetsA. Aizpuru, A. Gutiérrez-Dávila and Wu Junde
1459-1494Static Plane-Symmetric Nonlinear Spinor and Scalar Fields in GRBijan Saha and G. N. Shikin
1495-1530Finite State and Finite Stop Quantum LanguagesRuqian Lu and Hong Zheng
1531-1540Scalar Gravity and Higgs MechanismChi-Yi Chen, Kang Li and You-Gen Shen
1541-1548Quantum Cloning of an Unknown Two-Particle Entangled State with AssistanceYou-Bang Zhan
1549-1557Maps Between Deformed and Ordinary Gauge FieldsL. Mesref
1559-1563Non-Relativistic Derivation of the Non-Euclidean Nature of SpaceShimon Malin and Michelle Caler
1565-1571The Three-Step Master Equation: Class of Parametric Stationary SolutionsHaret C. Rosu, Marco A. Reyes and F. Valencia
1573-1585Quantum Charged Non-Linear Nano-String and Quantum VacuumF. Kheirandish and M. Amooshahi
1587-1597Invariant Observables and the Individual Ergodic TheoremBeloslav Riečan and Mária Jurečková
1599-1616Functionals and the Quantum Master EquationRonald O. Fulp
1617-1620Time-Dependent First Integrals, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, and Numerical IntegrationWilli-Hans Steeb, Timothy Scholes and Yorick Hardy
1621-1627Quantum States of a Trapped Dirac Particle in a Pseudoscalar PotentialYao Qian-Kai, Li De-Min, Jia Yu and Ma Guang-Wen
1629-1647General Relativity and Cosmology Derived From Principle of Maximum Power or ForceChristoph Schiller
1649-1662von Neumann Mutual Information for Anisotropic Coupled Oscillators Interacting with a Single Two-Level AtomM. Sebawe Abdalla, M. Abdel-Aty and A.-S. F. Obada

Volume 44, Number 10 / October 2005

1663-1664PrefaceE. Gunzig, B. L. Hu and E. Verdaguer
1665-1689Retarded Green Functions and Modified Dispersion RelationsDaniel Arteaga, Renaud Parentani and Enric Verdaguer
1691-1704Early Universe Quantum Processes in BEC Collapse ExperimentsE. A. Calzetta and B. L. Hu
1705-1727Inflationary Spectra, Decoherence, and Two-Mode Coherent StatesDavid Campo and Renaud Parentani
1729-1741Frozen Rigging Model of the Energy Dominated Universerandon Carter
1743-1752Deconstruction of GravityC. Deffayet and J. Mourad
1753-1768Stochastic Spacetime and Brownian Motion of Test ParticlesL. H. Ford
1769-1783Group Field Theory: An OverviewL. Freidel
1785-1806Can Spacetime be a Condensate?B. L. Hu
1807-1837Black Hole Entropy: Inside or Out?Ted Jacobson, Donald Marolf and Carlo Rovelli
1839-1854Minimally Coupled FRW Cosmologies as Dynamical SystemsLuis Lara and Mario Castagnino
1855-1874How Phase Transitions Induce Classical BehaviourR. J. Rivers and F. C. Lombardo

Volume 44, Number 11 / November 2005

1875-1877Introduction to the 2004 Meeting of the International Quantum Structures AssociationFranklin E. Schroeck
1879-1888Resonances, Unstable Systems, and Irreversibility: Matter Meets MindRobert C Bishop
1889-1904Perspectives: Quantum Mechanics on Phase SpaceJ. A. Brooke and F. E. Schroeck
1905-1915Lattice Approach to Wigner-Type TheoremsGeorges Chevalier
1917-1931Quantum Nonlocality From Synchronized ChaosGregory S. Duane
1933-1942Bell and ZenoKarl Gustafson
1943-1956States on Operator Algebras and Axiomatic System of Quantum TheoryJan Hamhalter
1957-1962Pilot-Wave Theory and Financial Option PricingEmmanuel Haven
1963-1976A Nonmonotonic Theory of Probability for Spin-
1977-1987Logical Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes, Measurement-Disturbance and ContextualityM S Leifer and R W Spekkens
1989-1994Information Between Quantum Systems via POVMsLev B Levitin and Tommaso Toffoli
1995-2005Who Proved Haag's Theorem?Tracy Lupher
2007-2020Wronski Brackets and the Ferris WheelKeye Martin
2021-2027Bose–Einstein Condensation: A Mathematically
2029-2039Quantum Systems on Linear GroupsJ J Sławianowski
2041-2049The Projective Hilbert Space as a Classical Phase Space for Nonrelativistic Quantum DynamicsIgor Bjelaković and Werner Stulpe
2051-2058Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics at the Planck ScaleGeorge Svetlichny
2059-2071Computational Power of Infinite Quantum ParallelismMartin Ziegler
2073-2089The Orthomodular Poset of Projections of A Symmetric LatticesGeorges Chevalier
2091-2100An Algebra of Effects in the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics on Phase SpaceF. E. Schroeck
2101-2111Algebra of Effects in the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space as an M. V. and a Heyting Effect AlgebraFranklin E. Schroeck

Volume 44, Number 12 / December 2005

2113-2125Undecidable Classical Properties of ObserversSven Aerts
2127-2145A Generalization of Entanglement to Convex Operational Theories: Entanglement Relative to a Subspace of ObservablesHoward Barnum, Gerardo Ortiz, Rolando Somma and Lorenza Viola
2147-2156Representation Systems and Quantum StructuresOlivier Brunet
2157-2165Automorphism Groups of Orthomodular Lattices Obtained from Quadratic SpacesJean-Claude Carrega
2167-2176Decision Effects, the Hahn–Jordan Decomposition for States, and Their Connection to Ludwig’s Axiomatic Approach to Quantum MechanicsThurlow A. Cook and Joanna M. Jeneralczuk
2177-2189Recent Progress on Pre-Hilbert-Space Logics and Their Measure SpacesE. Chetcuti and A. Dvurečenskij
2191-2198Compression Bases in Unital GroupsDavid J. Foulis
2199-2206Open Problems for Sequential Effect AlgebrasStan Gudder
2207-2217Orthocomplementation and Compound SystemsBoris Ischi
2219-2230Quantum Computational Semantics on Fock SpaceM. L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, S. Gudder and R. Leporini
2231-2238Vector Measures on the Logic of J-projections of a Krein SpaceMarjan Matvejchuk and Anna Ionova
2239-2248Decidability in Orthomodular LatticesMarek Hyčko and Mirko Navara
2249-2258Morita Contexts and their Lattices of RelationsJan Paseka
2259-2266Residuated Semigroups and the Algebraic Foundations of Quantum MechanicsLeopoldo Román
2267-2282Complete Axiomatizations for Quantum ActionsA. Baltag and S. Smets
2283-2293The Canonical Topology on a Meet-SemilatticeIsar Stubbe
2295-2302Central Elements of Atomic Effect AlgebrasJosef Tkadlec
2303-2316Symmetry and Topology in Quantum LogicAlexander Wilce

Volume 45, Number 1 / January 2006

1-5Some New Solutions Derived From the 5-Dimensional Theory—The New Methods of Creating SolutionsH. Q. Lu, J. D. Zhu, Z. G. Huang and L. M. Shen
6-16New Explicit Exact Solutions of the Born–Infeld EquationYuanxi Xie and Jiashi Tang
17-29Constructing Phantom With a Nonminimally Coupled Complex Scalar FieldYou-Gen Shen and Xian-Hui Ge
30-43Minimal Coupling Method and the Dissipative Scalar Field TheoryF. Kheirandish and M. Amooshahi
44-52Solution of the Dirac Equation in Expanding UniversesAntonio Zecca
53-63Internal Modes of Relativistic SolitonsA. R. Gharaati, N. Riazi and and F. Mohebbi
64-78Brane Cosmology From Heterotic String TheoryApostolos Kuiroukidis and Demetrios B. Papadopoulos
79-128Finitary-Algebraic ‘Resolution’ of the Inner Schwarzschild SingularityIoannis Raptis
129-140Lattice Green's Function for the Diamond LatticeR. S. Hijjawi
141-151Cauchy Inequality and Uncertainty Relations for Mixed StatesM. I. Shirokov
152-175Spin-Polarized 3He–HeII Mixtures in the Static Fluctuation ApproximationA. S. Sandouqa, M. K. Al-Sugheir and H. B. Ghassib
176-196Interference in Phase Space of Squeezed States for the Time-Dependent Hamiltonian SystemJeong Ryeol Choi
197-212Fission and Fusion in the New Localized Structures to the Integrable (2 + 1)-Dimensional Higher-Order Broer–Kaup SystemEmmanuel Yomba and Yan-ze Peng
213-227Simple Derivation of Minimum Length, Minimum Dipole Moment and Lack of Space–Time ContinuityChristoph Schiller
228-261Fuzzy Propositional Logic Associated with Quantum Computational GatesGraciela Domenech and Hector Freytes

Volume 45, Number 2 / February 2006

263-275States on Orthomodular Amalgamations Over TreesKhaled J. Al-Agha and Richard J. Greechie
276-342Gauge Coupling Constants as Residues of Spacetime RepresentationsHeinrich Saller
343-349Three Classes of Orthomodular LatticesRichard J. Greechie and Bruce J. Legan
350-355A Noncommutative Generalization of the Free-Field Yang–Mills EquationsGordon McCabe
356-367Simplectic Geometry and the Canonical Variables for Dirac–Nambu–Goto and Gauss–Bonnet System in String TheoryAlberto Escalante
368-374Motion of Kink in Hydrogen-Bonded Chain with Asymmetric Double-Well PotentialYuan-Fa Cheng
375-383Comoving Self-Gravitating Scalar Field in the Newman Penrose FormalismAntonio Zecca
384-409Symmetries in a Constrained System with a Singular Higher-Order LagrangianZi-ping Li and Rui-jie Li
410-424Semiclassical Study of the Quantum Back-Reaction Problem in Scalar QEDJaume Haro
425-435Casimir Forces for Robin Scalar Field on Cylindrical Shell in de Sitter SpaceM. R. Setare
436-457Implicit Regularization and Renormalization of QCDMarcos Sampaio, A. P. Baêta Scarpelli, J. E. Ottoni and M. C. Nemes

Volume 45, Number 3 / March 2006

459-468Holographic Principle of Black Holes in Brans–Dicke TheoryChi-Yi Chen and You-Gen Shen
469-482Representation Theorem of Observables on a Quantum SystemOlga Nánásiová and Andrei Khrennikov
483-498Generalized Lane–Emden Equation and the Structure of Galactic Dark MatterN. Riazi and M. R. Bordbar
499-508Vacuum Effects on Massive Spinor Fields: S1× R3 TopologyJ. L. Tomazelli and L. C. Costa
509-518Mach's Principle and Model for a Broken Symmetric Theory of GravityYousef Bisabr
519-528Early Universe with Variable Gravitational and Cosmological ConstantsC. P. Singh
529-545Two-Dimensional Supergravity in the Canonical Exterior FormalismO. S. Zandron
546-553Quantum Fluctuations of the Current and Voltage in Thermal Vacuum State for Mesoscopic Quartz Piezoelectric CrystalHong-Qi Li, Xing-Lei Xu and Ji-Suo Wang
554-561Demonstration of Soliton Solutions of DNLS Equation by Liouville TheoremHao Cai and Nian-Ning Huang
562-575AdS Geometry, Projective Embedded Coordinates and Associated Isometry GroupsR. da Rocha and E. Capelas de Oliveira
576-588Kaluza–Klein 5D Ideas Made Fully GeometricScott A. Starks, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
589-616Conservation Laws and Exact Solutions for some Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsA. H. Khater, D. K. Callebaut and S. M. Sayed1
617-626Tunneling from a Quantum Black HoleLi Xiang and You-Gen Shen
627-635Optical Fresnel Transform as a Correspondence of the SU(1,1) Squeezing Operator Composed of Quadratic Combination of Canonical Operators and the Entangled StateHong-Yi Fan and Hai-liang Lu
636-646Hawking Absorption and Planck Absolute Entropy of Kerr-Newman Black HoleM. Hossain Ali and Akhtara Banu
647-659Volkov Solution for Two Laser Beams and ITERMiroslav Pardy

Volume 45, Number 4 / April 2006

661-678Coherent Population Trapping and Partial Decoherence in the Stochastic LimitL. Accardi and S. V. Kozyrev
679-689Model-Theoretic Investigations into Consequence Operation (Cn) in Quantum Logics: An Algebraic ApproachPiotr Wilczek
690-697Approximate and Conditional Teleportation of an Unknown Atomic State Without the Bell-state Measurement with Multi-photon InteractionChang-Yong Chen
698-723Algebras of Measurements: The Logical Structure of Quantum MechanicsDaniel Lehmann, Kurt Engesser and Dov M. Gabbay
724-733One-Dimensional Relativistic Dissipative System with Constant Force and its QuantizationG. López, X. E. López and H. Hernández
734-742Velocity Quantization Approach of the One-Dimensional Dissipative Harmonic OscillatorG. López and P. López
743-749Connection Considerations of Gravitational Field in Finsler SpacesP. C. Stavrinos and Satoshi Ikeda
750-764Probabilistic Fuzzy Sets and a Related Operator AlgebraM. Arik and F. Torunbalc Aydin
765-789The Classical Diffusion-Limited Kronig–Penney SystemD. Bar
790-801Nonpropagating Solitary Waves in (2+1)-Dimensional Generalized Dispersive Long Wave SystemsDai Chao-qing, Zong Feng-de and Zhang Jie-fang
802-812Symmetries on Partially Ordered Abelian GroupsSylvia Pulmannová
813-819Dark Energy Cosmology with a Rarita-Schwinger FieldZu-Yao Sun and You-Gen Shen
820-834Separation of Variables for a Lattice Integrable System and the Inverse ProblemSupriya Mukherjee, A. Ghose Choudhury and A. Roy Chowdhury
835-842The Complex Symmetry Gravitational Theory as a New Alternative of Dark EnergyYing Shao, Yuan-xing Gui and Wei Wang
843-850Reconstruction of Five-Dimensional Bounce Cosmological Models from Deceleration FactorLixin Xu, Hongya Liu and Yongli Ping

Volume 45, Number 5 / May 2006

851-858Black Hole Radiation and Volume Statistical EntropyMario Rabinowitz
859-866The Quantal Symmetries in the Composite Boson's SystemYonglong Wang
867-879Deformed Cλ-Extended Heisenberg Algebra in Noncommutative Phase-SpaceJamila Douari
880-886On Quantum Team GamesE. Ahmed, M. F. Elettreby and A. S. Hegazi
887-895A Note on Invariant ObservablesKatarína Lendelová
896-907Elliptical Solutions to the Standard Cosmology Model with Realistic Values of Matter DensityAhmet Mecit Öztaş and Michael L. Smith
908-923A Model of Light from Ancient Blue EmissionsMichael L. Smith, Ahmet Mecit Öztaş and Jan Paul
924-932Quantum Gates and Hamilton OperatorsWilli-Hans Steeb and Yorick Hardy
933-941Information Complexity of Quantum GatesSubhash Kak
942-951Dynamics of Strings and BranesA. V. Golovnev and L. V. Prokhorov
952-964Anisotropic Cosmological Models with Perfect Fluid and Dark Energy ReexaminedBijan Saha
965-972Radiation Characteristics of Stationary Axisymmetric Sen Black Hole as TunnelingShuZheng Yang, HuiLing Li and QingQuan Jiang
973-983Two-Photon Entanglement in a Two-Mode Supersymmetric ModelS. J. Akhtarshenas
984-993New Variational Perturbation Theory Based on q−Deformed OscillatorHyeong-Chan Kim, Jae Hyung Yee and Sang Pyo Kim
994-1020A Topos Perspective on State-Vector ReductionC. J. Isham

Volume 45, Number 6 / June 2006

1021-1028New Representation of the Self-Duality and Exact Solutions for Yang–Mills EquationsA. H. Khater, D. K. Callebaut and S. M. Sayed
1029-1039Noether Symmetries Versus Killing Vectors and Isometries of SpacetimesA. H. Bokhari, A. H. Kara, A. R. Kashif and F. D. Zaman
1040-1047Charge of the QuarkP. C. M. Yock
1048-1056Anisotropic Scattering in Accordance with Pomraning Phase FunctionS. Basak and S. Karanjai
1057-1073Superposition in Nonlinear Wave and Evolution EquationsH. W. Schürmann, V. S. Serov and J. Nickel
1074-1078On the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer SpacecraftsMoshe Carmeli, John G. Hartnett and Firmin J. Oliveira
1079-1090Orthomodularity of Decompositions in a Categorical SettingJohn Harding
1091-1106Hamiltonian Formulation and Action Principle for the Lorentz-Dirac SystemV. G. Kupriyanov
1107-1115Planck Mass Plasma Analog of String TheoryF. Winterberg
1116-1123Cardy-Verlinde Formula and Thermodynamics of Black Hole in Higher Dimensional Space-TimeZhao Ren and Zhang Sheng-Li
1124-1131Quantum Statistic Entropy of Three-Dimensional BTZ Black HoleRen Zhao and Hu Shuang-Qi
1132-1151Intrinsic Magnetic Flux of the Electron's Orbital and Spin MotionK. K. Wan and M. Saglam
1152-1157Supersymmetry of FRW Barotropic CosmologiesH. C. Rosu and P. Ojeda-May
1158-1165Dirac Quantization of t’Hooft-Polyakov Monopole Field: Axial HamiltonizationK. Rasem Qandalji
1166-1180Relational Interpretation of the Wave Function and a Possible Way Around Bell’s TheoremThomas Filk

Volume 45, Number 7 / July 2006

1181-1188Hawking Radiation via Tunnelling from Black Holes by Using Eddington–Finkelstein CoordinatesJun Ren and Zheng Zhao
1189-1215Toy Model for a Relational Formulation of Quantum TheoryDavid Poulin
1216-1246Equations Holding in Hilbert LatticesRené Mayet
1247-1257Bayesian Probabilities and the Histories AlgebraThomas Marlow
1258-1266Gravitational Entropy in Cosmological ModelsNicos Pelavas and Alan Coley
1267-1277The Flavor Physics in Unified Gauge Theory from an S3 × P Discrete SymmetryStefano Morisi and Marco Picariello
1278-1295The Three-Dimensional Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and MicrostatesA. Bouda and A. Mohamed Meziane
1296-1307Dark Energy Model with Canonical Scalar Field and Non-Linear Born–Infeld Type Scalar FieldZhang Ke-Feng, Fang Wei and Lu Hui-Qing
1308-1322Exchangeability and Conditionally Identical Common Cause SystemsGábor Hofer-Szabó
1323-1335On the Thermal Property of Arbitrarily Accelerating Charged Black Hole with a New Tortoise Coordinate TransformationNiu Zhenfeng and Liu Wenbiao

Volume 45, Number 8 / August 2006

1383-1389Glafka–2004 ‘Iconoclasm’: The Soul and Spirit of the MeetingIoannis Raptis
1390-1396Glafka 2004: Generalizing Quantum Mechanics for Quantum GravityJames B. Hartle
1397-1427General QuantizationDavid Ritz Finkelstein
1428-14384-Dimensional Einstein Gravity Extended by a 3-Dimensional Gravitational Chern-Simons TermR. Jackiw
1439-1466Glafka-2004: Non-Commutative WorldsLouis H. Kauffman
1467-1482Glafka 2004: The Decoherent Histories Approach to the Quantization of Cosmological ModelsJ. J. Halliwell
1483-1494Glafka 2004: Some Remarks on the Role of Complex Numbers in Quantum TheoryCharis Anastopoulos
1495-1523Glafka-2004: Categorical Quantum GravityIoannis Raptis
1524-1551A Topos Perspective on State-Vector ReductionC. J. Isham
1552-1588Geometry and Physics TodayAnastasios Mallios
1589-1611Glafka 2004: Spacetime Topology from the Tomographic Histories Approach

Volume 45, Number 9 / September 2006

1613-1623Quantization of Brownian MotionEqab M. Rabei, Abdul-Wali Ajlouni and Humam B. Ghassib
1624-1629One-Parameter Homogeneous Differential Realization and Boson–Fermion Realization of the SPL(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1630-1645Stability and Quasi Normal Modes of Charged Born–Infeld Black HolesSharmanthie Fernando and Chad Holbrook
1646-1648The Role of Quantum Interference in Quantum ComputingA. Y. Shiekh
1649-1653One-Parameter Indecomposable Representation of SPL(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
1654-1658Effect of Coherent State of Quarks and Mesons on Hadron PropertiesT. S. T. Aly, M. Rashdan and M. Abu-Shady
1659-1666Wilson Loops and Topological Phases in Closed String TheoryR. Cartas-Fuentevilla
1667-1676Quantum Entanglement of Many Particles in Spinor Bose–Einstein CondensatesLixin Xia and YiMing Xie
1677-1683Nonlinear Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems with Asymmetric Double-Well PotentialYuan-Fa Cheng, Zhang Chen and Shao-Min Chen
1684-1702Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field EquationsP. S. Negi
1703-1717Stability Analysis for Systems with Impulse EffectsJianhua Shen and Zhujun Jing
1718-1742Products, Coproducts, and Singular Value DecompositionBertfried Fauser
1743-1756Correction to Hawking Pure Thermal Spectrum of Stationary Kaluza-Klein Black HoleQingQuan Jiang, ShuZheng Yang and HuiLing Li
1757-1763A Classical Cosmological Model for TrivialityHadi Salehi, P. Moyassari and R. Rashidi
1764-1768New Types of Localized Coherent Structures in the Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff EquationYan-ze Peng
1769-1782Lie Symmetries for Hamiltonian Systems Methodological ApproachRodica Cimpoiasu and Radu Constantinescu
1783-1790Rigid Motions in the Presence of a Magnetic FieldL. C. Cortés-Cuautli and G. F. Torres del Castillo
1791-1797Time-Dependent 2D Harmonic Oscillator in Presence of the Aharanov-Bohm EffectY. Bouguerra, M. Maamache and A. Bounames

Volume 45, Number 10 / October 2006

1799-1808Casimir Effect for Moving Branes in Static dS4+1 BulkM. R. Setare
1809-18132-Soliton-Solution of the Novikov-Veselov EquationJ. Nickel and H. W. Schürmann
1814-1824Action Principle and Modification of the Faddeev–Popov Factor in Gauge TheoriesK. Limboonsong and E B Manoukian
1825-1835Stationary ‘V’ States for Preferred Motions of Many ParticlesA Kwang-Hua Chu
1836-1845Soliton Solutions of DNLS Equation Found by IST Anew and its Verification in Marchenko FormalismYa-Xian Liu, Bai-Feng Yang and Hao Cai
1846-1868Quantum Dynamics in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam ProblemG. P. Berman and N. Tarkhanov
1869-1890Von Neumann Uniqueness Theorem doesn't Hold in Hyperbolic Quantum MechanicsAndrei Khrennikov and Gavriel Segre
1891-1900Energy of a Charged WormholeMustafa Saltı and Oktay Aydogdu
1901-1913A Physical Axiomatic Approach to Schrodinger's EquationRajesh R. Parwani
1914-1929Quantum Theory and the Category of Complex NumbersSimon Davis
1930-1935Tunnelling Effect of Massive Particles from Kerr Black HolesRen Jun and Zhao Zheng
1936-1942The Free Energy and Entropy of Schwarzschild Black Hole Due to Scalar FieldZi-Zhen Zhang and Li-Chun Zhang
1943-1957A Model of Wavefunction Collapse in Discrete Space-TimeGao Shan
1958-1964Normal Modes for Massive Spin 1 Equation in Robertson–Walker Space-TimeAntonio Zecca
1965-1976Remark on Charge Conjugation in the Non Relativistic LimitA. Cabo, D. B. Cervantes, H. Pérez Rojas and M. Socolovsky
1977-1982Massive Particles' Tunneling Effect from An Arbitrarily

Volume 45, Number 11 / November 2006

1983-1992Squeezing Effect of the Charge and Current in Mesoscopic Coupled Circuit with Alternating SourceJu-ju Hu, Shi-hua Cai and Ying-hua Ji
1993-2050New Electroweak Formulation Fundamentally Accounting for the Effect Known as “Maximal Parity-Violation”G. Ziino
2051-2070Hamilton's Turns for the Lorentz GroupR Simon, S Chaturvedi, V Srinivasan and N Mukunda
2071-2078Potential Symmetries and Associated Conservation Laws to Fokker-Planck and Burgers EquationJian-qin Mei and Hong-qing Zhang
2079-2083Ward Identities in CP1 Nonlinear σ Model with Maxwell – Chern – Simons TermYong-Long Wang, Yu Du and Gui-Hua Zhang
2084-2092Supersymmetric Free-Damped Oscillators: Adaptive Observer Estimation of the Riccati ParameterV. Ibarra-Junquera, H. C. Rosu and O. Cornejo-Pérez
2093-2099Rigorous Solutions for the One-Dimensional Hartmann Potential in the Quantum Phase-Space RepresentationQian Shu Li, Li Qiang Lü and Gong Min Wei
2100-2108Bell Inequalities and Separability of Uncommon Causes
2109-2117Geometric Quantum Computing and Dissipation ModelsQi-Run Dai and Hui Jing
2118-2136Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curves Determined from Carmelian General RelativityJohn G Hartnett
2137-2142Universality of Operator Ordering in Kinetic Energy Operator for Particles Moving on two Dimensional SurfacesQ. H. Liu
2143-2149Mean First-Passage Time in a Bistable Kinetic Model with Stochastic PotentialsBao-quan Ai, Hua Zheng, Xue-rong Zhang, Ning-xing Wang and Liang-gang Liu
2150-2180Relativities and Homogeneous Spaces IHeinrich Saller
2181-2190Properties of Gravitational Waves in Cosmological General RelativityJohn G. Hartnett and Michael E. Tobar
2191-2198An Alternative Approach to Obtain the Exact Wave Functions of Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Systems Involving Quadratic, Inverse Quadratic, and (1/x)p+p(1/x) TermsM. Maamache, S. Menouar and L. Krache

Volume 45, Number 12 / December 2006

2199-2207Entanglement Degree of Parasupersymmetric Coherent States of Harmonic OscillatorS. J. Akhtarshenas
2208-2214Massive Field Equations of Arbitrary Spin in Schwarzschild
2215-2225What is “System”: Some Decoherence-Theory ArgumentsM. Dugić and J. Jeknić
2226-2234Particle Production in 5-Dimensional Cosmological RelativityGianluca Gemelli
2235-2246The Kantowski-Sachs Space-Time in Loop Quantum GravityLeonardo Modesto
2247-2256Entangling Two-Atom Through Cooperative Interaction Under Stimulated EmissionYan-Qing Guo, He-Shan Song, Ling Zhou and Xue-Xi Yi
2257-2273Projective Invariance in Cosmological Models and Dark EnergyWilliam M. Baker
2274-2281Hawking Radiation of Charged Particles via Tunneling from Arbitrarily Dimensional Reissner-Nordström Black HolesQing-Quan Jiang, Shu-Zheng Yang and Shuang-Qing Wu
2282-2296Competition Among Three Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates due to Potential DeviationHong Li, D. N. Wang and Yongshan Cheng
2297-2304Coleman–de Luccia Instanton of the Second Order in a Brane WorldMichal Demetrian
2305-2318Subgroups of Hypercubic Group and Many Electron States in CrystalsE. F. Kustov, V. G. Yarzhemsky and V. I. Nefedov
2319-2338Massive Quasinormal Modes of a Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Hole with a Global MonopoleJia-Feng Chang and You-Gen Shen
2339-2349Band Theory in the Context of the Hamilton-Jacobi FormulationA. Bouda and A. Mohamed Meziane
2350-2376Spacetime Topology from the Tomographic Histories Approach: Part IIIoannis Raptis, Petros Wallden and Romàn R. Zapatrin
2377-2387Squeezed Number Eigenstate of XYZ Heisenberg Antiferromagnetics Under a Magnetic FieldBing-Hao Xie, Shuo Jin and Wei-Xian Yan
2388-2395Perturbation Theory for Isotropic Landau-Lifschitz Equation Based on Inverse Scattering TransformationCun Li, Tian Yan, Hao Cai, Bai-Feng Yang and Nian-Ning Huang
2396-2406BRST Invariant Theory of a Generalized 1 + 1 Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Model with Topological TermYong-Chang Huang, Kai-Hua Yang and Xi-Guo Lee
2407-2427Quantal Noether Identities and Their ApplicationsRui-jie Li and Zi-ping Li
2428-2436Tunneling Radiation of a Torus-Like Black Hole in Anti-de Sitter Space-TimeHui-Ling Li, De-Jiang Qi, Qing-Quan Jiang and Shu-Zheng Yang
2437-2452On the Møller Energy Associated with Black HolesMustafa Saltı and Oktay Aydogdu
2453-2463Rotating Solutions of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Gravity with Unusual AsymptoticsA. Sheykhi and N. Riazi
2464-2470Quantum Motion on 2D Surfaces of Spherical TopologyX. Wang, Y. P. Xiao, T. G. Liu, M. M. Lai and J. Rao
2471-2482The Quantum Fluctuations of Mesoscopic Damped Mutual Capacitance Coupled Double Resonance RLC Circuit in Excitation State of the Squeezed Vacuum StateXing-Lei Xu, Hong-Qi Li and Ji-Suo Wang
2483-2496Iso-Spectral Potentials and Inflationary Quantum CosmologyA. García, W. Guzmán, M. Sabido and J. Socorro
2497-2515Weak Power-Counting Theorem for the Renormalization of the Nonlinear Sigma Model in Four DimensionsRuggero Ferrari and Andrea Quadri

Volume 46, Number 1 / January 2007

1-15SU(1,1) Lie Algebra Applied to the General Time-dependent Quadratic Hamiltonian SystemJ. R. Choi and I. H. Nahm
16-30Time Flow in a Noncommutative RegimeLeszek Pysiak
31-38From Schwarzschild to Kerr due to Black Hole Quantum TunnellingLi Gao, Hongbao Zhang and Wenbiao Liu
39-48QCD Corrections to Squark Production in
49-62Quantum Logic and Non-Commutative GeometryP. A. Marchetti and R. Rubele
63-69Tunneling Radiation of the Charged Particles for Charged Spherical Black Hole in VGMMen Quan Liu and Shu Zheng Yang
70-101Regularization as Quantization in Reducible Representations of CCRMarek Czachor and Jan Naudts
102-115Construction of New Variable Separation Excitations via Extended Projective Ricatti Equation Expansion Method in (2+ 1)- Dimensional Dispersive Long Wave SystemsWang Rui-min, Ge Jian-ya, Dai Chao-Qing and Zhang Jie-Fang
116-129Hamiltonians for the Quantum Hall Effect on Spaces with Non-Constant MetricsPaul Francis Bracken
130-142Implications for Cognitive Quantum Computation and Decoherence Limits in the Presence of Large Extra DimensionsJ. R. Mureika
143-148On the Evaluation of the Evolution Operator
149-156Ambiguities on the Quantization of a One-Dimensional Dissipative System with Position Depending Dissipative CoefficientG. López, X. E. López and G. González
157-169Intra-Channel Collision of Dual-Power Law Optical SolitonsAnjan Biswas, Swapan Konar and Essaid Zerrad
170-183Dilatonic Dark Energy Model with Late Time de Sitter AttractorZ. G. Huang
184-192Quantum Retrodiction in Non-Equilibrium Thermo Field DynamicsM. Ban

Volume 46, Number 2 / February 2007

199-205Macroscopic Quantum Coherent Phenomena in the Mesoscopic Electric CircuitBin Chen, Xiaojuan Shen, LiLy Sun and Rushan Han
207-220A Note on Superdistributions and Wavefront SetDaniel H. T. Franco
221-236General SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)EM Sigma Model with External Sources, Dynamical Breaking and Spontaneous Vacuum Symmetry BreakingYong-Chang Huang, Xi-Guo Lee and Liu-Ji Li
237-243Soliton Perturbation Theory for the Compound KdV EquationAnjan Biswas and Swapan Konar
245-250Dust Sheared Flow Driven Instability of Dust Drift Waves in a Nonuniform MagnetoplasmaKh. H. El-Shorbagy and P. K. Shukla
251-257Natural Geometry of Nonzero QuaternionsVladimir Trifonov
259-268Spacetime Non-Commutativity Corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde Formula of Achúcarro-Ortiz Black HoleM. R. Setare
269-299Epistemological and Historical Implications for Elementary Particle TheoriesF. C. Hoh
301-317Conformal Klein-Gordon Equations and Quasinormal ModesR. da Rocha and E. Capelas de Oliveira
319-382Quantum Observables Algebras and Abstract Differential Geometry: The Topos-Theoretic Dynamics of Diagrams of Commutative Algebraic LocalizationsElias Zafiris
383-398Microlocal Analysis and Renormalization in Finite Temperature Field TheoryDaniel H. T. Franco and José L. Acebal
399-404Holography and Non-Locality in a Closed Vacuum-Dominated UniverseT. R. Mongan
405-416Dirac Particle in an Aharonov-Bohm Potential: The Structure of the First Order S-matrixM. S. Shikakhwa

Volume 46, Number 3 / March 2007

417-423Relativistic Motion with Linear DissipationGabriel González
424-429Total Current Operator and its Classical Correspondence for Particles Bounded in Central Force FieldsQ. H. Liu, X. Wang and Y. B. Yu
430-436Characteristic Length in a Linear AccelerationAmos Harpaz
437-444Instabilities of the Conventional Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions for (3H4He) Proton Pickup Cross-SectionsA. A. Farra
445-450Coalescing Black Hole Solution in the De-Sitter UniverseMainuddin Ahmed
451-470Classification of the Five-Dimensional Lie Superalgebras Over the Real NumbersN. L. Matiadou and A. Fellouris
471-485Geometrization of the Electro-weak Model Bosonic ComponentFrancesco Cianfrani and Giovanni Montani
486-491Hamiltonian for a Relativistic Particle with Linear DissipationG. González
492-502Raising and Lowering of Generalized Hulthén Potential from Supersymmetry ApproachesJ. Sadeghi
503-517Gravitational Wave HolographyD. Bar
518-547Inequivalent Representations of Commutator or Anticommutator Rings of Field Operators and Their ApplicationsM. Matejka and M. Noga
548-552Schrödinger Equation for An Extended ElectronAntônio B. Nassar
553-561Mass Parameter Quantization in the FRW Cosmological ModelJ. Torres, C. Ortiz, J. Socorro and V. I. Tkach
562-575Spinning Particles in Spacetimes with TorsionNeophytos Messios
576-583Why have we Never Observed the Massless Charged Particle?Li Xiang and You-Gen Shen
584-605Glafka 2004: Spacetime Topology from the Tomographic Histories Approach I: Non-Relativistic CaseIoannis Raptis, Petros Wallden and Romàn R. Zapatrin
606-613Using Muonic Hydrogen in Optical Spectroscopy Experiment to Detect Extra DimensionsFeng Luo and Hongya Liu
614-624Perfect Transfer of Entangled States on Spin ChainJing-Ling Chen and Qing-Liang Wang
625-636The Tunneling Radiation Characteristics of Kerr-Newman de Sitter Black HoleShuzheng Yang, Qingquan Jiang and Huiling Li
637-651Sensitive Response of the Quantum Entropies to Jaynes-Cummings Model in Presence of a Second Harmonic GenerationM. Sebawe Abdalla, M. Abdel-Aty and A.-S. F. Obada
652-663False Vacuum Decay with Gravity in a Critical CaseMichal Demetrian
664-687Gravitational Holography and Trapped SurfacesDaniel Bar
688-739Finitary Topos for Locally Finite, Causal and Quantal Vacuum Einstein GravityIoannis Raptis

Volume 46, Number 4 / April 2007

741-805General Solutions of Relativistic Wave Equations II: Arbitrary Spin ChainsV. V. Varlamov
806-816Constant of Motion, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the Gravitational Attraction of Two Bodies with Variable MassG. López
817-822BTZ Black Hole in Non-Commutative SpacesJ. Sadeghi and M. R. Setare
823-831Nonlinear Electrodynamics and NED-Inspired Chiral SolitonsM. H. Mahzoon and N. Riazi
832-847Homotopic Classification of Yang–Mills Vacua Taking into Account CausalityGábor Etesi
848-859Bound Motion of Bodies and Paticles in the Rotating SystemsMiroslav Pardy
860-876Quantum Information and EntropySubhash Kak
877-883Holographic Dark Energy in Induced GravityZu-Yao Sun and You-Gen Shen
884-897The Quantization of Higher Order Regular Lagrangians as First Order Singular LagrangiansEqab M. Rabei and Mo’az. M. Tarawneh
898-919Multidimensional WKB Approximation for Tunneling Along Curved Escape PathsJ. Zamastil and L. Skála
920-934Transient Optical Regime of Two Level Atom in Laser LightSmail Bougouffa and Saud Al-Awfi
935-950Bound-State Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation for the Generalized
951-971Dynamical Casimir Effect for Scalar Fields II (Energy Calculation)Jaume Haro
972-983Quantum Mutual Entropy for a Multilevel Atom Interacting with a Cavity FieldM. Abdel-Aty, M. R. B. Wahiddin and A.-S. F. Obada
984-1002Foundation for Quantum Computing IIS. A. Selesnick
1003-1019Dynamical Casimir Effect for Scalar Fields I (Particle Creation)Jaume Haro
1020-1026Independence of Yang-Mills Equations with Respect to the Invariant Pairing in the Lie AlgebraMarco Castrillón López and Jaime Muñz Masquó
1027-1044Entropies and Entanglement for Initial Mixed State in the Multi-quanta JC Model with the Stark Shift and Kerr-like MediumA.-S. F. Obada, F. A. Mohammed, H. A. Hessian and A.-B. A. Mohamed
1045-1054Field Equations of Arbitrary Spin in Space-time with TorsionAntonio Zecca
1055-1064Energy Distribution in a Schwarzschild-like SpacetimeTh. Grammenos and I. Radinschi

Volume 46, Number 5 / May 2007

1065-1082On Spinning ParticlesAlbert Murad Sutton
1083-1095Compatibility and MarginalityOľga Nánásiová and Andrei Khrenikov
1096-1099Solutions of the Hyperbolic sine–Gordon EquationsC. Hoenselaers
1100-1111Statistical Physics on the Space (
1112-1123Stochastic Perturbation of Power Law Optical SolitonsAnjan Biswas, Huaizhong Ren and Swapan Konar
1124-1136Existence and Completeness of the Wave Operators for Higher Order Differential OperatorsA. H. Khater, M. S. Saif and K. El. Rashidy
1137-1181‘Third’ Quantization of Vacuum Einstein Gravity and Free Yang–Mills TheoriesIoannis Raptis
1182-1189Phase of Bose-Einstein Condensate Interacting with a Time-Dependent Laser FieldZhao-xian Yu, Shuo Jin, Zhi-yong Jiao and Ji-suo Wang
1190-1204Statistical Approach of Modulational Instability in the Class of Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger EquationsA. T. Grecu, D. Grecu and Anca Visinescu
1205-1214New Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent States and Their Nonclassical PropertiesMeng Xiang-Guo, Wang Ji-Suo and Li Yan-Ling
1215-1228Cavity-QED Tests of Representations of Canonical Commutation Relations Employed in Field QuantizationMarek Czachor and Marcin Wilczewski
1229-1253Noether-Symmetry Analysis using Alternative Lagrangian RepresentationsBenoy Talukdar, Amitava Choudhuri and U. Das
1254-1276Energy Transfer in Spectra of the d-Dimensional Past Grid TurbulenceM. Hnatich, S. Sprinc, M. Stehlik and F. Tomasz
1277-1306Properties of Physical Systems and Projectors: Dispersion Relations, Spectral Representations, Equations of MotionMark E. Perel’man
1318-1333The Momentum Four-Vector in Brans–Dicke WormholesNurettin Pirinççioglu, İrfan Açıkgöz and Mustafa Saltı
1334-1359Half-Differentials versus Spinor Formalism for Fermions in Low-Dimensional SystemsRainer Dick
1360-1369Thermal Entanglement for Interacting Spin-1/2 Systems and its Quantum CriticalityShuang-Wei Hu and Jing-Ling Chen
1370-1380Quasi-Particle Theory of Alfven Soliton Interaction in PlasmasYan Xiao and Anjan Biswas
1381-1388Algebraic Approach to the Hulthen PotentialMohammad R. Setare and Ebrahim Karimi
1389-1402Analytical Bethe Ansatz, Canonical Bäcklund Transformation and Q-Operator For A New Discrete Integrable HeirarchySupriya Mukherjee, A. Ghose Choudhury and A. Roy Chowdhury
1403-1415Deterrents to a Theory of Quantum GravityMario Rabinowitz
1416-1423Quantization of the Single-qubit Structure with SQUIDBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang and Xiang-Guo Meng
1424-1430Moving Observers in an Isotropic UniverseSubhash Kak
1431-1441Hydrodynamics in 5-Dimensional Cosmological Special RelativityGianluca Gemelli

Volume 46, Number 6 / June 2007

1443-1448A Cosmological Model with Negative Constant Deceleration Parameter in Brans-Dicke TheoryD. R. K. Reddy, R. L. Naidu and V. U. M. Rao
1449-1454Characteristics of Quantum Radiation as Tunneling from a Cylindrically Symmetric Black HoleQing-Quan Jiang, Wei Ren, Jian Tang and Xiao-Feng Liu
1455-1465The Application of Extended Tanh-Function Approach in Toda Lattice EquationsChaoqing Dai and Yongzhou Ni
1466-1470Exact Solution of a Test Particle in Presence of Thick Domain WallsA. Al-Badawi
1471-1494Finite Quantum Tomography and Semidefinite ProgrammingM. Mirzaee, M. Rezaee and M. A. Jafarizadeh
1495-1505Gravitational Spin Entropy ProductionB. Nasr Esfahani and S. Dehdashti
1506-1527Dynamics of Minimal SurfacesGüngör Gündüz
1528-1541The (1+1) Dimensional Dirac Equation With Pseudoscalar Potentials: Path Integral TreatmentS. Haouat and L. Chetouani
1542-1561Outflow Probability for Drift–Diffusion DynamicsJulia Hinkel and Reinhard Mahnke
1562-1569The Construction of Dirac Wave Packets for a Fermionic Particle Non-Minimally Coupling with an External Magnetic FieldA. E. Bernardini
1570-1583Massive Charged Quasinormal Modes of a Reissner-Nordström Black HoleJ. F. Chang and Y. G. Shen
1584-1595Plane Symmetric Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models with a Perfect Fluid in General RelativityAnirudh Pradhan, Purnima Pandey and Sunil Kumar Singh
1596-1616Semi-Analytical Solution of Dirac Equation in Schwarzschild-de Sitter SpacetimeY. Lyu and Y.-X. Gui
1617-1635Critical Exponents from the Resummed Effective Potential of the
1636-1642Teleportation of A Single Qubit State via Unique W StateHai-Jing Cao and He-Shan Song
1643-1665Exact Polynomial Solution of
1666-1701Degeneracy of Resonances: Branch Point and Branch Cuts in Parameter SpaceE. Hernández, A. Jáuregui, A Mondragón and L. Nellen
1702-1709Non-Violation of Energy Conditions in the Future Accelerated Universe Due to Quantum EffectsS. K. Srivastava
1710-1721Semi-Classical Calculation of the Particle Production in QED via the Schwinger Dynamical PrincipleJaume Haro
1722-1737A Lorentz-Poincaré Type Interpretation of the Weak Equivalence PrincipleJan (B.) Broekaert
1738-1746Transformation Properties of Dynamical Systems at the Quantum LevelJinhuan Jiang and Ziping Li

Volume 46, Number 7 / July 2007

1747-1752A New Method to Study Hawking Tunneling Radiation of the Charged Particles from Ressiner-Nordström Black HoleShuZheng Yang and DeYou Chen
1753-1762Knotted Wave Dislocation with the Hopf InvariantPeng-ming Zhang, Xi-guo Lee, Shao-feng Wu and Yi-shi Duan
1763-1770Quantum Dynamics of a Raman Atom Laser by Using a Feshbach-Resonance-Tuned Atomic Bose-Einstein CondensateH. Jing
1771-1778Phase of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Double-Well Potential Modulated Periodically in TimeZhao-xian Yu and Zhi-yong Jiao
1779-1785Marginal Distributions of Wigner Function in a Mesoscopic L-C Circuit at Finite Temperature and Thermal Wigner OperatorBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang and Hong-Yi Fan
1786-1796Ordering Ambiguity Revisited via Position Dependent Mass Pseudo-Momentum OperatorsOmar Mustafa and S. Habib Mazharimousavi
1797-1808Casimir Effect Under Two Dimensional Black Hole Spacetime Background with Global MonopoleXiao-Xia Wang and Shu-Zheng Yang
1809-1814On the Origin of TurbulenceE. Casuso
1815-1822Alternative New Notation for Quantum Information TheoryChong Li, Zhen Wang, He-Shan Song and Ling Zhou
1823-1835Different Types of Conditional Expectation and the Lüders—von Neumann Quantum MeasurementGerd Niestegge
1836-1852Thermal State for the Capacitance Coupled Mesoscopic Circuit with a Power SourceJeong Ryeol Choi and Jun-Young Oh

Volume 46, Number 8 / August 2007

1853-1855PrefacePiotr Kielanowski
1856-1866Extension of the Quantum Mechanical Principle of Superposition to Non-Identical States with Short Life TimesWalter Blum
1867-1880Reversibility and RegularityKarl Gustafson
1881-1889Semi-Groups and Time Operators for Quantum Unstable SystemsMaurice Courbage
1890-1913Crossings and Anticrossings of Unbound StatesE. Hernández, A. Jáuregui and A. Mondragón
1914-1928Singularities Caused by Coalesced Complex Eigenvalues of an Effective Hamilton OperatorI Rotter and A. F. Sadreev
1929-1946Poincaré Semigroup Symmetry as an Emergent Property of Unstable SystemsNathan L. Harshman
1947-1958Causal Symmetry Transformations and their Representations by SemigroupsArno R. Bohm, Yoshihiro Sato and Piotr Kielanowski
1959-1985Gamow Vectors for Resonances: A Lax-Phillips Point of ViewH. Baumgärtel
1986-1997Localization of Non-Relativistic ParticlesRafael de la Madrid
1998-2012Theorem of Levinson via the Spectral DensityLuis J. Boya and Javier Casahorrán
2013-2025From Heisenberg to Gödel via ChaitinCristian S. Calude and Michael A. Stay
2026-2045Statistical Structures Underlying Quantum Mechanics and Social ScienceRon Wright
2046-2052Extending States on Finite Concrete LogicsAnna De Simone, Mirko Navara and Pavel Pták
2053-2062Remarks on Causality in Relativistic Quantum Field TheoryMiklós Rédei and Stephen J. Summers
2063-2081Quantum Fields, Cosmological Constant and Symmetry DoublingHans-Thomas Elze
2082-2095Bäcklund Transformations, Solitary Waves, Conoid Waves and Bessel Waves of the (2+1)-Dimensional Euler equationSen Yue Lou, Man Jia, Fei Huang and Xiao Yan Tang
2096-2104Two-level Atom in an Electromagnetic Wave of Circle PolarizationSu Kalin and Zhang Mingxia
2105-2118DKP Equation with Smooth Potential and Position-Dependent MassM Merad
2119-2137Quantum Dynamical Algebra
2138-2145Research on Hawking Radiation as Tunneling from Schwarzshild-anti-de Sitter Black HoleShu-Zheng Yang and Qing-Quan Jiang
2146-2157The Mø ller Energy Complexes of Various Wormholes in General Relativity and Teleparallel GravityMelis Aygün and İhsan Yilmaz
2158-2167Canonical Entropy of Reissner-Nordstrom Black HoleZhao Ren, Zhang Li-Chun and Zhang Sheng-Li

Volume 46, Number 9 / September 2007

2169-2170PrefaceE. Gunzig, B. L. Hu and E. Verdaguer
2171-2180The Lee–Friedrichs Model: Continuous Limit and DecoherenceRoberto Laura and Mario Castagnino
2181-2191Gravitational Field of GyratonsValeri P. Frolov
2192-2203Horizons, Constraints, and Black Hole EntropyS. Carlip
2204-2217Fluctuations of an Evaporating Black Hole from Back Reaction of Its Hawking Radiation: Questioning a Premise in Earlier WorkB. L. Hu and Albert Roura
2218-2226Frequency Spectra and Probability Distributions for Quantum FluctuationsL. H. Ford
2227-2241Particle Propagation in Cosmological BackgroundsDaniel Arteaga, Renaud Parentani and Enric Verdaguer
2242-2257The vDVZ Discontinuity, DGP Gravity, and CosmologyCédric Deffayet
2258-2273Some Global and Local Aspects of BigravityD. Blas
2274-2282Spherical Collapse with Dark EnergyIrit Maor
2283-2298Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma CosmologyKostas Kleidis, Apostolos Kuiroukidis, Demetrios Papadopoulos and Loukas Vlahos
2299-2312Poly-Essential and General Hyperelastic World (Brane) ModelsBrandon Carter

Volume 46, Number 10 / October 2007

2313-2325Renormalization Group Approach to Generalized Cosmological ModelsJ. Ibáñez and S. Jhingan
2326-2338Connection between Group Based Quantum Tomography and Wavelet Transform in Banach SpacesM. Mirzaee, M. Rezaei and M. A. Jafarizadeh
2339-2350Møller’s Four-Momentum of Electric and Magnetic Black HolesFigen Binbay, Nurettin Pirinccioglu, Mustafa Saltı and Oktay Aydogdu
2351-2365Sustainment and Controlment of Noise-Induced Circadian Oscillations in
2366-2377Exponential Potentials and Attractor Solution of Dilatonic CosmologyWei Fang, H. Q. Lu and Z. G. Huang
2378-2383Remote Preparation of a Two-Particle Entangled State via Two Tripartite
2384-2395Polynomial Solution of Non-Central PotentialsSameer M. Ikhdair and Ramazan Sever
2396-2400String Cosmology in Brans–Dicke Theory for Kasner Type MetricK. S. Adhav, A. S. Nimkar and R. P. Holey
2401-2428New Quantum Statistics and the Theory of Bose–Einstein CondensationVito Barbarani
2429-2436Horizon-less Spherically Symmetric Vacuum-Solutions in a Higgs Scalar-Tensor Theory of GravityNils M. Bezares-Roder, Hemwati Nandan and Heinz Dehnen
2437-2442Thermal Entanglement of XXZ Heisenberg Chain under Rectangle Magnetic FieldXin Yu Zhao and Ling Zhou
2464-2487Isotopic Liftings of Clifford Algebras and Applications in Elementary Particle Mass MatricesR. da Rocha and J. Vaz
2488-2493How Can Brane Inflation Solve the Fine-Tuning Problem?Abderrahim Chafik
2494-2512Conceptual Unification of Gravity and QuantaMichael Heller, Leszek Pysiak and Wiesław Sasin
2513-2515Revisiting Impossible Quantum Operations Using Principles of No-Signaling and Nonincrease of Entanglement Under LOCCI. Chakrabarty, S. Adhikari and B. S. Choudhury
2516-2530Light-Front Hamiltonian, Path Integral and BRST Formulations of the Nielsen–Olesen (Bogomol’nyi) Model in the Light-Cone GaugesUsha Kulshreshtha
2531-2549Affine Hamiltonians in Higher Order GeometryPaul Popescu and Marcela Popescu
2550-2559Quantum Entanglement in Two-Photon Tavis–Cummings Model with a Kerr NonlinearityJun-Mao Ma, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Ning Li
2560-2590The Hierarchy Principle and the Large Mass Limit of the Linear Sigma ModelD. Bettinelli, R. Ferrari and A. Quadri
2591-2598Comparison of Corrected Wave Functions Associated to Two Different Approaches for the Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Systems Involving
2599-2606Quantum Superimposing Multiple Anti-Cloning MachineYan-ling Li, Jian Feng, Bao-long Liang and Ya-fei Yu
2607-2616Energy Momentum of Marder Universe in Teleparallel GravitySezgin Aygün, Hüsnü Baysal and İsmail Tarhan
2617-2625Quasi-resonant Modes of Massive Scalar Fields in Schwarzschild–de Sitter Space-TimeJia-Feng Chang, Juan Huang and You-Gen Shen
2626-2657Double-Slit Interference Pattern from Single-Slit Screen and Its Gravitational AnaloguesD. Bar
2658-2668Equivalence of Conservation Laws and Equivalence of Potential SystemsN. M. Ivanova and R. O. Popovych
2669-2675Optico-Mechanical Analogy: an Axiomatic ApproachAlexander Afriat

Volume 46, Number 11 / November 2007

2677-2687Some Bianchi Type III String Cosmological Models with Bulk ViscosityMahesh Kumar Yadav, Anju Rai and Anirudh Pradhan
2688-2707On a Semiclassical Formula for Non-Diagonal Matrix ElementsO. Lev and P. Šťovíček
2708-2724Global Geometric Deformations of the Virasoro Algebra, Current and Affine Algebras by Krichever–Novikov Type AlgebrasA. Fialowski and M. Schlichenmaier
2725-2737Bosonization and Fermionization of the Superstring OscillatorsDavoud Kamani
2738-2752Expansions of Algebras and Superalgebras and Some ApplicationsJ. A. de Azcárraga, J. M. Izquierdo, M. Picón and O. Varela
2753-2757K-Essential Phantom Energy: RevisitedKwang-Hua W. Chu
2758-2773The Heterotic Supersymmetric Sigma Model in the Canonical Exterior FormalismO. S. Zandron
2774-2787Plane Symmetric Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models with Varying
2788-2794Cosmic Strings and Domain Walls in a Scale-Covariant Theory of GravitationD. R. K. Reddy and R. L. Naidu
2795-2800On the Symmetry Structures of the Minkowski Metric and a Weyl Re-Scaled MetricAshfaque H. Bokhari, A. H. Kara, A. R. Kashif and F. D. Zaman
2801-2807Measure of Entanglement for General Pure Multipartite States Based on the Plücker CoordinatesHoshang Heydari
2808-2815The Quantum Fluctuations of Two Coupled Josephson Junctions with the Discreteness of Electric ChargeDe-Xin Miao, Ju-Ju Hu, Ying-Hua Ji and Shu-Qin Liu
2816-2828Superposition of the Finite Dimensional Pair Coherent State and Some Nonclassical PropertiesE. M. Khalil
2829-2835Inseparability of Quantum ParametersI. Chakrabarty, S. Adhikari, Prashant and B. S. Choudhury
2836-2842A Novel Moment Approach for Calculation of the Perron–Frobenius SpectrumS. Behnia, S. Ahadpour and E. Faizi
2843-2862General Jacobi Identity Revisited Again
2863-2867Quantum Tunneling of Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensates in an Optical LatticeZhi-Yong Jiao and Zhao-Xian Yu
2868-2886Quantum Field Formalism for the Electromagnetic Interaction of Composite Particles in a Nonrelativistic Gauge Model IIE. C. Manavella and R. R. Addad
2887-2900An Intrinsic Topology for Orthomodular LatticesOlivier Brunet
2901-2909Entangled States in the Capacitance Coupling Double Josephson Junction Mesoscopic CircuitBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang and Xiang-Guo Meng
2910-2914Tunneling of a Dipolar Bose–Einstein Condensate in an Optical LatticeZhi-Yong Jiao, Zhao-Xian Yu, Shuo Jin and Ji-Suo Wang
2915-2922Bergmann–Thomson Energy-Momentum Complex for Solutions More General than the Kerr–Schild ClassS. S. Xulu
2923-2927Hawking Radiation as Tunneling from the Vaidya–Bonner Black HoleShuZheng Yang and DeYou Chen
2928-2934Noncommutative Bianchi Type II Quantum CosmologyM. Aguero, J. A. S. Aguilar, C. Ortiz, M. Sabido and J. Socorro
2935-2944Thermodynamics of Squeezed State for Mesoscopic RLC CircuitsHai-Mei Luo, Lin Xu and Qiang Ke
2945-2949Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics Application to Vibrational Dynamics of Protein FoldingEthem Aktürk and Handan Arkın
2950-2955Particle Creation in a Robertson–Walker Universe RevisitedF. Pascoal and C. Farina
2956-2960One-Parameter Inhomogeneous Differential Realization and Boson-Fermion Realization of the SPL(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
2961-2966Geometry of the Aharonov–Bohm EffectR. S. Huerfano, M. A. López and M. Socolovsky
2967-2975Modified Heisenbeg Model and the Structure of Its Energy SpectrumXue-Hong Wang and Chunfeng Wu
2976-2982Double Coil Resonance Experiment and Partial Reduction of Wave Packet in Quantum MechanicsRatan Dasgupta and Sisir Roy
2983-3004Supersymmetry and Integrability in Planar Mechanical SystemsLeonardo P. G. de Assis, José A. Helayël-Neto and Ricardo C. Paschoal

Volume 46, Number 12 / December 2007

3005-3008Casimir Vacuum Energy and the Semiclassical ElectronH. E. Puthoff
3009-3021A Dodecalogue of Basic Didactics from Applications of Abstract Differential Geometry to Quantum GravityIoannis Raptis
3022-3029Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Multipliers via Partial Lagrangians and Noether’s Theorem for Classically Non-Variational ProblemsD. N. Khan Marwat, A. H. Kara and F. M. Mahomed
3030-3059Convolution of Ultradistributions, Field Theory, Lorentz Invariance and ResonancesC. G. Bollini, P. Marchiano and M. C. Rocca
3060-3066Aspects of Solutions of Massive Spin-3/2 Equation in Schwarzschild Space-TimeAntonio Zecca
3067-3071Hawking Radiation of the Kerr–Newman Black HoleDeYou Chen and ShuZheng Yang
3072-3087Symmetries and Motions in NUT-Taub Spinning SpaceAkhtara Banu and M. Abdullah Ansary
3088-3092Approximation in Thin Film Brick-Wall ModelWang Liancheng and He Feng
3093-3108Various Full Green Functions in QEDAi D. Bao and Shi S. Wu
3109-3114Tunneling Effect and Hawking Radiation from a Gibbon–Maeda Black Hole by Using Eddington–Finkelstein CoordinatesJun Ren and Zheng Zhao
3115-3121Superalgebra and Harmonic Oscillator with Constant Positive CurvatureJ. Sadeghi and H. Moayyeri
3122-3127Bianchi Type VI String Cosmological Model in Saez–Ballester’s Scalar-Tensor Theory of GravitationK. S. Adhav, M. R. Ugale, C. B. Kale and M. P. Bhende
3128-3134Calculating Entropy of Plane Symmetry Black Hole via  Generalized Uncertainty RelationZhao Ren, Zhang Li-Chun and Wu Yue-Qin
3135-3149The Wigner Function and the Husimi Function of the One- and Two-Mode Combination Squeezed StateQin Guo
3150-3158Hamiltonian Formulation of Systems with Higher Order DerivativesSami I. Muslih and Hosam A. El-Zalan
3159-3168Integrable Couplings of the Generalized AKNS Hierarchy with an Arbitrary Function and Its Bi-Hamiltonian StructureFucai You and Tiecheng Xia
3169-3181Dynamic Entanglement and Separability Criteria for Quantum Computing Bit StatesHideaki Matsueda and David W. Cohen
3182-3192Fractional Zero Curvature Equation and Generalized Hamiltonian Structure of Soliton Equation HierarchyFa-Jun Yu and Hong-Qing Zhang
3193-3200Is the Pioneer Anomaly a Counter Example to the Dark Matter Hypothesis?Firmin J. Oliveira
3201-3208Schrödinger–Wheeler–DeWitt Equation in Chaplygin Gas FRW Cosmological ModelP. Pedram, S. Jalalzadeh and S. S. Gousheh
3209-3215Quantum M-P Neural NetworkRigui Zhou and Qiulin Ding
3216-3229Background Independent Quantum Mechanics, Metric of Quantum States, and Gravity: A Comprehensive PerspectiveAalok
3230-3233On the Zero-Energy-Limit Solution for the Modified Gross–Pitaevskii EquationKwang-Hua W. Chu
3234-3241Topological Solitons in the
3242-3246Quantum Correlations Between a Pair of Photons in a 
3247-3253Propagation of Photons in SpacetimeE. B. Manoukian and P. Viriyasrisuwattana
3254-3262Zitterbewegung of a Model UniverseR. B. Mann and G. L. Murphy
3263-3274Energy and Momentum Densities of Cosmological Models, with Equation of State ρ=μ, in General Relativity and Teleparallel GravityRagab M. Gad
3275-3280Tunneling Radiation Characteristic of the Charged Particle from the Reissner–Nordström–anti de Sitter Black HoleDe-You Chen, Qing-Quan Jiang and Shu-Zheng Yang
3281-3284Self Replication and SignallingI. Chakrabarty, Prashant and B. S. Choudhury
3285-3293The Spin-Statistics Theorem in Arbitrary DimensionsLuis J. Boya and E. C. G. Sudarshan
3294-3311Relativistic Quantum Mechanics as a Consequence of the Planck Mass Plasma ConjectureF. Winterberg
3312-3330Generalized Regularly Discontinuous Solutions of the Einstein EquationsGianluca Gemelli
3331-3338Scheme for Implementing Assisted Cloning of an Unknown Tripartite Entangled StateJin Shi and You-Bang Zhan
3339-3354Higher Order Gabitov–Turitsyn Equation for Dispersion-Managed Solitons in Birefringent FibersAnjan Biswas
3355Astroelectrons as Non-Dual Field SolutionsI. E. Bulyzhenkov-Widicker

Volume 47, Number 1 / January 2008

1ForewordAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Sylvia Pulmannová
2-14An Operational Characterization for Optimal Observation of Potential Properties in Quantum Theory and Signal AnalysisSven Aerts
15-25Covariance and Quantum LogicQuan Tran and Alexander Wilce
26-35Quasi Product on Boolean D-PosetsFrantišek Kôpka
36-43Small Quantum Structures with Small State SpacesMirko Navara
44-60Quantum Computational Logics and Possible ApplicationsMaria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Roberto Leporini and Giuliano Toraldo di Francia
61-68How To Play Two-Player Restricted Quantum Games with 10 CardsDiederik Aerts, Bart D’Hooghe, Andrzej Posiewnik, Jaroslaw Pykacz and Jeroen Dehaene, et al.
69-80Wigner-Type Theorems for ProjectionsGeorges Chevalier
81-89Why Unsharp Observables?Claudio Carmeli, Teiko Heinonen and Alessandro Toigo
90-103Physical Propositions and Quantum LanguagesClaudio Garola
104-113Planck’s Constant in the Light of Quantum LogicPeter Mittelstaedt
114-124Quantum Randomness as a Result of Random Fluctuations at the Planck Time Scale?Andrei Khrennikov
125-148Sharp and Fuzzy Observables on Effect AlgebrasA. Jenčová, S. Pulmannová and E. Vinceková
149-167Monoidal Categories, Symmetries, and Compound Physical SystemsFrank Valckenborgh
168-174A Topological Study of Contextuality and Modality in Quantum MechanicsGraciela Domenech, Hector Freytes and Christian de Ronde
175-184The Phase Space Formalism for Quantum Mechanics and C* AxiomsFranklin E. Schroeck
185-192Atomic Sequential Effect AlgebrasJosef Tkadlec
193-199The Variation of Financial Arbitrage via the Use of an Information Wave FunctionEmmanuel Haven
200-211A Macroscopic Device for Quantum ComputationDiederik Aerts, Ellie D’Hondt, Bart D’Hooghe, Marek Czachor and Jeroen Dehaene, et al.
212-222Cantor–Bernstein Theorem for Pseudo-BCK-AlgebrasJan Kühr
223-235MV-Algebra for Cultural RulesPaul Ballonoff
236-244Continuity of a Quantum Stochastic ProcessAndrzej Łuczak
245-251Spectral LatticesJan Hamhalter
252-260Application of Bohmian Mechanics to Dynamics of Prices of Shares: Stochastic Model of Bohm–Vigier from Properties of Price TrajectoriesOlga Choustova
261-267A Basic Algebra Is an MV-Algebra If and Only If It Is a BCC-AlgebraI. Chajda and R. Halaš
268-279Duality Quantum Computers and Quantum OperationsStan Gudder
280-290Tensor Product of Distributive Sequential Effect Algebras and Product Effect AlgebrasEissa D. Habil
291-296Projective Quantales: A General ViewJan Paseka

Volume 47, Number 2 / February 2008

297-310Local Currents for a Deformed Heisenberg–Poincaré Lie Algebra of Quantum Mechanics, and Anyon StatisticsGerald A. Goldin and Sarben Sarkar
311-332Formality and Deformations of Universal Enveloping AlgebrasMartin Bordemann and Abdenacer Makhlouf
333-337Deformations in Mathematics and PhysicsAlice Fialowski
338-349Doubly Periodic Wave Solutions and Soliton Solutions of Ablowitz–Ladik Lattice SystemWenhua Huang and Yulu Liu
350-356Entropy and Entanglement of a Single-mode Vacuum Field Interacting with a 
357-373Gravitational Collapse in Loop Quantum GravityLeonardo Modesto
374-379Comparison of the Extended Linear Sigma Model and Chiral Perturbation Theory for Nucleon PropertiesM. Abu-Shady and M. Rashdan
380-392Energetics of the Einstein–Rosen SpacetimeL. Herrera, A. Di Prisco, J. Carot and N. O. Santos
393-414Group Contraction in Quantum Field TheoryGiuseppe Vitiello
415-420The Generalized
421-437Field Equations and Conservation Laws Derived from the Generalized Einstein’s Lagrangian Density for a Gravitational System and Their Influences upon CosmologyFang-Pei Chen
438-445Primordial 4He Abundance Constrains the Possible Time Variation of the Higgs Vacuum Expectation ValueJosef M. Gaßner and Harald Lesch
446-454First-Order Intertwining Operators with Position Dependent Mass and
455-467A Relativistic Gauge Theory of Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics and Newtonian GravityHans-Thomas Elze
468-491Reciprocal Schrödinger Equation: Durations of Delay and Formation of States in Scattering ProcessesMark E. Perel’man
492-510GR-Friendly Description of Quantum SystemsVladimir Trifonov
511-519Reichenbach’s Common Cause in an Atomless and Complete Orthomodular LatticeYuichiro Kitajima
520-525Generalized Uncertainty Principle and Correction Value to the Kerr Black Hole EntropyZhang Ya, Hu Shuang-Qi, Zhao Ren and Li Huai-Fan
526-533Entanglement in Coupled Mesoscopic CircuitsYing-Hua Ji and Xiao-Jian Qiu
534-552Homotopy Approach to Quantum GravityDavid Ritz Finkelstein
561-582Formal Deformations, Contractions and Moduli Spaces of Lie AlgebrasAlice Fialowski and Michael Penkava
583-598Quasi-Classical Lie Algebras and their ContractionsR. Campoamor-Stursberg

Volume 47, Number 3 / March 2008

599-605Bulk Viscus Fluid Plane Symmetric String Dust Magnetised Cosmological Model in General RelativityD. D. Pawar, S. W. Bhaware and A. G. Deshmukh
606-616Cumulative Diminuations with Fibonacci Approach, Golden Section and PhysicsF. Büyükkılıç and D. Demirhan
617-622Unthermal Charged Massive Hawking Radiation from a Reissner-Nordström Black HoleShiwei Zhou and Wenbiao Liu
623-633Entanglement and Pancharatnam Phase for Two Two-Level Atoms Interacting with a Single Mode FieldNasser Metwally
634-639Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model with Negative Constant Deceleration Parameter in Brans Dicke Theory of GravitationK. S. Adhav, A. S. Nimkar, M. R. Ugale and M. V. Dawande
640-648String Cosmological Solutions in Self-Creation Theory of GravitationR. Venkateswarlu, V. U. M. Rao and K. Pavan Kumar
649-663Contractions, Deformations and CurvatureÁngel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Orlando Ragnisco and Mariano Santander
664-672Bounded Solutions of the Dirac Equation with a PT-symmetric Kink-Like Vector Potential in Two-Dimensional Space-TimeChun-Sheng Jia, Yong-Feng Diao and Jian-Yi Liu
673-683Nonlinear Coherent States and Some of Their PropertiesJ. Récamier, M. Gorayeb, W. L. Mochán and J. L. Paz
684-695Spinor Derivation of Quasilocal Mean Curvature Mass in General RelativityStephen C. Anco
696-706Research on Quantum Effects of Coupled Double Resonance Circuit Using the Scheme of Gauss PropagatorShi-Min Xu, Xing-Lei Xu, Hong-Qi Li and Ji-Suo Wang
707-721Energy-Momentum Distributions of Hawking WormholesMelis Aygün and İhsan Yilmaz
722-731Energy Distributions of the Szekeres Universes in Teleparallel GravityS. Aygün, İ. Tarhan and H. Baysal
732-740A Lagrangian Formalism Based on the Velocity-Determined Virtual Displacements for Systems with Nonholonomic ConstraintsShu-Min Li and Jamal Berakdar
741-750Soliton Fusion and Fission Phenomena in the (2+1)-Dimensional Variable Coefficient Broer-Kaup SystemChaoqing Dai and Dingguo Yu
751-764Generalized Edwards Transformation and Principle of Permutation InvarianceJian Qi Shen
765-771On the Ricci Tensor of Non-Stationary Axisymmetric Space-TimesAmos S. Kubeka and Nigel T. Bishop
772-796Transverse Wave Propagation in Relativistic Two-Fluid Plasmas around Reissner–Nordström Black HoleM. Hossain Ali and M. Atiqur Rahman
797-804Impulsive Synchronization of Lü Chaotic System Based on Small Impulsive SignalZhijun Peng, Yang Li, Xiaofeng Liao and Chuandong Li
805-813What Is “System”: The Information-Theoretic ArgumentsM. Dugić and J. Jeknić-Dugić
814-831When Are Two Wave Functions Distinguishable: A New Answer to Pauli’s Question, with Potential Application to Quantum CosmologyLuc Longpré and Vladik Kreinovich
832-849Noncrossing Normal Ordering for Functions of Boson OperatorsToufik Mansour, Matthias Schork and Simone Severini
850-857Torus Knots and Links from Eikonal Equations and Knot Invariants for Classification of AtomsE. A. Elrifai

Volume 47, Number 4 / April 2008

859-864Fundamental Equations of Quantum Mechanics in Time-Varying DomainLakhdar Gaffour
865-872Dilatonic Cosmology Model in the
873-880Knot Theory Based on the Minimal Braid in Lorenz SystemYagang Zhang and Zengping Wang
881-890New Exact Solution of Dirac-Coulomb Equation with Exact Boundary ConditionRuida Chen
891-897Mapping of Shape Invariant Potentials by the Point Canonical TransformationMohammad R. Setare and Ebrahim Karimi
898-910On the Stability of a Class of Modified Gravitational ModelsGuido Cognola, Monica Gastaldi and Sergio Zerbini
911-927Time Evolution of Spontaneous Emission Rate of Two Undistinguished RadiatorsNicolae Enaki and Elena Galeamov
928-935Cosmological Applications of a Geometrical Interpretation of “cJ.-M. Vigoureux, P. Vigoureux and B. Vigoureux
936-948Is Quantum Mechanics Incompatible with Newton’s First Law?Mario Rabinowitz
949-954Phase of Two-Body Bose-Einstein Condensates with CollisionZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
955-960Phase of a Weakly Interacting Bose System with a Time Spontaneous U(1) Symmetry BreakingZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Chong-Long Zhang
961-970Algebraic Criteria for Entanglement in Multipartite SystemsJ. D. M. Vianna, M. A. S. Trindade and M. C. B. Fernandes
971-976Obtaining the Gauge Invariant Kinetic Term for a
977-982Teleportation of GHZ-States in QED-Cavities without the Explicit Bell-State MeasurementW. B. Cardoso
983-1004Influence of a Classical Homogeneous Gravitational Field on Dissipative Dynamics of the Phase Damped Jaynes–Cummings Model under the Markovian ApproximationM. Mohammadi, M. H. Naderi and M. Soltanolkotabi
1005-1015Global Synchronization & Anti-Synchronization in N-Coupled Map LatticesM. A. Jafarizadeh, S. Behnia, E. Faizi and S. Ahadpour
1016-1020Axially Symmetric Inflationary Universe in General RelativityD. R. K. Reddy, R. L. Naidu and S. Atchuta Rao
1021-1027Double Superpotential and Generation of New Solutions of Stationary Axisymmetric Gravitational FieldsGe-Liang Fang, Yan Lyu and Guo-Ying Zhang
1028-1038Possible Critical Orientations of Interacting Composite ParticlesKwang-Hua W. Chu
1039-1057Exactly Complete Solutions of the Pseudoharmonic Potential in N-DimensionsK. J. Oyewumi, F. O. Akinpelu and A. D. Agboọla
1058-1067A Kind of Four-Mode Continuous-Variable Entangled State Generated by Beamsplitter and Parametric Down-ConversionsLi-Yun Hu and Hong-Yi Fan
1068-1078Quantum Law of Motion: Analysis and Extension to Higher DimensionsA. Bouda and A. Gharbi
1079-1082Lagrangian Description of World-Line DeviationsMorteza Mohseni
1083-1091From (Idealized) Exact Causality-Preserving Transformations to Practically Useful Approximately-Preserving Ones: A General ApproachVladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
1092-1094Quantum Tunneling in an Order-Parameter-Preserving AntiferromagnetZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Fu-Ping Liu
1095-1111Geometric Phases for Wave Packets of the Landau ProblemMohamed Nazih Rhimi and Riadh El-Bahi
1112-1120(1+1)-Dirac Particle with Position-Dependent Mass in Complexified Lorentz Scalar Interactions: Effectively
1121-1126Scheme for Probabilistic Remotely Preparing a d-Dimensional Equatorial Quantum StateYu-Wu Wang and You-Bang Zhan
1127-1135Multi-Line Geometry of Qubit–Qutrit and Higher-Order Pauli OperatorsMichel Planat, Anne-Céline Baboin and Metod Saniga

Volume 47, Number 5 / May 2008

1137-1146The Stochastic Approach in Analysis—the Structures with Vacancies and ImpuritiesVjekoslav Sajfert, Ljiljana Mašković, Jovan P. Šetrajčić and Bratislav Tošić
1147-1155Three-Mode Nonlinear Bogoliubov TransformationsGang Ren and Tong-Qiang Song
1156-1172Schwinger Method for 3-Dimensional Time Dependent Quadratic SystemsM. Boudjema-Bouloudenine and T. Boudjedaa
1173-1181Colored Cross-Correlated Noises Driven Dynamical Systems: Time Dependence of Information Entropy and Its Time DerivativeGurupada Goswami, Pradip Majee and Bidhan Chandra Bag
1182-1194Entanglement in the Bimodal Jaynes–Cummings Model with the Two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum StateFaisal A. A. El-Orany, S. Abdel-Khalek, M. Abdel-Aty and M. R. B. Wahiddin
1195-1205Winterberg’s Conjectured Breaking of the Superluminal Quantum Correlations over Large DistancesEleftherios Gkioulekas
1206-1210Dynamical and Geometric Phases of Bose-Einstein CondensatesZhao-Xian Yu, Fu-Ping Liu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
1211-1218Excitations in a Dipolar Bose–Einstein CondensateJing-Min Hou, Tian-Tao Zhao and Li-Jie Zhang
1219-1220Casimir Torque for a Perfectly Conducting Wedge: A Canonical Quantum Field Theoretical ApproachM. Abdollahi and H. Razmi
1221-1229NLS-MKdV Hierarchy and Its Hamiltonian StructuresNing Zhang and Huan-He Dong
1230-1239Topological Structure of Entropy of 4-Dimensional Axisymmetric Black HolesXing Wang, Shao-Feng Wu, Shu Zhu, Jin-Hua Yue and Guo-Hong Yang
1240-1251(Non)commutative Isotropization in Bianchi I with Barotropic Perfect Fluid and Λ CosmologicalC. Ortiz, E. Mena, M. Sabido and J. Socorro
1252-1260Spheroidal and Elliptical Galaxy Radial Velocity Dispersion Determined from Cosmological General RelativityJohn G. Hartnett
1261-1269Einstein’s Gravitation for Machian Relativism of Nonlocal Energy-ChargesI. E. Bulyzhenkov-Widicker
1270-1277Spin Squeezing of the Two Two-Level Atoms Interacting with a Binomial FieldJun-Mao Ma, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Ning Li
1278-1285Quantum Pattern Recognition with Probability of 100%Rigui Zhou and Qiulin Ding
1286-1293New Exact Solutions of the (2+1)-Dimensional Asymmetric Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov SystemChao-Qing Dai, Sheng-Sheng Wu and Xu Cen
1294-1299Quantum State Transfer via Parity MeasurementJie Song, Yan Xia and He-Shan Song
1300-1311Energy-Levels Crossing and Radial Dirac Equation: Supersymmetry and Quasi-Parity Spectral SignaturesOmar Mustafa
1312-1315Riemann-Christoffel FlowsPatricio S. Letelier
1316-1321Pion-Muon Asymmetry RevisitedW. A. Perkins
1322-1332Two-Parameter Deformed SUSY Algebra for Fibonacci OscillatorsAbdullah Algin, Metin Arik and Deniz Kocabicakoglu
1333-1353Quantic Superpositions and the Geometry of Complex Hilbert SpacesDaniel Lehmann
1354-1362Noncommutativity, Generalized Uncertainty Principle and FRW CosmologyA. Bina, K. Atazadeh and S. Jalalzadeh
1363-1372Møller’s Energy-Momentum Complex for a Spacetime Geometry on a Noncommutative Curved D3-BraneI. Radinschi and T. Grammenos
1373-1385Fidelity for States of Spin-
1386-1396Conditional Entropy and the Rokhlin Metric on an Orthomodular Lattice with Bayessian StateMona Khare and Shraddha Roy
1397-1408Macroscopic Superpositions and Entanglement of Mesoscopic Squeezed Vacuum States in Dissipative Cavity QED SystemChang-Yong Chen
1409-1423Bosonic String and String Field Theory: a Solution Using Ultradistributions of Exponential TypeC. G. Bollini and M. C. Rocca
1424-1431Quadratic Actions in Dependent Fields and the Action PrincipleE. B. Manoukian and K. Limboonsong
1432-1440Entanglement Conditions for Mixed SU(2) and SU(1, 1) SystemsDong Yan, Zhongsheng Pu, Lijun Song and Xiaoguang Wang
1441-1454Quantum Information in the Frame of Coherent States RepresentationDušan Popov, Ioan Zaharie, Vjekoslav Sajfert, Ioan Luminosu and Deian Popov
1455-1458Lorentz Transformation from Symmetry of Reference PrincipleM. Dima and D. Wang
1459-1470Stochastically and Intrinsically Extended Non-relativistic Quantum ParticlesA. Smida, M. Hachemane, A.-H. Hamici and Y. Oualili
1471-1478PT-Symmetric Solutions of Schrödinger Equation with Position-Dependent Mass via Point Canonical TransformationCevdet Tezcan and Ramazan Sever

Volume 47, Number 6 / June 2008

1479-1489Time and Dirac Observables in Friedmann CosmologiesHossein Farajollahi
1490-1496Higgs Boson Decay into Two Gluons and a
1497-1511Quaternion-Octonion Analyticity for Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories of DyonsP. S. Bisht and O. P. S. Negi
1512-1532Spacetime Coarse Grainings and the Problem of Time in the Decoherent Histories Approach to Quantum TheoryPetros Wallden
1533-1541Cosmological Constant of the (
1542-1551Higher Dimensional Unified Description of Early Universe with Variable
1552-1558Classical Communication Help and Probabilistic Teleportation with One-Dimensional Non-maximally Entangled Cluster StatesYan Xia, Jie Song and He-Shan Song
1559-1570Anisotropic Cosmological Models with Variable G and Decaying Vacuum EnergyJ. P. Singh, A. Prasad and R. K. Tiwari
1571-15932T Physics, Scale Invariance and Topological Vector FieldsW. Chagas-Filho
1594-1599On Axially Symmetric Domain Walls and Cosmic Strings in Bimetric TheoryD. R. K. Reddy, R. L. Naidu and V. U. M. Rao
1600-1605Continuous Variable Remote State Preparation with a Two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum StateE. Wu, Yong Hong Ma, Li Xia Zeng and Xiao An Zhang
1606-1611Effect of the Noise Correlation Time on the Stationary Current of Brownian Particle in a Spatially Symmetric Periodic PotentialWang-Quan He, Can-Jun Wang and Dong-Cheng Mei
1612-1617Exact Solutions of Klein-Gordon Equation with Exponential Scalar and Vector PotentialsF. Taşkın, I. Boztosun and O. Bayrak
1618-1624Kink Pair in Hydrogen Bonded Systems with Symmetric Double-Well PotentialYuan-Fa Cheng and Liang Huang
1625-1629Dynamical and Geometric Phases of Exciton Emission in a Semiconductor MicrocavityZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Fu-ping Liu
1630-1638The Fokker–Planck Equation, and Stationary DensitiesAmir Aghamohammadi and Mohammad Khorrami
1639-1640Magnetic Symmetry, Regge Trajectories and the Linear Confinement in Dual QCDHemwati Nandan, H. C. Chandola and H. Dehnen
1641-1653Quantum Computation in a Ising Spin Chain Taking into Account Second Neighbor CouplingsG. V. López, T. Gorin and L. Lara
1654-1662Research on the Dynamic Problems of 3D Cross Coupling Quantum Harmonic Oscillator by Virtue of Intermediate Representation |xλ,νShi-Min Xu, Xing-Lei Xu and Hong-Qi Li
1663-1691Calculation of Metric for Gaussian Weave StateL. Shao, D. Shao, C. G. Shao and H. Noda
1692-1698Information Erasure and the Generalized Second Law of Black Hole ThermodynamicsDaegene Song and Elizabeth Winstanley
1699-1708Femtosecond Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers Under Higher Order Effects: A Collective Variable ApproachShwetanshumala and Anjan Biswas
1709-1712Writing Quantum Data into One-Way Quantum Computer by Fusion GateYafei Yu, Zhiming Zhang and Guangcan Guo
1713-1721A New Approach to the Exact Solutions of the Effective Mass Schrödinger EquationCevdet Tezcan, Ramazan Sever and Özlem Yeşiltaş
1722-1730Exact Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Models in a Scalar-Tensor TheorySuresh Kumar and C. P. Singh
1731-1741Influence of Cavity Decay on Phase Distribution and Rabi Flopping in Cavity QEDArpita Ghosh and P. K. Das
1742-1750Teleparallel Energy-Momentum Distribution of Spatially Homogeneous Rotating SpacetimesM. Sharif and M. Jamil Amir
1751-1763Kaluza-Klein Type Robertson Walker Cosmological Model with Dynamical Cosmological Term ΛG. S. Khadekar and Vrushali Patki
1764-1775Vacuum Polarisation Effects in the Lorentz Violating ElectrodynamicsG. Bonneau, L. C. Costa and J. L. Tomazelli
1776-1783Atom Capture by Nanotube and Scaling AnomalyPulak Ranjan Giri

Volume 47, Number 7 / July 2008

1785-1791Unsolvability of the Halting Problem in Quantum DynamicsDaegene Song
1792-1808Time Operators and Approximation of Continuous FunctionsU. Sorger and Z. Suchanecki
1809-1816A Closed-System Approach to Quantum Retrodiction in Open SystemsAndrew J. Scroggie and John Jeffers
1817-1827A New Loop Algebra and the Corresponding Computing Formula of Constant
1828-1835Quantum Game of Two Discriminable CoinsHeng-Feng Ren and Qing-Liang Wang
1836-1843Entanglement Teleportation Via a Two-qubit Heisenberg Chain under a Nonuniform Magnetic FieldGuo-Hui Yang, Yong-Hong Ma, Di Mei and Ling Zhou
1844-1852Early Universe with Variable Cosmological Constants in Higher Dimensional Space TimeG. S. Khadekar, Gopal L. Kondawar and Cenap Ozel
1853-1864A Confined
1865-1876Solutions of Two-Mode Bosonic and Transformed HamiltoniansSema Bilge Ocak, Özlem Yeşiltaş and Bengü Demircioğlu
1877-1884Canonical Quantization of Field Theories with BoundariesYong-Hong Guo, Jun-Ying Ma, Jian Jing, Yi Huang and Zheng-Wen Long
1885-1890Asymptotic Symmetries in Cosmological ModelsAntonio di Teodoro and Víctor M. Villalba
1891-1910SU(1,1) Coherent States for the Generalized Two-Mode Time-Dependent Quadratic Hamiltonian SystemJeong Ryeol Choi and Kyu Hwang Yeon
1911-1918Proca Effects of Axion-Like Particle-Photon Interactions on Light Polarization in External Magnetic FieldsCheng-De Li and Yan-Fu Cheng
1919-1928A Symplectic Generalization of the Peradzyński Helicity Theorem and Some ApplicationsAnatoliy K. Prykarpatsky, Nikolai N. Bogoliubov and Jolanta Golenia
1949-1953Constraints on the Value of the Fine Structure Constant from Gravitational ThermodynamicsP. C. W. Davies
1954-1965The Effect of Space Dimensions on a Generalized Hydrogen-Atom Specific Heat in the Generalized Boltzmann-Gibbs StatisticsM. Barati and N. Moradi
1966-1978Curvature Inspired Cosmological ScenarioS. K. Srivastava
1979-1986Massive Radiation via Tunneling in a BTZ Black HoleWenbiao Liu
1987-1993Entangling Mesoscopic Squeezed Vacuum States and Fock States in Dissipative Cavity QED SystemChang-Yong Chen and Shuai Kang
1994-2001New Matrix Lie Algebra and Its ApplicationLing Li and Huanhe Dong
2002-2010String Cloud and Domain Walls with Quark Matter in n-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Cosmological ModelK. S. Adhav, A. S. Nimkar and M. V. Dawande
2011-2020Quantum Anomaly and Hawking Radiation of Charged and Magnetized Reissner-Nordström de Sitter Black HoleYi-Wen Han, Xiao-Xiong Zeng and Shu-Zheng Yang
2021-2028Canonical Entropy of Black Hole in the Generalized Uncertainty PrincipleLi-Chun Zhang, Huai-Fan Li, Ren Zhao and Yue-Qin Wu
2038-2064Perturbation of Super-Sech Solitons in Dispersion-Managed Optical FibersRussell Kohl, Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic and Essaid Zerrad
2065-2094Topos-Theoretic Extension of a Modal Interpretation of Quantum MechanicsKunji Nakayama
2095-2100Lower Bound of Minimal Time Evolution in Quantum MechanicsPulak Ranjan Giri

Volume 47, Number 8 / August 2008

2101-2119Complex and unpredictable CardanoArtur Ekert
2120-2125Constructing Four-Photon States for Quantum Communication and Information ProcessingGregg Jaeger and Alexander Sergienko
2126-2129Schrödinger’s Cat Meets Einstein’s Twins: A Superposition of Different Clock TimesVlatko Vedral and Fumiaki Morikoshi
2130-2132Conventional and Unconventional Quantum PhysicsDavid P. DiVincenzo
2133-2140Estimation Strategies for Finite Dimensional SystemsChiara Macchiavello
2141-2147Playing with Numbers, with Fermions and BosonsFrancesco A. Raffa and Mario Rasetti
2148-2157Nonlinear Inequalities and Entropy-Concurrence PlaneFabio Antonio Bovino
2158-2164Quantum Interference ComputationDavid Ritz Finkelstein and Giuseppe Castagnoli
2165-2175A Geometric Analysis of the Effects of Noise on Berry PhaseGabriele De Chiara and G. Massimo Palma
2176-2180The Quantum Interference Computer: Error Correction and an Experimental ProposalA. Y. Shiekh
2181-2194The Mechanism of Quantum ComputationGiuseppe Castagnoli

Volume 47, Number 9 / September 2008

2195-2202Hamilton Formulation for Continuous Systems with Second Order DerivativesHosam A. El-Zalan, Sami I. Muslih, Eqab M. Rabei and Dumitru Baleanu
2203-2217Charged Particles’ Tunneling from Hot-NUT-Kerr-Newman-Kasuya SpacetimeM. Hossain Ali
2218-2229Magnetized Stiff Fluid Cylindrically Symmetric Universe with Two Degrees of Freedom in General RelativityRaj Bali, Mahbub Ali and Vimal Chand Jain
2230-2236Entropy, Superposition and Dynamical MapsAntonio Zecca
2237-2242Geometric Phase in a Generalized Time-Dependent Jaynes-Cummings ModelZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
2243-2248Exact Solution of Effective Mass Schrödinger Equation for the Hulthen PotentialRamazan Sever, Cevdet Tezcan, Özlem Yeşiltaş and Mahmut Bucurgat
2249-2258Energy Spectrum of the Relativistic Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau EquationY. Kasri and L. Chetouani
2259-2267Four-Dimensional Newton’s Constant in Brane World with a Sloping Extra DimensionShu Zhu, Shao-Feng Wu, Peng-Ming Zhang and Guo-Hong Yang
2268-2278Note on Generalized Quantum Gates and Quantum OperationsYue-Qing Wang, Hong-Ke Du and Yan-Ni Dou
2279-2284Geometric Phase in a Two Energy Level Jaynes-Cummings Model with Imaginary Photon ProcessGe Yu, Zhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao, Bing-Hao Xie and Shuo Jin
2285-2296The Transformation Properties at the Quantum Level in Field Theories for a Gauge-Invariant System with a Higher-Order LagrangianRui-Jie Li, Zi-Ping Li and Hua Gao
2297-2313Unified Split Octonion Formulation of DyonsP. S. Bisht, Shalini Dangwal and O. P. S. Negi
2314-2318Kantowski-Sachs Cosmological Model in General Theory of RelativityK. S. Adhav, V. G. Mete, A. S. Nimkar and A. M. Pund
2319-2325Total Hamiltonian and Extended Hamiltonian for Constrained Hamilton SystemsYong-Long Wang, Chuan-Cong Wang, Xue-Feng Ning, Shu-Tao Ai and Hong-Zhe Pan, et al.
2326-2338The Bethe Homework Problem for Hot Neutron Matter in the Static Fluctuation ApproximationN. M. Ghulam, M. K. Al-Sugheir and H. B. Ghassib
2339-2343A Higher Dimensional Inflationary Universe in General RelativityD. R. K. Reddy and R. L. Naidu
2344-2352Early Universe in Scalar-Tensor TheoryC. P. Singh and A. Beesham
2353-2362Generalized Multiparty Quantum Single-Qutrit-State SharingJun Liu, Yi-Min Liu and Zhan-Jun Zhang
2363-2371Investigation of Decoherence of Superconducting Charge Qubit Entangled with the EnvironmentYing-Hua Ji
2372-2381String Non(anti)commutativity for Neveu-Schwarz Boundary ConditionsChandrasekhar Chatterjee, Sunandan Gangopadhyay, Arindam Ghosh Hazra and Saurav Samanta
2382-2392Conditional Probabilities and Collapse in Quantum MeasurementsRoberto Laura and Leonardo Vanni
2393-2408On the Stability of a Quantum Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Trapped in a One-Dimensional Toroidal GeometryG. P. Berman, A. R. Bishop, D. A. R. Dalvit, G. V. Shlyapnikov and N. Tarkhanov, et al.
2409-2414Effects of Time Delay on Three Interacting Species System with NoiseYi-Jian Su and Dong-Cheng Mei
2415-2429The Stochastic Limit for the Hydrogen Atom in Interaction with the EM FieldL. Accardi and F. G. Cubillo
2430-2435Plane Symmetric String Cosmological Model in Modified Theory of General RelativityG. Mohanty and K. L. Mahanta
2436-2443Common Eigenvectors of Four Particles’ Compatible ObservablesShi-Min Xu, Xing-Lei Xu and Hong-Qi Li
2444-2452Higher Dimensional Unified Description of Early Universe with Variable Gravitational and Cosmological ConstantsG. S. Khadekar, Gopal L. Kondawar, Vaishali Kamdi and Cenap Ozel
2453-2463Anomalies and Hawking Radiation of NUT-Kerr-Newman de Sitter Black HoleKai Lin, Shi Wu Chen and Shu Zheng Yang
2464-2478Spacetime Curvature is Important for Cosmology Constrained with Supernova EmissionsAhmet M. Öztaş, Michael L. Smith and Jan Paul
2479-2491Gravitational Collapse without a RemnantZhe Chang, Cheng-Bo Guan, Chao-Guang Huang and Xin Li

Volume 47, Number 10 / October 2008

2493-2499Schwarzschild Solution on the BraneSubenoy Chakraborty and Tanwi Bandyopadhyay
2500-2506On a Recent Proposal of Faster than Light Quantum CommunicationAngelo Bassi and GianCarlo Ghirardi
2507-2512Properties of Proton in Diquark-Quark ModelA. Bhattacharya, B. Chakrabarti, A. Sagari and S. Mani
2513-2522Relativistic Confinement of Neutral Fermions with Partially Exactly Solvable and Exactly Solvable PT-Symmetric Potentials in the Presence of Position-Dependent MassChun-Sheng Jia, Ping-Quan Wang, Jian-Yi Liu and Su He
2533-2542Hawking Radiation from the Higher-Dimensional Schwarzschild de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter Black Holes via Covariant AnomalyXiao-Xiong Zeng, Kai Lin and Shu-Zheng Yang
2543-2553Evolution of Bouncing Cosmological Models Due to the Self-Gravitational CorrectionsM. R. Setare
2554-2565Sudden Death and Long-Lived Entanglement Between Two Atoms in a Double JC Model SystemYao-Hua Hu, Mao-Fa Fang, Jian-Wu Cai and Chun-Lei Jiang
2566-2575Gravitational Aharonov-Bohm EffectMichael Heller, Zdzisław Odrzygóźdź, Leszek Pysiak and Wiesław Sasin
2576-2582Fermions’ Tunnelling from the Reissner- Nordström-Anti-de Sitter Black HoleX. J. Lai, X. X. Zeng and S. Z. Yang
2583-2590Inequivalent Quantization in the Field of a Ferromagnetic WirePulak Ranjan Giri
2591-2593Scaling Law for the Cosmological Constant from Quantum Cosmology with Seven Extra DimensionsScott Funkhouser
2594-2604Bianchi Type
2605-2618Gravitating Dyons and Dyonic Black Holes in SU(2) and SU(5) TheoriesB. S. Rajput and Bharat Singh
2619-2624Barut-Girardello Coherent States for the Parabolic Cylinder FunctionsA. Chenaghlou and O. Faizy
2625-2634Spectrum-Generating Symmetries for the Superpotentials Acot θ and Btanh yH. Fakhri
2635-2644Entanglement Dynamics and Chaos in the Dicke ModelLijun Song, Xiaoguang Wang, Dong Yan and ZhanGuo Zong
2645-2654Probabilistic Teleportation via EntanglementDe-Chao Li and Zhong-Ke Shi
2655-2662A Quantum Mechanical Relation Connecting Time, Temperature, and Cosmological Constant of the Universe: Gamow’S Relation Revisited as a Special CaseSubodha Mishra
2663-2671Role of Modified Chaplygin Gas as an Unified Dark Matter-Dark Energy Model in Collapsing Spherically Symmetric Dust CloudUjjal Debnath and Subenoy Chakraborty
2672-2678Circularly Symmetric Static Metric in Three Dimensions and Its Killing SymmetryAshfaque H. Bokhari, Munawar Karim, Dina N. Al-Sheikh and F. D. Zaman
2679-2685A Repulsive Force from a Modification of General RelativityChristian Corda
2686-2689Does the Realistic Interpretation of a Mathematical Superposition of States Imply a Mixture?Boon Leong Lan
2690-2696Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent
2697-2705Quantum Effect of the Exciton Intensity in a Semiconductor MicrocavityZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao, Bing-Hao Xie and Shuo Jin
2706-2715On the Electromagnetic Origin of Inertia and Inertial MassAlexandre A. Martins and Mario J. Pinheiro
2716-2721Photon-Added Entangled Coherent StateQ. Dai and H. Jing
2722-2739A Further Generalized Lagrangian Density and its Special CasesFang-Pei Chen
2740-2747Two-Dimensional Quantum Hamiltonians with Shape Invariance SymmetryH. Panahi
2748-2753The Spin Interaction of a Dirac Particle in an Aharonov-Bohm Potential in First Order ScatteringA. Albeed and M. S. Shikakhwa
2754-2782Is There a Jordan Geometry Underlying Quantum Physics?Wolfgang Bertram

Volume 47, Number 11 / November 2008

2783-2806Quantum Electrodynamics of Multiphoton Processes: Laser Physics, Thermal Radiation and AstrophysicsMark E. Perel’man
2807-2818Creation of Scalar and Dirac Particles in Asymptotically Flat Robertson-Walker SpacetimesShahpoor Moradi
2819-2823Probabilistic Coding of Quantum States of Different DimensionsYi-Bin Huang, Song-Song Li and Yi-You Nie
2824-2834Composite Structure and CausalitySatish D. Joglekar
2835-2840Generalized Teleportation of a
2841-2849Entropy of the Binomial Field Interacting with the Two Entangled AtomsZhi-Yong Jiao, Jun-Mao Ma, Ning Li and Xia Fu
2850-2861Breaking of Global Gauge Symmetries on a Spatial-temporal SubdomainZaixing Huang
2862-2874Bell’s Theorem, Many Worlds and Backwards-Time Physics: Not Just a Matter of InterpretationPaul J. Werbos
2875-2881Dark Matter Candidate Particles, CP Violation and Higgs BosonsKatsumi Sugita, Yoshiwo Okamoto and Matsuo Sekine
2882-2897Introductive Backgrounds to Modern Quantum Mathematics with Application to Nonlinear Dynamical SystemsAnatoliy K. Prykarpatsky, Nikolai N. Bogoliubov, Jolanta Golenia and Ufuk Taneri
2898-2903The Gauge-Invariant Spectrum of Local Super-Symmetry as the Universe that is ObservedJ. Towe
2904-2910A Cyclic Model of Universe with Energy Exchange between Radiation, Matter and Vacuum EnergyGuang-Wen Ma and Jing-Yuan Ma
2911-2923Discrete Spectrum of the Deficit Angle and the Differential Structure of a Cosmic StringJacek Gruszczak
2924-2933Information-Geometric Indicators of Chaos in Gaussian Models on Statistical Manifolds of Negative Ricci CurvatureCarlo Cafaro
2934-2944Standstill Electric Charge Generates Magnetostatic Field under Born-Infeld ElectrodynamicsS. O. Vellozo, J. A. Helayël Neto, A. W. Smith and L. P. G. De Assis
2945-2951Accurate Evaluation of the Cubic Lattice Green Functions Using Binomial Expansion TheoremsB. A. Mamedov and I. M. Askerov
2952-2959Time Evolution of Density Operator for Field Damping in Squeezed Bath Calculated by Squeezing Transformation and Entangled State RepresentationXu-bing Tang and Hong-yi Fan
2960-2965A New Method to Study the Hawking Radiation from the Kerr-NUT Black HoleHong-Lin Liu, Zi-Xiang Liu, Jian-Song Hou and Shu-Zheng Yang
2966-2970Five Dimensional Domain Walls in a Scalar-Tensor Theory of GravitationD. R. K. Reddy, P. Govinda Rao and R. L. Naidu
2971-2990Entropy Growth and Degradation of Entanglement Due to Intrinsic Decoherence for an Initial Mixed State in the Multi-Quanta JC ModelH. A. Hessian
2991-2996Exact Scalar Field Inflationary Solution in Rainbow UniverseKai Lin and Shu-Zheng Yang
2997-3004Efficient Scheme for One-Way Quantum Computing in Thermal CavitiesWen-Xing Yang and Zhe-Xuan Gong
3005-3014Analytical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Makarov Potential with any
3015-3028Riemannian Superspaces, Exact Solutions and the Geometrical Meaning of the Field LocalizationDiego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo
3029-3034Spherically Symmetric Cosmic Strings in Bimetric TheoryP. K. Sahoo
3035-3056Even and Odd Nonlinear Negative Binomial StatesM. Darwish
3057-3074Early Viscous Universe with Variable Cosmological and Gravitational Constants in Higher Dimensional Space TimeG. S. Khadekar, Gopal L. Kondawar, Vaishali Kamdi and Cenap Ozel
3075-3081Conservation Laws and Associated Noether Type Vector Fields via Partial Lagrangians and Noether’s Theorem for the Liang EquationD. N. Khan Marwat, A. H. Kara and T. Hayat

Volume 47, Number 12 / December 2008

3083-3090Entropy of Kerr-Newman Black Hole to All Orders in the Planck LengthRen Zhao, Li-Chun Zhang, Huai-Fan Li and Yue-Qin Wu
3091-3100Two Electrons in a Quantum Dot: A Unified ApproachBülent Gönül, Ebru Bakır and Koray Köksal
3101-3107Stationary State Entanglement of Two Atoms Inside an Optical Cavity under NoiseCenap Özel, Erol Yılmaz, Hünkar Kayhan and Aliekber Aktağ
3108-3120Revisiting Quaternion Dual ElectrodynamicsP. S. Bisht and O. P. S. Negi
3121-3129Stability of QED Vacuum and 3+1 Dimensional Scattering Problem in the Presence of a Coulomb Scalar Potential and Vector FieldH. Goudarzi and M. Golmohamadi
3130-3138Fidelity of Two-Particle Wave Packets Moving around the Schwarzschild SpacetimeB. Nasr Esfahani, M. Ahmadi and F. Ahmadi
3139-3143Quantum Superdense Coding Based on Coherent States in Cavity QEDQiong Wu and Ming Yang
3144-3149Two Party Non-Local GamesI. Chakrabarty and B. S. Choudhury
3150-3155A Higher Dimensional Cosmic Domain Wall in Brans-Dicke Theory of GravitationD. R. K. Reddy, P. Govinda Rao and R. L. Naidu
3156-3161Tunneling Effect from a Non-static Black Hole with the Internal Global MonopoleRen Jun
3162-3170Some Exact Bianchi Type V Perfect Fluid Solutions with Heat FlowC. P. Singh, Mohd Zeyauddin and Shri Ram
3171-3179Bianchi Type-I Space-Time with Variable Cosmological ConstantC. P. Singh and Suresh Kumar
3180-3185Hawking Radiation from the Cylindrical Symmetric Black Hole via Covariant AnomalyXiao-Xiong Zeng and Shu-Zheng Yang
3186-3200Homogeneous Cosmologies in Generalized Modified GravityGuido Cognola and Sergio Zerbini
3201-3206Axially Symmetric Cosmological Micro Model in Barber’s Modified Theory of Einstein General RelativityK. S. Adhav, A. S. Nimkar and M. V. Dawande
3207-3218Time Dependence of Joint Entropy of Oscillating Quantum SystemsÖzgür Özcan, Ethem Aktürk and Ramazan Sever
3219-3225First-Order Formalism for the Quintom Model of Dark EnergyM. R. Setare and J. Sadeghi
3226-3233Classical Communication Cost and Remote Preparation of the Two-Atom Maximally Entangled StateYan Xia, Jie Song and He-Shan Song
3234-3247Husimi Operator for Describing Probability Distribution of Electron States in Uniform Magnetic Field Studied by Virtue of Entangled State RepresentationQin Guo and Hong-Yi Fan
3248-3256Tunneling of Charged and Magnetized Fermions from the Reissner-Nordström Black Hole with Magnetic ChargesQiang Li and Yi-Wen Han
3257-3266The Decay of Massive Scalar Field in Non-Static Gödel Type Universe with Viscous Fluid and Heat FlowS. Aygün and İ. Tarhan
3267-3272Completely Entangled State and Simultaneous Eigenstate in a Finite Dimensional SpaceMasashi Ban
3273-3281Two-Slit and Aharonov-Bohm Experiments in Magnetic FieldMiroslav Pardy
3282-3287A Spinor from SemiderivativesJohn H. Carter
3288-3297Bulk Viscous Bianchi Type I Cosmological Models with Time-Dependent Cosmological Term ΛRaj Bali and J. P. Singh
3298-3309Quantum Central Limit Theorem for Continuous-Time Quantum Walks on Odd Graphs in Quantum Probability TheoryS. Salimi
3310-3320Can Sobolev Inequality Be Written for Sharma-Mittal Entropy?O. Üzengi Aktürk, E. Aktürk and M. Tomak
3321-3334Quantization of Two Classical Models by Means of the BRST Quantization MethodPaul Bracken
3335-3340Doubly Periodic Solution for Nonlinear Schrödinger’s Equation With Higher Order Polynomial Law NonlinearityDaniela Milovic and Anjan Biswas
3341-3390Spinor RelativitySaskia Kind
3391-3400Energy-Momentum of a Cosmological Brane Model and the Gauge HierarchyBei Jia, Xi-Guo Lee and Peng-Ming Zhang
3401-3407Secure Direct Communication Based on Non-Orthogonal Entangled Pairs and Local MeasurementXiao-jie Yi, Yi-You Nie, Nan-run Zhou, Yi-bing Huang and Zhi-hui Hong
3408-3447A Categorical Framework for the Quantum Harmonic OscillatorJamie Vicary

Volume 48, Number 1 / January 2009

1-9A Lattice Hierarchy with a Free Function and Its Reductions to the Ablowitz-Ladik and Volterra HierarchiesEngui Fan and Zonghang Yang
10-13Kaluza-Klein Cosmological Model in Self-Creation CosmologyD. R. K. Reddy and R. L. Naidu
14-21The Solution of Tachyon Inflation in Curved UniverseJ. Sadeghi and A. R. Amani
22-28An Efficient Approach for the Calculation of Nuclear Overlap Integrals by Means of Binomial Coefficients and Its ApplicationB. A. Mamedov
29-35Spherically Symmetric Vacuum Brane and Wormhole SolutionsSubenoy Chakraborty, Soma Nath and Tanwi Bandyopadhyay
36-42Geometric Proof of Exact Quantization Rules in One Dimensional Quantum MechanicsM. X. Shao, Y. Z. Mao and D. T. Zhang
43-49One-Parameter Irreducible Representation of spl(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
50-60Generalized Chaplygin Gas Dominated Anisotropic Bianchi Type-I Cosmological ModelsShri Ram, M. Zeyauddin and C. P. Singh
61-70Lowest Order Constrained Variational Calculation of Structure Properties of Protoneutron StarG. H. Bordbar, S. M. Zebarjad and R. Zahedinia
71-84Quantum Groups
85-94Nonlinear Theory of Quantum Brownian MotionRoumen Tsekov
95-100Controlled Dense Coding between Multi-PartiesYi-Bin Huang, Song-Song Li and Yi-You Nie
101-114On the Ingredients of the Twin ParadoxT. Grandou and J. L. Rubin
115-126Effect of Logarithmic Mesonic Potential on Nucleon Magnetic Moments and Hedgehog MassM. Abu-Shady
127-138Analytical Solutions of the Gravitational Field Equations in de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter SpacetimesR. da Rocha and E. Capelas  Oliveira
139-149Colliding Wave Solutions in a Symmetric Non-Metric TheoryOzay Gurtug and Mustafa Halilsoy
150-157Suppression of the Spiral Wave and Turbulence in the Excitability-Modulated MediaJun Ma, Chun-Ni Wang, Jun Tang and Ya-Feng Xia
158-166LRS Bianchi Type-I Universe in Barber’s Second Self Creation TheoryAnirudh Pradhan, Shilpi Agarwal and G. P. Singh
167-177Scheme for Cloning an Unknown Entangled State with Assistance via Non-maximally Entangled Cluster StatesKui Hou and Shou-Hua Shi
178-182Plane Symmetric Vacuum Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model in Brans-Dicke TheoryK. S. Adhav, M. R. Ugale, C. B. Kale and M. P. Bhende
183-193Spherical-separability of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Pseudo-
194-212The Ensemble Quantum State of a Single ParticleAbdulmuhsen H. Ali
213-225Massive String Cloud Cosmologies in Saez-Ballester Theory of GravitationS. K. Tripathy, S. K. Nayak, S. K. Sahu and T. R. Routray
226-231Time-Delay Induced Reentrance Phenomenon in a Triple-Well Potential System Driven by Cross-Correlated NoisesZheng-Lin Jia
232-247Role of Brans-Dicke Theory with or without Self-Interacting Potential in Cosmic AccelerationWritambhara Chakraborty and Ujjal Debnath
248-255The Energy of Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear ElectrodynamicsI-Ching Yang, Chi-Long Lin and Irina Radinschi
256-260Optical Solitons with Time-Dependent Dispersion, Nonlinearity and Attenuation in a Kerr-Law MediaAnjan Biswas
261-281Similarity-Projection Structures: The Logical Geometry of Quantum PhysicsDaniel Lehmann
282-304Quantum Circuits and Schrödinger’s Cat StatesK. K. Wan and D. Menzies

Volume 48, Number 2 / February 2009

305-314Quaternionic Formulation of Supersymmetric Quantum MechanicsSeema Rawat and O. P. S. Negi
315-322A Group-Theoretical Method for Natanzon Potentials in Position-Dependent Mass Background by Means of Conformal MappingsS.-A. Yahiaoui and M. Bentaiba
323-336Unified Field Theory From Enlarged Transformation Group. The Covariant Derivative for Conservative Coordinate Transformations and Local Frame TransformationsEdward Lee Green
337-350A General Approach for the Exact Solution of the Schrödinger EquationCevdet Tezcan and Ramazan Sever
351-356Accelerating Universe with a Special Form of Decelerating ParameterAnup Kumar Singha and Ujjal Debnath
357-368Weakly Regular Quantum Grammars and Asynchronous Quantum AutomataZhengjun Xi, Yongming Li and Xin Wang
369-372Comments on “Barut-Girardello Coherent States for the Parabolic Cylinder Functions”H. Fakhri, A. Dehghani and B. Mojaveri
373-379Higher Dimensional Λ-CDM Universe: A Phenomenological Approach with Many PossibilitiesG. S. Khadekar, Vaishali Kamdi and Cenap Ozel
380-391Entanglement of a General Formalism
392-402The Characteristic Noise Connected with Continuous Measurement in Classical System without MemoryE. D. Vol
403-408A Study of the Efficiency of the Class of W-States as a Quantum ChannelSatyabrata Adhikari and Sunandan Gangopadhyay
409-413The Embedding of Schwarzschild in BraneworldEdmundo M. Monte
414-421Non-Standard Schwinger Fermionic Representation of Unitary GroupFu-Lin Zhang and Jing-Ling Chen
422-430Hawking Radiation of Charged and Magnetized Particles from the Kerr-Newman-Kasuya Black Hole via Covariant AnomalyXiao-Xiong Zeng and Shu-Zheng Yang
431-440Tunneling Effect of Two Horizons from a Reissner-Nordstrom Black HoleJun Ren
441-448New Operator Identities and Integration Formulas Regarding to Hermite Polynomials Obtained via the Operator Ordering MethodHong-yi Fan and Tong-tong Wang
449-462Bianchi Type V Cosmological Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter in General RelativityJ. P. Singh and P. S. Baghel
463-470Arbitrary Wave Relativistic Bound State Solutions for the Eckart PotentialXu-Yang Liu, Gao-Feng Wei and Chao-Yun Long
471-475Wormhole Geometry from Real Feasible Matter SourcesF. Rahaman, M. Kalam and K. A. Rahman
476-486Bianchi Type V Magnetized String Dust Bulk Viscous Fluid Cosmological Model with Variable Magnetic PermeabilityRaj Bali
487-496Octic Anharmonic Oscillators: Perturbed Coherent States and the Classical LimitMojtaba Jafarpour and Tayebeh Tahamtan
497-506Revisiting ZitterbewegungB. G. Sidharth
507-515Quantum Gates and Quantum Algorithms with Clifford Algebra TechniqueM. Gregorič and N. S. Mankoč Borštnik
516-521Quantum Teleportation via
522-534Background Independent Quantum Mechanics, Classical Geometric Forms and Geometric Quantum Mechanics—IAalok
535-544Wigner Functions and Tomograms of the Klauder-Perelomov Coherent States for the Pseudoharmonic OscillatorXiao-Yan Zhang, Ji-Suo Wang, Xiang-Guo Meng and Jie Su
545-567Control of a Nonlocal Entanglement in the Micromaser via Two Quanta Non-Linear Processes Induced by Dynamic Stark ShiftM. S. Ateto
568-578Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universes with a Cloud of StringsAnil Kumar Yadav, Vineet K. Yadav and Lallan Yadav
579-606Nonholonomic Ricci Flows, Exact Solutions in Gravity, and Symmetric and Nonsymmetric MetricsSergiu I. Vacaru

Volume 48, Number 3 / March 2009

607-610Oscillator Representation for Pseudoharmonic PotentialNail Sh. Ussembayev
611-620New Form of the T-Duality Due to the Stability of a Compact DimensionDavoud Kamani
621-629The Gravitational Waves from Test Particles around Black Holes Immersed in a Strong Magnetic FieldWen-biao Han
630-636Thermo-Quantum DiffusionRoumen Tsekov
637-641Squeezing Dynamics for One-Dimensional Infinite Square Well with a Mobile WallHong-yi Fan and Hao Wu
642-644A Local Realistic Theory for Mermin’s EPR ExperimentBoon Leong Lan
645-657The Branch Processes of Chern-Simons (CS)
658-669Super Symmetric Partners in
670-683Soliton Structures in a Molecular Chain Model with SaturationM. Aguero, R. García-Salcedo, J. Socorro and E. Villagran
684-688Nonlocality and the Correlation of Measurement BasesDaegene Song
689-6921-Soliton Solution of 1+2 Dimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger’s Equation in Kerr Law MediaAnjan Biswas
693-699Quantum Dynamics of a Dissipative Deformed Harmonic OscillatorM. Daeimohamad, F. Kheirandish and M. R. Abolhassani
700-705Bianchi Type-III String Cosmological ModelsK. S. Adhav, M. V. Dawande and V. B. Raut
706-722Quantum and Classical Disparity and AccordMario Rabinowitz
723-728General Relativistic Shift in Plasma Frequency due to a Slowly Rotating Compact StarBabur M. Mirza
729-742Partial Description of Quantum StatesOlivier Brunet
743-754A Decoherence-Reduction Scheme by Waveguides in Quantum Information ProcessingNing Ou-Yang, Jun-Li Wang, Ping Zhang and Hai Pang
755-762Power Spectrum in Krein Space QuantizationM. Mohsenzadeh, S. Rouhani and M. V. Takook
769-802A Link between Quantum Logic and Categorical Quantum MechanicsJohn Harding
803-814Wigner Functions and Tomograms of the Even and Odd Negative Binomial StatesXiao-Yan Zhang, Ji-Suo Wang, Xiang-Guo Meng and Jie Su
815-824Casimir Effect for Concentric Spheres in de Sitter Spacetime with Signature ChangeF. Darabi
825-835Different Interpretations of the Particle Production in Quantum Fields TheoryJaume Haro
836-846Pryce-Hoyle Tensor in a Combined Einstein-Cartan-Brans-Dicke ModelMarcelo Samuel Berman
847-856Further Study on the Conservation Laws of Energy-Momentum Tensor Density for a Gravitational SystemFang-Pei Chen
857-873The Quantum Speed up as Advanced Cognition of the SolutionGiuseppe Castagnoli
874-884Structure Equations in the
885-893Global Entanglement Measures and Quantum Phase Transitions in the 1D
894-904Entanglement in Bipartite Generalized Coherent StatesS. Sivakumar
905-912String Cosmological Models in Lyra GeometryJ. K. Singh
913-923The Quantum Reduced Action in Higher DimensionsA. Bouda

Volume 48, Number 4 / April 2009

925-936Viscous Fluid Cosmology in Bianchi Type-I Space-TimeC. P. Singh and Suresh Kumar
937-944Hamiltonian and Path Integral Quantization of the Conformally Gauge-Fixed Polyakov D1 Brane Action in the Presence of a Scalar Dilation FieldUsha Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha
945-951Approximate Solution of the Effective Mass Klein-Gordon Equation for the Hulthen Potential with Any Angular MomentumAltuğ Arda and Ramazan Sever
952-960Role of Modified Chaplygin Gas in Bianchi Type-I UniverseR. Chaubey
961-968Classical and Quantum Wormholes in a Flat Λ-Decaying CosmologyF. Darabi
969-980Exact Solutions of Dirac Equation and Particle Creation in (1+3)-Dimensional Robertson-Walker SpacetimeShahpoor Moradi
981-985Solution to the Schrödinger Equation for the Time-Dependent PotentialChao-Yun Long, Shui-Jie Qin, Zhu-Hua Yang and Guang-Jie Guo
986-993Shape Invariant Potential and Semi-Unitary Transformations (SUT) for Supersymmetry Harmonic Oscillator in
994-1002Two-Mode Harmonic Oscillator Model of Reissner-Nordström Black HoleChuan’an Li
1003-1018The Archaic Universe: Big Bang, Cosmological Term and the Quantum Origin of Time in Projective CosmologyIgnazio Licata and Leonardo Chiatti
1019-1029Bianchi Type-III Cosmic Strings and Domain Walls Cosmological Model in General RelativityK. S. Adhav, V. B. Raut and M. V. Dawande
1030-1043Pre- and Post-Selected Ensembles and Time-Symmetry in Quantum MechanicsD. J. Miller
1044-1052Fractional Nambu MechanicsDumitru Baleanu, Alireza K. Golmankhaneh and Ali K. Golmankhaneh
1053-1069Superstring and Superstring Field Theory: A New Solution Using Ultradistributions of Exponential TypeC. G. Bollini and M. C. Rocca
1070-1075The Circular Loop Equation of a Cosmic String with Time-Varying Tension in de Sitter SpacetimesYunqi Liu and Hongbo Cheng
1076-1089A Simple Relation between Non-locality and a Corrected EntropyThomas Krüger
1090-1097Tunneling of Charged and Magnetized Fermions from the Kerr-Newman-Ads Black Hole with Magnetic ChargesXiao-Xiong Zeng, Qiang Li and Jia-Bo Hao
1098-1103Geometric Phase in a Two Energy Level k-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model with Imaginary Photon ProcessXian-Ming Qin, Zhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Bing-Hao Xie
1104-1109Topological Solitons of the Nonlinear Schrödinger’s Equation with Fourth Order DispersionAnjan Biswas and Daniela Milovic
1110-1121Effect of the A-Term on the Nucleon Properties in the Extended Linear Sigma ModelM. Abu-Shady
1122-1131Temporal Solitons in Nonlinear Media Modeled by Modified Complex Ginzburg Landau Equation Under Collective Variable ApproachS. Shwetanshumala
1132-1141On the Nonlinear Excitation in Self Gravitating Quantum Dusty PlasmaShalini Bagchi, Kasturi Roy Chowdhury, A. P. Mishra and A. Roy Chowdhury
1142-1149Approximate Solutions of the Dirac Equation for the Manning-Rosen Potential Including the Spin-Orbit Coupling TermF. Taşkın
1150-1163Automata Theory Based on Quantum Logic: Recognizability and AccessibilityJun Liu and Zhi-wen Mo
1164-1169Does Charge Contribute to the Frame Dragging of Spacetime?Babur M. Mirza
1170-1176Causality and Bell-CHSH Inequalities Violations in Entanglement Swapping SchemesDaegene Song
1177-1185Anisotropic Bulk Viscous Cosmological Models with Variable 
1186-1193Bianchi Type I Magnetized Barotropic Perfect Fluid Cosmological Model in General RelativityRaj Bali, Rajni Gupta and Radhika Goyal
1194-1202General Dynamical Equations for Free Particles and Their Galilean InvarianceZ. E. Musielak and J. L. Fry
1203-1230Observational Constraints with Recent Data on the DGP Modified GravityM. Sadegh Movahed, Marzieh Farhang and Sohrab Rahvar

Volume 48, Number 5 / May 2009

1231-1238Hawking Radiation of Charged Particles from a Rotating Black StringRen Zhao, Yue-Qin Wu and Li-Chun Zhang
1239-1246New Lattice Equation Hierarchies and Darboux TransformationLing Li and Huanhe Dong
1247-1262Phantom Divide Crossing on Brane WorldYan-Xin Chu, Shao-Feng Wu and Guo-Hong Yang
1263-1270Generalized Coherent States for q-Deformed Hyperbolic Pöshel-Teller PotentialM. R. Setare and A. Fallahpour
1271-1289Stability of Circular Orbits in General Relativity: a Phase Space AnalysisA. Palit, A. Panchenko, N. G. Migranov, A. Bhadra and K. K. Nandi
1290-1299Logic of SimultaneityKenji Tokuo
1300-1311Some Unitary Operators Derived Using the Quantum State and Its ApplicationYun-Hai Zhang, Shi-Min Xu, Xing-Lei Xu and Hong-Qi Li
1312-1319Spin 2 Field Equation in Expanding UniverseAntonio Zecca
1320-1333Generalized Hermitian AlgebrasDavid J. Foulis and Sylvia Pulmannová
1334-1340Coordinates Used in Derivation of Hawking Radiation via Hamilton-Jacobi MethodBo Liu, Xiaokai He and Wenbiao Liu
1341-1347Geometric Phase in a Λ-type k-photon Jaynes-Cummings Model with Imaginary Photon ProcessFu-Ping Liu, Zhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Shuo Jin
1348-1356Creating Atom-Molecule Entanglement from a Two-Species Atomic Bose CondensateQ. Dai, F. Zheng and H. Jing
1357-1368Lanczos Potential for the van Stockung Space-TimeCésar Mora and Rubén Sánchez
1369-1378Energy Conditions, Cosmological Solutions and Cosmic No-Hair Conjecture in Gauss-Bonnet TheorySubenoy Chakraborty and Tanwi Bandyopadhyay
1379-1404A Geometric Approach to Time Evolution Operators of Lie Quantum SystemsJosé F. Cariñena, Javier de Lucas and Arturo Ramos
1405-1414Effect of Cavity Decay on the Coherent Control of Atomic TunnelingJiao Chen, X. L. Huang, H. Y. Sun and X. X. Yi
1415-1421Deterministic N-Qubit GHZ State Discrimination with Controlled-Not OperationsQing-Jun Xu
1422-1430Generalized Canonical Ward IdentitiesYong-Long Wang
1431-1435Towards Nonlinear Quantum Fokker-Planck EquationsRoumen Tsekov
1436-1448Diffeomorphism Symmetry in the Lagrangian Formulation of GravitySaurav Samanta
1449-1453The First Quantization of Spin
1454-1458Perfect-Fluid Sources for the Levi-Civita Metric IIRamadan M. Ali
1459-1465Number-Phase Quantization Scheme and the Quantum Effects of a Mesoscopic Electric Circuit at Finite TemperatureShuai Wang
1466-1477LRS Bianchi Type II Bulk Viscous Fluid Universe with Decaying Vacuum Energy Density ΛAnirudh Pradhan and Shyam Sundar Kumhar
1478-1484An Exact Inflationary Solution to Non-Minimally CouplingXiong-Wei Liu, Shu-Zheng Yang, Shi-Wu Chen and Wen-Fu Wang
1485-1490Non-Maximally Entangled Controlled Teleportation Using Four Particles Cluster StatesYi-You Nie, Zhi-Hui Hong, Yi-Bin Huang, Xiao-Jie Yi and Song-Song Li
1491-1499The Generalized Uncertainty Relation and The Entropy of Non-stationary and Slowly Changing Reissner-Nordström Black HoleTang Jian and Chen Bing-Bing
1500-1507The Invariant Eigen-Operator Method for Hamiltonians with Coordinates-Coordinates Coupling TermsYong-mei Liu and Ying-hua Ji
1508-1515Tunneling of Dirac Particles from a Double Myers-Perry Black Hole in Five DimensionsQiang Li
1516-1522The Controlled Teleportation of an Arbitrary Two-Atom Entangled State in Driven Cavity QEDChuan-Jia Shan, Ji-Bing Liu, Tang-Kun Liu, Yan-Xia Huang and Hong Li
1523-1533Bianchi Type V Barotropic Perfect Fluid Cosmological Model in Lyra GeometryRaj Bali and Naresh K. Chandnani
1534-1538The Inhomogeneous Invariance Quantum Group of Particle Algebras with Continuous ParametersAzmi Ali Altıntaṣ and Metin Arık
1539-1544Wavelet Transformation and Wigner-Husimi Distribution FunctionLi-Yun Hu and Hong-Yi Fan

Volume 48, Number 6 / June 2009

1545-1553Entangled State in Quantization of Magnetic Flux Qubits with Mutual Inductance CouplingBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang, Xiang-Guo Meng and Jie Su
1554-1558Nash Bosonization in Path Integral for Quantum Riemannian GeometryLuiz C. L. Botelho
1559-1565On Verification of the Non-Generational Conjectural-Derivation of First Class Constraints: HP Monopole’s Field CaseK. Rasem Qandalji
1566-1582Gravitational Gauge Theory Developed Based on the Stephenson-Kilmister-Yang EquationJian Qi Shen
1583-1588Singular Value Decomposition Solution of the Schrödinger Equation in the Presence of Exchange TermsEssaid Zerrad, Richard Triplett and Anjan Biswas
1589-1595A Definition of TimeAbraham Boyarsky and Paweł Góra
1596-1602Approximating the Partition Function of Morse OscillatorsIon I. Cotăescu and Nicolina Pop
1603-1621Fantappié-Arcidiacono Spacetime and Its Consequences in Quantum CosmologyE. Benedetto
1622-1628Exact Solution of the Pseudoharmonic Oscillator in the Space of Constant Positive CurvatureM. R. Pahlavani and S. M. Motevalli
1629-1636Valid for Much of “Realistic” Fields: A Non-Generational Conjecture for Deriving All First-Class Constraints at OnceK. Rasem Qandalji
1637-1648Can electro-magnetic field, anisotropic source and varying Λ be sufficient to produce wormhole spacetime?F. Rahaman, M. Kalam and K. A. Rahman
1649-1658The Relativistic Scattering States of the Hulthén Potential with an Improved New Approximate Scheme to the Centrifugal TermGao-Feng Wei, Xu-Yang Liu and Wen-Li Chen
1659-1668Negativity as Entanglement Degree of a Non-Hermitian ModelK. Saaidi, G. Ghafori and M. M. Soltanzadeh
1669-1671A Note on the Extreme Points of Positive Quantum OperationsZheng-Li Chen and Huai-Xin Cao
1672-1677Thermal Entanglement in Anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ Chain with External Magnetic Field at Any Finite TChun-Lei Jiang, Mao-Fa Fang and Yao-Hua Hu
1678-1687Scheme for Realizing Deterministic Entanglement Concentration with Atoms Via Cavity QEDHong-Fu Wang and Shou Zhang
1688-1694Scattering and Transmission Resonances in One-Dimensional Hulthén Potential BarrierMin-Cang Zhang
1695-1700The Electric Charge Confining in Polyakov’s Compact QED in R4Luiz C. L. Botelho
1701-1711Some Comments on Quantum Magnetic MonopolesLuiz C. L. Botelho
1712-1716Charge Conjugation from Space-Time InversionB. Carballo Pérez and M. Socolovsky
1717-1735Transverse Wave Propagation in Relativistic Two-Fluid Plasmas around Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black HoleM. Hossain Ali and M. Atiqur Rahman
1736-1765Super Universality of the Quantum Hall Effect and the “Large N Picture” of the ϑ AngleA. M. M. Pruisken
1766-1780Dual Superconductivity in Restricted Chromo-Dynamics (RCD)Sandeep Kumar, R. Swarup, B. S. Rajput and Bharat Singh
1781-1789Cluster State Entanglement of Semiconductor Quantum Dots Based on Faraday RotationHua Wei, W. L. Yang, Fei Zhou, Ranran Fang and Xiao-Long Zhang
1790-1800A Kind of Four-Mode Nonlinear Entangled State Representation in Quantum OpticsMai-hua Kuang, Shan-jun Ma and Dong-mei Liu
1801-1812Applications of the Dirac Form of the Maxwell Equations in Moving Dielectric MediaJarosław Zaleśny
1813-1832Minimum Polynomial for Single-Mode Parabose Parasupercharge and HamiltonianS. Kuwata
1833-1840Entanglement and Mixedness of Locally Cloned Non-Maximal W-StateIndranil Chakrabarty, Sovik Roy, Nirman Ganguly and Binayak S. Choudhury
1841-1847Statistical Entropy of Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole Computed by Generalized Uncertainty PrincipleFeng He, YanHong Zhou, Fan Zhao and LianCheng Wang
1848-1858An Approach to Construct Wave Packets with Complete Classical-Quantum Correspondence in Non-relativistic Quantum MechanicsPouria Pedram

Volume 48, Number 7 / July 2009

1859-1871Interpretation for Probability Wave and Quantum Measured ProblemZ. S. Wang and R. S. Wu
1872-18761-Soliton Solution of the Nonlinear Schrödinger’s Equation with Kerr Law Nonlinearity Using Lie Symmetry AnalysisC. Masood Khalique and Anjan Biswas
1877-1881Geometric Phase in a Generalized Time-Dependent Karassiov-Klimov ModelAn-Ling Wang, Fu-Ping Liu, Zhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
1882-1886A Model with Exact Inflationary Solution in Finsler UniverseKai Lin and ShuZheng Yang
1887-1893The Application of Discrete Variational Identity on Semi-Direct Sums of Lie AlgebrasLing Li and Huanhe Dong
1894-1904Gauge Symmetries and Dirac ConjectureYong-Long Wang, Zi-Ping Li and Ke Wang
1905-1911Self-Interacting Electromagnetic Fields and a Classical Discussion on the Stability of the Electric ChargeS. O. Vellozo, J. A. Helayël Neto, A. W. Smith and L. P. G. De Assis
1912-1918The Analytical Solution of Charged Black Hole and Calculation of Quantities (T,s,f)J. Sadeghi and M. Asrary
1919-1928Invariance Analysis and Variational Conservation Laws for the Wave Equation on Some ManifoldsAshfaque H. Bokhari, A. H. Kara, M. Karim and F. D. Zaman
1929-1932Inflationary Phase in a Generalized Brans-Dicke TheoryMarcelo S. Berman and Luis A. Trevisan
1933-1936Entropy of the UniverseMarcelo Samuel Berman
1937-1944Fermions Tunneling and Entropy Correction of Black Hole in Gravity’s Rainbow Space TimeYu-Quan Yuan and Xiao-Xiong Zeng
1945-1949Quantum Computer Algorithm for Parity Determination Based on Quantum CountingHong-Fu Wang and Shou Zhang
1950-1956Bisplitting an Arbitrary N-Qubit State with a Class of Asymmetric Three-Qubit W StatesXue-qin Zuo, Yi-min Liu, Zi-yun Zhang and Zhan-jun Zhang
1957-1964Fidelity for States of Two Spin-
1965-1972Path Integral Formulation for Chern-Simons Quantum MechanicsFeng-Hua Liu, Yong-Ming Li, Yi Huang and Jian Jing
1973-1999Einstein Gravity in Almost Kähler Variables and Stability of Gravity with Nonholonomic Distributions and Nonsymmetric MetricsSergiu I. Vacaru
2000-2004Marginal Distribution of Wigner Function in Mesoscopic RLC Circuit at Finite Temperature and Its ApplicationXiao-Yan Zhang, Ji-Suo Wang, Bao-Long Liang and Jie Su
2005-2015Joint Remote Preparation of a Multipartite GHZ-class StateKui Hou, Jing Wang, Yi-Lin Lu and Shou-Hua Shi
2016-2021Deriving Energy-Gap of Some Hamiltonians with Kinetic Coupling by the Invariant Eigen-Operator MethodGang Ren and Hong-yi Fan
2022-2026Inhomogeneous Plane Symmetric String Cosmological Models in Bimetric TheoryP. K. Sahoo
2027-2035Quantum Wave Equation of Non-conservative SystemXiang-Yao Wu, Bai-Jun Zhang, Hai-Bo Li, Xiao-Jing Liu and Jing-Wu Li, et al.
2036-2040Bianchi Type-V Inflationary Universe in General RelativityD. R. K. Reddy
2041-2049Bianchi V Cosmology with a Specific Hubble ParameterJ. P. Singh
2050-2060Effective Approach to Constructing n-Mode Wigner Operator in the Entangled State RepresentationYe-Jun Xu, Hong-Yi Fan and Qiu-Yu Liu
2061-2067Quantum Tunneling from Apparent Horizon of Rainbow-FRW UniverseKai Lin and ShuZheng Yang
2068-2071Generalization of Some Algebras in the Bosonic String TheoryS. S. Shahid-Zadeh Mousavi
2072-2080Parasupersymmetry of Non-Linear and Isotropic Oscillator on Constant CurvatureH. Rahbar, M. R. Pahlavani, J. Sadeghi and H. Moayyeri
2081-2087Decoherence of an Open System under Continuous Quantum Measurement of EnergyChuan-Hua Ren, Yi-Min Lai and Tong-Qiang Song
2088-2097Thermodynamics Properties of the Inner Horizon of a Kerr-Newman Black HoleJun Ren
2098-2111Non-Classical Traveling Solutions in a Nonlinear Klein Gordon ModelM. A. Aguero, M. L. Najera, J. A. Aguilar and J. Sanchez
2112-2121Hawking Radiation of Apparent Horizon in a FRW Universe as Tunneling Beyond Semiclassical ApproximationKe-Xia Jiang, Tsun Feng and Dan-Tao Peng
2122-2128Dark Energy and ElectronsB. G. Sidharth
2129-2138N-Mode Hamiltonians with Coordinate-Momentum Coupling TermsGang Ren and Tongqiang Song
2139-2146The Husimi Distribution of Circular Billiard with an Applied Uniform Magnetic FieldXueyou Xu, Hongyun Li, Yanhui Zhang, Song Gao and Shenglu Lin
2147-2153Immeasurability of Zero-Point Energy in the Cosmological Constant ProblemDaegene Song
2154-2163Exact Bound State Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation for Noncentral Potential via the Nikiforov-Uvarov MethodMetin Aktaş
2164-2171An Algebraic Approach to the Generalized Symmetrical Double-Well PotentialM. R. Setare and O. Hatami
2172-2176A Super-Soliton Hierarchy and Its Super-Hamiltonian StructureZhu Li, Huanhe Dong and Hongwei Yang
2177-2189Symmetries of the Relativistic Two-Boson System in External FieldPhilippe Droz-Vincent

Volume 48, Number 8 / August 2009

2191-2197Lower Bounds on the Squashed Entanglement for Multi-Party SystemWei Song
2198-2204Exact Analytical Solution to Equations of Perihelion Advance in General RelativityFeng He and Fan Zhao
2205-2213Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with a Varying Λ Term in Self Creation Theory of GravitationVimal Chand Jain, Mahesh Kumar Yadav and Pradhyot Kumar Mishra
2214-2221Bianchi-I Cosmologies with Electromagnetic and Spinor Fields. Isotropization ProblemK. A. Bronnikov, E. N. Chudaeva and G. N. Shikin
2222-2234Quaternion Dirac Equation and SupersymmetrySeema Rawat and O. P. S. Negi
2235-2245Revealing the Mystery of the Galilean Principle of Relativity. Part I: Basic AssertionsTolga Yarman
2246-2252The Cosmological constant and the coincidence problem in a new cosmological interpretation of the universal constant “c”David Viennot and J.-M. Vigoureux
2253-2255Why the Initial Infinite Singularity of the Universe Is Not ThereMarcelo Samuel Berman
2256-2261Neutrino Oscillation in the Space-Time with a Global MonopoleJun Ren and Meng-Wen Jia
2262-2266Statistical-Mechanical Entropy of Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger Black HoleFeng He, Fan Zhao and YiMan Liu
2267-2285Charge Without Charge, Regular Spherically Symmetric Solutions and the Einstein-Born-Infeld TheoryD. J. Cirilo Lombardo
2286-2289Entropy of the Universe and Standard CosmologyMarcelo Samuel Berman
2290-2296Magnetized Domain Walls Cosmological Model in General RelativityK. S. Adhav, V. B. Raut, R. S. Thakare and C. B. Kale
2297-2304Controlled Dense Coding with Symmetric StateDi-You Jiang, R. S. Wu, S. S. Li and Z. S. Wang
2305-2310The Einstein-Dirac Equation in Robertson-Walker Space-Time Does Not Admit Standard SolutionsAntonio Zecca
2311-2318Five Dimensional Axially Symmetric String Cosmological Models with Bulk Viscous FluidG. Mohanty and G. C. Samanta
2319-2327Thermal Effect for the Mesoscopic LC Circuits Including Complicated Coupling by Virtue of GHFTBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang and Xiang-Guo Meng
2328-2339Spatial Entanglement of Formation in Thermal States of One or Two Identical Non-Interacting Massive BosonsR. A. W. Bradford
2340-2352Why Pair Production Cures Covariance in the Light-Front?J. H. O. Sales and A. T. Suzuki
2353-2364Geometric Phase in Fluctuating Magnetic FieldZ. S. Wang
2365-2371Approximate and Conditional Teleportation of an Unknown Atomic State with Dissipative Two-Photon Interaction in Cavity QED SystemZong-Liang Liu, Shao-Hua Li and Chang-Yong Chen
2372-2378The Invariant Eigen-Operator Method for N Harmonically Coupled Identical OscillatorsLiu Yong-Mei
2379-2383Quantum-Gravity Thermodynamics, Incorporating the Theory of Exactly Soluble Active Stochastic Processes, with ApplicationsK. Daley
2384-2389Implementing Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm with Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices in Cavity QEDHong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang and Yong-Fang Zhao
2390-2400Quasiprobability Distribution Functions of Squeezed Pair Coherent StatesXiang-Guo Meng, Ji-Suo Wang and Bao-Long Liang
2401-2411Bianchi-I Space-time with Variable Gravitational and Cosmological “Constants”C. P. Singh and Suresh Kumar
2412-2426The 50% Advanced Information Rule of the Quantum AlgorithmsGiuseppe Castagnoli
2427-2431The Planck Oscillators and the Black Hole Thermodynamics CorrespondenceB. G. Sidharth
2432-2440Feynman’s Proof of Maxwell Equations: in the Context of Quantum GravityP. Narayana Swamy
2441-2444An Improved Thin Film Model of the Schwarzschild Black Hole EntropyLiancheng Wang and Feng He
2445-2453A Proposal of Telecloning for a Three-Particle Entangled W StateLi-Hua Yan, Yun-Feng Gao and Jian-Gang Zhao
2454-2461Energy Distribution of a Regular Class of Exact Black Hole SolutionsI-Ching Yang, Chi-Long Lin and I. Radinschi
2462-2472A Confined Hydrogen Atom in Higher Space DimensionsMuzaian A. Shaqqor and Sami M. AL-Jaber

Volume 48, Number 9 / September 2009

2473-2485Quantum Field Formalism for the Electromagnetic Interaction of Composite Particles in a Nonrelativistic Gauge Model IIIE. C. Manavella and R. R. Addad
2486-2498Hamiltonian Dynamics for Einstein’s Action in G→0 LimitAlberto Escalante
2499-2510Scenario of Inflationary Cosmology from the Phenomenological Λ ModelsSaibal Ray, P. C. Ray, M. Khlopov, P. P. Ghosh and U. Mukhopadhyay, et al.
2511-2549Automatic Regularization by Quantization in Reducible Representations of CCR: Point-Form Quantum Optics with Classical SourcesMarek Czachor and Klaudia Wrzask
2550-2557Domain Wall with Strange Quark Matter in Kaluza-Klein Type Cosmological ModelG. S. Khadekar, Rupali Wanjari and Cenap Ozel
2558-2569The Dual Action of Fractional Multi Time Hamilton EquationsDumitru Baleanu, Ali Khalili Golmankhaneh and Alireza Khalili Golmankhaneh
2570-2578Quantum State Transfer Via a Two-Qubit Heisenberg XYZ Spin ModelGuo-Hui Yang, Xiang Yang Miao and Jun Feng Zhang
2579-2591Properties of Physical Systems: Transient Singularities on Borders and Surface Transitive ZonesMark E. Perel’man
2592-2598Quantum Corrections to Hawking Radiation for Rainbow UniverseJuan Yang
2599-2609Assisted Cloning and Orthogonal Complementing of an Arbitrary Unknown Two-qubit Entangled State via Positive Operator-valued MeasureNiu Xiao-Fei
2610-2617Methods of Constructing Quantum Channels for Teleporting a General Two-qubit StateXiu-Lao Tian, Ming-Liang Hu and Xiao-Qiang Xi
2618-2624Higher Dimensional Cosmological Model of the Universe with Decaying Λ Cosmology with Varying GG. S. Khadekar and B. P. Butey
2625-2632Pseudospin Symmetry for a Ring-Shaped Non-spherical Harmonic Oscillator PotentialMin-Cang Zhang
2633-2643Approximate Analytical Solutions of the Dirac Equation with the Hyperbolic Potential in the Presence of the Spin Symmetry and Pseudo-spin SymmetryChun-Sheng Jia, Jian-Yi Liu, Ping-Quan Wang and Xia Lin
2644-2651Economic and Deterministic Quantum Teleportation of Arbitrary Bipartite Pure and Mixed State with Shared Cluster EntanglementBinbin Zhang and Yu Liu
2652-2659On One-Parameter Supercoherent State of spl(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen
2660-2664Dissipative Time Dependent Density Functional TheoryRoumen Tsekov
2665-2671Generalized Conformal Symmetries and Its Application of Hamilton SystemsYi-Ping Luo
2672-2678Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics in Extended Theories of GravityM. Akbar
2679-2684Two-Photon Channel in BL ModelsSherif Ahmed and Waled Emam
2685-2691Quantum Logic Gates and Cluster States with Four-level Atoms in Cavity QEDDeng-Yu Zhang, Shi-Qing Tang, Li-Jun Xie, Xiao-Gui Zhan and Kai-Ming You, et al.
2692-2697Approximate Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation for the Rosen-Morse Potential Including Centrifugal TermF. Taşkın
2698-2703Topological and Non-topological Solitons for the Generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov Modified Equal Width EquationAnjan Biswas
2704-2714Might Dark Matter and Energy be Intrinsic Properties of Space?Ronald F. Bruner
2715-2729Critical String Wave Equations and the QCD(U(Nc)) String. (Some Comments)Luiz C. L. Botelho

Volume 48, Number 10 / October 2009

2731-2739Quantization of Holonomic Systems Using WKB ApproximationM. Serhan, M. Abusini and Eqab M. Rabei
2740-2747A Naturally Renormalized Quantum Field TheoryS. Rouhani and M. V. Takook
2748-2756Raising and Lowering Operators for a Class of Exactly Solvable Quantum Nonlinear Harmonic OscillatorsXue-Hong Wang and Yu-Bin Liu
2757-2776An Alternative Model of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator Under the Influence of External ForceM. Sebawe Abdalla and Nour Al-Ismael
2777-2785Local Copying of d×d-dimensional Partially Entangled Pure StatesDe-chao Li and Zui-yi Shen
2786-2792Scheme for Implementing Teleporting an Arbitrary Tripartite Entangled State in Cavity QEDXue-Wen Wang and Zhao-Hui Peng
2793-2799Robust Conditional z Gate Operation in the Decoherence-Free Subspace of Superconducting Quantum-Interference DevicesXiao-Qiang Shao, Li Chen, Shou Zhang and Yong-Fang Zhao
2800-2817A Braneworld Dark Energy Model with Induced Gravity and the Gauss-Bonnet EffectKourosh Nozari and Narges Rashidi
2818-2825Influence of Kerr Medium on Entanglement of Cascade-Type Three-Level Atoms and a Bimodal Cavity FieldJi-Hui Teng, Hong-Fu Wang, Lin-Na Qi and Shou Zhang
2826-2833Hawking Radiation as Tunneling from Garfinkle-Horowitz-Stromingen Dilaton Black HoleJi-Jian Jiang, Qing-Miao Meng and Shuai Wang
2834-2842Generalized Scheme for Splitting Arbitrary 2-Qubit State with Three 2-Qubit Entangled StatesWen Zhang, Yi-Min Liu, Xue-Qin Zuo and Zhan-Jun Zhang
2843-2848Nonadiabatic Geometric Quantum Computation by Straightway Varying Parameters of Magnetic: A New DesignY. H. Ji
2849-2864Single-Mode Excited GHZ-type Entangled Coherent StateHeng-Mei Li, Hong-Chun Yuan and Hong-Yi Fan
2865-2875Entanglement and Berry Phase in a (3×3)-dimensional Yang-Baxter SystemGangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun and Qingyong Wang
2876-2883Generalization of the Gross-Perry MetricsM. Jakimowicz and J. Tafel
2884-2888Kantowaski-Sachs Inflationary Universe in General RelativityD. R. K. Reddy, K. S. Adhav, S. D. Katore and K. S. Wankhade
2889-2899The Generalization of Chern-Simons Current and the Topological Tensor Current of p-BranesJie Yang, Yi-Shi Duan and Yu-Xiao Liu
2900-2903Horizon Structure of the AdS5 Line Element After the Collision of Two Shock WavesM. R. Pahlavani and B. Pourhassan
2904-2915Avoiding Loss of Fidelity for Universal Entangling Geometric Quantum GateZ. Q. Chen, J. Q. Wang, X. L. Li, Y. H. Ji and B. R. Zhang, et al.
2916-2919Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent System with Higgs Algebra StructureZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Xiang-Gui Li
2920-2927Fermion Tunnels of Cylindrical Symmetric Black Hole and the Corrected EntropyKai Lin and Shu Zheng Yang
2928-2937Unconventional Geometric Quantum Computation in a Dissipative Cavity QED System Without the HeatingChang-Yong Chen, Shuai Kang and Mang Feng
2938-2943Magnetic Field Effects on Spacetime Around a Magnetized Spherical StarBabur M. Mirza, Adnan Saeed and Safeer Sadiq
2944-2949Geometric Phase in the Breit-Rabi SystemZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Xiang-Gui Li
2950-2955Degradation of Entanglement in Moving FramesShahpoor Moradi
2956-2960Geometric Phase in a Generalized Time-Dependent Double-Boson Interaction ModelAn-Ling Wang, Fu-Ping Liu, Zhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
2961-2970The Supersymmetry Approaches to the Non-central Kratzer Plus Ring-Shaped PotentialJ. Sadeghi, M. Rostami and A. R. Hojabri
2971-2976Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication by Using Four Particle Cluster StatesLing-Ling Zhang, You-Bang Zhan and Qun-Yong Zhang
2977-2986Algebraic Approach for Shape Invariant Potentials in Klein-Gordon EquationM. R. Setare and O. Hatami
2987-3000Geodesic Motions in Euclidean Taub-NUT Spinning SpacesAkhtara Banu and M. Abdullah Ansary

Volume 48, Number 11 / November 2009

3001-3006BPS Monopoles in Moduli Space under SU(2) Gauge PotentialS. C. Joshi
3007-3029Dispersion Relations for Cold Plasmas Around Reissner-Nordström Black HolesM. Hossain Ali and M. Khayrul Hasan
3030-3034Late Times Accelerations Viewed Through an LRS Bianchi Type I Cosmological ModelA. Prasad and Sanjay Kumar
3035-3043On Spacelike Congruences in Riemann-Cartan Space-timeL. N. Katkar and V. K. Patil
3044-3048A Higher Dimensional Cosmological Model in a Scale-Covariant Theory of GravitationD. R. K. Reddy
3049-3060A New Class of Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Models in Lyra GeometryG. P. Singh and A. Y. Kale
3061-3082The Color Gauge Invariance and a Possible Origin of Mass in QCDV. Gogokhia
3083-3091Measures on Classes of Subspaces Affiliated with a von Neumann AlgebraEkaterina Turilova
3092-3100Pseudo Invariant Eigenoperator Method for Some Generalized Jaynes-Cummings ModelsHeng-Mei Li and Hong-Yi Fan
3101-3109Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Models with Time Dependent Displacement Vector for Barotropic Fluid Distribution in Lyra GeometryRaj Bali and Naresh K. Chandnani
3110-3113Solitons in Plasmas: A Lie Symmetry ApproachChaudry Masood Khalique and Anjan Biswas
3114-3123Fractional Electromagnetic Equations Using Fractional FormsDumitru Baleanu, Ali Khalili Golmankhaneh, Alireza Khalili Golmankhaneh and Mihaela Cristina Baleanu
3124-3138Do Solar System Tests Permit Higher Dimensional General Relativity?F. Rahaman, Saibal Ray, M. Kalam and M. Sarker
3139-3146The Non-linear Schrödinger Equation and the Conformal Properties of Non-relativistic Space-TimeP. A. Horváthy and J.-C. Yera
3147-3157Kaluza-Klein Type Cosmological Model of Early Universe with Variable Cosmological Term Λ: Kinematic TestsG. S. Khadekar and Vaishali Kamdi
3158-3168Bulk Viscous Bianchi Type-V Cosmological Models with Variable Gravitational and Cosmological ConstantG. P. Singh and A. Y. Kale
3169-3172Exact Solution of Petrov Type {3,1} Metric via Time Dependent Quasi-Maxwell EquationsMorteza Yavari
3173-3187Antiparticle Contribution in the Cross Ladder Diagram for Bethe-Salpeter Equation in the Light-FrontJ. H. O. Sales and A. T. Suzuki
3188-3201A Plane-Symmetric Magnetized Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models of Perfect Fluid Distribution with Variable Magnetic Permeability in Lyra GeometryAnirudh Pradhan and Parashuram Ram
3202-3212Concircular Curvature Tensor and Fluid SpacetimesZafar Ahsan and Shah Alam Siddiqui
3213-3219Tunneling Radiation of Charged and Magnetized Particles from the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter Black Holes with Magnetic ChargesLiang Zhou and Jingyi Zhang
3220-3227Generalized Uncertainty Relation and Hawking Radiation of the Black HoleRen Zhao, Lichun Zhang, Yueqin Wu and Huaifan Li
3228-3233Quantum Entanglement OscillationsA. Dima and M. Dima
3234-3240Shape Invariant and Rodrigues Solution of the Dirac-shifted Oscillator and Dirac-Morse PotentialsH. Panahi and L. Jahangiry
3241-3248The Bremsstrahlung Equation for the Spin Motion in Electromagnetic FieldMiroslav Pardy
3249-3256Solutions of the Dirac Equation for the Davidson PotentialMohammad R. Setare and S. Haidari
3257-3261On Sciama’s Machian CosmologyMarcelo Samuel Berman
3262-3267Quantum Mechanical Algorithm for Solving Quadratic Residue EquationHong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang, Yong-Fang Zhao and Kyu-Hwang Yeon
3268-3277Two-variable Hermite Polynomial State and Its Wigner FunctionXiang-Guo Meng, Ji-Suo Wang and Bao-Long Liang
3278-3286On the Zero-Energy UniverseMarcelo Samuel Berman

Volume 48, Number 12 / December 2009

3287-3292Time Invariance as an Additional Constraint on Nonlocal RealismKoji Nagata and Tadao Nakamura
3293-3303Multipartite Generalized Bell Inequality with an Arbitrary Number of SettingsKoji Nagata
3304-3311Quantum Mechanics and Leggett’s InequalitiesM. Socolovsky
3312-3318Solution of the Equations of Motion for Einstein’s Field in Fractional D Dimensional Space-TimeMadhat Sadallah and Sami I. Muslih
3319-3330Generalized Two-Mode Squeezed States and Some Nonclassical CharacteristicsHong-Chun Yuan, Heng-Mei Li, Ye-Jun Xu and Hong-Yi Fan
3331-3338Schemes for Splitting Quantum Information via Tripartite Entangled StatesQun-Yong Zhang, You-Bang Zhan, Ling-Ling Zhang and Peng-Cheng Ma
3339-3344Quantum Transition of Two-Level System in a Parabolic Quantum DotWei-Ping Li, Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-Fu Yu, Jing-Lin Xiao and Zi-Wu Wang
3345-3352On the Dynamics of Bianchi IX Cosmological ModelsHossein Farajollahi and Arvin Ravanpak
3353-3357Establishing a Private Shared Reference Frame via the Distillation of EntanglementKoji Nagata
3358-3364Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Diagonal States to Be Full N-partite EntangledKoji Nagata
3365-3371Generalized Chaplygin Gas Model as a New Agegraphic Dark Energy in Non-flat UniverseM. R. Setare
3372-3382Neutral Minima in Three-Higgs Doublet ModelsA. Tofighi and M. Moazzen
3383-3395Quantum Algorithms Know in Advance 50% of the Solution They Will Find in the FutureGiuseppe Castagnoli
3396-3402Infinite Operator-Sum Representation of Density Operator for a Dissipative Cavity with Kerr Medium Derived by Virtue of Entangled State RepresentationLi-yun Hu and Hong-yi Fan
3403-3409Chiral Solitons in 1+2 DimensionsAnjan Biswas
3410-3415C-field Cosmological Models with Variable G in FRW Space–TimeRaj Bali and Meghna Kumawat
3416-3420Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent System with (Ω) Algebra StructureZhao-Xian Yu, Zhi-Yong Jiao and Xiang-Gui Li
3421-3425Planck Oscillators and GravitationB. G. Sidharth and B. M. Birla
3426-3448On the Poincaré Gauge Theory of GravitationS. A. Ali, C. Cafaro, S. Capozziello and C. Corda
3449-3469Renormalization of the Mass GapV. Gogokhia
3470-3490Nonlinear Iteration Solution for the Full Gluon Propagator as a Function of the Mass GapV. Gogokhia
3491-3497Entanglement and Optimal Dense Coding in Spin Chain with an Arbitrary Magnetic FieldHailin Huang
3498-3509Anti-synchronization of Time-delayed Chaotic Neural Networks Based on Adaptive ControlChoon Ki Ahn
3510-3516General Dynamical Equations for Dingle’s Space-Times Filled with a Charged Non-perfect FluidA. H. Hasmani
3517-3525Hawking Radiation of Linear Dilaton Black Holes in Various TheoriesH. Pasaoglu and I. Sakalli
3526-3531Entropy Function in the Liouville TheoryJ. Sadeghi and B. Pourhassan
3532-3536There is No Axiomatic System for the Quantum TheoryKoji Nagata
3537-3546The Dynamical Behaviour of Test Particles in a Quasi-spherical Spacetime and the Physical Meaning of SuperenergyL. Herrera, J. Carot, N. Bolivar and E. Lazo
3547-3557Possible Dark States Induced by a Surface Wave Along a Vacuum-Matter BoundaryChu Z. Kwang-Hua
3558-3566Dissipative Collapse in the Presence of ΛM. Govender and S. Thirukkanesh
3567-3585Scalar Field in the Bianchi I: Noncommutative Classical and Quantum CosmologyJ. Socorro, Luis O. Pimentel, C. Ortiz and M. Aguero
3586-3595The Poincaré Group in a Demisemidirect Product with a Non-associative Algebra with Representations that Include Particles and Quarks—IIFranklin E. Schroeck
3596-3606Statistical Properties of the Generalized Photon-Added Pair Coherent StateHong-Chun Yuan, Xue-Xiang Xu and Hong-Yi Fan
3607-3613Superpositions and Entanglement of Mesoscopic High-order Squeezed Vacuum States in Cavity QEDChang-Yong Chen
3614-3622Hawking Temperature Calculation Using Tunneling MechanismXianming Liu and Wenbiao Liu
3623-3628Study of Relativistic Corrections due to Spin–Orbit Interaction of Fermion–Dyon System Under SU(2) Gauge Potential in Moduli SpaceS. C. Joshi and R. Swarup
3629-3634Higher Order Corrections of 2D Gravity on AdS2J. Sadeghi and B. Pourhassan
3635-3642Scheme for Efficient Construction of 2-Dimensional Qutrit Cluster StateShi-Wei Shi and You-Min Yi
3643-3650Entanglement for the System of Two 2-Level Atoms Interacting with a Single-Mode Through Cooperative InteractionA.-S. F. Obada, H. A. Hessian and M. Hashem

Volume 49, Number 1 / January 2010

1-9On Consistency of the Quantum-Like Representation AlgorithmPeter Nyman
10-17Effects Due to a Scalar Coupling on the Particle-Antiparticle Production in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau TheoryT. R. Cardoso, L. B. Castro and A. S. de Castro
18-24Controlling Decoherence from Fluctuating Magnetic FieldZ. Q. Chen, L. P. Guo, Y. Chen, X. L. Li and G. Q. Liu, et al.
25-30On Kantowski-Sachs Cosmic Strings Coupled with Maxwell Fields in Bimetric RelativityP. K. Sahoo
31-41Quantum Parrondo’s Games Under DecoherenceSalman Khan, M. Ramzan and M. K. Khan
42-50Interacting Holographic Viscous Dark Energy ModelMubasher Jamil and M. Umar Farooq
51-61The Dirac Equation in Six-dimensional SO(3,3) Symmetry Group and a Non-chiral “Electroweak” TheoryC. A. Dartora and G. G. Cabrera
62-71Interacting New Generalized Chaplygin GasMubasher Jamil
72-78Generalized Brans-Dicke Cosmology in the Presence of Matter and Dark EnergyHossein Farajollahi and Narges Mohamadi
79-83Chiral Solitons With Time-Dependent CoefficientsAnjan Biswas
84-97Gravitational Wave Detection by Bounded Cold Electronic Plasma in a Long PipeO. Jalili, S. Rouhani and M. V. Takook
98-109Hawking-de Sitter Thermalization of Quasi-Minkowskian Massless Scalaron Production, Energy Density Content and Back-ReactionAna-Camelia Pîrghie, Ciprian Dariescu and Marina-Aura Dariescu
110-119Quantum Competitive Neural NetworkRigui Zhou
120-127Perfect State Transfer and Entanglement Generation with Coupled CavitiesLe Kang, Qing-Xia Mu and Ling Zhou
128-133Generation of Cluster-Type Entangled Coherent States via Cavity QEDQiu-Bo Fan and Ling Zhou
134-143Wigner Functions for Klein-Gordon Oscillators in Non-commutative SpaceKang Li, Jianhua Wang, Sayipjamal Dulat and Kai Ma
144-151A Single Model of Interacting Dark Energy: Generalized Phantom Energy or Generalized Chaplygin GasMubasher Jamil
152-161Thermodynamics of Black Holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet TheoryRitabrata Biswas and Subenoy Chakraborty
162-170Can von Neumann’s Theory Meet the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm?Koji Nagata and Tadao Nakamura
171-186Growing Classical and Quantum Entropies in the Early UniverseJ. S. Ardenghi and M. A. Castagnino
187-193FRW Cosmological Models with Bulk-Viscosity in Barber’s Second Self-Creation TheoryS. D. Katore, R. S. Rane and K. S. Wankhade
194-200Quantum Wave Equation of PhotonXiang-Yao Wu, Xiao-Jing Liu, Yi-Heng Wu, Qing-Cai Wang and Yan Wang, et al.
201-211Conformal Invariance and Conserved Quantity for the Nonholonomic System of Chetaev’s TypeJian-Le Cai
212-217Exothermic Transition to a Future Susy UniverseA. Tofighi and F. Pourasadollah
218-223Imaginary Photon Field Effect in the Interaction System of Multi-atom with Single-mode Photon FieldAn-Ling Wang, Fu-Ping Liu and Zhao-Xian Yu
224-231Rediscussion on Black Hole Angular MomentumJingyi Zhang
232-237Amplification of Gravitational Waves in Scalar-Tensor Inflationary Lambda-ModelMarcelo Samuel Berman

Volume 49, Number 2 / February 2010

239-244Entanglement Entropy in an Opened Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain with Alternating InteractionJie Ren and Shiqun Zhu
245-259A Random Surface Wave Equation for Bosonic QCD(SU(∞))Luiz C. L. Botelho
260-269The Noether Conservation Laws of Some Vaidiya MetricsR. Narain and A. H. Kara
270-275Riesz Fractional Derivatives and Fractional Dimensional SpaceSami I. Muslih and Om P. Agrawal
276-292Quantum Entropy of a Nonlinear Two-level Atom with Atomic MotionM. S. Ateto
293-303Fractional Dynamics of Relativistic ParticleVasily E. Tarasov
304-315Quantum One Go Computation and the Physical Computation Level of Biological Information ProcessingGiuseppe Castagnoli
316-323Spinning Strings, Black Holes and Stable Closed Timelike GeodesicsValéria M. Rosa and Patricio S. Letelier
324-333Symmetric and Probabilistic Quantum State Sharing via Positive Operator-valued MeasureJie Wu
334-342Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication with Local Separate Measurements in Cavity QEDChuan-Jia Shan, Ji-Bing Liu, Tao Chen, Tang-Kun Liu and Yan-Xia Huang, et al.
343-348Spin Symmetry for Dirac Equation with the Trigonometric Pöschl-Teller PotentialXu-Yang Liu, Gao-Feng Wei, Xin-Wei Cao and Hong-Gang Bai
349-364Hamiltonian and Super-Hamiltonian Extensions Related to Broer-Kaup-Kupershmidt SystemHong-Xiang Yang and Ye-Peng Sun
365-375Hamiltonian Structure of Fractional First Order LagrangianAli Khalili Golmankhaneh, Alireza Khalili Golmankhaneh, Dumitru Baleanu and Mihaela Cristina Baleanu
376-383Controlled Dense Coding using Generalized GHZ-type StateXiao-jie Yi, Jian-min Wang and Guo-qiang Huang
384-394Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation of Green-Schwarz SuperstringH. A. Elegla and N. I. Farahat
395-401Entanglement Evolution and Transfer in Non-Markovian ReservoirsFeng Han
402-412Parametrization of Projector-Based Witnesses for Bipartite SystemsS. J. Akhtarshenas and A. Kheirollahi
413-420The Implementation of Impulse Approximation in the Wave Function and the Response Function of Many-Fermion SystemM. Modarres and Y. Younesizadeh
421-426Dirac Canonical Quantization of Composite Fermions QEDYong-Long Wang and Chang-Tan Xu
427-437Perturbation to Mei Symmetry and Generalized Mei Adiabatic Invariants for Birkhoffian SystemsMing-Jiang Zhang, Jian-Hui Fang and Kai Lu

Volume 49, Number 3 / March 2010

439-4442N-mode Squeezing Operator Gained by the Entangled State RepresentationGang Ren and Hongyi Fan
445-457Magnetic Branes in Brans-Dicke-Maxwell TheoryA. Sheykhi and E. Ebrahimi
458-467Nonclassicality and Decoherence of Photon-added Thermo-invariant Coherent StatePing Hu and Jian He
468-496On a Ströbel-Inspired k(t) FLRW Ansatz in a Class of Metric F(R) ModelsM. Zouhar
497-505Geometric Population Inversion in Rabi OscillationDongyu Liu, Z. Q. Chen and Z. S. Wang
506-511Geometric Phase in a Generalized Jaynes-Cummings Model with Double Mode Operators and Phase OperatorsZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
512-525Superconductivity in Restricted Chromo-Dynamics (RCD) in SU(2) and SU(3) Gauge TheoriesSandeep Kumar
526-530Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent Bose-Fermi SystemZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
531-535Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent System with Laguerre Polynomial StateAn-Ling Wang, Fu-Ping Liu and Zhao-Xian Yu
536-541Geometric Phase in the Interaction System of Two-Energy Atom with Double-Mode Radiation FieldFu-Ping Liu, An-Ling Wang and Zhao-Xian Yu
542-548Implementing 2→M Phase-covariant Cloning in Spin NetworksLei Wu, Ai-Dong Zhu, Kyu-Hwang Yeon and Seong-Cho Yu
549-563Nonlinear Gravitational Waves: Their Form and EffectsR. Aldrovandi, J. G. Pereira, R. da Rocha and K. H. Vu
564-574The Quantal Canonical Symmetries for a Singular Lagrangian System with Subsidiary ConstraintsZiping Li and Jinhuan Jiang
575-586Bound States of Monopoles and Dyons with Spin-1/2 Particles in SU(2) Gauge Theory Under Moduli Space ApproximationS. C. Joshi and R. Swarup
587-614A Reformulation of von Neumann’s Postulates on Quantum Measurement by Using Two Theorems in Clifford AlgebraElio Conte
615-620Frame Independent Nonlocality for Three Qubit StateShahpoor Moradi and Mohsen Aghaee
621-632Black Holes in Bulk Viscous CosmologyFrancesco De Paolis, Mubasher Jamil and Asghar Qadir
633-643The Inhomogeneous Quantum Invariance Group of The Two Parameter Deformed Boson AlgebraHuseyin Alim, Azmi Ali Altintas, Metin Arik and Ali Serdar Arikan
644-651DKP Oscillator with Spin-0 in Three-dimensional Noncommutative Phase SpaceZu-Hua Yang, Chao-Yun Long, Shuei-Jie Qin and Zheng-Wen Long
652-656Geometric Phase of Quantum Dots in the Time-Dependent Isotropic Magnetic FieldZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
657-659Comment on “Local Copying of d×d-dimensional Partially Entangled Pure States”Ramij Rahaman

Volume 49, Number 4 / April 2010

661-680Generalized Barut-Girardello Coherent States for Mixed States with Arbitrary DistributionDuşan Popov, Nicolina Pop, Viorel Chiritoiu, Ioan Luminosu and Marius Costache
681-692Holonomy Groups Coming from F-Theory CompactificationAdil Belhaj, Luis J. Boya and Antonio Seguí
693-700Bulk Viscous Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model with Time-Dependent G and ΛM. K. Verma and Shri Ram
701-708Is It Possible to Derive Newtonian Equations of Motion with Memory?R. R. Nigmatullin and D. Baleanu
709-716Spherical Symmetric Solution in f(R) Model Around Charged Black HoleA. Aghmohammadi, K. Saaidi, M. R. Abolhassani and A. Vajdi
717-727Controlling Sudden Birth and Sudden Death of Entanglement at Finite TemperatureChuan-Jia Shan, Tao Chen, Ji-Bing Liu, Wei-Wen Cheng and Tang-Kun Liu, et al.
728-758Point perturbations in constant curvature spacesSergio Albeverio, Vladimir A. Geyler, Evgeniy N. Grishanov and Dmitriy A. Ivanov
759-765Interacting New Agegraphic Phantom Model of Dark Energy in Non-flat UniverseM. R. Setare
766-776Dynamical Creation of Entanglement and Steady Entanglement Between Two Spatially Separated Λ-Type AtomsGuo Hui Yang, Xiang Yang Miao and Jun Feng Zhang
777-785Remote Implementation of Multi-qubit Quantum Phase GatesDong Wang
786-790Geometric Phase of Anisotropic Quantum Dots in the Presence of Time-Dependent Magnetic FieldZhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
791-797Radiation Spectrum and Correction Entropy of (n+4)-dimensional Kerr-(A)dS Black HoleLichun Zhang, Huaifan Li and Ren Zhao
798-820The Relativistic Electrodynamics Least Action Principles Revisited: New Charged Point Particle and Hadronic String Models AnalysisN. N. Bogolubov, A. K. Prykarpatsky and U. Taneri
821-834Genesis of Dark Energy: Dark Energy as Consequence of Release and Two-Stage Tracking of Cosmological Nuclear EnergyR. C. Gupta and Anirudh Pradhan
835-841Phantom Wormholes in (2+1)-DimensionsMubasher Jamil and M. Umar Farooq
842-848Exact Solution for a Multiphoton Generalized Jaynes-Cummings Model with Inverse OperatorsQun Li
849-853On Diósi-Penrose Criterion of Gravity-Induced Quantum CollapseShan Gao
854-860Charged Analogue of Whittaker’s Interior SolutionY. K. Gupta, Seema Gupta and Pratibha
861-869Global and Local Spin Squeezing in Coupled Quantum Kicked Tops ModelDong Yan, Lijun Song, Jian Ma and Xiaoguang Wang
870-876Correction of Cosmological Expansion to Angular Deflection of Light and Radar Echo DelayW. Fang and H. Qing
877-883Deriving Energy-Level Gap of Some Dynamic Hamiltonians in Many Particle Physics by Virtue of the Invariant Eigen-Operator MethodXu-bing Tang and Hong-yi Fan
884-913On General Solutions for Field Equations in Einstein and Higher Dimension GravitySergiu I. Vacaru
914-920The AdS4 Gravitational Perturbation and SupersymmetryJ. Sadeghi, M. R. Pahlavani and H. Farahani
921-926Cavity-Assisted Interaction of Superconducting Charge Qubits: The Role of ac Magnetic FluxZheng-Yuan Xue
927-935Hawking Radiation from NUT Kerr Newman Kusuya Black Hole via Effective Action and Covariant AnomaliesKai Lin and ShuZheng Yang
936-942Classical-quantum Interface of a Particle in a Time-dependent Linear PotentialL. Krache, M. Maamache and Y. Saadi

Volume 49, Number 5 / May 2010

943-956On the Energy of Charged Black Holes in Generalized Dilaton-Axion GravityI. Radinschi, Farook Rahaman and Asish Ghosh
957-966Higher Dimensional Bianchi Type I Universe in Creation-field CosmologyK. S. Adhav, P. S. Gadodia and A. S. Bansod
967-973The su(1,1) Dynamical Algebra for the Generalized MICZ-Kepler Problem from the Schrödinger FactorizationM. Salazar-Ramírez, D. Martínez, V. D. Granados and R. D. Mota
974-978Mass Defect in the Noncommutative Schwarzschild Space-TimeLinsen Zhang, Jialin Zhang, Zhiying Zhu, Xiangyun Fu and Zhengxiang Li
979-987Exact Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation for the Scarf-Type Potential via Nikiforov-Uvarov MethodHossein Motavalli and Amin Rezaei Akbarieh
988-1003Time and Spacetime: The Crystallizing Block UniverseGeorge F. R. Ellis and Tony Rothman
1004-1017Observational Constraints on the Modified Gravity Model (MOG) Proposed by Moffat: Using the Magellanic SystemHosein Haghi and Sohrab Rahvar
1018-1022String-Loop Effect in Low-Energy Effective TheoryH. Saadat, B. P. Tanabchi and A. M. Saadat
1023-1028What Would Be Outcome of a Big Crunch?Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
1029-1043Cooper Pair Formation by Quantizing Brownian MotionHajime Isimori
1044-1054Three-Qubit Entangled Embeddings of CPT and Dirac Groups within E8 Weyl GroupMichel Planat
1055-1064Thermodynamics of Black Holes from an Entropy Functional: An Other Approach Using Generalized ElasticityF. Hammad
1065-1072Entangled Husimi Distribution and Complex Wavelet TransformationLi-Yun Hu and Hong-Yi Fan
1073-1081Quantum Fisher Information in the Generalized One-axis Twisting ModelWan-Fang Liu, Heng-Na Xiong, Jian Ma and Xiaoguang Wang
1082-1087Geometric Phase in the Interaction System of Multi-atom in Micro-cavity with Single-mode Photon FieldXian-Ming Qin and Zhao-Xian Yu
1088-1095Where Does Hawking Radiation of a Dynamical Black Hole Come from?Xianming Liu and Wenbiao Liu
1096-1105Dynamics of Relativistic Solitons Due to Pseudo Sine-Gordon EquationAlireza Heidari and Anjan Biswas
1106-1117Excited Two-Mode Generalized Squeezed Vacuum State as a Squeezed Two-Variable Hermite Polynomial Excitation StateYe-Jun Xu, Hong-Chun Yuan and Qiu-Yu Liu
1118-1126Holographic Dark Energy in a Non-flat Universe with Granda-Oliveros Cut-offK. Karami and J. Fehri
1127-1132Axially Symmetric Bianchi Type-I Model with Massless Scalar Field and Cosmic Strings in Barber’s Self-Creation CosmologyK. S. Adhav, A. S. Nimkar, V. G. Mete and M. V. Dawande
1133-1139A New Interpretation of MOND Based on Mach Principle and Generalized Equivalence PrincipleF. Darabi
1140-1154Thermodynamical Behavior of Inhomogeneous Universe with Varying Λ in Presence of Electromagnetic FieldAnil Kumar Yadav
1155-1173Classical Model of ConfinementY. P. Goncharov and N. E. Firsova
1174-1180The Mysteries of FermionsRichard M. Weiner

Volume 49, Number 6 / June 2010

1181-1186Geometric Phase in the Interaction System of Three-Energy Atom with Double-Mode Radiation FieldXian-Ming Qin and Zhao-Xian Yu
1187-1194Ordering of Ground State Energy Levels of Two-Electron Quantum Dot in a Magnetic FieldO. M. Al-Dossary
1195-1199Non-commutative Geometry in Massless and Massive ParticlesM. R. Pahlavani and B. Pourhassan
1200-1211Generalized Hellmann-Feynman Theorem for Coupled Anisotropic Two-Mode Boson SystemXue-Xiang Xu, Li-Yun Hu and Hong-Chun Yuan
1212-1221Entanglement Dynamics and Transfer for Two-Qubit Werner-Like States in Markovian EnvironmentsXiu-Xing Zhang, Guang-Hou Sun, Xun-Chang Yin and Chuan-Jia Shan
1222-1231Quintom WormholesPeter K. F. Kuhfittig, Farook Rahaman and Ashis Ghosh
1232-1235Exact Solutions of Dirac Equation on (1+1)-Dimensional Spacetime Coupled to a Static Scalar FieldF. Darabi, S. K. Moayedi and A. R. Ahmadi
1236-1243The Importance of Anisotropy for Relativistic Fluids with Spherical SymmetryB. V. Ivanov
1244-1250Controlled Dense Coding with Five-Qubit Cluster StateCui-Lan Luo and Guo-Qiang Huang
1251-1261The Post-Minkowskian Limit of f(R)-gravitySalvatore Capozziello, Arturo Stabile and Antonio Troisi
1262-1273Remote Preparation of an Arbitrary Two-Qubit State with Three-PartyMing-Xing Luo, Xiu-Bo Chen, Song-Ya Ma, Yi-Xian Yang and Zheng-Ming Hu
1274-1287Transformation Laws for Decomposable World-Spin Affinities in a Class of Conformally Flat SpacetimesJ. G. Cardoso
1288-1301Unified Field Theoretical Models from Generalized Affine GeometriesDiego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo
1302-1316Realization of the Spectrum Generating Algebra for the Generalized Kratzer PotentialsK. J. Oyewumi
1317-1323Quantum Entanglement Under Lorentz TransformationJi-Rong Ren and Shi-Xiong Song
1324-1332Fermion Coherence HamiltoniansO. Cherbal, M. Drir, M. Maamache and D. A. Trifonov
1333-1343Generalized Octonion ElectrodynamicsB. C. Chanyal, P. S. Bisht and O. P. S. Negi
1344-1356Generalized Gravi—ElectromagnetismP. S. Bisht, Gaurav Karnatak and O. P. S. Negi
1357-1369Symmetric Remote Single-Qubit State Preparation via Positive Operator-Valued MeasurementZhang-Yin Wang
1370-1383Discrete Symmetries and Generalized Fields of DyonsP. S. Bisht, Tianjun Li, Pushpa and O. P. S. Negi
1384-1395Modified Black Hole Thermodynamics with Generalized Uncertainty PrincipleYumi Ko, Sunggeun Lee and Soonkeon Nam
1396-1404A Feynman Path Integral Representation for Elastic Wave Scattering by Anisotropic Weakly PerturbationsLuiz C. L. Botelho
1405-1410Investigations on the Fermions Tunneling Radiation from the Charged Rotating Kaluza-Klein SpacetimeDe-Jiang Qi

Volume 49, Number 7 / July 2010

1411-1421Bianchi Type-I Model with Cosmic String in the Presence of a Magnetic Field: Spinor DescriptionBijan Saha and Mihai Visinescu
1422-1430Coherent-State Path Integrals and Brownian MotionsHideyasu Yamashita
1431-1438Bianchi Type III Cosmological Models for Barotropic Perfect Fluid Distribution with Variable G and ΛRaj Bali, Seema Tinker and Pratibha Singh
1439-1445Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent k-Boson and Fermi SystemQiang Liu, Zhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
1446-1451Obtaining Multimode Entangled State Representation by Generalized Radon Transformation of the Wigner OperatorXue-Fen Xu
1452-1456Geometric Phase in the Interaction of a Time-Dependent Light Field with (3) SystemQiang Liu, Zhao-Xian Yu and Zhi-Yong Jiao
1457-1464Squark Pair Production at Muon Colliders in the MSSM with CP ViolationNguyen Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Chinh Cuong, Ha Huy Bang and Dao Thi Le Thuy
1465-1480Interaction Between DBI-Essence and Other Dark EnergiesSurajit Chattopadhyay and Ujjal Debnath
1481-1488Torsion as Electromagnetism and SpinNikodem J. Popławski
1489-1506Non-Differentiable Mechanical Model and Its ImplicationsM. Agop, O. Niculescu, A. Timofte, L. Bibire and A. S. Ghenadi, et al.
1507-1515Entanglement in the Extended XY Spin Model with Three Spin Interaction and External FieldXiu-Xing Zhang, Xun-Chang Yin, Guang-Hou Sun and Chuan-Jia Shan
1516-1523Entanglement Properties of Output Field from Beam Splitter with the Generalized Two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum State InputsQun Li and Guang-Yu Yuan
1524-1548The Matrix Algebras of Continuous Groups with Antilinear OperationsJ. Kociński and M. Wierzbicki
1549-1555Can a Wormhole Generate Electromagnetic Field?Mubasher Jamil
1556-1561Alternative Inflationary Scenario Due to Compact Extra DimensionsE. Yusofi and M. Mohsenzadeh
1562-1570Finite-Temperature Entanglement Dynamics in an Anisotropic Two-Qubit Heisenberg Spin ChainTao Chen, Chuanjia Shan, Jinxing Li, Tangkun Liu and Yanxia Huang, et al.
1571-1579Information Loss in Local Dissipation EnvironmentsN. Metwally
1580-1586Pseudo-invariant Eigen-Operator for Deriving Energy-Level Gap for Quantum Bit in Quantum CircuitYong-Mei Liu and Ying-Hua Ji
1587-1594Hawking Radiation Spectrum and Entropy Correction of Apparent Horizon in a FRW UniverseLi-Chun Zhang, Huai-Fan Li, Yue-Qin Wu and Ren Zhao
1595-1611Bounded Boolean Powers and Free Product of GMV-AlgebrasAnatolij Dvurečenskij and Marek Hyčko
1612-1621Parameter Region for Existence of Non-classical SolitonsM. Aguero, F. Ongay and J. Socorro
1622-1627Higher Dimensional Dark Energy Investigation with Variable Λ and GUtpal Mukhopadhyay, Partha Pratim Ghosh and Saibal Ray
1628-1632Quantum-like Interpretation of Dirac Wave Equation in Robertson-Walker GeometryAntonio Zecca
1633-1640Comparison of Approaches to Quantum Gravitational Corrections on the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter Black Hole Tunneling RadiationM. Dehghani and A. Farmany
1641-1647Generation and Transfer of Quantum Entangled State via Spin-Parity MeasurementsPing Dong, Gang Zhang and Zhuo-Liang Cao

Volume 49, Number 8 / August 2010

1649-1683Semiclassical Loop Quantum Black HoleLeonardo Modesto
1684-1692Triviality—Quantum Decoherence of Fermionic Quantum Chromodynamics SU(Nc) in the Presence of an External Strong U(∞) Flavored Constant Noise FieldLuiz C. L. Botelho
1693-1698Higher Dimensional Cosmology with Normal Scalar Field and Tachyonic FieldShuvendu Chakraborty and Ujjal Debnath
1699-1705Dirac Oscillator in Noncommutative Phase SpaceShaohong Cai, Tao Jing, Guangjie Guo and Rukun Zhang
1706-1711Black Holes in Accelerated UniverseMubasher Jamil
1712-1718Bianchi Type-II Bulk Viscous String Cosmological Models in General RelativityAtul Tyagi and Keerti Sharma
1719-1738Some Exact Bianchi Type-V Perfect Fluid Cosmological Models with Heat Flow and Decaying Vacuum Energy Density Λ: Expressions for Some Observable QuantitiesAnirudh Pradhan and Kanti Jotania
1739-1745Radiation Energy Flux and Radiation Power of Schwarzschild Black HoleQing-Miao Meng, Ji-Jian Jiang, Jing-Lun Liu and Zhong-Rang Li
1746-1752A Fractional Schrödinger Equation and Its SolutionSami I. Muslih, Om P. Agrawal and Dumitru Baleanu
1753-1758Axially Symmetric Bianchi Type-IX Inflationary Universe in General RelativityK. S. Adhav, M. R. Ugale and V. B. Raut
1759-1767Spinor Field at the Phase Transition Point of Reissner-Nordström de Sitter SpaceYan Lyu, Li-Qing Zhang, Wei Zheng and Qing-Chao Pan
1768-1774Equivalent Analogy of Mesoscopic RLC Circuit and Its Thermal EffectBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang, Shi-Xue Song and Xiang-Guo Meng
1775-1780Three-Party Quantum Secure Sharing Using a Four-Particle Cluster State and Driven Cavity QEDC.-J. Shan, J.-B. Liu, T. Chen, W.-W. Cheng and T.-K. Liu, et al.
1781-1787Hawking Radiation from Charged Kerr Black Hole Beyond Semi-classical ApproximationGao Jie, Luo Zhi-Quan, Liu Wei-Wei and Li Gang
1788-1804Nonholonomic Black Ring and Solitonic Solutions in Finsler and Extra Dimension Gravity TheoriesMihai Anastasiei and Sergiu I. Vacaru
1805-1810Statistical Entropy of 5D Ricci-Flat Space-Time with Generalized Uncertainty Principle RevisedFeng He, Zhouan Zhou and Fan Zhao
1811-1822Screening Length of Rotating Heavy Meson from AdS/CFTJ. Sadeghi and S. Heshmatian
1823-1862Entangled Finite Dimensional Pair Coherent States and Their ApplicationsA.-S. F. Obada and E. M. Khalil
1863-1869Probabilistic Teleportation of an Arbitrary Two-mode N-photon Entangled State in Cavity QEDDao-Ming Lu
1870-1877Quantum Key Distribution Using a χ-Type StateGan Gao
1878-1885Conformal Symmetries of Spherical SpacetimesS. Moopanar and S. D. Maharaj
1886-1893String Theory in Embeddings ManifoldsLuiz C. L. Botelho
1894-1898Plane Symmetric String Cosmological Models in Zero-Mass Scalar FieldsR. Venkateswarlu and K. Pavan Kumar
1899-1903Quantum Teleportation of an Unknown Two-Atom Entangled State Using Four-Atom Cluster StateShi-Qing Tang, Chuan-Jia Shan and Xiu-Xing Zhang
1904-1910Scalable Implementation of Multi-qubit Quantum Grover Search with Atomic Ensembles by Adiabatic PassageZ. J. Deng, L.-M. Liang and W. L. Yang
1911-1919Modulation of Entanglement for Coupled Superconducting Qubits Under Non-Markovian EnvironmentY. H. Ji, J. J. Hu and Z. S. Wang
1920-1928Quantum Mechanical Effect of Path-polarization Contextuality for a Single PhotonAlok Kumar Pan and Dipankar Home
1929-1935Domain Walls Strange Quark Matter in Einstein-Rosen Space-Time with Cosmological Constant and Heat FlowS. D. Katore, R. S. Rane and K. S. Wankhade
1936-1943Overcoming Decoherent Effects from Squeezed Vacuum ReservoirHuang-Yun Rao, Li-yun Hu, G. Q. Liu and Z. S. Wang
1944-1951A Kind Tripartite Entangled State Representation and Its Application in Quantum TeleportationCui-hong Lv and Hong-yi Fan
1952-1960u-Singularity and t-Topos Theoretic EntropyGoro C. Kato
1961-1968The AdS5 Black Hole Space-time with the Perturbed Dilaton Field BackgroundP. Derakhsh and A. Banijamali
1969-1975Teleportation of a Pure EPR State via GHZ-like StateChia-Wei Tsai and Tzonelih Hwang
1976-1984Controlled Teleportation of an Arbitrary Two-Particle Pure or Mixed State by Using a Five-Qubit Cluster StateJun-Chang Liu, Yuan-Hua Li and Yi-You Nie

Volume 49, Number 9 / September 2010

1985-1992Remarks on Undecidability, Incompleteness and the Integrability ProblemEnrique G. Reyes
1993-2001The Wigner Functions for a Spin-1/2 Relativistic Particle in the Presence of Magnetic FieldY. Yuan, K. Li, J. H. Wang and K. Ma
2002-2015Geometric Control for Unified Entangling Quantum Gate with High-Fidelity in Electric CircuitLin Xu, Gang Huang, Y. H. Ji and Z. S. Wang
2016-2027Weyl Ordering Symbol Method for Studying Wigner Function of the Damping FieldXu-Bing Tang, Yun Sun and Haibin Su
2028-2034Entropy of Sonic Black Hole in the Brick Wall ApproachShi-Xiong Song and Ji-Rong Ren
2035-2044Novel Quantum Deterministic Key Distribution Protocols with Entangled StatesNan-Run Zhou, Li-Jun Wang, Jie Ding, Li-Hua Gong and Xiang-Wu Zuo
2045-2050Deterministic Remote Preparation of Electrons States in Coupled Quantum Dots by Stimulated Raman Adiabatic PassageYan Xia, Pei-Min Lu, Jie Song and He-Shan Song
2051-2064Enhancement non Classical Properties of a Pair of Qubit via Deformed OperatorsN. Metwally, M. Sebawe Abdalla and M. Abdel-Aty
2065-2073Wheeler Propagator of the Lorentz Invariant Thermal Energy PropagationFerenc Márkus and Katalin Gambár
2074-2079Factorization Method and Special Orthogonal FunctionsHossein Motavalli and Amin Rezaei Akbarieh
2080-2088Quantum Gravitational Corrections to the Real Klein-Gordon Field in the Presence of a Minimal LengthS. K. Moayedi, M. R. Setare and H. Moayeri
2089-2094Tripartite Probabilistic and Controlled Teleportation of an Arbitrary Single-Qubit State via One-Dimensional Four-Qubit Cluster-Type StateHai-Feng Xu, Ming-Yu Zhang, Huan-Yin Guo and Jie Yang
2095-2104Solutions of a Particle with Fractional δ-Potential in a Fractional Dimensional SpaceSami I. Muslih
2105-2112Anisotropic Plane Symmetric Magnetized Model with Cosmological ConstantS. D. Katore, R. S. Rane and K. S. Wankhade
2113-2120Scale Transformation, Modified Gravity, and Brans-Dicke TheoryF. Darabi
2121-2130Simple Approach to Deriving Some Operator Ordering Formulas in Quantum OpticsHeng-Mei Li and Hong-Chun Yuan
2131-2157Kaluza-Klein Type Model for the Structure of the Neutral Particle-like SolutionsJacek Syska
2158-2163Density Operator of Quantum Interference of Many Atoms in Spinor Bose-Einstein CondensatesBao-Lai Zhang and Zhao-Xian Yu
2164-2171Raising and Lowering Operators for Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum NumbersQ. H. Liu, D. M. Xun and L. Shan
2172-2179Controlled Dense Coding with a Four-Particle Non-maximally Entangled StateHai-Qing Wan
2180-2190New Approach for Solving Master Equations of Density Operators for the Raman-Coupled Model with Cavity DampingYe-Jun Xu, Hong-Chun Yuan, Jun Song and Qiu-Yu Liu
2191-2199Quantum Theory Approach for Neutron Single and Double-Slit DiffractionXiang-Yao Wu, Bai-Jun Zhang, Zhong Hua, Xiao-Jing Liu and Yi-Heng Wu, et al.
2200-2209Time Evolution of Husimi Function for Photon-Added Squeezed Vacuum State in Dissipative ChannelXue-xiang Xu
2210-2214Simple Collaboration Eavesdropping on the Improved Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing ProtocolGan Gao
2215-2229Cherenkov Radiation in Moving MediumMihail Alfimov
2230-2245The Transformation of Irreducible Tensor Operators Under Spherical FunctionsRytis Juršėnas and Gintaras Merkelis
2246-2262Leptons, Quarks, and Their Antiparticles: A Phase-Space ViewPiotr Żenczykowski
2263-2277Auxiliary “Massless” Spin-2 Field in De Sitter UniverseH. Pejhan, M. R. Tanhayi and M. V. Takook
2278-2287Interacting Entropy-Corrected New Agegraphic K-essence, Tachyon and Dilaton Scalar Field Models in Non-flat UniverseM. Umar Farooq, Mubasher Jamil and Muneer A. Rashid
2288-2298Energy Momentum Distributions of Texture and Monopole Metrics in General RelativitySezgin Aygün
2299-2305Two-mode Integral Form Projection Operator and Its Applications in Quantizing the Mesoscopic Coupling CircuitShi-Min Xu, Bing Wu, Xing-Lei Xu and Hong-Qi Li
2306-2311Geometric Phase in the Interaction Between Three-energy Level Atom with New-type Radiation FieldBao-Lai Zhang and Zhao-Xian Yu

Volume 49, Number 10 / October 2010

2313-2319Selection Rules of Energy-Level Transition for the Capacitance Coupling LC Mesoscopic Circuit by Using Invariant Eigen-Operator MethodBao-Long Liang, Ji-Suo Wang and Xiang-Guo Meng
2320-2333Unification Theory of Different Causal Algebras and Its Applications to Theoretical PhysicsYong-Chang Huang, Changyu Huang, Bin He and Shi-Lin Yang
2334-2347Interacting Entropy-Corrected Holographic Chaplygin Gas ModelM. Umar Farooq, Mubasher Jamil and Muneer A. Rashid
2348-2357Five Dimensional Cosmological Models in General RelativityR. K. Tiwari, Farook Rahaman and Saibal Ray
2358-2363Higher Dimensional LRS Bianchi Type-I Domain Walls in a Scalar-Tensor Theory of GravitationS. D. Katore, K. S. Adhav, A. Y. Shaikh and N. K. Sarkate
2364-2378Thin-Shell Wormholes from Regular Charged Black HolesF. Rahaman, K. A. Rahman, S. A. Rakib and Peter K. F. Kuhfittig
2379-2402Archaic Universe and Cosmological Model: “Big-Bang” as Nucleation by VacuumI. Licata and L. Chiatti
2403-2408Cosmological EntanglementShahpoor Moradi and Mosleh Rasouli
2409-2416Spectrum of Scalar Curvature Perturbations in Krein Space QuantizationA. Sojasi, M. Mohsenzadeh, M. V. Takook and E. Yusofi
2417-2424Experimental Structure of Gravitational Wave Detection by Bounded Cold Electronic Plasma in a Long PipeK. Mehdizadeh, O. Jalili and M. V. Takook
2425-2436Meson Properties at Finite Temperature in the Linear Sigma ModelM. Abu-Shady
2437-2445Derivation of Nonlinear Schrödinger EquationXiang-Yao Wu, Bai-Jun Zhang, Xiao-Jing Liu, Li Xiao and Yi-Heng Wu, et al.
2446-2455Emergent Universe in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet TheorySudeshna Mukerji and Subenoy Chakraborty
2456-2462Linear Optical Protocol for Generation of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger State within a NetworkYan Xia, Jie Song, Pei-Min Lu, Yu Ning and He-Shan Song
2463-2475Quantum Fisher Information in Two-Qubit Pure StatesWan-Fang Liu, Li-Hua Zhang and Chun-Jie Li
2476-2485Planck Oscillators in the Background Dark EnergyB. G. Sidharth
2486-2498Application of Generalized EPR Entangled State in Quantum TeleportationLi-yun Hu, Xue-xiang Xu and Shan-jun Ma
2499-2505Quantum Phase Transition Like Phenomenon in a Two-Qubit Yang-Baxter SystemGangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, Taotao Hu and Chengcheng Zhou, et al.
2506-2511The Effect of Dark Matter on Solar System and Perihelion Precession of Earth PlanetHassan Saadat, S. N. Mousavi, M. Saadat, N. Saadat and A. M. Saadat
2512-2516Deviation from Tetra-Maximal Neutrino Mixing Above the GUT scaleBipin Singh Koranga and P. Gaira
2517-2522Thermal Entanglement of the Two-Qubit Heisenberg Spin Chain Coupled to a Single-Mode Cavity FieldPei-Hua Zhang, Jun Jing and Guo-Hong Yang
2523-2527Quantum Darwinism Requires an Extra-Theoretical Assumption of Encoding RedundancyChris Fields
2528-2539Feynman’s Corner Rule; Quantum Propagation from Special RelativityG. N. Ord
2540-2557Space-Time Dynamics of Gazeau-Klauder Coherent States in Power-Law PotentialsShahid Iqbal, Paula Rivière and Farhan Saif
2558-2568On Dynamics of Brans–Dicke Theory of GravitationHossein Farajollahi, Mehrdad Farhoudi and Hossein Shojaie
2569-2581Bulk Viscous Bianchi-III Models with Time Dependent G and ΛDipanjali Behera, Sunil K. Tripathy and Tushar R. Routray
2582-2591Wavelet Transform of Even- and Odd-Coherent StatesJun Song and Hong-yi Fan
2592-2599Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Information Splitting by Using a Genuinely Entangled Six-Qubit StateYuan-Hua Li, Jun-Chang Liu and Yi-You Nie
2600-2606Thermal Radiation of Reissner-Nordström Black HoleQing-Miao Meng, Shuai Wang and Zhong-Rang Li
2607-2620On the Gauge and BRST Invariance of the Chiral QED with Faddeevian AnomalyAnisur Rahaman, Safia Yasmin and Sahazada Aziz
2621-2629Fermion Tunneling from an Axis-Symmetric Black Hole beyond the Semiclassical ApproximationJili Huang and Wenbiao Liu
2630-2639A Possible Reinterpretation of Einstein’s EquationsA. Bouda and A. Belabbas

Volume 49, Number 11 / November 2010

2641-2647Controlled Decoherence of Three-level Floating QubitY. H. Ji, L. Xu and Z. S. Wang
2648-2658Constraint Algebra for Regge-Teitelboim Formulation of GravityS. A. Paston and A. N. Semenova
2659-2671Nonlinear Effect and Atomic Entanglement in a Coupled-Cavity ArrayH. D. Liu, X. L. Huang and X. X. Yi
2672-2679Off-diagonal Geometric Phase of Two-Qubit SystemGuo-Qiang Zhu
2680-2690Non-Linear Equation of State and Effective Phantom Divide in Brane ModelsJibitesh Dutta, Subenoy Chakraborty and M. Ansari
2691-2697Hierarchical Quantum Information Splitting with Six-Photon Cluster StatesXin-Wen Wang, Deng-Yu Zhang, Shi-Qing Tang, Xiao-Gui Zhan and Kai-Ming You
2698-2703Corrected Hawking Tunneling Radiation in the Higher Dimensional Reissner-Nordström Black HoleM. Dehghani
2704-2712Deterministic Clone of an Unknown N-Qubit Entangled State with AssistanceSong-Ya Ma, Xiu-Bo Chen, Xiao-Wei Guan, Xin-Xin Niu and Yi-Xian Yang
2713-2722A Solution of Weyl-Lanczos Equations for Arbitrary Petrov Type D Vacuum SpacetimesZafar Ahsan and Mohd Bilal
2723-2733Quantum Computation and Entangled-State Generation Through Photon Emission and Absorption Processes in Separated CavitiesHong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang and Kyu-Hwang Yeon
2734-2744Bulk Viscous Bianchi Type V Cosmological Models with Decaying Cosmological Term ΛJ. P. Singh and P. S. Baghel
2745-2752One-Parameter Coherent State Representation of the spl(2,1) SuperalgebraYong-Qing Chen and Zheng-De Deng
2753-2776New Classes of Off-Diagonal Cosmological Solutions in Einstein GravitySergiu I. Vacaru
2777-2785Interacting New Agegraphic Viscous Dark Energy with Varying GA. Sheykhi and M. R. Setare
2786-2792Gravitational Perturbation of Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger Dilaton Black Hole and Quasinormal ModesKai Lin
2793-2804An Efficient Protocol for the Secure Multi-party Quantum SummationXiu-Bo Chen, Gang Xu, Yi-Xian Yang and Qiao-Yan Wen
2805-2814Neutrino Oscillations in the Robertson-Walker Metric and the Cosmological Blue Shift of the Oscillation LengthJun Ren and Hui Liu
2815-2828Magnetized Bianchi Type III Massive String Cosmological Models in General RelativityHassan Amirhashchi and Hishamuddin Zainuddin
2829-2840Variable G Corrections to Statefinder Parameters of Dark EnergyMubasher Jamil
2841-2851Generation of Genuine Tripartite Macroscopic Entanglement in Y-type SystemXin-Yu Zhao, Yong-Hong Ma, Qing-Xia Mu and Ling Zhou
2852-2858An Efficient Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing Protocol Based on Bell States in the High Dimension Hilbert SpaceGan Gao and Li-ping Wang
2859-2890Darboux Coordinates for the Hamiltonian of First Order Einstein-Cartan GravityN. Kiriushcheva and S. V. Kuzmin
2891-2901The Generalized Thermo Jaynes–Cummings Model and Its Energy SpectrumHeng-Mei Li and Hong-Yi Fan
2902-2909Some Exact Solutions of String Cosmological Models in Bianchi Type-II Space-TimeJ. K. Singh and N. K. Sharma
2910-2917Squeezed Wave Packets in Quantum CosmologyPouria Pedram
2918-2928Spin 0 and Spin 1/2 Particles in a Spherically Symmetric Static Gravity and a Coulomb FieldLeila Ramezan and Mohammad Khorrami
2929-2934A Critical Reexamination of the Electrostatic Aharonov-Bohm EffectAllan Walstad
2935-2944Correspondence Between Interacting New Agegraphic and Tachyon Dark Energy ModelsM. R. Setare

Volume 49, Number 12 / December 2010

2945-2946The 9th Biennial Meeting of the International Quantum Structures AssociationBart D’Hooghe and Jarosław Pykacz
2947-2949Doc. RNDr. František Kôpka, CSc. 22.2.1953–28.4.2008Ferdinand Chovanec and Anatolij Dvurečenskij
2950-2970Interpreting Quantum Particles as Conceptual EntitiesDiederik Aerts
2971-2990Quantum Experimental Data in Psychology and EconomicsDiederik Aerts, Bart D’Hooghe and Emmanuel Haven
2991-2997Backpropagation Training in Adaptive Quantum NetworksChristopher Altman and Romàn R. Zapatrin
2998-3004Some Properties of Transforms in Cultural TheoryPaul Ballonoff
3005-3021Correlated Knowledge: an Epistemic-Logic View on Quantum EntanglementAlexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets
3022-3029Interpreting Quantum Parallelism by SequentsGiulia Battilotti
3030-3038Unsharpness, Naimark Theorem and Informational Equivalence of Quantum ObservablesRoberto Beneduci
3039-3049Pseudo-Effect Algebras as Total AlgebrasIvan Chajda and Jan Kühr
3050-3060States as MorphismsFerdinand Chovanec and Roman Frič
3061-3068Some Remarks on the Notion of Separability Within the Creation Discovery ViewWim Christiaens, Christian de Ronde, Bart D’Hooghe and Federico Holik
3069-3084On the Orthocomplementation of State–Property–Systems of Contextual SystemsBart D’Hooghe
3085-3091No Labeling Quantum Mechanics of Indiscernible ParticlesG. Domenech, F. Holik, L. Kniznik and D. Krause
3092-3100On Probability DomainsRoman Frič and Martin Papčo
3101-3117Embedding Quantum Mechanics Into a Broader Noncontextual Theory: A Conciliatory ResultClaudio Garola and Sandro Sozzo
3118-3130Sequential Product of Quantum Effects: An OverviewStan Gudder
3131-3138On the Variety Generated by Bounded Pseudo-BCK-AlgebrasRadomír Halaš
3139-3145Absolute Continuity in Noncommutative Measure TheoryJan Hamhalter
3146-3152Spectral Automorphisms in Quantum LogicsAlexandru Ivanov and Dan Caragheorgheopol
3153-3157On Definition of Skew FramesDavid Kruml
3158-3165Towards Quantum Computational LogicsAntonio Ledda and Giuseppe Sergioli
3166-3175Order Topology and Frink Ideal Topology of Effect AlgebrasQiang Lei, Junde Wu and Ronglu Li
3176-3184Quantum Stochastic Integrals as OperatorsAndrzej Łuczak
3185-3191Remarks on Effect AlgebrasWładysław A. Majewski and Tomasz I. Tylec
3192-3198Fuzzy Space-Time Geometry and Particle’s DynamicsS. N. Mayburov
3199-3208Marginality and Triangle InequalityO l̆ga Nánásiová and L̆ubica Valášková
3209-3215Characterization of Spaces of Filtering StatesMirko Navara
3216-3223Compactly Generated de Morgan Lattices, Basic Algebras and Effect AlgebrasJan Paseka and Zdenka Riečanová
3224-3232Which O-commutative Basic Algebras Are Effect AlgebrasJan Paseka
3233-3242Comparative Similarity in Branching Space-TimesTomasz Placek
3243-3249Arbiter as the Third Man in Classical and Quantum GamesJarosław Pykacz and Piotr Fra̧ckiewicz
3250-3261When Are Quantum Systems Operationally Independent?Miklós Rédei and Stephen J. Summers
3262-3270A Hilbert Space Representation of Generalized Observables and Measurement Processes in the ESR ModelSandro Sozzo and Claudio Garola
3271-3278Automorphism Groups of Small (3,3)-homogeneous LogicsFoat Sultanbekov
3279-3285Common Generalizations of Orthocomplete and Lattice Effect AlgebrasJosef Tkadlec

Volume 50, Number 1 / January 2011

1-26Research of Gravitation in Flat Minkowski SpaceKostadin Trenčevski, Emilija G. Celakoska and Vladimir Balan
27-34Cosmological Models with Variable G in C-Field CosmologyRaj Bali and Meghna Kumawat
35-41CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillation Due to Planck Scale EffectsBipin Singh Koranga
42-47Neutrino Mixing Matrix and Leptogenesis from Quantum GravityBipin Singh Koranga
48-55Electromagnetic Quasinormal Modes in Hořava-Lifshitz GravityKai Lin, Nan Yang and Jin Li
56-69A New Class of Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models with Electromagnetic Field in Normal Gauge for Lyra’s ManifoldAnirudh Pradhan, H. Amirhashchi and H. Zainuddin
70-79Quantum Teleportation via a Two-Qubit Ising Heisenberg Chain with an Arbitrary Magnetic FieldHai-Lin Huang
80-87Emergent Scenario in Anisotropic UniverseShuvendu Chakraborty and Ujjal Debnath
88-94Aspects of Interacting Electromagnetic and Torsion FieldsPatricio Gaete and José A. Helaÿel-Neto
95-105Sufficient and Necessary Conditions of Entanglement Transformations Between Mixed StatesDe-Chao Li and Zhong-Ke Shi
106-113Geodesic Stability for Kehagias-Sfetsos Black Hole in Hořava-Lifshitz Gravity via Lyapunov ExponentsM. R. Setare and D. Momeni
114-121Macroscopic Quantum Coherence of an Antiferromagnetic Spin Chain with Biaxial Anisotropy in an External Magnetic FieldG.-P. Zheng, Q.-C. Zhao and Z.-H. Li
122-128Geometric Phase for Two Entangled Spin-1/2 Particles in a Magnetic FieldXue-Hua Yi and Xin-Ding Zhang
129-139Quasi-normal Modes of AdS5 Black Hole at N=2\mathcal{N}=2 SupergravityJ. Sadeghi, A. Chatrabhuti and B. Pourhassan
140-147Relation Between the Dark Energy Density and TemperatureH. Saadat
148-163Geometric Phase for Optical Free Induction DecayYanxia Yu, Z. Q. Chen, Li-yun Hu, Hongshan Tang and Z. S. Wang
164-170Einstein-Rosen Universe with Wet Dark Fluid in General RelativityK. S. Adhav, V. G. Mete, R. S. Thakare and A. M. Pund
171-180Quantum Dynamics of a Harmonic Oscillator in a Deformed BathMohsen Daeimohamad, Fardin Kheirandish and Khaled Saeedi
181-199Nonclassical Properties of Squeezed Finite-Dimensional Pair Coherent StateM. Sebawe Abdalla, A. S.-F. Obada and M. Darwish
200-207Contracted Hamiltonian on Symmetric Space SU(3)/SU(2) and Conserved QuantitiesH. Panahi and H. Rahmati
208-217Cylindrically Symmetric Scalar Field and it’s Lyapunov stability in General RelativityH. R. Rezazadeh
218-227Bianchi Type III Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Constant Deceleration ParameterAnil Kumar Yadav and Lallan Yadav
228-232PT\mathcal {P}\mathcal {T}-Symmetric Klein-Gordon OscillatorJian-Yuan Cheng
233-243Fedosov Quantization of Fractional Lagrange SpacesDumitru Baleanu and Sergiu I. Vacaru
244-250Temperature and Energy of 4-Dimensional Axisymmetric Black Holes from Entropic ForceRen Zhao, Li-Chun Zhang, Yue-Qin Wu and Huai-Fan Li
251-259The Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics of the Universe Bounded by the Event Horizon and Modified Gravity TheoriesNairwita Mazumder and Subenoy Chakraborty
260-268Entanglement and Geometric Phase for Two-Particle System in Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceWenjuan Yang, Weijia Zhang, Hongshan Tang and Z. S. Wang
269-274Quantum Tunneling of Dirac Particles from the Generalized Spherical Symmetric Evaporating Charged Black HoleDe-Jiang Qi and Hong-Qiang Ru
275-288Stiff Domain Walls in Creation-Field CosmologyK. S. Adhav, P. S. Gadodia and A. S. Bansod
289-295Shifted 1/N Expansion Within the Framework of the SO(2,1) Pseudo-spin FormalismSoma Mukhopadhyay and Ashok Chatterjee
296-307LRS Bianchi Type II Perfect Fluid Cosmological Models in Normal Gauge for Lyra’s ManifoldShilpi Agarwal, R. K. Pandey and Anirudh Pradhan
308-313Comment on “Reply to Comment on ‘Efficient High-Capacity Quantum Secret Sharing with Two-Photon Entanglement’ ”Zhen-Chao Zhu, Yu-Qing Zhang and An-Min Fu